From a9be8de5fb9768a11b944c93a2ac28cbe720805a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "AD\\WoudaFJ" <>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 16:34:40 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Renamed variables to make thngs clearer. TODO: inSignals
 should be updated.

 +math/IntSignals.m     |  3 ++-
 +math/calculateSteps.m | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 +math/correctSteps.m   | 29 ++++++++++++++++-------------
 +math/initOrien.m      | 35 ++++++++++++++++-------------------
 +math/zvt.m            | 26 +++++++++++++-------------
 Main.m                 |  2 +-
 getCalibration.m       |  3 +--
 7 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

diff --git a/+math/IntSignals.m b/+math/IntSignals.m
index 3c226f3..c4890df 100644
--- a/+math/IntSignals.m
+++ b/+math/IntSignals.m
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 function data = intSignals(data,index)
+% Pre-allocate structures for rotated signals.
 if index == 1
     data.rG = nan(data.N,3);
     data.vG = nan(data.N,3);
@@ -10,7 +11,7 @@ end
 % Current part of analysis.
-indexes =;
+indexes = data.tMiddle(index):data.tMiddle(index+1);
 % Rotate the gyroscope data to Foot-frame.
 gF = (data.Rcal*data.dgyr(indexes,:)');
diff --git a/+math/calculateSteps.m b/+math/calculateSteps.m
index dfaeffd..43da98e 100644
--- a/+math/calculateSteps.m
+++ b/+math/calculateSteps.m
@@ -6,10 +6,34 @@
 % output:
 % dataStruct - containing calculated FPA.
-function dataStruct = calculateSteps(dataStruct)
+function dataStruct = calculateSteps(dataStruct, trialName)
+% Get the trial data.
+data = dataStruct.(trialName);
+% Get all calibration files.
+calibrationFields = fieldnames(dataStruct.calibration);
+% By default take the first calibration trial.
+calibration = dataStruct.calibration.(calibrationFields{1});
+% cut-off frequency of the filter.
+fCutoff = 2;
+% 2nd order low-pass butterworth filter to get the relevant motion data.
+% Implement as filtfilt due to no realtime constraints.
+[Bf, Af] = butter(2, (2 * fCutoff / data.fs));
+data.filtAcc = filtfilt(Bf, Af, data.acc); 
+data.filtGyr = filtfilt(Bf, Af, data.gyr);
+% Step detection using the zero velocity update.
+data = math.zvt(data);
+% Correct the steps.
+data = math.correctSteps(data);
 % Number of steps is 1 smaller as it should end with foot contact.
-steps = 1:(length(dataStruct.tMiddle)-1);
+steps = 1:(length(data.tMiddle)-1);
 % Loop over all steps.    
 for iStep = steps
diff --git a/+math/correctSteps.m b/+math/correctSteps.m
index f779408..fffdb2f 100644
--- a/+math/correctSteps.m
+++ b/+math/correctSteps.m
@@ -9,19 +9,22 @@
 function dataStruct = correctSteps(dataStruct)
-% Correct for wrong first step.
-if dataStruct.tEnd(1) < dataStruct.tStart(1)
-    dataStruct.tEnd(1) = [];
-% End with a full step.
-if dataStruct.tEnd(end) < dataStruct.tStart(end)
-    dataStruct.tStart(end) = [];
+if ~isempty(dataStruct.tStart)  
+    % Correct for wrong first step.
+    if dataStruct.tEnd(1) < dataStruct.tStart(1)
+        dataStruct.tEnd(1) = [];
+    end
+    % End with a full step.
+    if dataStruct.tEnd(end) < dataStruct.tStart(end)
+        dataStruct.tStart(end) = [];
+    end
+    % Get the middle of contact phases for later calculations.
+    dataStruct.tMiddle = floor((dataStruct.tStart(2:end) + ...
+        dataStruct.tEnd(1:end-1))/2);
+    disp("NO steps detected.")
-% Get the middle of contact phases for later calculations.
-dataStruct.tMiddle = floor((dataStruct.tStart(2:end) + ...
-    dataStruct.tEnd(1:end-1))/2);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/+math/initOrien.m b/+math/initOrien.m
index f2fa384..f01dc45 100644
--- a/+math/initOrien.m
+++ b/+math/initOrien.m
@@ -13,37 +13,34 @@
 % tEnd - end time of static parts.
 % contactVector - boolean vector containing indicators of contact.
-function outStruct = initOrien(data)
-% Pre-allocate structure
-outStruct = struct();
+function data = initOrien(data)
 % cut-off frequency of the filter.
-fCutoff = 2;
+data.fCutoff = 2;
 % 2nd order low-pass butterworth filter to get the relevant motion data.
 % Implement as filtfilt due to no realtime constraints.
-[Bf, Af] = butter(2, (2 * fCutoff / data.fs));
-outStruct.filtAcc = filtfilt(Bf, Af, data.acc); 
-outStruct.filtGyr = filtfilt(Bf, Af, data.gyr);
+[Bf, Af] = butter(2, (2 * data.fCutoff / data.fs));
+data.filtAcc = filtfilt(Bf, Af, data.acc); 
+data.filtGyr = filtfilt(Bf, Af, data.gyr);
 %% Step detection using the zero velocity update.
-[outStruct.tStart, outStruct.tEnd, outStruct.contactVector] = math.zvt(outStruct.filtAcc,outStruct.filtGyr, data.fs);
+data = math.zvt(data);
 % Correct the calculated steps.
-outStruct = math.correctSteps(outStruct);
+data = math.correctSteps(data);
 % Find the Static and Dynamic parts of the calibration trial.
-staticPart = floor(0.2*outStruct.tStart):floor(0.8*outStruct.tStart);
-steps = find(diff(outStruct.contactVector));
-if outStruct.contactVector(1) == 1
+staticPart = floor(0.2*data.tStart):floor(0.8*data.tStart);
+steps = find(diff(data.contactVector));
+if data.contactVector(1) == 1
     steps(1) = [];
 dynamicPart = steps(1):steps(6);
 % Determine bias and subtract it.
-outStruct.gyroBias = mean(data.gyr(staticPart,:));
-gyroNoBias = data.gyr - outStruct.gyroBias;
+data.gyroBias = mean(data.gyr(staticPart,:));
+gyroNoBias = data.gyr - data.gyroBias;
 % Obtain the perpendicular walking direction principal component.
 yAxis = pca((gyroNoBias(dynamicPart,:)-mean(gyroNoBias(dynamicPart,:))));
@@ -60,16 +57,16 @@ xas = cross(normYaxis',zaxis)/norm(cross(normYaxis',zaxis));
 tzt = cross(xas,normYaxis)/norm(cross(xas,normYaxis));
 % Calculate the errors of the axes with respect to being perpendicular.
-outStruct.rmz = sqrt((tzt-zaxis).^2);
+data.rmz = sqrt((tzt-zaxis).^2);
 txt = cross(zaxis,xas)/norm(cross(zaxis,xas));
-outStruct.rmy = sqrt((txt-normYaxis').^2);
+data.rmy = sqrt((txt-normYaxis').^2);
 % the rotation matrix  is obtained by adding the three directions together.
-outStruct.rotMatrix = inv([xas',normYaxis,tzt']);
+data.rotMatrix = inv([xas',normYaxis,tzt']);
 % Determine acc offset (gravity)
 accOffset = mean(data.acc(staticPart,:));
 % Rotate acc offset to foot frame.
-outStruct.accOffsetR = (outStruct.rotMatrix*accOffset')';
+data.accOffsetR = (data.rotMatrix*accOffset')';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/+math/zvt.m b/+math/zvt.m
index 80e22ac..e09a071 100644
--- a/+math/zvt.m
+++ b/+math/zvt.m
@@ -8,19 +8,19 @@
 % tEnd - indexes of toe-off.
 % contactVector - vector with indicators of contact.
-function  [tStart, tEnd, dynamicsVector] = zvt(acc,gyr,fs)
+function data = zvt(data)
 % Obtain the magnitudes of acceleration and angular velocity.
 % Initialize N, k and v.
-N = length(mGyr);
-dynamicsVector = ones(length(mGyr),1);
+data.N = length(mGyr);
+data.contactVector = ones(length(mGyr),1);
 varianceWindow = zeros(length(mGyr),1);
 % loop over all samples starting at 11 for the first window.
-for i=11:N
+for i=11:data.N
     % Take a snapshot of the acceleration data and average it.
@@ -33,25 +33,25 @@ for i=11:N
     % stationary. For detailed explanation of the conditions see the
     % publication:
     if varianceWindow(i-10)<0.5 && mGyr(i-10)<50 && (9<mAcc(i-10) && mAcc(i-10)<11)
-        dynamicsVector(i-10)=0;
+        data.contactVector(i-10)=0;
 % Differentiate the contact vector to find indices of the contacts and
 % double check that the duration of contact is sufficient (10 samples).
 % Correct the contact windows shorter than 100 ms to non-contact.
 for i=1:length(dx)-1
-    if (dx(i+1)-dx(i))/fs <= 0.1
-        dynamicsVector(dx(i):dx(i+1))=dynamicsVector(dx(i)-1);
+    if (dx(i+1)-dx(i))/data.fs <= 0.1
+        data.contactVector(dx(i):dx(i+1))=data.contactVector(dx(i)-1);
 % Recalculate the moments of contact to get indices.
diff --git a/Main.m b/Main.m
index 516837f..2b08b77 100644
--- a/Main.m
+++ b/Main.m
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ for i = 3:length(subjectFolders)
         % calculate all values for each step.
         dataStruct.(subjectFolders(i).name).(trialName) = ...
-            math.calculateSteps(dataStruct.(subjectFolders(i).name).(trialName));
+            math.calculateSteps(dataStruct.(subjectFolders(i).name), trialName);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/getCalibration.m b/getCalibration.m
index 1bb3dde..9375003 100644
--- a/getCalibration.m
+++ b/getCalibration.m
@@ -27,8 +27,7 @@ function dataStruct = getCalibration(filePath)
         % Determine the calibration orientation.
-        dataStruct.(trialName).calibration = ...
-        math.initOrien(dataStruct.(trialName));
+        dataStruct.(trialName) = math.initOrien(dataStruct.(trialName));