diff --git a/irker.py b/irker.py
index 18f11417e9b2206641c59bc5ae96f798239261aa..8b07e359f7803166cae33325aababc10a8da9b76 100755
--- a/irker.py
+++ b/irker.py
@@ -5,12 +5,13 @@ irker - a simple IRC multiplexer daemon
 Takes JSON objects of the form {'channel':<channel-url>, 'message':<text>}
 and relays messages to IRC channels.
-Run this as a daemon in order to maimntain stateful connections to IRC
+Run this as a daemon in order to maintain stateful connections to IRC
 servers; this will allow it to respond to server pings and minimize
 join/leave traffic.
 Requires Python 2.6.
+TO-DO: some servers have a limit of 20 channels per server connection.
 import os, sys, json, irclib, exceptions, getopt, urlparse
 import threading, Queue