#!/usr/bin/env python """ irkerd - a simple IRC multiplexer daemon Listens for JSON objects of the form {'to':<irc-url>, 'privmsg':<text>} and relays messages to IRC channels. Each request must be followed by a newline. The <text> must be a string. The value of the 'to' attribute can be a string containing an IRC URL (e.g. 'irc://chat.freenet.net/botwar') or a list of such strings; in the latter case the message is broadcast to all listed channels. Note that the channel portion of the URL need *not* have a leading '#' unless the channel name itself does. Design and code by Eric S. Raymond <esr@thyrsus.com>. See the project resource page at <http://www.catb.org/~esr/irker/>. Requires Python 2.7, or: * 2.6 with the argparse package installed. """ from __future__ import with_statement # These things might need tuning HOST = "localhost" PORT = 6659 XMIT_TTL = (3 * 60 * 60) # Time to live, seconds from last transmit PING_TTL = (15 * 60) # Time to live, seconds from last PING HANDSHAKE_TTL = 60 # Time to live, seconds from nick transmit CHANNEL_TTL = (3 * 60 * 60) # Time to live, seconds from last transmit DISCONNECT_TTL = (24 * 60 * 60) # Time to live, seconds from last connect UNSEEN_TTL = 60 # Time to live, seconds since first request CHANNEL_MAX = 18 # Max channels open per socket (default) ANTI_FLOOD_DELAY = 1.0 # Anti-flood delay after transmissions, seconds ANTI_BUZZ_DELAY = 0.09 # Anti-buzz delay after queue-empty check CONNECTION_MAX = 200 # To avoid hitting a thread limit # No user-serviceable parts below this line version = "2.6" import argparse import logging import json try: # Python 3 import queue except ImportError: # Python 2 import Queue as queue import random import re import select import signal import socket try: # Python 3 import socketserver except ImportError: # Python 2 import SocketServer as socketserver import sys import threading import time try: # Python 3 import urllib.parse as urllib_parse except ImportError: # Python 2 import urlparse as urllib_parse LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) LOG.setLevel(logging.ERROR) LOG_LEVELS = ['critical', 'error', 'warning', 'info', 'debug'] # Sketch of implementation: # # One Irker object manages multiple IRC sessions. It holds a map of # Dispatcher objects, one per (server, port) combination, which are # responsible for routing messages to one of any number of Connection # objects that do the actual socket conversations. The reason for the # Dispatcher layer is that IRC daemons limit the number of channels a # client (that is, from the daemon's point of view, a socket) can be # joined to, so each session to a server needs a flock of Connection # instances each with its own socket. # # Connections are timed out and removed when either they haven't seen a # PING for a while (indicating that the server may be stalled or down) # or there has been no message traffic to them for a while, or # even if the queue is nonempty but efforts to connect have failed for # a long time. # # There are multiple threads. One accepts incoming traffic from all # servers. Each Connection also has a consumer thread and a # thread-safe message queue. The program main appends messages to # queues as JSON requests are received; the consumer threads try to # ship them to servers. When a socket write stalls, it only blocks an # individual consumer thread; if it stalls long enough, the session # will be timed out. This solves the biggest problem with a # single-threaded implementation, which is that you can't count on a # single stalled write not hanging all other traffic - you're at the # mercy of the length of the buffers in the TCP/IP layer. # # Message delivery is thus not reliable in the face of network stalls, # but this was considered acceptable because IRC (notoriously) has the # same problem - there is little point in reliable delivery to a relay # that is down or unreliable. # # This code uses only NICK, JOIN, PART, MODE, PRIVMSG, USER, and QUIT. # It is strictly compliant to RFC1459, except for the interpretation and # use of the DEAF and CHANLIMIT and (obsolete) MAXCHANNELS features. # # CHANLIMIT is as described in the Internet RFC draft # draft-brocklesby-irc-isupport-03 at <http://www.mirc.com/isupport.html>. # The ",isnick" feature is as described in # <http://ftp.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/uri/draft-mirashi-url-irc-01.txt>. # Historical note: the IRCClient and IRCServerConnection classes # (~270LOC) replace the overweight, overcomplicated 3KLOC mass of # irclib code that irker formerly used as a service library. They # still look similar to parts of irclib because I contributed to that # code before giving up on it. class IRCError(Exception): "An IRC exception" pass class InvalidRequest (ValueError): "An invalid JSON request" pass class IRCClient(): "An IRC client session to one or more servers." def __init__(self): self.mutex = threading.RLock() self.server_connections = [] self.event_handlers = {} self.add_event_handler("ping", lambda c, e: c.ship("PONG %s" % e.target)) def newserver(self): "Initialize a new server-connection object." conn = IRCServerConnection(self) with self.mutex: self.server_connections.append(conn) return conn def spin(self, timeout=0.2): "Spin processing data from connections forever." # Outer loop should specifically *not* be mutex-locked. # Otherwise no other thread would ever be able to change # the shared state of an IRC object running this function. while True: nextsleep = 0 with self.mutex: connected = [x for x in self.server_connections if x is not None and x.socket is not None] sockets = [x.socket for x in connected] if sockets: connmap = dict([(c.socket.fileno(), c) for c in connected]) (insocks, _o, _e) = select.select(sockets, [], [], timeout) for s in insocks: connmap[s.fileno()].consume() else: nextsleep = timeout time.sleep(nextsleep) def add_event_handler(self, event, handler): "Set a handler to be called later." with self.mutex: event_handlers = self.event_handlers.setdefault(event, []) event_handlers.append(handler) def handle_event(self, connection, event): with self.mutex: h = self.event_handlers th = sorted(h.get("all_events", []) + h.get(event.type, [])) for handler in th: handler(connection, event) def drop_connection(self, connection): with self.mutex: self.server_connections.remove(connection) class LineBufferedStream(): "Line-buffer a read stream." _crlf_re = re.compile(b'\r?\n') def __init__(self): self.buffer = '' def append(self, newbytes): self.buffer += newbytes def lines(self): "Iterate over lines in the buffer." lines = self._crlf_re.split(self.buffer) self.buffer = lines.pop() return iter(lines) def __iter__(self): return self.lines() class IRCServerConnectionError(IRCError): pass class IRCServerConnection(): command_re = re.compile("^(:(?P<prefix>[^ ]+) +)?(?P<command>[^ ]+)( *(?P<argument> .+))?") # The full list of numeric-to-event mappings is in Perl's Net::IRC. # We only need to ensure that if some ancient server throws numerics # for the ones we actually want to catch, they're mapped. codemap = { "001": "welcome", "005": "featurelist", "432": "erroneusnickname", "433": "nicknameinuse", "436": "nickcollision", "437": "unavailresource", } def __init__(self, master): self.master = master self.socket = None def connect(self, target, nickname, password=None, username=None, ircname=None): LOG.debug("connect(server=%r, port=%r, nickname=%r, ...)" % ( target.servername, target.port, nickname)) if self.socket is not None: self.disconnect("Changing servers") self.buffer = LineBufferedStream() self.event_handlers = {} self.real_server_name = "" self.target = target self.nickname = nickname try: self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.socket.bind(('', 0)) self.socket.connect((target.servername, target.port)) except socket.error as err: raise IRCServerConnectionError("Couldn't connect to socket: %s" % err) if password: self.ship("PASS " + password) self.nick(self.nickname) self.user(username=username or ircname, realname=ircname or nickname) return self def close(self): # Without this thread lock, there is a window during which # select() can find a closed socket, leading to an EBADF error. with self.master.mutex: self.disconnect("Closing object") self.master.drop_connection(self) def consume(self): try: incoming = self.socket.recv(16384) except socket.error: # Server hung up on us. self.disconnect("Connection reset by peer") return if not incoming: # Dead air also indicates a connection reset. self.disconnect("Connection reset by peer") return self.buffer.append(incoming) for line in self.buffer: LOG.debug("FROM: %s" % line) if not line: continue prefix = None command = None arguments = None self.handle_event(Event("every_raw_message", self.real_server_name, None, [line])) m = IRCServerConnection.command_re.match(line) if m.group("prefix"): prefix = m.group("prefix") if not self.real_server_name: self.real_server_name = prefix if m.group("command"): command = m.group("command").lower() if m.group("argument"): a = m.group("argument").split(" :", 1) arguments = a[0].split() if len(a) == 2: arguments.append(a[1]) command = IRCServerConnection.codemap.get(command, command) if command in ["privmsg", "notice"]: target = arguments.pop(0) else: target = None if command == "quit": arguments = [arguments[0]] elif command == "ping": target = arguments[0] else: target = arguments[0] arguments = arguments[1:] LOG.debug("command: %s, source: %s, target: %s, arguments: %s" % ( command, prefix, target, arguments)) self.handle_event(Event(command, prefix, target, arguments)) def handle_event(self, event): self.master.handle_event(self, event) if event.type in self.event_handlers: for fn in self.event_handlers[event.type]: fn(self, event) def is_connected(self): return self.socket is not None def disconnect(self, message=""): if self.socket is None: return # Don't send a QUIT here - causes infinite loop! try: self.socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR) self.socket.close() except socket.error: pass del self.socket self.socket = None self.handle_event( Event("disconnect", self.target.server, "", [message])) def join(self, channel, key=""): self.ship("JOIN %s%s" % (channel, (key and (" " + key)))) def mode(self, target, command): self.ship("MODE %s %s" % (target, command)) def nick(self, newnick): self.ship("NICK " + newnick) def part(self, channel, message=""): cmd_parts = ['PART', channel] if message: cmd_parts.append(message) self.ship(' '.join(cmd_parts)) def privmsg(self, target, text): self.ship("PRIVMSG %s :%s" % (target, text)) def quit(self, message=""): self.ship("QUIT" + (message and (" :" + message))) def user(self, username, realname): self.ship("USER %s 0 * :%s" % (username, realname)) def ship(self, string): "Ship a command to the server, appending CR/LF" try: self.socket.send(string.encode('utf-8') + b'\r\n') LOG.debug("TO: %s" % string) except socket.error: self.disconnect("Connection reset by peer.") class Event(object): def __init__(self, evtype, source, target, arguments=None): self.type = evtype self.source = source self.target = target if arguments is None: arguments = [] self.arguments = arguments def is_channel(string): return string and string[0] in "#&+!" class Connection: def __init__(self, irker, target, nick_template, nick_needs_number=False, password=None, **kwargs): self.irker = irker self.target = target self.nick_template = nick_template self.nick_needs_number = nick_needs_number self.password = password self.kwargs = kwargs self.nick_trial = None self.connection = None self.status = None self.last_xmit = time.time() self.last_ping = time.time() self.channels_joined = {} self.channel_limits = {} # The consumer thread self.queue = queue.Queue() self.thread = None def nickname(self, n=None): "Return a name for the nth server connection." if n is None: n = self.nick_trial if self.nick_needs_number: return (self.nick_template % n) else: return self.nick_template def handle_ping(self): "Register the fact that the server has pinged this connection." self.last_ping = time.time() def handle_welcome(self): "The server says we're OK, with a non-conflicting nick." self.status = "ready" LOG.info("nick %s accepted" % self.nickname()) if self.password: self.connection.privmsg("nickserv", "identify %s" % self.password) def handle_badnick(self): "The server says our nick is ill-formed or has a conflict." LOG.info("nick %s rejected" % self.nickname()) if self.nick_needs_number: # Randomness prevents a malicious user or bot from # anticipating the next trial name in order to block us # from completing the handshake. self.nick_trial += random.randint(1, 3) self.last_xmit = time.time() self.connection.nick(self.nickname()) # Otherwise fall through, it might be possible to # recover manually. def handle_disconnect(self): "Server disconnected us for flooding or some other reason." self.connection = None if self.status != "expired": self.status = "disconnected" def handle_kick(self, outof): "We've been kicked." self.status = "handshaking" try: del self.channels_joined[outof] except KeyError: LOG.error("kicked by %s from %s that's not joined" % ( self.target, outof)) qcopy = [] while not self.queue.empty(): (channel, message, key) = self.queue.get() if channel != outof: qcopy.append((channel, message, key)) for (channel, message, key) in qcopy: self.queue.put((channel, message, key)) self.status = "ready" def enqueue(self, channel, message, key, quit_after=False): "Enque a message for transmission." if self.thread is None or not self.thread.is_alive(): self.status = "unseen" self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.dequeue) self.thread.setDaemon(True) self.thread.start() self.queue.put((channel, message, key)) if quit_after: self.queue.put((channel, None, key)) def dequeue(self): "Try to ship pending messages from the queue." try: while True: # We want to be kind to the IRC servers and not hold unused # sockets open forever, so they have a time-to-live. The # loop is coded this particular way so that we can drop # the actual server connection when its time-to-live # expires, then reconnect and resume transmission if the # queue fills up again. if self.queue.empty(): # Queue is empty, at some point we want to time out # the connection rather than holding a socket open in # the server forever. now = time.time() xmit_timeout = now > self.last_xmit + XMIT_TTL ping_timeout = now > self.last_ping + PING_TTL if self.status == "disconnected": # If the queue is empty, we can drop this connection. self.status = "expired" break elif xmit_timeout or ping_timeout: LOG.info(( "timing out connection to %s at %s " "(ping_timeout=%s, xmit_timeout=%s)") % ( self.target, time.asctime(), ping_timeout, xmit_timeout)) with self.irker.irc.mutex: self.connection.context = None self.connection.quit("transmission timeout") self.connection = None self.status = "disconnected" else: # Prevent this thread from hogging the CPU by pausing # for just a little bit after the queue-empty check. # As long as this is less that the duration of a human # reflex arc it is highly unlikely any human will ever # notice. time.sleep(ANTI_BUZZ_DELAY) elif self.status == "disconnected" \ and time.time() > self.last_xmit + DISCONNECT_TTL: # Queue is nonempty, but the IRC server might be # down. Letting failed connections retain queue # space forever would be a memory leak. self.status = "expired" break elif not self.connection and self.status != "expired": # Queue is nonempty but server isn't connected. with self.irker.irc.mutex: self.connection = self.irker.irc.newserver() self.connection.context = self # Try to avoid colliding with other instances self.nick_trial = random.randint(1, 990) self.channels_joined = {} try: # This will throw # IRCServerConnectionError on failure self.connection.connect( target=self.target, nickname=self.nickname(), username="irker", ircname="irker relaying client", **self.kwargs) self.status = "handshaking" LOG.info("XMIT_TTL bump (%s connection) at %s" % ( self.target, time.asctime())) self.last_xmit = time.time() self.last_ping = time.time() except IRCServerConnectionError: self.status = "expired" break elif self.status == "handshaking": if time.time() > self.last_xmit + HANDSHAKE_TTL: self.status = "expired" break else: # Don't buzz on the empty-queue test while we're # handshaking time.sleep(ANTI_BUZZ_DELAY) elif self.status == "unseen" \ and time.time() > self.last_xmit + UNSEEN_TTL: # Nasty people could attempt a denial-of-service # attack by flooding us with requests with invalid # servernames. We guard against this by rapidly # expiring connections that have a nonempty queue but # have never had a successful open. self.status = "expired" break elif self.status == "ready": (channel, message, key) = self.queue.get() if channel not in self.channels_joined: self.connection.join(channel, key=key) LOG.info("joining %s on %s." % (channel, self.target)) # None is magic - it's a request to quit the server if message is None: self.connection.quit() # An empty message might be used as a keepalive or # to join a channel for logging, so suppress the # privmsg send unless there is actual traffic. elif message: for segment in message.split("\n"): # Truncate the message if it's too long, # but we're working with characters here, # not bytes, so we could be off. # 500 = 512 - CRLF - 'PRIVMSG ' - ' :' maxlength = 500 - len(channel) if len(segment) > maxlength: segment = segment[:maxlength] try: self.connection.privmsg(channel, segment) except ValueError as err: LOG.warning(( "irclib rejected a message to %s on %s " "because: %s") % ( channel, self.target, str(err))) LOG.debug(err.format_exc()) time.sleep(ANTI_FLOOD_DELAY) self.last_xmit = self.channels_joined[channel] = time.time() LOG.info("XMIT_TTL bump (%s transmission) at %s" % ( self.target, time.asctime())) self.queue.task_done() elif self.status == "expired": LOG.error( "We're expired but still running! This is a bug.") break except Exception as e: LOG.error("exception %s in thread for %s" % (e, self.target)) # Maybe this should have its own status? self.status = "expired" LOG.debug(e.format_exc()) finally: try: # Make sure we don't leave any zombies behind self.connection.close() except: # Irclib has a habit of throwing fresh exceptions here. Ignore that pass def live(self): "Should this connection not be scavenged?" return self.status != "expired" def joined_to(self, channel): "Is this connection joined to the specified channel?" return channel in self.channels_joined def accepting(self, channel): "Can this connection accept a join of this channel?" if self.channel_limits: match_count = 0 for already in self.channels_joined: # This obscure code is because the RFCs allow separate limits # by channel type (indicated by the first character of the name) # a feature that is almost never actually used. if already[0] == channel[0]: match_count += 1 return match_count < self.channel_limits.get(channel[0], CHANNEL_MAX) else: return len(self.channels_joined) < CHANNEL_MAX class Target(): "Represent a transmission target." def __init__(self, url): self.url = url parsed = urllib_parse.urlparse(url) irchost, _, ircport = parsed.netloc.partition(':') if not ircport: ircport = 6667 self.servername = irchost # IRC channel names are case-insensitive. If we don't smash # case here we may run into problems later. There was a bug # observed on irc.rizon.net where an irkerd user specified #Channel, # got kicked, and irkerd crashed because the server returned # "#channel" in the notification that our kick handler saw. self.channel = parsed.path.lstrip('/').lower() # This deals with a tweak in recent versions of urlparse. if parsed.fragment: self.channel += "#" + parsed.fragment isnick = self.channel.endswith(",isnick") if isnick: self.channel = self.channel[:-7] if self.channel and not isnick and self.channel[0] not in "#&+": self.channel = "#" + self.channel # support both channel?secret and channel?key=secret self.key = "" if parsed.query: self.key = re.sub("^key=", "", parsed.query) self.port = int(ircport) def __str__(self): "Represent this instance as a string" return self.servername or self.url or repr(self) def validate(self): "Raise InvalidRequest if the URL is missing a critical component" if not self.servername: raise InvalidRequest( 'target URL missing a servername: %r' % self.url) if not self.channel: raise InvalidRequest( 'target URL missing a channel: %r' % self.url) def server(self): "Return a hashable tuple representing the destination server." return (self.servername, self.port) class Dispatcher: "Manage connections to a particular server-port combination." def __init__(self, irker, **kwargs): self.irker = irker self.kwargs = kwargs self.connections = [] def dispatch(self, channel, message, key, quit_after=False): "Dispatch messages for our server-port combination." # First, check if there is room for another channel # on any of our existing connections. connections = [x for x in self.connections if x.live()] eligibles = [x for x in connections if x.joined_to(channel)] \ or [x for x in connections if x.accepting(channel)] if eligibles: eligibles[0].enqueue(channel, message, key, quit_after) return # All connections are full up. Look for one old enough to be # scavenged. ancients = [] for connection in connections: for (chan, age) in connections.channels_joined.items(): if age < time.time() - CHANNEL_TTL: ancients.append((connection, chan, age)) if ancients: ancients.sort(key=lambda x: x[2]) (found_connection, drop_channel, _drop_age) = ancients[0] found_connection.part(drop_channel, "scavenged by irkerd") del found_connection.channels_joined[drop_channel] #time.sleep(ANTI_FLOOD_DELAY) found_connection.enqueue(channel, message, key, quit_after) return # All existing channels had recent activity newconn = Connection(self.irker, **self.kwargs) self.connections.append(newconn) newconn.enqueue(channel, message, key, quit_after) def live(self): "Does this server-port combination have any live connections?" self.connections = [x for x in self.connections if x.live()] return len(self.connections) > 0 def pending(self): "Return all connections with pending traffic." return [x for x in self.connections if not x.queue.empty()] def last_xmit(self): "Return the time of the most recent transmission." return max(x.last_xmit for x in self.connections) class Irker: "Persistent IRC multiplexer." def __init__(self, logfile=None, **kwargs): self.logfile = logfile self.kwargs = kwargs self.irc = IRCClient() self.irc.add_event_handler("ping", self._handle_ping) self.irc.add_event_handler("welcome", self._handle_welcome) self.irc.add_event_handler("erroneusnickname", self._handle_badnick) self.irc.add_event_handler("nicknameinuse", self._handle_badnick) self.irc.add_event_handler("nickcollision", self._handle_badnick) self.irc.add_event_handler("unavailresource", self._handle_badnick) self.irc.add_event_handler("featurelist", self._handle_features) self.irc.add_event_handler("disconnect", self._handle_disconnect) self.irc.add_event_handler("kick", self._handle_kick) self.irc.add_event_handler("every_raw_message", self._handle_every_raw_message) self.servers = {} def thread_launch(self): thread = threading.Thread(target=self.irc.spin) thread.setDaemon(True) self.irc._thread = thread thread.start() def _handle_ping(self, connection, _event): "PING arrived, bump the last-received time for the connection." if connection.context: connection.context.handle_ping() def _handle_welcome(self, connection, _event): "Welcome arrived, nick accepted for this connection." if connection.context: connection.context.handle_welcome() def _handle_badnick(self, connection, _event): "Nick not accepted for this connection." if connection.context: connection.context.handle_badnick() def _handle_features(self, connection, event): "Determine if and how we can set deaf mode." if connection.context: cxt = connection.context arguments = event.arguments for lump in arguments: if lump.startswith("DEAF="): if not self.logfile: connection.mode(cxt.nickname(), "+"+lump[5:]) elif lump.startswith("MAXCHANNELS="): m = int(lump[12:]) for pref in "#&+": cxt.channel_limits[pref] = m LOG.info("%s maxchannels is %d" % (connection.server, m)) elif lump.startswith("CHANLIMIT=#:"): limits = lump[10:].split(",") try: for token in limits: (prefixes, limit) = token.split(":") limit = int(limit) for c in prefixes: cxt.channel_limits[c] = limit LOG.info("%s channel limit map is %s" % ( connection.target, cxt.channel_limits)) except ValueError: LOG.error("ill-formed CHANLIMIT property") def _handle_disconnect(self, connection, _event): "Server hung up the connection." LOG.info("server %s disconnected" % connection.target) connection.close() if connection.context: connection.context.handle_disconnect() def _handle_kick(self, connection, event): "Server hung up the connection." target = event.target LOG.info("irker has been kicked from %s on %s" % ( target, connection.target)) if connection.context: connection.context.handle_kick(target) def _handle_every_raw_message(self, _connection, event): "Log all messages when in watcher mode." if self.logfile: with open(self.logfile, "a") as logfp: logfp.write("%03f|%s|%s\n" % \ (time.time(), event.source, event.arguments[0])) def pending(self): "Do we have any pending message traffic?" return [k for (k, v) in self.servers.items() if v.pending()] def _parse_request(self, line): "Request-parsing helper for the handle() method" request = json.loads(line.strip()) if not isinstance(request, dict): raise InvalidRequest( "request is not a JSON dictionary: %r" % request) if "to" not in request or "privmsg" not in request: raise InvalidRequest( "malformed request - 'to' or 'privmsg' missing: %r" % request) channels = request['to'] message = request['privmsg'] if not isinstance(channels, (list, basestring)): raise InvalidRequest( "malformed request - unexpected channel type: %r" % channels) if not isinstance(message, basestring): raise InvalidRequest( "malformed request - unexpected message type: %r" % message) if not isinstance(channels, list): channels = [channels] targets = [] for url in channels: try: if not isinstance(url, basestring): raise InvalidRequest( "malformed request - URL has unexpected type: %r" % url) target = Target(url) target.validate() except InvalidRequest as e: LOG.error(str(e)) else: targets.append(target) return (targets, message) def handle(self, line, quit_after=False): "Perform a JSON relay request." try: targets, message = self._parse_request(line=line) for target in targets: if target.server() not in self.servers: self.servers[target.server()] = Dispatcher( self, target=target, **self.kwargs) self.servers[target.server()].dispatch( target.channel, message, target.key, quit_after=quit_after) # GC dispatchers with no active connections servernames = self.servers.keys() for servername in servernames: if not self.servers[servername].live(): del self.servers[servername] # If we might be pushing a resource limit even # after garbage collection, remove a session. The # goal here is to head off DoS attacks that aim at # exhausting thread space or file descriptors. # The cost is that attempts to DoS this service # will cause lots of join/leave spam as we # scavenge old channels after connecting to new # ones. The particular method used for selecting a # session to be terminated doesn't matter much; we # choose the one longest idle on the assumption # that message activity is likely to be clumpy. if len(self.servers) >= CONNECTION_MAX: oldest = min( self.servers.keys(), key=lambda name: self.servers[name].last_xmit()) del self.servers[oldest] except InvalidRequest as e: LOG.error(str(e)) except ValueError: self.logerr("can't recognize JSON on input: %r" % line) except RuntimeError: self.logerr("wildly malformed JSON blew the parser stack.") class IrkerTCPHandler(socketserver.StreamRequestHandler): def handle(self): while True: line = self.rfile.readline() if not line: break irker.handle(line.strip()) class IrkerUDPHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler): def handle(self): data = self.request[0].strip() #socket = self.request[1] irker.handle(data) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=__doc__.strip().splitlines()[0]) parser.add_argument( '-d', '--log-level', metavar='LEVEL', choices=LOG_LEVELS, help='file of trusted certificates for SSL/TLS') parser.add_argument( '-l', '--log-file', metavar='PATH', help='file for saving captured message traffic') parser.add_argument( '-n', '--nick', metavar='NAME', default='irker%03d', help="nickname (optionally with a '%%.*d' server connection marker)") parser.add_argument( '-p', '--password', metavar='PASSWORD', help='NickServ password') parser.add_argument( '-i', '--immediate', action='store_const', const=True, help='disconnect after sending each message') parser.add_argument( '-V', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s {0}'.format(version)) args = parser.parse_args() handler = logging.StreamHandler() LOG.addHandler(handler) if args.log_level: log_level = getattr(logging, args.log_level.upper()) LOG.setLevel(log_level) irker = Irker( logfile=args.log_file, nick_template=args.nick, nick_needs_number=re.search('%.*d', args.nick), password=args.password, ) LOG.info("irkerd version %s" % version) if args.immediate: irker.irc.add_event_handler("quit", lambda _c, _e: sys.exit(0)) irker.handle('{"to":"%s","privmsg":"%s"}' % (immediate, arguments[0]), quit_after=True) irker.irc.spin() else: irker.thread_launch() try: tcpserver = socketserver.TCPServer((HOST, PORT), IrkerTCPHandler) udpserver = socketserver.UDPServer((HOST, PORT), IrkerUDPHandler) for server in [tcpserver, udpserver]: server = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever) server.setDaemon(True) server.start() try: signal.pause() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise SystemExit(1) except socket.error as e: LOG.error("server launch failed: %r\n" % e) # end