# Makefile for the irker relaying daemon VERS := $(shell sed -n 's/version = "\(.\+\)"/\1/p' irkerd) SYSTEMDSYSTEMUNITDIR := $(shell pkg-config --variable=systemdsystemunitdir systemd) # `prefix`, `mandir` & `DESTDIR` can and should be set on the command # line to control installation locations prefix ?= /usr mandir ?= /share/man target = $(DESTDIR)$(prefix) docs: irkerd.html irkerd.8 irkerhook.html irkerhook.1 irkerd.8: irkerd.xml xmlto man irkerd.xml irkerd.html: irkerd.xml xmlto html-nochunks irkerd.xml irkerhook.1: irkerhook.xml xmlto man irkerhook.xml irkerhook.html: irkerhook.xml xmlto html-nochunks irkerhook.xml install.html: install.txt asciidoc -o install.html install.txt security.html: security.txt asciidoc -o security.html security.txt hacking.html: hacking.txt asciidoc -o hacking.html hacking.txt install: irkerd.8 irkerhook.1 uninstall install -m 755 -o 0 -g 0 -d "$(target)/bin" install -m 755 -o 0 -g 0 irkerd "$(target)/bin/irkerd" ifneq ($(strip $(SYSTEMDSYSTEMUNITDIR)),) install -m 755 -o 0 -g 0 -d "$(DESTDIR)$(SYSTEMDSYSTEMUNITDIR)" install -m 644 -o 0 -g 0 irkerd.service "$(DESTDIR)$(SYSTEMDSYSTEMUNITDIR)" endif install -m 755 -o 0 -g 0 -d "$(target)$(mandir)/man8" install -m 755 -o 0 -g 0 irkerd.8 "$(target)$(mandir)/man8/irkerd.8" install -m 755 -o 0 -g 0 -d "$(target)$(mandir)/man1" install -m 755 -o 0 -g 0 irkerhook.1 "$(target)$(mandir)/man1/irkerhook.1" uninstall: rm -f "$(target)/bin/irkerd" ifneq ($(strip $(SYSTEMDSYSTEMUNITDIR)),) rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(SYSTEMDSYSTEMUNITDIR)/irkerd.service" endif rm -f "$(target)$(mandir)/man8/irkerd.8" rm -f "$(target)$(mandir)/man1/irkerhook.1" clean: rm -f irkerd.8 irkerhook.1 irker-*.tar.gz *~ *.html PYLINTOPTS = --rcfile=/dev/null --reports=n --include-ids=y --disable="C0103,C0111,C0301,R0201,R0902,R0903,R0912,R0913,R0914,R0915,E1101,W0201,W0212,W0621,W0702,F0401" pylint: @pylint --output-format=parseable $(PYLINTOPTS) irkerd @pylint --output-format=parseable $(PYLINTOPTS) irkerhook.py loc: @echo "LOC:"; wc -l irkerd irkerhook.py @echo -n "LLOC: "; grep -vE '(^ *#|^ *$$)' irkerd irkerhook.py | wc -l DOCS = \ README \ COPYING \ NEWS \ install.txt \ security.txt \ hacking.txt \ irkerhook.xml \ irkerd.xml \ SOURCES = \ $(DOCS) \ irkerd.py \ irkerhook.py \ filter-example.py \ filter-test.py \ irk \ Makefile EXTRA_DIST = \ org.catb.irkerd.plist \ irkerd.service \ irker-logo.png version: @echo $(VERS) irker-$(VERS).tar.gz: $(SOURCES) irkerd.8 irkerhook.1 mkdir irker-$(VERS) cp -pR $(SOURCES) $(EXTRA_DIST) irker-$(VERS)/ @COPYFILE_DISABLE=1 tar -cvzf irker-$(VERS).tar.gz irker-$(VERS) rm -fr irker-$(VERS) dist: irker-$(VERS).tar.gz release: irker-$(VERS).tar.gz irkerd.html irkerhook.html install.html security.html hacking.html shipper version=$(VERS) | sh -e -x