diff --git a/+database/prepareC3Ddataset.m b/+database/prepareC3Ddataset.m
deleted file mode 100644
index cee79c6340cfd76e069349f2bc97f384a606de87..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/+database/prepareC3Ddataset.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-% Load the C3D data files.
-% Author: Frank Wouda 20th of June 2017
-function sessionData = prepareC3Ddataset(filename,folder)
-% Store all the data from the current C3D file.
-[XYZpos, FsVideo, Analog, FsAnalog, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~] = ...
-    database.readC3D_All_data_GTV121_v2_42([folder filename]);
-% the positional and PlugInGait datafields from the C3D file.
-    C3DdataFields = fieldnames(XYZpos);
-    % Store the sampling frequencies.
-    sessionData.MarkerFs = FsVideo;
-    sessionData.AnalogFs = FsAnalog;
-    IndexFiles(1,iFile) = 1;
-% Loop over the datafields.
-for i = 1:length(C3DdataFields)
-    % Find the angular fields and extract that information.
-    if contains(string(C3DdataFields(i)),'Angle')
-        % Find the Angle string, such that we have correct field names.
-        AngleIndex = strfind(string(C3DdataFields(i)),'Angle');
-        % Extract the name of the current field.
-        CurrChar = char(C3DdataFields(i));
-        if iFile == 1
-            % Store the angular data in the appropriate fields of the
-            % structure.
-            sessionData.Angle.(CurrChar(1:AngleIndex-1)) = XYZpos.(CurrChar);
-        else
-            sessionData.Angle.(CurrChar(1:AngleIndex-1)) = cat(1,...
-                sessionData.Angle.(CurrChar(1:AngleIndex-1)),...
-                XYZpos.(CurrChar));
-        end
-    % Do not store any of the other field since these are not processed by PlugInGait currently.    
-    elseif contains(string(C3DdataFields(i)),'Power')
-    elseif contains(string(C3DdataFields(i)),'Force')
-    elseif contains(string(C3DdataFields(i)),'Moment')
-    elseif contains(string(C3DdataFields(i)),'Centre')
-    % The bony landmark positions are stored as follows.
-    else
-        % Extract the name of the current field.
-        CurrChar = char(C3DdataFields(i));
-        if iFile == 1
-            % Those positions are saved in the appropriate fields.
-            sessionData.MarkerPosition.(CurrChar) = XYZpos.(CurrChar);
-        else
-            sessionData.MarkerPosition.(CurrChar) = cat(1,...
-                sessionData.MarkerPosition.(CurrChar),...
-                XYZpos.(CurrChar));
-        end
-    end
-L = length(sessionData.MarkerPosition.(char(C3DdataFields(1))));
-IndexFiles(2,iFile) = L;
-% Store the indexes.
-sessionData.indexes = IndexFiles;
diff --git a/+database/readC3D.m b/+database/readC3D.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 2812a19140922b822ffb767e5f6210301bb883e2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/+database/readC3D.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-% Example of how to use the readC3D reader " readC3D_All_data_GTV121_v2_xx"  as has been 
-% written by Wiebe de Vries and Leendert Schaake (Roessingh Research and Development 2010 - 2017)
-% This software is delivered as is, without warranty
-% Define filename and call the function with that specification - make sure
-% to read all output data in this specific order
-% XYZ = markerdata
-% Fs_Video = frame rate camera
-% Analog contains the analog data for each channel
-% Fs_Analog = sample rate analog channels
-% Event contains all defined events (IC, FO etc)
-% Actial start_end contains the startframe and endframe definition
-% etc. (PArametergroup, camerainfo and Residual Error are possibly only needed in special applications)
-Vicon_fname = 'E:\ViXs\ViXs\Top Level 2\Subject 1\Session 1\Trial07.c3d';
-[XYZpos, FsVideo, Analog, FsAnalog, Event, ActualStartEnd, ParameterGroup, CameraInfo, ResidualError] = readC3D_All_data_GTV121_v2_42(Vicon_fname);
-% Draw the output of any of the markers
-ylabel('Position ' )
-title('Position Cylinder 1')
-hold on
diff --git a/+database/readC3D_All_data_GTV121_v2_42.p b/+database/readC3D_All_data_GTV121_v2_42.p
deleted file mode 100644
index e6f2d53fa7a359b40bd16e5d5608e576ccae66fb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/+database/readC3D_All_data_GTV121_v2_42.p and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/+math/FindSync.m b/+math/FindSync.m
deleted file mode 100644
index f87fc63c134c69ea113a094e48aabae673e88e34..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/+math/FindSync.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-%% This function determines the synchronisation between optical and inertial.
-function [Istart, Ostart] = FindSync(Opt,Int,osync,isync,maxTime)
-OptStartOffset = 20;
-Istart = find(sqrt(sum(Int.^2,2)) > isync, 1);
-Ostart = find(diff(diff(sqrt(sum(Opt((OptStartOffset+1):end,:).^2,2)))) ...
-    > osync, 1) + OptStartOffset;
-if abs(Ostart - Istart) > maxTime
-    Ostart = find(diff(diff(sqrt(sum(Opt((OptStartOffset+1):end,:).^2,2)))) ...
-        > osync/2, 1) + OptStartOffset;
-if abs(Ostart - Istart) > maxTime
-    Ostart = find(diff(diff(sqrt(sum(Opt((OptStartOffset+1):end,:).^2,2)))) ...
-        > osync/4, 1) + OptStartOffset;
-if abs(Ostart - Istart) > maxTime
-    Ostart = find(diff(diff(sqrt(sum(Opt((OptStartOffset+1):end,:).^2,2)))) ...
-        > osync/8, 1) + OptStartOffset;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/+math/OptFPA.m b/+math/OptFPA.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c4b69b54ea09027a0d0abbcc1459041c22b08d1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/+math/OptFPA.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-function [data] = OptFPA(data, intdata, index)
-if index == 1
-    data.MarkerPosition.RFootF(data.MarkerPosition.RFootF == 0) = nan;
-    data.MarkerPosition.LFootF(data.MarkerPosition.RFootF == 0) = nan;
-    data.MarkerPosition.RFootB(data.MarkerPosition.RFootF == 0) = nan;
-    data.MarkerPosition.LFootB(data.MarkerPosition.RFootF == 0) = nan;
-    data.MarkerPosition.RFootM = (data.MarkerPosition.RFootF + data.MarkerPosition.RFootB)/2;
-    data.MarkerPosition.LFootM = (data.MarkerPosition.LFootF + data.MarkerPosition.LFootB)/2;
-startIndex = intdata.tm(index);
-stopIndex = intdata.tm(index+1);
-if ~isempty(data.syncCorr)
-    if (stopIndex + data.syncCorr) <= length(data.MarkerPosition.RFootF) && ...
-            (startIndex + data.syncCorr) > 0
-        FootDir = data.MarkerPosition.RFootF(startIndex + data.syncCorr,:) - ...
-            data.MarkerPosition.RFootB(startIndex + data.syncCorr,:);
-        WalkDir = data.MarkerPosition.RFootM(stopIndex + data.syncCorr,:) - ...
-            data.MarkerPosition.RFootM(startIndex + data.syncCorr,:);
-        % We only need the xy-plane.
-        FootDir = FootDir(1:2);
-        WalkDir = WalkDir(1:2);
-         FPAcurrent = acosd(dot(WalkDir,FootDir)/(sqrt(sum(FootDir.^2))*sqrt(sum(WalkDir.^2))));
-         if FPAcurrent > 90
-             FPAcurrent = 180 - FPAcurrent;
-         end
-         V3 = cross([FootDir 0],[WalkDir 0]);
-         signage = sign(dot(V3, [0 0 1]));
-         data.FPA(index) = signage*FPAcurrent;
-    %     if data.FPA(index) > 90
-    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/@MadgwickAHRS/MadgwickAHRS.m b/@MadgwickAHRS/MadgwickAHRS.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a5cd075499360b066bc8f56412c4654b6178a67..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/@MadgwickAHRS/MadgwickAHRS.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-classdef MadgwickAHRS < handle
-%MADGWICKAHRS Implementation of Madgwick's IMU and AHRS algorithms
-%   For more information see:
-%   http://www.x-io.co.uk/node/8#open_source_ahrs_and_imu_algorithms
-%   Date          Author          Notes
-%   28/09/2011    SOH Madgwick    Initial release
-    %% Public properties
-    properties (Access = public)
-        SamplePeriod = 1/256;
-        Quaternion = [1 0 0 0];     % output quaternion describing the Earth relative to the sensor
-        Beta = 1;               	% algorithm gain
-    end
-    %% Public methods
-    methods (Access = public)
-        function obj = MadgwickAHRS(varargin)
-            for i = 1:2:nargin
-                if  strcmp(varargin{i}, 'SamplePeriod'), obj.SamplePeriod = varargin{i+1};
-                elseif  strcmp(varargin{i}, 'Quaternion'), obj.Quaternion = varargin{i+1};
-                elseif  strcmp(varargin{i}, 'Beta'), obj.Beta = varargin{i+1};
-                else error('Invalid argument');
-                end
-            end;
-        end
-        function obj = Update(obj, Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Magnetometer)
-            q = obj.Quaternion; % short name local variable for readability
-            % Normalise accelerometer measurement
-            if(norm(Accelerometer) == 0), return; end	% handle NaN
-            Accelerometer = Accelerometer / norm(Accelerometer);	% normalise magnitude
-            % Normalise magnetometer measurement
-            if(norm(Magnetometer) == 0), return; end	% handle NaN
-            Magnetometer = Magnetometer / norm(Magnetometer);	% normalise magnitude
-            % Reference direction of Earth's magnetic feild
-            h = quaternProd(q, quaternProd([0 Magnetometer], quaternConj(q)));
-            b = [0 norm([h(2) h(3)]) 0 h(4)];
-            % Gradient decent algorithm corrective step
-            F = [2*(q(2)*q(4) - q(1)*q(3)) - Accelerometer(1)
-                2*(q(1)*q(2) + q(3)*q(4)) - Accelerometer(2)
-                2*(0.5 - q(2)^2 - q(3)^2) - Accelerometer(3)
-                2*b(2)*(0.5 - q(3)^2 - q(4)^2) + 2*b(4)*(q(2)*q(4) - q(1)*q(3)) - Magnetometer(1)
-                2*b(2)*(q(2)*q(3) - q(1)*q(4)) + 2*b(4)*(q(1)*q(2) + q(3)*q(4)) - Magnetometer(2)
-                2*b(2)*(q(1)*q(3) + q(2)*q(4)) + 2*b(4)*(0.5 - q(2)^2 - q(3)^2) - Magnetometer(3)];
-            J = [-2*q(3),                 	2*q(4),                    -2*q(1),                         2*q(2)
-                2*q(2),                 	2*q(1),                    	2*q(4),                         2*q(3)
-                0,                         -4*q(2),                    -4*q(3),                         0
-                -2*b(4)*q(3),               2*b(4)*q(4),               -4*b(2)*q(3)-2*b(4)*q(1),       -4*b(2)*q(4)+2*b(4)*q(2)
-                -2*b(2)*q(4)+2*b(4)*q(2),	2*b(2)*q(3)+2*b(4)*q(1),	2*b(2)*q(2)+2*b(4)*q(4),       -2*b(2)*q(1)+2*b(4)*q(3)
-                2*b(2)*q(3),                2*b(2)*q(4)-4*b(4)*q(2),	2*b(2)*q(1)-4*b(4)*q(3),        2*b(2)*q(2)];
-            step = (J'*F);
-            step = step / norm(step);	% normalise step magnitude
-            % Compute rate of change of quaternion
-            qDot = 0.5 * quaternProd(q, [0 Gyroscope(1) Gyroscope(2) Gyroscope(3)]) - obj.Beta * step';
-            % Integrate to yield quaternion
-            q = q + qDot * obj.SamplePeriod;
-            obj.Quaternion = q / norm(q); % normalise quaternion
-        end
-        function obj = UpdateIMU(obj, Gyroscope, Accelerometer)
-            q = obj.Quaternion; % short name local variable for readability
-            % Normalise accelerometer measurement
-            if(norm(Accelerometer) == 0), return; end	% handle NaN
-            Accelerometer = Accelerometer / norm(Accelerometer);	% normalise magnitude
-            % Gradient decent algorithm corrective step
-            F = [2*(q(2)*q(4) - q(1)*q(3)) - Accelerometer(1)
-                2*(q(1)*q(2) + q(3)*q(4)) - Accelerometer(2)
-                2*(0.5 - q(2)^2 - q(3)^2) - Accelerometer(3)];
-            J = [-2*q(3),	2*q(4),    -2*q(1),	2*q(2)
-                2*q(2),     2*q(1),     2*q(4),	2*q(3)
-                0,         -4*q(2),    -4*q(3),	0    ];
-            step = (J'*F);
-            step = step / norm(step);	% normalise step magnitude
-            % Compute rate of change of quaternion
-            qDot = 0.5 * quaternProd(q, [0 Gyroscope(1) Gyroscope(2) Gyroscope(3)]) - obj.Beta * step';
-            % Integrate to yield quaternion
-            q = q + qDot * obj.SamplePeriod;
-            obj.Quaternion = q / norm(q); % normalise quaternion
-        end
-    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/@MahonyAHRS/MahonyAHRS.m b/@MahonyAHRS/MahonyAHRS.m
deleted file mode 100644
index fc99d53fe4a2214b219d1b3c52a17b112c066b93..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/@MahonyAHRS/MahonyAHRS.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-classdef MahonyAHRS < handle
-%MAYHONYAHRS Madgwick's implementation of Mayhony's AHRS algorithm
-%   For more information see:
-%   http://www.x-io.co.uk/node/8#open_source_ahrs_and_imu_algorithms
-%   Date          Author          Notes
-%   28/09/2011    SOH Madgwick    Initial release
-    %% Public properties
-    properties (Access = public)
-        SamplePeriod = 1/256;
-        Quaternion = [1 0 0 0];     % output quaternion describing the Earth relative to the sensor
-        Kp = 1;                     % algorithm proportional gain
-        Ki = 0;                     % algorithm integral gain
-    end
-    %% Public properties
-    properties (Access = private)
-        eInt = [0 0 0];             % integral error
-    end    
-    %% Public methods
-    methods (Access = public)
-        function obj = MahonyAHRS(varargin)
-            for i = 1:2:nargin
-                if  strcmp(varargin{i}, 'SamplePeriod'), obj.SamplePeriod = varargin{i+1};
-                elseif  strcmp(varargin{i}, 'Quaternion'), obj.Quaternion = varargin{i+1};
-                elseif  strcmp(varargin{i}, 'Kp'), obj.Kp = varargin{i+1};
-                elseif  strcmp(varargin{i}, 'Ki'), obj.Ki = varargin{i+1};
-                else error('Invalid argument');
-                end
-            end;
-        end
-        function obj = Update(obj, Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Magnetometer)
-            q = obj.Quaternion; % short name local variable for readability
-            % Normalise accelerometer measurement
-            if(norm(Accelerometer) == 0), return; end   % handle NaN
-            Accelerometer = Accelerometer / norm(Accelerometer);    % normalise magnitude
-            % Normalise magnetometer measurement
-            if(norm(Magnetometer) == 0), return; end    % handle NaN
-            Magnetometer = Magnetometer / norm(Magnetometer);   % normalise magnitude
-            % Reference direction of Earth's magnetic feild
-            h = quaternProd(q, quaternProd([0 Magnetometer], quaternConj(q)));
-            b = [0 norm([h(2) h(3)]) 0 h(4)];
-            % Estimated direction of gravity and magnetic field
-            v = [2*(q(2)*q(4) - q(1)*q(3))
-                 2*(q(1)*q(2) + q(3)*q(4))
-                 q(1)^2 - q(2)^2 - q(3)^2 + q(4)^2];
-            w = [2*b(2)*(0.5 - q(3)^2 - q(4)^2) + 2*b(4)*(q(2)*q(4) - q(1)*q(3))
-                 2*b(2)*(q(2)*q(3) - q(1)*q(4)) + 2*b(4)*(q(1)*q(2) + q(3)*q(4))
-                 2*b(2)*(q(1)*q(3) + q(2)*q(4)) + 2*b(4)*(0.5 - q(2)^2 - q(3)^2)]; 
-            % Error is sum of cross product between estimated direction and measured direction of fields
-            e = cross(Accelerometer, v) + cross(Magnetometer, w); 
-            if(obj.Ki > 0)
-                obj.eInt = obj.eInt + e * obj.SamplePeriod;   
-            else
-                obj.eInt = [0 0 0];
-            end
-            % Apply feedback terms
-            Gyroscope = Gyroscope + obj.Kp * e + obj.Ki * obj.eInt;            
-            % Compute rate of change of quaternion
-            qDot = 0.5 * quaternProd(q, [0 Gyroscope(1) Gyroscope(2) Gyroscope(3)]);
-            % Integrate to yield quaternion
-            q = q + qDot * obj.SamplePeriod;
-            obj.Quaternion = q / norm(q); % normalise quaternion
-        end
-        function obj = UpdateIMU(obj, Gyroscope, Accelerometer)
-            q = obj.Quaternion; % short name local variable for readability
-            % Normalise accelerometer measurement
-            if(norm(Accelerometer) == 0), return; end   % handle NaN
-            Accelerometer = Accelerometer / norm(Accelerometer);	% normalise magnitude
-            % Estimated direction of gravity and magnetic flux
-            v = [2*(q(2)*q(4) - q(1)*q(3))
-                 2*(q(1)*q(2) + q(3)*q(4))
-                 q(1)^2 - q(2)^2 - q(3)^2 + q(4)^2];
-            % Error is sum of cross product between estimated direction and measured direction of field
-            e = cross(Accelerometer, v); 
-            if(obj.Ki > 0)
-                obj.eInt = obj.eInt + e * obj.SamplePeriod;   
-            else
-                obj.eInt = [0 0 0];
-            end
-            % Apply feedback terms
-            Gyroscope = Gyroscope + obj.Kp * e + obj.Ki * obj.eInt;            
-            % Compute rate of change of quaternion
-            qDot = 0.5 * quaternProd(q, [0 Gyroscope(1) Gyroscope(2) Gyroscope(3)]);
-            % Integrate to yield quaternion
-            q = q + qDot * obj.SamplePeriod;
-            obj.Quaternion = q / norm(q); % normalise quaternion
-        end
-    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DataProcessing.m b/DataProcessing.m
deleted file mode 100644
index a8565f39b8a5feb9d77533e4e4dc9fffa88788e1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DataProcessing.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-%% Do the data processing
-clear all; close all; clc
-% folder = 'E:\MiniSens\Git\FPA-est\FPA-measurements\S09\Calibration\';
-% folder = 'E:\MiniSens\Git\FPA-est\FPA-measurements\S09\Normal\';
-% folder = 'E:\MiniSens\Git\FPA-est\FPA-measurements\S09\Toe-in\';
-folder = 'E:\MiniSens\Git\FPA-est\FPA-measurements\S09\Toe-out\';
-C3Dfiles = dir([folder,'\*.C3D']);
-FileInd = 12;
-C3Ddata = database.prepareC3Ddataset(C3Dfiles(FileInd).name,folder);
-% Store the sampling frequencies.
-C3Ddata.MarkerFs = VideoFrameRate;
-C3Ddata.MarkerPosition = MarkerPos;
-save([FullFileName(1:end-4) '-C3D.mat'],'C3Ddata')
-clearvars -except folder C3Dfiles FileInd
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MainCalc.m b/MainCalc.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f8ec993db73d6449e44325ac5a4da820ddbc178..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/MainCalc.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-close all; clearvars; clc
-%% Define the paths.
-folderCalib = '\Calibration\';
-folderMeas = 'E:\MiniSens\Git\FPA-est\MeasurementData\';
-Optical = 'Optical\';
-Inertial = 'Inertial\';
-GaitType = {'\Normal'; '\Toe-in'; '\Toe-Out'};
-GaitAnalysis = 3;
-OptFiles = dir([folderMeas Optical]);
-IntFiles = dir([folderMeas Inertial]);
-dirFlags = [OptFiles.isdir];
-SubjectFolders = OptFiles(dirFlags);
-dirFlagsI = [IntFiles.isdir];
-SubjectFoldersI = IntFiles(dirFlagsI);
-LeftFoot = {'00B408F3', '00B408F9','00B408F9', '00B408F9', '00B408D5', ...
-    '00B408D8', '00B408F9', '00B408F9', '00B408F9', '00B408F9'};
-RightFoot = {'00B408F9', '00B408F3', '00B408F3', '00B408F3', '00B408D8', ...
-    '00B408D5', '00B408F3', '00B408F3', '00B408F3', '00B408F3'};
-fco = 10;
-isync = 41;
-osync = 8;
-maxTime = 300;
-gravity = 9.81;
-Results.FPA.Optical = nan(10,10,12);
-Results.FPA.Inertial = nan(10,10,12);
-CalibData.FPA.Optical = nan(10,10);
-CalibData.FPA.Inertial = nan(10,10);
-Results.Sync = nan(10,12);
-for i = 3:length(SubjectFolders)-1
-    %% Perform the callibration steps.
-    CalibFilesI = dir([folderMeas Inertial SubjectFoldersI(i).name folderCalib, '*.txt']);
-    CalibFilesO = dir([folderMeas Optical SubjectFolders(i).name folderCalib, '*.mat']);
-    for k = 1:length(CalibFilesI)
-       Rfeet(k) = isempty(strfind(CalibFilesI(k).name, RightFoot{i-2}));
-       Lfeet(k) = isempty(strfind(CalibFilesI(k).name, LeftFoot{i-2}));
-    end
-    calibIndex = find(Rfeet,1);
-    CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).Istart = [];
-    calIndex = 1;
-    while isempty(CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).Istart)
-        CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial = ...
-            readCalibratedMTwLog([folderMeas Inertial SubjectFolders(i).name ...
-            folderCalib CalibFilesI(calibIndex+(calIndex-1)*2).name]);
-        CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).Optical = ...
-            load([folderMeas Optical SubjectFolders(i).name folderCalib CalibFilesO(1+calIndex-1).name]);
-        [CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).Istart, ...
-            CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).Ostart] = ...
-            math.FindSync(CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).Optical.C3Ddata.MarkerPosition.RFootF,...
-            CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial.acc,osync,isync,maxTime);
-        calIndex = calIndex + 1;
-    end
-    tic
-    %% Determine the calibration orientation.
-    [CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial.Rcal, rmy, rmz, ...
-        CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial.AccOffsetR] = ...
-        InitOrien(CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial,CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).Istart);
-    fs = CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial.fs;
-    [Bf, Af] = butter(2, (2 * fco / fs));% 2nd order low-pass butterworth filter
-    CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial.dacc = filter(Bf, Af, CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial.acc);
-    CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial.dgyr = filter(Bf, Af, CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial.gyr);
-    % Calculate the sync correction between the different systems.
-    CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).Optical.C3Ddata.syncCorr = ...
-        CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).Ostart - ...
-        CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).Istart;
-    %% Determination of the start and end time of the steps. 
-    %refers to the zerovelocity update function
-    [CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial.tb, ...
-        CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial.te, ...
-        CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial.k] = ...
-        zvt(CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial.dacc,...
-        CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial.dgyr,...
-        CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial.N);
-    % Correct for wrong first step.
-    if CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial.te(1) < ...
-            CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial.tb(1)
-        CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial.te(1) = [];
-    end
-    % End with a full step.
-    if CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial.te(end) < ...
-            CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial.tb(end)
-        CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial.tb(end) = [];
-    end
-    CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial.tm = ...
-        floor((CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial.tb(2:end) + ...
-        CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial.te(1:end-1))/2);
-    % Number of steps is 1 smaller as it should end with foot contact.
-    Steps = 1:(length(CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial.tm)-1);
-    for iStep = Steps
-        if iStep == 1
-            CalibResults.(SubjectFolders(i).name).FPA = nan(length(Steps),1);
-        end
-        CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial = ...
-            math.IntSignals(CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial, iStep);
-        CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).Optical.C3Ddata = ...
-            math.OptFPA(CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).Optical.C3Ddata, ...
-            CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial, iStep);
-    end
-    if ~isempty(Steps) && ~isempty(CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).Ostart)
-        CalibData.FPA.Inertial(i-2, 1:length(CalibData.(SubjectFolders(...
-            i).name).inertial.FPA)) = ...
-            CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial.FPA;
-        CalibData.FPA.Optical(i-2, 1:length(CalibData.(SubjectFolders(...
-            i).name).Optical.C3Ddata.FPA)) = ...
-            CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).Optical.C3Ddata.FPA;
-    end
-    %% Analyse the different trials.
-    MeasFiles = dir([folderMeas Inertial SubjectFolders(i).name GaitType{GaitAnalysis} '\', '*.txt']);
-    MeasFilesO = dir([folderMeas Optical SubjectFolders(i).name GaitType{GaitAnalysis} '\', '*.mat']);
-    for j = 1:2:length(MeasFiles)
-        for k = 1:2
-            RfeetI(k) = isempty(strfind(MeasFiles(j+k-1).name, RightFoot{i-2}));
-            LfeetI(k) = isempty(strfind(MeasFiles(j+k-1).name, LeftFoot{i-2}));
-        end
-        cRightFoot = find(Rfeet,1);
-        % Read optical data.
-        Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]) = ...
-            load([MeasFilesO((j+1)/2).folder '\' MeasFilesO((j+1)/2).name]);
-        % Read inertial data.
-        Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial = ...
-            readCalibratedMTwLog([MeasFiles(j+cRightFoot-1).folder '\'...
-            MeasFiles(j+cRightFoot-1).name]);
-        % Store all the callibration data.
-        Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.Rcal = CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial.Rcal;
-        Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.rmy = rmy;
-        Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.rmz = rmz;
-        Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.AccOffsetR = CalibData.(SubjectFolders(i).name).inertial.AccOffsetR;
-        if j == 15 && i == 7
-            maxTime = 800;
-        elseif j == 5 && i == 11
-            maxTime = 800;
-        else
-            maxTime = 300;
-        end
-        % Synchronize both systems.        
-        [Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.Istart, ...
-            Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).C3Ddata.Ostart] = ...
-            math.FindSync(Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(...
-            ['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).C3Ddata.MarkerPosition.RFootF,...
-            Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]...
-            ).inertial.acc,osync,isync,maxTime);
-        % Calculate the sync correction between the different systems.
-        Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).C3Ddata.syncCorr = ...
-            Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).C3Ddata.Ostart - ...
-            Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.Istart;
-        if ~isempty(Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).C3Ddata.syncCorr)
-            Results.Sync(i-2,(j+1)/2) = Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).C3Ddata.syncCorr;
-        end
-        fs = Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.fs;
-        [Bf, Af] = butter(2, (2 * fco / fs));% 2nd order low-pass butterworth filter
-        Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.dacc = ...
-            filter(Bf, Af, Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.acc);
-        Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.dgyr = ...
-            filter(Bf, Af, Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.gyr);
-        %% Determination of the start and end time of the steps. 
-        %refers to the zerovelocity update function
-        [Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.tb, ...
-            Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.te, ...
-            Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.k]=...
-            zvt(Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.dacc,...
-            Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.dgyr,...
-            Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.N);
-%         figure; 
-%         plot(Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]...
-%             ).inertial.dacc);
-%         hold on; 
-%         plot(Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]...
-%             ).inertial.k*50)
-%         close all
-        % Correct for wrong first step.
-        if Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.te(1) < ...
-                Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.tb(1)
-            Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.te(1) = [];
-        end
-        % End with a full step.
-        if Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.te(end) < ...
-                Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.tb(end)
-            Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.tb(end) = [];
-        end
-        Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.tm = ...
-            floor((Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.tb(2:end) + ...
-            Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.te(1:end-1))/2);
-        % Number of steps is 1 smaller as it should end with foot contact.
-        Steps = 1:(length(Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.tm)-1);
-        for iStep = Steps
-            if iStep == 1
-                Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.FPA = ...
-                    nan(length(Steps),1);
-                Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).C3Ddata.FPA = ...
-                    nan(length(Steps),1);
-            end
-            Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial = ...
-                math.IntSignals(Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial, iStep);
-            Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).C3Ddata = ...
-                math.OptFPA(Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).C3Ddata, ...
-                Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial, iStep);
-        end
-        if ~isempty(Steps)
-            Results.FPA.Inertial(i-2, 1:length(Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(...
-                ['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.FPA),(j+1)/2) = ...
-                Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).inertial.FPA;
-            Results.FPA.Optical(i-2, 1:length(Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(...
-                ['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).C3Ddata.FPA),(j+1)/2) = ...
-                Results.(SubjectFolders(i).name).(['Trial' num2str((j+1)/2,'%02d')]).C3Ddata.FPA;
-        end
-        toc
-    end
-save(['Results-' GaitType{GaitAnalysis}(2:end) '.mat'],'Results','CalibData')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PlotFPAopt.m b/PlotFPAopt.m
deleted file mode 100644
index e1837e1507caa2bdceb61264f9064d1c53384641..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PlotFPAopt.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-clearvars; close all; clc
-chosenSubject = 'S01';
-Trials = fieldnames(Results.(chosenSubject));
-set(gcf, 'Position', get(0, 'Screensize'));
-for i = 1:length(Trials)
-    times = Results.(chosenSubject).(Trials{i}).inertial.tm + ...
-        Results.(chosenSubject).(Trials{i}).C3Ddata.syncCorr;
-    times = times(times < length(Results.(chosenSubject).(Trials{i}).C3Ddata.MarkerPosition.RFootM));
-    FootContact = Results.(chosenSubject).(Trials{i}).C3Ddata.MarkerPosition.RFootM(times,:);
-    FootDir = Results.(chosenSubject).(Trials{i}).C3Ddata.MarkerPosition.RFootF(times,:) - ...
-        Results.(chosenSubject).(Trials{i}).C3Ddata.MarkerPosition.RFootB(times,:);
-    subplot(3,4,i)
-    plot(FootContact(:,1),FootContact(:,2))
-    hold on; 
-    for j = 1:size(FootDir,1)
-        plot([FootContact(j,1) FootContact(j,1) + FootDir(j,1)],...
-            [FootContact(j,2) FootContact(j,2) + FootDir(j,2)])
-    end
-    axis equal
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PlotFPAresults.m b/PlotFPAresults.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a684632c890a0a9cdfcb1f5d8c4f2e4bbb455dd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PlotFPAresults.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
-clear all; close all; clc
-outlierValue = 10;
-ylimitsNormal = [-5 25];
-ylimitsToeIn = [-25 10];
-ylimitsToeOut = [0 60];
-selectedSubjects = [1, 2, 4, 5, 7];
-labels = {'S01', 'S02', 'S03', 'S04', 'S05'};
-TI = load('Results-Toe-In.mat');
-TO = load('Results-Toe-Out.mat');
-NO = load('Results-Normal.mat');
-GoodSteps.Normal.Optical = nan(10,10,12);
-GoodSteps.Normal.Inertial = nan(10,10,12);
-GoodSteps.ToeOut.Optical = nan(10,10,12);
-GoodSteps.ToeOut.Inertial = nan(10,10,12);
-GoodSteps.ToeIn.Optical = nan(10,10,12);
-GoodSteps.ToeIn.Inertial = nan(10,10,12);
-for iSubject = 1:10
-    for iTrial = 1:12
-        if SyncInfo.Normal(iSubject,iTrial) == 1
-            GoodSteps.Normal.Optical(iSubject,:,iTrial) = ...
-                NO.Results.FPA.Optical(iSubject,:,iTrial);
-            GoodSteps.Normal.Inertial(iSubject,:,iTrial) = ...
-                NO.Results.FPA.Inertial(iSubject,:,iTrial);
-        end
-        if SyncInfo.ToeIn(iSubject,iTrial) == 1
-            GoodSteps.ToeIn.Optical(iSubject,:,iTrial) = ...
-                TI.Results.FPA.Optical(iSubject,:,iTrial);
-            GoodSteps.ToeIn.Inertial(iSubject,:,iTrial) = ...
-                TI.Results.FPA.Inertial(iSubject,:,iTrial);
-        end
-        if SyncInfo.ToeOut(iSubject,iTrial) == 1
-            GoodSteps.ToeOut.Optical(iSubject,:,iTrial) = ...
-                TO.Results.FPA.Optical(iSubject,:,iTrial);
-            GoodSteps.ToeOut.Inertial(iSubject,:,iTrial) = ...
-                TO.Results.FPA.Inertial(iSubject,:,iTrial);
-        end
-    end
-GoodSteps.Callibration.Optical = NO.CalibData.FPA.Optical;
-GoodSteps.Callibration.Inertial = NO.CalibData.FPA.Inertial;
-RMSE.ToeOut = sqrt((GoodSteps.ToeOut.Optical-GoodSteps.ToeOut.Inertial).^2);
-RMSE.ToeIn = sqrt((GoodSteps.ToeIn.Optical-GoodSteps.ToeIn.Inertial).^2);
-RMSE.Normal = sqrt((GoodSteps.Normal.Optical-GoodSteps.Normal.Inertial).^2);
-GoodSteps.Normal.indexes = RMSE.Normal < outlierValue;
-GoodSteps.ToeIn.indexes = RMSE.ToeIn < outlierValue;
-GoodSteps.ToeOut.indexes = RMSE.ToeOut < outlierValue;
-GoodSteps.Normal.indexes(GoodSteps.Normal.Optical > 30) = 0;
-GoodSteps.Normal.indexes(GoodSteps.Normal.Inertial > 30) = 0;
-GoodSteps.ToeOut.indexes(GoodSteps.Normal.Optical < 0) = 0;
-GoodSteps.ToeOut.indexes(GoodSteps.Normal.Inertial < 0) = 0;
-Diff.Normal = GoodSteps.Normal.Optical-GoodSteps.Normal.Inertial;
-Diff.Normal(~GoodSteps.Normal.indexes) = nan;
-Diff.Normal = reshape(Diff.Normal,[10,120]);
-Diff.ToeIn = GoodSteps.ToeIn.Optical-GoodSteps.ToeIn.Inertial;
-Diff.ToeIn(~GoodSteps.ToeIn.indexes) = nan;
-Diff.ToeIn = reshape(Diff.ToeIn,[10,120]);
-Diff.ToeOut = GoodSteps.ToeOut.Optical-GoodSteps.ToeOut.Inertial;
-Diff.ToeOut(~GoodSteps.ToeOut.indexes) = nan;
-Diff.ToeOut = reshape(Diff.ToeOut,[10,120]);
-Diff.Mean.Normal = nanmean(Diff.Normal(selectedSubjects,:),2);
-Diff.Mean.ToeIn = nanmean(Diff.ToeIn(selectedSubjects,:),2);
-Diff.Mean.ToeOut = nanmean(Diff.ToeOut(selectedSubjects,:),2);
-Diff.Std.Normal = nanstd(Diff.Normal(selectedSubjects,:),0,2);
-Diff.Std.ToeIn = nanstd(Diff.ToeIn(selectedSubjects,:),0,2);
-Diff.Std.ToeOut = nanstd(Diff.ToeOut(selectedSubjects,:),0,2);
-RMSE.Callibration = sqrt((GoodSteps.Callibration.Optical-GoodSteps.Callibration.Inertial).^2);
-GoodSteps.Callibration.indexes = RMSE.Callibration < outlierValue-3;
-%% Calculate the callibration offset.
-OpticalCaliSub = GoodSteps.Callibration.Optical;
-OpticalCaliSub(~GoodSteps.Callibration.indexes) = nan;
-InertialCaliSub = GoodSteps.Callibration.Inertial;
-InertialCaliSub(~GoodSteps.Callibration.indexes) = nan;
-BarValues.CallibrationOffset = nanmean(OpticalCaliSub(selectedSubjects,:) - ...
-    InertialCaliSub(selectedSubjects,:),2);
-Diff.Calibration = OpticalCaliSub-InertialCaliSub;
-Diff.Mean.Calibration = nanmean(Diff.Calibration(selectedSubjects,:),2);
-Diff.Std.Calibration = nanstd(Diff.Calibration(selectedSubjects,:),0,2);
-%% Be sure to use the good normal steps.
-OpticalSub = GoodSteps.Normal.Optical;
-OpticalSub(~GoodSteps.Normal.indexes) = nan;
-BarValues.Normal.Optical.All = reshape(OpticalSub,[10,120]);
-InertialSub = GoodSteps.Normal.Inertial;
-InertialSub(~GoodSteps.Normal.indexes) = nan;
-BarValues.Normal.Inertial.All = reshape(InertialSub,[10,120]);
-BarValues.Normal.Optical.Mean = nanmean(BarValues.Normal.Optical.All(selectedSubjects,:,:),2);
-BarValues.Normal.Optical.Std = nanstd(BarValues.Normal.Optical.All(selectedSubjects,:,:),0,2);
-BarValues.Normal.Inertial.Mean = nanmean(BarValues.Normal.Inertial.All(selectedSubjects,:,:),2);
-BarValues.Normal.Inertial.Std = nanstd(BarValues.Normal.Inertial.All(selectedSubjects,:,:),0,2);
-BarValues.Normal.Optical.CorrectSteps = sum(~isnan(BarValues.Normal.Optical.All(selectedSubjects,:)),2);
-BarValues.Normal.Inertial.CorrectSteps = sum(~isnan(BarValues.Normal.Inertial.All(selectedSubjects,:)),2);
-%% Be sure to use the good ToeIn steps.
-OpticalSub = GoodSteps.ToeIn.Optical;
-OpticalSub(~GoodSteps.ToeIn.indexes) = nan;
-BarValues.ToeIn.Optical.All = reshape(OpticalSub,[10,120]);
-InertialSub = GoodSteps.ToeIn.Inertial;
-InertialSub(~GoodSteps.ToeIn.indexes) = nan;
-BarValues.ToeIn.Inertial.All = reshape(InertialSub,[10,120]);
-BarValues.ToeIn.Optical.Mean = nanmean(BarValues.ToeIn.Optical.All(selectedSubjects,:,:),2);
-BarValues.ToeIn.Optical.Std = nanstd(BarValues.ToeIn.Optical.All(selectedSubjects,:,:),0,2);
-BarValues.ToeIn.Inertial.Mean = nanmean(BarValues.ToeIn.Inertial.All(selectedSubjects,:,:),2);
-BarValues.ToeIn.Inertial.Std = nanstd(BarValues.ToeIn.Inertial.All(selectedSubjects,:,:),0,2);
-BarValues.ToeIn.Optical.CorrectSteps = sum(~isnan(BarValues.Normal.Optical.All(selectedSubjects,:)),2);
-BarValues.ToeIn.Inertial.CorrectSteps = sum(~isnan(BarValues.ToeIn.Inertial.All(selectedSubjects,:)),2);
-%% Be sure to use the good ToeOut steps.
-OpticalSub = GoodSteps.ToeOut.Optical;
-OpticalSub(~GoodSteps.ToeOut.indexes) = nan;
-BarValues.ToeOut.Optical.All = reshape(OpticalSub,[10,120]);
-InertialSub = GoodSteps.ToeOut.Inertial;
-InertialSub(~GoodSteps.ToeOut.indexes) = nan;
-BarValues.ToeOut.Inertial.All = reshape(InertialSub,[10,120]);
-BarValues.ToeOut.Optical.Mean = nanmean(BarValues.ToeOut.Optical.All(selectedSubjects,:,:),2);
-BarValues.ToeOut.Optical.Std = nanstd(BarValues.ToeOut.Optical.All(selectedSubjects,:,:),0,2);
-BarValues.ToeOut.Inertial.Mean = nanmean(BarValues.ToeOut.Inertial.All(selectedSubjects,:,:),2);
-BarValues.ToeOut.Inertial.Std = nanstd(BarValues.ToeOut.Inertial.All(selectedSubjects,:,:),0,2);
-BarValues.ToeOut.Optical.CorrectSteps = sum(~isnan(BarValues.Normal.Optical.All(selectedSubjects,:)),2);
-BarValues.ToeOut.Inertial.CorrectSteps = sum(~isnan(BarValues.ToeOut.Inertial.All(selectedSubjects,:)),2);
-%% Start plotting the results.
-figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1])
-title('Normal Gait')
-title('Toe-In Gait')
-title('Toe-Out Gait')
-Opt.Normal = nan(5,60);
-Int.Normal = nan(5,60);
-Opt.ToeIn = nan(5,50);
-Int.ToeIn = nan(5,50);
-Opt.ToeOut = nan(5,50);
-Int.ToeOut = nan(5,50);
-for i = 1:length(selectedSubjects)
-    Val.Optical.Normal{i} = BarValues.Normal.Optical.All(selectedSubjects(i),:);
-    Val.Optical.Normal{i}(isnan(Val.Optical.Normal{i})) = [];
-    Opt.Normal(i,1:length(Val.Optical.Normal{i})) = Val.Optical.Normal{i};
-    Val.Inertial.Normal{i} = BarValues.Normal.Inertial.All(selectedSubjects(i),:);
-    Val.Inertial.Normal{i}(isnan(Val.Inertial.Normal{i})) = [];
-    Int.Normal(i,1:length(Val.Inertial.Normal{i})) = Val.Inertial.Normal{i};
-    [Val.ttestC.Normal.h(i), Val.ttestC.Normal.p(i), Val.ttestC.Normal.ci(i,:), ...
-        Val.ttestC.Normal.stats(i)] = ttest(Val.Optical.Normal{i},Val.Inertial.Normal{i} + Diff.Mean.Calibration(i));
-    [Val.ttest.Normal.h(i), Val.ttest.Normal.p(i), Val.ttest.Normal.ci(i,:), ...
-        Val.ttest.Normal.stats(i)] = ttest(Val.Optical.Normal{i},Val.Inertial.Normal{i});
-    Val.Optical.ToeIn{i} = BarValues.ToeIn.Optical.All(selectedSubjects(i),:);
-    Val.Optical.ToeIn{i}(isnan(Val.Optical.ToeIn{i})) = [];
-    Opt.ToeIn(i,1:length(Val.Optical.ToeIn{i})) = Val.Optical.ToeIn{i};
-    Val.Inertial.ToeIn{i} = BarValues.ToeIn.Inertial.All(selectedSubjects(i),:);
-    Val.Inertial.ToeIn{i}(isnan(Val.Inertial.ToeIn{i})) = [];
-    Int.ToeIn(i,1:length(Val.Inertial.ToeIn{i})) = Val.Inertial.ToeIn{i};
-    [Val.ttestC.ToeIn.h(i), Val.ttestC.ToeIn.p(i), Val.ttestC.ToeIn.ci(i,:), ...
-        Val.ttestC.ToeIn.stats(i)] = ttest(Val.Optical.ToeIn{i},Val.Inertial.ToeIn{i} + Diff.Mean.Calibration(i));
-    [Val.ttest.ToeIn.h(i), Val.ttest.ToeIn.p(i), Val.ttest.ToeIn.ci(i,:), ...
-        Val.ttest.ToeIn.stats(i)] = ttest(Val.Optical.ToeIn{i},Val.Inertial.ToeIn{i});
-    Val.Optical.ToeOut{i} = BarValues.ToeOut.Optical.All(selectedSubjects(i),:);
-    Val.Optical.ToeOut{i}(isnan(Val.Optical.ToeOut{i})) = [];
-    Opt.ToeOut(i,1:length(Val.Optical.ToeOut{i})) = Val.Optical.ToeOut{i};
-    Val.Inertial.ToeOut{i} = BarValues.ToeOut.Inertial.All(selectedSubjects(i),:);
-    Val.Inertial.ToeOut{i}(isnan(Val.Inertial.ToeOut{i})) = [];
-    Int.ToeOut(i,1:length(Val.Inertial.ToeOut{i})) = Val.Inertial.ToeOut{i};
-    [Val.ttestC.ToeOut.h(i), Val.ttestC.ToeOut.p(i), Val.ttestC.ToeOut.ci(i,:), ...
-        Val.ttestC.ToeOut.stats(i)] = ttest(Val.Optical.ToeOut{i},Val.Inertial.ToeOut{i} + Diff.Mean.Calibration(i));
-    [Val.ttest.ToeOut.h(i), Val.ttest.ToeOut.p(i), Val.ttest.ToeOut.ci(i,:), ...
-        Val.ttest.ToeOut.stats(i)] = ttest(Val.Optical.ToeOut{i},Val.Inertial.ToeOut{i});
-%% Bland Altman part.
-groups = {'S01'; 'S02'; 'S03'; 'S04'; 'S05'};
-corrinfo = {'r2','eq'};
-BAinfo = {'RPC(%)'};
-limits = 'auto';
-colors = parula(length(selectedSubjects));
-symbols = ['s','o','c','.','x'];
-tit = 'Normal Gait';
-label = {'Optical reference','Inertial estimate','degrees'};
-[MaxK.cr, MaxK.fig, MaxK.statsStruct] = plotting.BlandAltman(Opt.Normal',Int.Normal',label,tit,groups,'corrInfo',corrinfo,...
-    'baInfo',BAinfo,'axesLimits',limits,'colors',colors,'showFitCI',' on','symbols',symbols);
-tit = 'Toe-In Gait';
-[MaxK.cr, MaxK.fig, MaxK.statsStruct] = plotting.BlandAltman(Opt.ToeIn',Int.ToeIn',label,tit,groups,'corrInfo',corrinfo,...
-    'baInfo',BAinfo,'axesLimits',limits,'colors',colors,'showFitCI',' on','symbols',symbols);
-tit = 'Toe-Out Gait';
-[MaxK.cr, MaxK.fig, MaxK.statsStruct] = plotting.BlandAltman(Opt.ToeOut',Int.ToeOut',label,tit,groups,'corrInfo',corrinfo,...
-    'baInfo',BAinfo,'axesLimits',limits,'colors',colors,'showFitCI',' on','symbols',symbols);
-%% Bland Altman combined
-groups = {'S01'; 'S02'; 'S03'; 'S04'; 'S05'};
-corrinfo = {'r2','eq'};
-BAinfo = {'RPC(%)'};
-limits = 'auto';
-colors = parula(length(selectedSubjects));
-calibErrorMat = repmat(Diff.Mean.Calibration,[1,360]);
-allErrorMat = [Diff.Normal, Diff.ToeIn, Diff.ToeOut];
-symbols = ['s','o','c','.','x'];
-baFig = figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]);
-baPlot1 = subplot(3,4,1:2);
-baPlot2 = subplot(3,4,5:6);
-baPlot3 = subplot(3,4,9:10);
-tit = ' ';
-label = {'Optical reference','Inertial estimate','degrees'};
-[MaxK.cr, MaxK.fig, MaxK.statsStruct] = plotting.BlandAltman(baPlot1,Opt.Normal',Int.Normal',label,tit,groups,'corrInfo',corrinfo,...
-    'baInfo',BAinfo,'axesLimits',limits,'colors',colors,'showFitCI',' on','symbols',symbols);
-[MaxK.cr, MaxK.fig, MaxK.statsStruct] = plotting.BlandAltman(baPlot2,Opt.ToeIn',Int.ToeIn',label,tit,groups,'corrInfo',corrinfo,...
-    'baInfo',BAinfo,'axesLimits',limits,'colors',colors,'showFitCI',' on','symbols',symbols);
-[MaxK.cr, MaxK.fig, MaxK.statsStruct] = plotting.BlandAltman(baPlot3,Opt.ToeOut',Int.ToeOut',label,tit,groups,'corrInfo',corrinfo,...
-    'baInfo',BAinfo,'axesLimits',limits,'colors',colors,'showFitCI',' on','symbols',symbols);
-%% Bland Altman errors.
-groups = {'S01'; 'S02'; 'S03'; 'S04'; 'S05'};
-corrinfo = {'r2','eq'};
-BAinfo = {'RPC(%)'};
-limits = 'auto';
-colors = parula(length(selectedSubjects));
-symbols = ['s','o','c','.','x'];
-baFig2 = figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]);
-calibErrorMat = repmat(Diff.Mean.Calibration,[1,360]);
-allErrorMat = [Diff.Normal(selectedSubjects,:), Diff.ToeIn(selectedSubjects,:), ...
-    Diff.ToeOut(selectedSubjects,:)];
-tit = 'Comparing Errors with the estimation calibration error';
-label = {'Calibration error','FPA error','degrees'};
-[MaxK.cr, MaxK.fig, MaxK.statsStruct] = plotting.BlandAltman(calibErrorMat',...
-    allErrorMat',label,tit,groups,'corrInfo',corrinfo,'baInfo',BAinfo,...
-    'axesLimits',limits,'colors',colors,'showFitCI',' on','symbols',symbols,...
-    'MarkerSize',6);
diff --git a/PlotSync.m b/PlotSync.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d4b061218c51569741d6a319121dd2d2b6b5aa0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/PlotSync.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-clearvars; close all; clc
-chosenSubject = 'S09';
-Trials = fieldnames(Results.(chosenSubject));
-set(gcf, 'Position', get(0, 'Screensize'));
-for i = 1:length(Trials)
-    syncTime = Results.(chosenSubject).(Trials{i}).C3Ddata.syncCorr;
-    OptPos = Results.(chosenSubject).(Trials{i}).C3Ddata.MarkerPosition.RFootF;
-    IntAcc = Results.(chosenSubject).(Trials{i}).inertial.dacc;
-    OptAcc = diff(diff(sqrt(sum(OptPos.^2,2))));
-    subplot(3,4,i)
-    if syncTime > 0
-        plot(OptAcc(syncTime:end))
-        hold on;
-        plot(IntAcc)
-    else
-        plot(OptAcc)
-        hold on;
-        plot(IntAcc(-syncTime:end))
-    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/RepairNames.m b/RepairNames.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 906a7c962fc9e4029a7bc2ad15cc5e3ddd45121e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/RepairNames.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-close all; clearvars; clc
-%% Define the paths.
-folderCalib = '\Calibration\';
-folderMeas = 'E:\MiniSens\Git\FPA-est\MeasurementData\';
-Optical = 'Optical\';
-Inertial = 'Inertial\';
-GaitType = {'\Normal'; '\Toe-in'; '\Toe-Out'};
-GaitAnalysis = 3;
-OptFiles = dir([folderMeas Optical]);
-dirFlags = [OptFiles.isdir];
-SubjectFolders = OptFiles(dirFlags);
-for i = 3:length(SubjectFolders)
-    %% Perform the callibration steps.
-    CalibFilesO = dir([folderMeas Optical SubjectFolders(i).name folderCalib, '*.mat']);
-    for cali = 1:length(CalibFilesO)
-        load([folderMeas Optical SubjectFolders(i).name folderCalib CalibFilesO(cali).name]);
-        if ~isfield(C3Ddata.MarkerPosition,'RFootB')
-            if isfield(C3Ddata.MarkerPosition,'RfootB')
-                C3Ddata.MarkerPosition.RFootB = C3Ddata.MarkerPosition.RfootB;
-                C3Ddata.MarkerPosition = rmfield(C3Ddata.MarkerPosition,'RfootB');
-                save([folderMeas Optical SubjectFolders(i).name folderCalib CalibFilesO(cali).name],'C3Ddata')
-            else
-                test = 1;
-            end    
-        end
-    end
-    MeasFilesO = dir([folderMeas Optical SubjectFolders(i).name GaitType{GaitAnalysis} '\', '*.mat']);
-    MeasFiles = dir([folderMeas Inertial SubjectFolders(i).name GaitType{GaitAnalysis} '\', '*.txt']);
-    for j = 1:2:length(MeasFiles)
-        load([MeasFilesO((j+1)/2).folder '\' MeasFilesO((j+1)/2).name]);
-        if ~isfield(C3Ddata.MarkerPosition,'RFootB')
-            if isfield(C3Ddata.MarkerPosition,'RfootB')
-                C3Ddata.MarkerPosition.RFootB = C3Ddata.MarkerPosition.RfootB;
-                C3Ddata.MarkerPosition = rmfield(C3Ddata.MarkerPosition,'RfootB');
-                save([MeasFilesO((j+1)/2).folder '\' MeasFilesO((j+1)/2).name],'C3Ddata')
-            else
-                test = 1;
-            end  
-        end
-    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/findmov.m b/findmov.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e1336f5d66132d682edbdfe2482c54b577cefa4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/findmov.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-function [Tb Tend norms]=findmov(data,thr)
-norms=sqrt(sum(data.^2,2)); % taking the magnitude of the data
-Tb=find(norms>thr,1,'first'); %searching first point data is bigger then threshold
-Tsend=find(norms(Tb:N)<thr,1,'first'); %searching first point data is smaller then thresh hold
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/madgwick_algorithm_matlab/ExampleScript.m b/madgwick_algorithm_matlab/ExampleScript.m
deleted file mode 100644
index f977b7ca3e9f3f2075492295f63b87d8ae7370f3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/madgwick_algorithm_matlab/ExampleScript.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-% ExampleScript.m
-% This script demonstrates use of the MadgwickAHRS and MahonyAHRS algorithm
-% classes with example data. ExampleData.mat contains calibrated gyroscope,
-% accelerometer and magnetometer data logged from an AHRS device (x-IMU)
-% while it was sequentially rotated from 0 degrees, to +90 degree and then
-% to -90 degrees around the X, Y and Z axis.  The script first plots the
-% example sensor data, then processes the data through the algorithm and
-% plots the output as Euler angles.
-% Note that the Euler angle plot shows erratic behaviour in phi and psi
-% when theta approaches ±90 degrees. This due to a singularity in the Euler
-% angle sequence known as 'Gimbal lock'.  This issue does not exist for a
-% quaternion or rotation matrix representation.
-% Date          Author          Notes
-% 28/09/2011    SOH Madgwick    Initial release
-% 13/04/2012    SOH Madgwick    deg2rad function no longer used
-% 06/11/2012    Seb Madgwick    radian to degrees calculation corrected
-%% Start of script
-addpath('quaternion_library');      % include quaternion library
-close all;                          % close all figures
-clear;                              % clear all variables
-clc;                                % clear the command terminal
-%% Import and plot sensor data
-figure('Name', 'Sensor Data');
-axis(1) = subplot(3,1,1);
-hold on;
-plot(time, Gyroscope(:,1), 'r');
-plot(time, Gyroscope(:,2), 'g');
-plot(time, Gyroscope(:,3), 'b');
-legend('X', 'Y', 'Z');
-xlabel('Time (s)');
-ylabel('Angular rate (deg/s)');
-hold off;
-axis(2) = subplot(3,1,2);
-hold on;
-plot(time, Accelerometer(:,1), 'r');
-plot(time, Accelerometer(:,2), 'g');
-plot(time, Accelerometer(:,3), 'b');
-legend('X', 'Y', 'Z');
-xlabel('Time (s)');
-ylabel('Acceleration (g)');
-hold off;
-axis(3) = subplot(3,1,3);
-hold on;
-plot(time, Magnetometer(:,1), 'r');
-plot(time, Magnetometer(:,2), 'g');
-plot(time, Magnetometer(:,3), 'b');
-legend('X', 'Y', 'Z');
-xlabel('Time (s)');
-ylabel('Flux (G)');
-hold off;
-linkaxes(axis, 'x');
-%% Process sensor data through algorithm
-AHRS = MadgwickAHRS('SamplePeriod', 1/256, 'Beta', 0.1);
-AHRS2 = MadgwickAHRS('SamplePeriod', 1/256, 'Beta', 0.1);
-% AHRS = MahonyAHRS('SamplePeriod', 1/256, 'Kp', 0.5);
-quaternion = zeros(length(time), 4);
-for t = 1:length(time)
-    AHRS.Update(Gyroscope(t,:) * (pi/180), Accelerometer(t,:), Magnetometer(t,:));	% gyroscope units must be radians
-    AHRS2.UpdateIMU(Gyroscope(t,:) * (pi/180), Accelerometer(t,:));	% gyroscope units must be radians
-    quaternion(t, :) = AHRS.Quaternion;
-    quaternion2(t, :) = AHRS2.Quaternion;
-%% Plot algorithm output as Euler angles
-% The first and third Euler angles in the sequence (phi and psi) become
-% unreliable when the middle angles of the sequence (theta) approaches ±90
-% degrees. This problem commonly referred to as Gimbal Lock.
-% See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gimbal_lock
-euler = quatern2euler(quaternConj(quaternion)) * (180/pi);	% use conjugate for sensor frame relative to Earth and convert to degrees.
-euler2 = quatern2euler(quaternConj(quaternion2)) * (180/pi);	% use conjugate for sensor frame relative to Earth and convert to degrees.
-figure('Name', 'Euler Angles');
-hold on;
-plot(time, euler(:,1), 'r');
-plot(time, euler(:,2), 'g');
-plot(time, euler(:,3), 'b');
-plot(time, euler2(:,1), '-r');
-plot(time, euler2(:,2), '-g');
-plot(time, euler2(:,3), '-b');
-title('Euler angles');
-xlabel('Time (s)');
-ylabel('Angle (deg)');
-legend('\phi', '\theta', '\psi');
-hold off;
-%% End of script
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/quaternion_library/TestScript.m b/quaternion_library/TestScript.m
deleted file mode 100644
index c98487a12a9eddbcb6b348c8e83f2692275528d1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quaternion_library/TestScript.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-% TestScript.m
-% This script tests the quaternion library functions to ensure that each
-% function output is consistent.
-% Date          Author          Notes
-% 27/09/2011    SOH Madgwick    Initial release
-%% Start of script
-close all;                          % close all figures
-clear;                              % clear all variables
-clc;                                % clear the command terminal
-%% Axis-angle to rotation matrix
-axis = [1 2 3];
-axis = axis / norm(axis);
-angle = pi/2;
-R = axisAngle2rotMat(axis, angle);
-num = ' % 1.5f';
-a = sprintf('\rAxis-angle to rotation matrix:');
-b = sprintf(strcat('\r', num, '\t', num, '\t', num), R(1,:));
-c = sprintf(strcat('\r', num, '\t', num, '\t', num), R(2,:));
-d = sprintf(strcat('\r', num, '\t', num, '\t', num), R(3,:));
-%% Axis-angle to quaternion
-q = axisAngle2quatern(axis, angle);
-num = ' % 1.5f';
-a = sprintf('\rAxis-angle to quaternion:');
-b = sprintf(strcat('\r', num, '\t', num, '\t', num, '\t', num), q);
-%% Quaternion to rotation matrix
-R = quatern2rotMat(q);
-num = ' % 1.5f';
-a = sprintf('\rQuaternion to rotation matrix:');
-b = sprintf(strcat('\r', num, '\t', num, '\t', num), R(1,:));
-c = sprintf(strcat('\r', num, '\t', num, '\t', num), R(2,:));
-d = sprintf(strcat('\r', num, '\t', num, '\t', num), R(3,:));
-%% Rotation matrix to quaternion
-q = rotMat2quatern(R);
-num = ' % 1.5f';
-a = sprintf('\rRotation matrix to quaternion:');
-b = sprintf(strcat('\r', num, '\t', num, '\t', num, '\t', num), q);
-%% Rotation matrix to ZYX Euler angles
-euler = rotMat2euler(R);
-num = ' % 1.5f';
-a = sprintf('\rRotation matrix to ZYX Euler angles:');
-b = sprintf(strcat('\r', num, '\t', num, '\t', num), euler);
-%% Quaternion to ZYX Euler angles
-euler = quatern2euler(q);
-num = ' % 1.5f';
-a = sprintf('\rQuaternion to ZYX Euler angles:');
-b = sprintf(strcat('\r', num, '\t', num, '\t', num), euler);
-%% ZYX Euler angles to rotation matrix
-R = euler2rotMat(euler(1), euler(2), euler(3));
-num = ' % 1.5f';
-a = sprintf('\rZYX Euler angles to rotation matrix:');
-b = sprintf(strcat('\r', num, '\t', num, '\t', num), R(1,:));
-c = sprintf(strcat('\r', num, '\t', num, '\t', num), R(2,:));
-d = sprintf(strcat('\r', num, '\t', num, '\t', num), R(3,:));
-%% End of script
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/quaternion_library/axisAngle2quatern.m b/quaternion_library/axisAngle2quatern.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 002a8ab2860322caed779d16cd0a317e9a51b4f5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quaternion_library/axisAngle2quatern.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-function q = axisAngle2quatern(axis, angle)
-%AXISANGLE2QUATERN Converts an axis-angle orientation to a quaternion
-%   q = axisAngle2quatern(axis, angle)
-%   Converts and axis-angle orientation to a quaternion where a 3D rotation
-%   is described by an angular rotation around axis defined by a vector.
-%   For more information see:
-%   http://www.x-io.co.uk/node/8#quaternions
-%	Date          Author          Notes
-%	27/09/2011    SOH Madgwick    Initial release
-    q0 = cos(angle./2);
-    q1 = -axis(:,1)*sin(angle./2);
-    q2 = -axis(:,2)*sin(angle./2);
-    q3 = -axis(:,3)*sin(angle./2);
-    q = [q0 q1 q2 q3];
diff --git a/quaternion_library/axisAngle2rotMat.m b/quaternion_library/axisAngle2rotMat.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 54c5653767e57ee28614f83077884ab97b2d3860..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quaternion_library/axisAngle2rotMat.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-function R = axisAngle2rotMat(axis, angle)
-%AXISANGLE2ROTMAT Converts an axis-angle orientation to a rotation matrix
-%   q = axisAngle2rotMat(axis, angle)
-%   Converts and axis-angle orientation to a rotation matrix where a 3D
-%   rotation is described by an angular rotation around axis defined by a
-%   vector.
-%   For more information see:
-%   http://www.x-io.co.uk/node/8#quaternions
-%	Date          Author          Notes
-%	27/09/2011    SOH Madgwick    Initial release
-    kx = axis(:,1);
-    ky = axis(:,2);
-    kz = axis(:,3);
-    cT = cos(angle);
-    sT = sin(angle);
-    vT = 1 - cos(angle);
-    R(1,1,:) = kx.*kx.*vT + cT;
-    R(1,2,:) = kx.*ky.*vT - kz.*sT;
-    R(1,3,:) = kx.*kz.*vT + ky.*sT;
-    R(2,1,:) = kx.*ky.*vT + kz.*sT;
-    R(2,2,:) = ky.*ky.*vT + cT;
-    R(2,3,:) = ky.*kz.*vT - kx.*sT;
-    R(3,1,:) = kx.*kz.*vT - ky.*sT;
-    R(3,2,:) = ky.*kz.*vT + kx.*sT;
-    R(3,3,:) = kz.*kz.*vT + cT;
diff --git a/quaternion_library/euler2rotMat.m b/quaternion_library/euler2rotMat.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e726c0a0bc005c9da8f3839b7cf87128dab44ff..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quaternion_library/euler2rotMat.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-function R = euler2rotMat(phi, theta, psi)
-%EULER2ROTMAT Converts a ZYX Euler angle orientation to a rotation matrix
-%   q = euler2rotMat(axis, angle)
-%   Converts ZYX Euler angle orientation to a rotation matrix where phi is
-%   a rotation around X, theta around Y and psi around Z.
-%   For more information see:
-%   http://www.x-io.co.uk/node/8#quaternions
-%	Date          Author          Notes
-%	27/09/2011    SOH Madgwick    Initial release
-    R(1,1,:) = cos(psi).*cos(theta);
-    R(1,2,:) = -sin(psi).*cos(phi) + cos(psi).*sin(theta).*sin(phi);
-    R(1,3,:) = sin(psi).*sin(phi) + cos(psi).*sin(theta).*cos(phi);
-    R(2,1,:) = sin(psi).*cos(theta);
-    R(2,2,:) = cos(psi).*cos(phi) + sin(psi).*sin(theta).*sin(phi);
-    R(2,3,:) = -cos(psi).*sin(phi) + sin(psi).*sin(theta).*cos(phi);
-    R(3,1,:) = -sin(theta);
-    R(3,2,:) = cos(theta).*sin(phi);
-    R(3,3,:) = cos(theta).*cos(phi);
diff --git a/quaternion_library/quatern2euler.m b/quaternion_library/quatern2euler.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 22995ee2ffcc1f2d051b09c665666101a8580544..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quaternion_library/quatern2euler.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-function euler = quatern2euler(q)
-%QUATERN2EULER Converts a quaternion orientation to ZYX Euler angles
-%   q = quatern2euler(q)
-%   Converts a quaternion orientation to ZYX Euler angles where phi is a
-%   rotation around X, theta around Y and psi around Z.
-%   For more information see:
-%   http://www.x-io.co.uk/node/8#quaternions
-%	Date          Author          Notes
-%	27/09/2011    SOH Madgwick    Initial release
-    R(1,1,:) = 2.*q(:,1).^2-1+2.*q(:,2).^2;
-    R(2,1,:) = 2.*(q(:,2).*q(:,3)-q(:,1).*q(:,4));
-    R(3,1,:) = 2.*(q(:,2).*q(:,4)+q(:,1).*q(:,3));
-    R(3,2,:) = 2.*(q(:,3).*q(:,4)-q(:,1).*q(:,2));
-    R(3,3,:) = 2.*q(:,1).^2-1+2.*q(:,4).^2;
-    phi = atan2(R(3,2,:), R(3,3,:) );
-    theta = -atan(R(3,1,:) ./ sqrt(1-R(3,1,:).^2) );
-    psi = atan2(R(2,1,:), R(1,1,:) );
-    euler = [phi(1,:)' theta(1,:)' psi(1,:)'];
diff --git a/quaternion_library/quatern2rotMat.m b/quaternion_library/quatern2rotMat.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 38dc945f2a2de496ef40a80b4c3219858af2270e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quaternion_library/quatern2rotMat.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-function R = quatern2rotMat(q)
-%QUATERN2ROTMAT Converts a quaternion orientation to a rotation matrix
-%   R = quatern2rotMat(q)
-%   Converts a quaternion orientation to a rotation matrix.
-%   For more information see:
-%   http://www.x-io.co.uk/node/8#quaternions
-%	Date          Author          Notes
-%	27/09/2011    SOH Madgwick    Initial release
-    R(1,1,:) = 2.*q(:,1).^2-1+2.*q(:,2).^2;
-    R(1,2,:) = 2.*(q(:,2).*q(:,3)+q(:,1).*q(:,4));
-    R(1,3,:) = 2.*(q(:,2).*q(:,4)-q(:,1).*q(:,3));
-    R(2,1,:) = 2.*(q(:,2).*q(:,3)-q(:,1).*q(:,4));
-    R(2,2,:) = 2.*q(:,1).^2-1+2.*q(:,3).^2;
-    R(2,3,:) = 2.*(q(:,3).*q(:,4)+q(:,1).*q(:,2));
-    R(3,1,:) = 2.*(q(:,2).*q(:,4)+q(:,1).*q(:,3));
-    R(3,2,:) = 2.*(q(:,3).*q(:,4)-q(:,1).*q(:,2));
-    R(3,3,:) = 2.*q(:,1).^2-1+2.*q(:,4).^2;
diff --git a/quaternion_library/quaternConj.m b/quaternion_library/quaternConj.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 5709fcd38fd8d8a0d199aa1b3c6d5f94ee637d07..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quaternion_library/quaternConj.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-function qConj = quaternConj(q)
-%QUATERN2ROTMAT Converts a quaternion to its conjugate
-%   qConj = quaternConj(q)
-%   Converts a quaternion to its conjugate.
-%   For more information see:
-%   http://www.x-io.co.uk/node/8#quaternions
-%	Date          Author          Notes
-%	27/09/2011    SOH Madgwick    Initial release
-    qConj = [q(:,1) -q(:,2) -q(:,3) -q(:,4)];
diff --git a/quaternion_library/quaternProd.m b/quaternion_library/quaternProd.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c3d9217779fed37d4b79a8274b12ba32e786ac8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quaternion_library/quaternProd.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-function ab = quaternProd(a, b)
-%QUATERNPROD Calculates the quaternion product
-%   ab = quaternProd(a, b)
-%   Calculates the quaternion product of quaternion a and b.
-%   For more information see:
-%   http://www.x-io.co.uk/node/8#quaternions
-%	Date          Author          Notes
-%	27/09/2011    SOH Madgwick    Initial release
-    ab(:,1) = a(:,1).*b(:,1)-a(:,2).*b(:,2)-a(:,3).*b(:,3)-a(:,4).*b(:,4);
-    ab(:,2) = a(:,1).*b(:,2)+a(:,2).*b(:,1)+a(:,3).*b(:,4)-a(:,4).*b(:,3);
-    ab(:,3) = a(:,1).*b(:,3)-a(:,2).*b(:,4)+a(:,3).*b(:,1)+a(:,4).*b(:,2);
-    ab(:,4) = a(:,1).*b(:,4)+a(:,2).*b(:,3)-a(:,3).*b(:,2)+a(:,4).*b(:,1);
diff --git a/quaternion_library/rotMat2euler.m b/quaternion_library/rotMat2euler.m
deleted file mode 100644
index c08dfd09ef9284104475a8aba9190a57290f5f51..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quaternion_library/rotMat2euler.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-function euler = rotMat2euler(R)
-%ROTMAT2EULER Converts a rotation matrix orientation to ZYX Euler angles
-%   euler = rotMat2euler(R)
-%   Converts a rotation matrix orientation to ZYX Euler angles where phi is
-%   a rotation around X, theta around Y and psi around Z.
-%   For more information see:
-%   http://www.x-io.co.uk/node/8#quaternions
-%   Date          Author          Notes
-%   27/09/2011    SOH Madgwick    Initial release
-    phi = atan2(R(3,2,:), R(3,3,:) );
-    theta = -atan(R(3,1,:) ./ sqrt(1-R(3,1,:).^2) );
-    psi = atan2(R(2,1,:), R(1,1,:) );
-    euler = [phi(1,:)' theta(1,:)' psi(1,:)'];
diff --git a/quaternion_library/rotMat2quatern.m b/quaternion_library/rotMat2quatern.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ec5bdf84c6a5dafe8657cd811d8914bf1358b0c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/quaternion_library/rotMat2quatern.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-function q = rotMat2quatern(R)
-%ROTMAT2QUATERN Converts a rotation matrix orientation to a quaternion
-%   q = axisAngle2quatern(axis, angle)
-%   Converts a rotation matrix orientation to a quaternion.
-%   For more information see:
-%   http://www.x-io.co.uk/node/8#quaternions
-%	Date          Author          Notes
-%	27/09/2011    SOH Madgwick    Initial release
-    [row col numR] = size(R);
-    q = zeros(numR, 4);
-    K = zeros(4,4);
-    for i = 1:numR
-        K(1,1) = (1/3) * (R(1,1,i) - R(2,2,i) - R(3,3,i));
-        K(1,2) = (1/3) * (R(2,1,i) + R(1,2,i));
-        K(1,3) = (1/3) * (R(3,1,i) + R(1,3,i));
-        K(1,4) = (1/3) * (R(2,3,i) - R(3,2,i));
-        K(2,1) = (1/3) * (R(2,1,i) + R(1,2,i));
-        K(2,2) = (1/3) * (R(2,2,i) - R(1,1,i) - R(3,3,i));
-        K(2,3) = (1/3) * (R(3,2,i) + R(2,3,i));
-        K(2,4) = (1/3) * (R(3,1,i) - R(1,3,i));
-        K(3,1) = (1/3) * (R(3,1,i) + R(1,3,i));
-        K(3,2) = (1/3) * (R(3,2,i) + R(2,3,i));
-        K(3,3) = (1/3) * (R(3,3,i) - R(1,1,i) - R(2,2,i));
-        K(3,4) = (1/3) * (R(1,2,i) - R(2,1,i));
-        K(4,1) = (1/3) * (R(2,3,i) - R(3,2,i));
-        K(4,2) = (1/3) * (R(3,1,i) - R(1,3,i));
-        K(4,3) = (1/3) * (R(1,2,i) - R(2,1,i));
-        K(4,4) = (1/3) * (R(1,1,i) + R(2,2,i) + R(3,3,i));
-        [V,D] = eig(K);
-        %p = find(max(D));
-        %q = V(:,p)';
-        q(i,:) = V(:,4)';
-        q(i,:) = [q(i,4) q(i,1) q(i,2) q(i,3)];
-    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/readCalibratedMTwLog.m b/readCalibratedMTwLog.m
deleted file mode 100644
index ab515194d4c15d5d631e2fb25c213ec5b2c6452c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/readCalibratedMTwLog.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-function data = readCalibratedMTwLog(filename)
-% data = readCalibratedMTwLog(filename)
-% read mtw exported txt file
-fid = fopen([filename]);
-if fid == -1
-    disp('invalid mtw file');
-data.StartTime = str2double(regexp(fgetl(fid),'[0-9]+','match'));
-data.fs = str2double(regexp(fgetl(fid),'[0-9]+\.[0-9]+','match'));
-data.Scenario = regexp(fgetl(fid),'[0-9]+\.[0-9]','match');  
-empty_line = fgetl(fid);
-data.FW = regexp(fgetl(fid),'[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+','match');
-tline = fgetl(fid);
-while isempty(regexp(tline,'Counter', 'once'))
-    tline = fgetl(fid);
-    header = regexp(tline,'\w+\s\w+\:','match');
-%    if (strcmp(header,'Sample rate:'))
-    data = regexp(tline,'(?<fs>\d+\.\d+)','names');
-%    end
-header = regexp(tline,'\t','split');
-numcols = length(header);
-values = textscan(fid, repmat('%f',1,numcols), 'delimiter', '\t');%, 'HeaderLines',4);
-data.N = length(values{1});
-data.counter = values{1};
-%GIVES ERROR IF Nsamples>16 bits
-%if (data.counter(end)-data.counter(1)+1 ~= data.N)
-%    error('Samples missing');
-for i = 1:length(values)
-    %Remove first 0.25s at start and end samples
-    ncut = round(0.5*data.fs);
-    values{i} = values{i}(ncut:end-ncut);
-    isnanValues = isnan(values{i});
-    if sum(isnanValues)>0
-        values{i}(isnanValues) = 0;        
-        %disp('NaN values set to zero
-    end    
-data.N = length(values{1});
-data.counter = values{1};
-data.header{1} = 'counter';
-for i = 1:numcols
-    if strcmp(header{i},'Acc_X')
-        data.acc = [values{i} values{i+1} values{i+2}];
-        data.header{end+1} = 'acc';
-    end
-    if strcmp(header{i},'Gyr_X')
-        data.gyr = [values{i} values{i+1} values{i+2}];
-        data.header{end+1} = 'gyr';
-    end
-    if strcmp(header{i},'Mag_X')
-        data.mag = [values{i} values{i+1} values{i+2}];
-        data.header{end+1} = 'mag';
-    end
-    if strcmp(header{i},'Quat_w')
-        data.qgs = [values{i} values{i+1} values{i+2} values{i+3}];
-        data.header{end+1} = 'qgs';
-    end
-    if strcmp(header{i},'Mat[1][1]')
-%         warning('check if first column or rows')
-        data.Rgs=zeros(data.N,3,3);
-        data.Rsg=zeros(data.N,3,3);
-        data.Rsg(:,:,1)=[values{i} values{i+1} values{i+2} ];
-        data.Rsg(:,:,2)=[values{i+3} values{i+4} values{i+5} ];
-        data.Rsg(:,:,3)=[values{i+6} values{i+7} values{i+8} ];
-            data.Rgs(:,1,:)=[values{i} values{i+1} values{i+2} ];
-            data.Rgs(:,2,:)=[values{i+3} values{i+4} values{i+5} ];
-            data.Rgs(:,3,:)=[values{i+6} values{i+7} values{i+8} ];
-        data.header{end+1} = 'RgsXsens';
-    end
-    if strcmp(header{i},'OriInc_w')
-        data.dqgs = [values{i} values{i+1} values{i+2} values{i+3}];
-        data.header{end+1} = 'dqgs';
-    end
-    if strcmp(header{i},'VelInc_X')
-        data.dv = [values{i} values{i+1} values{i+2}];
-        data.header{end+1} = 'dv';
-    end
-    if strcmp(header{i},'Temperature')
-        data.temp = values{i};
-        data.header{end+1} = 'temp';
-    end
-    if strcmp(header{i},'Pressure')
-        data.pres = values{i};
-        data.header{end+1} = 'pres';
-    end
-%data.gyr = qrot(-data.gyr,data.qsg);
-%data.gyr =  -data.gyr;
-%data.Acc = [values{9} values{10} values{11}];
-%data.Gyr = [values{12} values{13} values{14}];
-%data.Mag = [values{15} values{16} values{17}];
-%data.qsg = [values{19} values{20} values{21} values{22}];
-%data.P = [values{18}];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zvt.m b/zvt.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 822394b973de6f73e5d41380cb2a0d4120cb73b3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/zvt.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-%% Function to determine when the foot is stationary on the floor.
-% inputs:
-% acc - Nx3 matrix with acceleration values.
-% gyr - Nx# matrix with gyroscope values.
-% outputs:
-% tStart - indexes of initial contacts.
-% tEnd - indexes of toe-off.
-% contactVector - vector with indicators of contact.
-function  [tStart, tEnd, contactVector] = zvt(acc,gyr)
-% Tranform gyroscope data in degrees/second.
-% Obtain the magnitudes of acceleration and angular velocity.
-% Initialize N, k and v.
-N = length(mgyr);
-contactVector = zeros(1,length(mgyr));
-varianceWindow = zeros(1,length(mgyr));
-% loop over all samples starting at 11 for the first window.
-for i=11:N
-    % Take a snapshot of the acceleration data and average it.
-    maccWindow=macc(i-10:i-1); 
-    avgmaccWindow=sum(maccWindow)/10;
-    % Calculate the variance within that window.
-    varianceWindow(i-10)=sqrt(sum((maccWindow-avgmaccWindow).^2)/10);
-    % If the variance is small, the gyroscope signal is small and the
-    % acceleration magnitude is close to gravity the foot should be
-    % stationary. For detailed explanation of the conditions see the
-    % publication: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12984-021-00816-4
-    if varianceWindow(i-10)<0.5 && mgyr(i-10)<50 && (9<macc(i-10) && macc(i-10)<11)
-        contactVector(i-10)=0;
-    else
-        contactVector(i-10)=1;
-    end
-% Differentiate the contact vector to find indices of the contacts and
-% double check that the duration of contact is sufficient (10 samples).
-% Correct the contact windows shorter than 10 samples to non-contact.
-for i=1:length(dx)-1
-    if (dx(i+1)-dx(i))<10
-        contactVector(dx(i):dx(i+1))=contactVector(dx(i)-1);
-    end
-% Recalculate the moments of contact to get indices.