#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2012 Eric S. Raymond <esr@thyrsus.com> # Distributed under BSD terms. # # This script contains git porcelain and porcelain byproducts. # Requires Python 2.6, or 2.5 with the simplejson library installed. # # usage: irkerhook.py [-V] [-n] [--variable=value...] [commit_id...] # # This script is meant to be run in an update or post-commit hook. # Try it with -n to see the notification dumped to stdout and verify # that it looks sane. With -V this script dumps its version and exits. # # See the irkerhook manual page in the distribution for a detailed # explanation of how to configure this hook. # The default location of the irker proxy, if the project configuration # does not override it. default_server = "localhost" IRKER_PORT = 6659 # The default service used to turn your web-view URL into a tinyurl so it # will take up less space on the IRC notification line. default_tinyifier = "http://tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url=" # Map magic urlprefix values to actual URL prefixes. urlprefixmap = { "viewcvs": "http://%(host)s/viewcvs/%(repo)s?view=revision&revision=", "gitweb": "http://%(host)s/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=%(repo)s;a=commit;h=", "cgit": "http://%(host)s/cgi-bin/cgit.cgi/%(repo)s/commit/?id=", } # By default, ship to the freenode #commits list default_channels = "irc://chat.freenode.net/#commits" # # No user-serviceable parts below this line: # version = "1.11" import os, sys, commands, socket, urllib, subprocess, locale from pipes import quote as shellquote try: import simplejson as json # Faster, also makes us Python-2.5-compatible except ImportError: import json def do(command): return unicode(commands.getstatusoutput(command)[1], locale.getpreferredencoding() or 'UTF-8') class Commit: def __init__(self, extractor, commit): "Per-commit data." self.commit = commit self.branch = None self.rev = None self.mail = None self.author = None self.files = None self.logmsg = None self.url = None self.__dict__.update(extractor.__dict__) def __unicode__(self): "Produce a notification string from this commit." if self.urlprefix.lower() == "none": self.url = "" else: urlprefix = urlprefixmap.get(self.urlprefix, self.urlprefix) webview = (urlprefix % self.__dict__) + self.commit try: if urllib.urlopen(webview).getcode() == 404: raise IOError if self.tinyifier and self.tinyifier.lower() != "none": try: # Didn't get a retrieval error or 404 on the web # view, so try to tinyify a reference to it. self.url = open(urllib.urlretrieve(self.tinyifier + webview)[0]).read() except IOError: self.url = webview else: self.url = webview except IOError: self.url = "" return self.template % self.__dict__ class GenericExtractor: "Generic class for encapsulating data from a VCS." booleans = ["tcp"] numerics = ["maxchannels"] def __init__(self, arguments): self.arguments = arguments self.project = None self.repo = None # These aren't really repo data but they belong here anyway... self.tcp = True self.tinyifier = default_tinyifier self.server = None self.channels = None self.maxchannels = 0 self.template = None self.urlprefix = None self.host = socket.getfqdn() self.cialike = None self.filtercmd = None # Color highlighting is disabled by default. self.color = None self.bold = self.green = self.blue = self.yellow = "" self.brown = self.magenta = self.cyan = self.reset = "" def activate_color(self, style): "IRC color codes." if style == 'mIRC': # mIRC colors are mapped as closely to the ANSI colors as # possible. However, bright colors (green, blue, red, # yellow) have been made their dark counterparts since # ChatZilla does not properly darken mIRC colors in the # Light Motif color scheme. self.bold = '\x02' self.green = '\x0303' self.blue = '\x0302' self.red = '\x0305' self.yellow = '\x0307' self.brown = '\x0305' self.magenta = '\x0306' self.cyan = '\x0310' self.reset = '\x0F' if style == 'ANSI': self.bold = '\x1b[1m' self.green = '\x1b[1;32m' self.blue = '\x1b[1;34m' self.red = '\x1b[1;31m' self.yellow = '\x1b[1;33m' self.brown = '\x1b[33m' self.magenta = '\x1b[35m' self.cyan = '\x1b[36m' self.reset = '\x1b[0m' def load_preferences(self, conf): "Load preferences from a file in the repository root." if not os.path.exists(conf): return ln = 0 for line in open(conf): ln += 1 if line.startswith("#") or not line.strip(): continue elif line.count('=') != 1: sys.stderr.write('"%s", line %d: missing = in config line\n' \ % (conf, ln)) continue fields = line.split('=') if len(fields) != 2: sys.stderr.write('"%s", line %d: too many fields in config line\n' \ % (conf, ln)) continue variable = fields[0].strip() value = fields[1].strip() if value.lower() == "true": value = True elif value.lower() == "false": value = False # User cannot set maxchannels - only a command-line arg can do that. if variable == "maxchannels": return setattr(self, variable, value) def do_overrides(self): "Make command-line overrides possible." for tok in self.arguments: for key in self.__dict__: if tok.startswith("--" + key + "="): val = tok[len(key)+3:] setattr(self, key, val) for (key, val) in self.__dict__.items(): if key in GenericExtractor.booleans: if type(val) == type("") and val.lower() == "true": setattr(self, key, True) elif type(val) == type("") and val.lower() == "false": setattr(self, key, False) elif key in GenericExtractor.numerics: setattr(self, key, int(val)) if not self.project: sys.stderr.write("irkerhook.py: no project name set!\n") raise SystemExit(1) if not self.repo: self.repo = self.project.lower() if not self.channels: self.channels = default_channels % self.__dict__ if self.color and self.color.lower() != "none": self.activate_color(self.color) def has(dirname, paths): "Test for existence of a list of paths." return all([os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirname, x)) for x in paths]) # VCS-dependent code begins here class GitExtractor(GenericExtractor): "Metadata extraction for the git version control system." @staticmethod def is_repository(dirname): # Must detect both ordinary and bare repositories return has(dirname, [".git"]) or \ has(dirname, ["HEAD", "refs", "objects"]) def __init__(self, arguments): GenericExtractor.__init__(self, arguments) # Get all global config variables self.project = do("git config --get irker.project") self.repo = do("git config --get irker.repo") self.server = do("git config --get irker.server") self.channels = do("git config --get irker.channels") self.tcp = do("git config --bool --get irker.tcp") self.template = '%(bold)s%(project)s:%(reset)s %(green)s%(author)s%(reset)s %(repo)s:%(yellow)s%(branch)s%(reset)s * %(bold)s%(rev)s%(reset)s / %(bold)s%(files)s%(reset)s: %(logmsg)s %(brown)s%(url)s%(reset)s' self.tinyifier = do("git config --get irker.tinyifier") or default_tinyifier self.color = do("git config --get irker.color") self.urlprefix = do("git config --get irker.urlprefix") or "gitweb" self.cialike = do("git config --get irker.cialike") self.filtercmd = do("git config --get irker.filtercmd") # These are git-specific self.refname = do("git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null") self.revformat = do("git config --get irker.revformat") # The project variable defaults to the name of the repository toplevel. if not self.project: bare = do("git config --bool --get core.bare") if bare.lower() == "true": keyfile = "HEAD" else: keyfile = ".git/HEAD" here = os.getcwd() while True: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(here, keyfile)): self.project = os.path.basename(here) if self.project.endswith('.git'): self.project = self.project[0:-4] break elif here == '/': sys.stderr.write("irkerhook.py: no git repo below root!\n") sys.exit(1) here = os.path.dirname(here) # Get overrides self.do_overrides() def head(self): "Return a symbolic reference to the tip commit of the current branch." return "HEAD" def commit_factory(self, commit_id): "Make a Commit object holding data for a specified commit ID." commit = Commit(self, commit_id) commit.branch = os.path.basename(self.refname) # Compute a description for the revision if self.revformat == 'raw': commit.rev = commit.commit elif self.revformat == 'short': commit.rev = '' else: # self.revformat == 'describe' commit.rev = do("git describe %s 2>/dev/null" % shellquote(commit.commit)) if not commit.rev: commit.rev = commit.commit[:12] # Extract the meta-information for the commit commit.files = do("git diff-tree -r --name-only " + shellquote(commit.commit)) commit.files = " ".join(commit.files.strip().split("\n")[1:]) # Design choice: for git we ship only the first line, which is # conventionally supposed to be a summary of the commit. Under # other VCSes a different choice may be appropriate. metainfo = do("git log -1 '--pretty=format:%an <%ae>|%s' " + shellquote(commit.commit)) (commit.author, commit.logmsg) = metainfo.split("|") commit.mail = commit.author.split()[-1].strip("<>") # This discards the part of the author's address after @. # Might be be nice to ship the full email address, if not # for spammers' address harvesters - getting this wrong # would make the freenode #commits channel into harvester heaven. commit.author = commit.mail.split("@")[0] return commit class SvnExtractor(GenericExtractor): "Metadata extraction for the svn version control system." @staticmethod def is_repository(dirname): return has(dirname, ["format", "hooks", "locks"]) def __init__(self, arguments): GenericExtractor.__init__(self, arguments) # Some things we need to have before metadata queries will work self.repository = '.' for tok in arguments: if tok.startswith("--repository="): self.repository = tok[13:] self.project = os.path.basename(self.repository) self.template = '%(bold)s%(project)s%(reset)s: %(green)s%(author)s%(reset)s %(repo)s * %(bold)s%(rev)s%(reset)s / %(bold)s%(files)s%(reset)s: %(logmsg)s %(brown)s%(url)s%(reset)s' self.urlprefix = "viewcvs" self.load_preferences(os.path.join(self.repository, "irker.conf")) self.do_overrides() def head(self): sys.stderr.write("irker: under svn, hook requires a commit argument.\n") raise SystemExit(1) def commit_factory(self, commit_id): self.id = commit_id commit = Commit(self, commit_id) commit.branch = "" commit.rev = "r%s" % self.id commit.author = self.svnlook("author") commit.files = self.svnlook("dirs-changed").strip().replace("\n", " ") commit.logmsg = self.svnlook("log") return commit def svnlook(self, info): return do("svnlook %s %s --revision %s" % (shellquote(info), shellquote(self.repository), shellquote(self.id))) class HgExtractor(GenericExtractor): "Metadata extraction for the Mercurial version control system." @staticmethod def is_repository(directory): return has(directory, [".hg"]) def __init__(self, arguments): # This fiddling with arguments is necessary since the Mercurial hook can # be run in two different ways: either directly via Python (in which # case hg should be pointed to the hg_hook function below) or as a # script (in which case the normal __main__ block at the end of this # file is exercised). In the first case, we already get repository and # ui objects from Mercurial, in the second case, we have to create them # from the root path. self.repository = None if arguments and type(arguments[0]) == type(()): # Called from hg_hook function ui, self.repository = arguments[0] arguments = [] # Should not be processed further by do_overrides else: # Called from command line: create repo/ui objects from mercurial import hg, ui as uimod repopath = '.' for tok in arguments: if tok.startswith('--repository='): repopath = tok[13:] ui = uimod.ui() ui.readconfig(os.path.join(repopath, '.hg', 'hgrc'), repopath) self.repository = hg.repository(ui, repopath) GenericExtractor.__init__(self, arguments) # Extract global values from the hg configuration file(s) self.project = ui.config('irker', 'project') self.repo = ui.config('irker', 'repo') self.server = ui.config('irker', 'server') self.channels = ui.config('irker', 'channels') self.tcp = str(ui.configbool('irker', 'tcp')) # converted to bool again in do_overrides self.template = '%(bold)s%(project)s:%(reset)s %(green)s%(author)s%(reset)s %(repo)s:%(yellow)s%(branch)s%(reset)s * %(bold)s%(rev)s%(reset)s / %(bold)s%(files)s%(reset)s: %(logmsg)s %(brown)s%(url)s%(reset)s' self.tinyifier = ui.config('irker', 'tinyifier') or default_tinyifier self.color = ui.config('irker', 'color') self.urlprefix = (ui.config('irker', 'urlprefix') or ui.config('web', 'baseurl') or '') if self.urlprefix: # self.commit is appended to this by do_overrides self.urlprefix = self.urlprefix.rstrip('/') + '/rev' self.cialike = ui.config('irker', 'cialike') self.filtercmd = ui.config('irker', 'filtercmd') if not self.project: self.project = os.path.basename(self.repository.root.rstrip('/')) self.do_overrides() def head(self): "Return a symbolic reference to the tip commit of the current branch." return "-1" def commit_factory(self, commit_id): "Make a Commit object holding data for a specified commit ID." from mercurial.node import short from mercurial.templatefilters import person node = self.repository.lookup(commit_id) commit = Commit(self, short(node)) # Extract commit-specific values from a "context" object ctx = self.repository.changectx(node) commit.rev = '%d:%s' % (ctx.rev(), commit.commit) commit.branch = ctx.branch() commit.author = person(ctx.user()) commit.logmsg = ctx.description() # Extract changed files from status against first parent st = self.repository.status(ctx.p1().node(), ctx.node()) commit.files = ' '.join(st[0] + st[1] + st[2]) return commit def hg_hook(ui, repo, **kwds): # To be called from a Mercurial "commit" or "incoming" hook. Example # configuration: # [hooks] # incoming.irker = python:/path/to/irkerhook.py:hg_hook extractor = HgExtractor([(ui, repo)]) ship(extractor, kwds['node'], False) # The files we use to identify a Subversion repo might occur as content # in a git or hg repo, but the special subdirectories for those are more # reliable indicators. So test for Subversion last. extractors = [GitExtractor, HgExtractor, SvnExtractor] # VCS-dependent code ends here def ship(extractor, commit, debug): "Ship a notification for the specified commit." metadata = extractor.commit_factory(commit) # This is where we apply filtering if extractor.filtercmd: cmd = '%s %s' % (shellquote(extractor.filtercmd), shellquote(json.dumps(metadata.__dict__))) data = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read() try: metadata.__dict__.update(json.loads(data)) except ValueError: sys.stderr.write("irkerhook.py: could not decode JSON: %s\n" % data) raise SystemExit, 1 # Rewrite the file list if too long. The objective here is only # to be easier on the eyes. if extractor.cialike \ and extractor.cialike.lower() != "none" \ and len(metadata.files) > int(extractor.cialike): files = metadata.files.split() dirs = set([d.rpartition('/')[0] for d in files]) if len(dirs) == 1: metadata.files = "(%s files)" % (len(files),) else: metadata.files = "(%s files in %s dirs)" % (len(files), len(dirs)) # Message reduction. The assumption here is that IRC can't handle # lines more than 510 characters long. If we exceed that length, we # try knocking out the file list, on the theory that for notification # purposes the commit text is more important. If it's still too long # there's nothing much can be done other than ship it expecting the IRC # server to truncate. privmsg = unicode(metadata) if len(privmsg) > 510: metadata.files = "" privmsg = unicode(metadata) # Anti-spamming guard. It's deliberate that we get maxchannels not from # the user-filtered metadata but from the extractor data - means repo # administrators can lock in that setting. channels = metadata.channels.split(",") if extractor.maxchannels != 0: channels = channels[:extractor.maxchannels] # Ready to ship. message = json.dumps({"to": channels, "privmsg": privmsg}) if debug: print message elif channels: try: if extractor.tcp: try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((extractor.server or default_server, IRKER_PORT)) sock.sendall(message + "\n") finally: sock.close() else: try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.sendto(message + "\n", (extractor.server or default_server, IRKER_PORT)) finally: sock.close() except socket.error, e: sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % e) if __name__ == "__main__": notify = True repository = os.getcwd() commits = [] for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if arg == '-n': notify = False elif arg == '-V': print "irkerhook.py: version", version sys.exit(0) elif arg.startswith("--repository="): repository = arg[13:] elif not arg.startswith("--"): commits.append(arg) # Figure out which extractor we should be using for candidate in extractors: if candidate.is_repository(repository): cls = candidate break else: sys.stderr.write("irkerhook: cannot identify a repository type.\n") raise SystemExit(1) extractor = cls(sys.argv[1:]) # And apply it. if not commits: commits = [extractor.head()] for commit in commits: ship(extractor, commit, not notify) #End