irker history 

1.13 @
  The IRC library at version 3.2 or later is required for this version!
  This means the daemon requires 2.7, though works with 2.6.

1.12 @ 2012-10-11
  Emergency workaround for a Unicode-handling error buried deep in irclib.
  The IRC library at version 3.2 or later is required for this version!
  Only ship to freenode #commits by default.

1.11 @ 2012-10-10
  Code is now fully Unicode-safe.
  A 'cialike' option emulates the file-summary behavior on the old CIA service.

1.10 @ 2012-10-09
  Expire disconnected connections if they aren't needed or can't reconnect.
  Eventlet support removed - didn't play well with the library mutex.

1.9 @ 2012-10-08
  Proper mutex locks prevent an occasional thread crash on session timeout.
  There's now systemd installation support for irkerd.

1.8 @ 2012-10-06
  It's now possible to send to nick URLs.
  Cope gracefully if an IRC server dies or hangs during the nick handshake.

1.7 @ 2012-10-05
  Optional metadata filtering with a user-specified command.
  irkerd code is now armored against IRC library errors in the delivery threads.

1.6 @ 2012-10-04
  In 1.5 trying to appease pylint broke the Mercurial hook.
  Added credits for contributors in hacking.txt.
  Fix the aging out of connections when we hit a resource limit.

1.5 @ 2012-10-03
  Mercurial support.
  Shorten nick negotiation by choosing a random nick base from a large range.
  Make irkerd exit cleanly on control-C.

1.4 @ 2012-10-02
  Graceful handling of server disconnects and kicks.
  Distribution now inclues an installable irkerd plist for Mac OS/X.
  The color variable is no longer boolean; may be miRC or ANSI.
  The installation instructions for have changed!

1.3 @ 2012-10-01
  Support for an irker.conf file to set irkerhook variables under Subversion.
  Color highlighting of notification fields can be enabled. now has its own manual page.
  Added channelmax variable for rate-limiting.
  irkerd now uses green threads, with much lower overhead.
  Fix a bug in handling of channel names with no prefix.

1.2 @ 2012-09-30
  All segments of a message with embedded newlines are now transmitted.
  Message reduction - irkerhook drops the filelist on excessively long ones.
  Shell quote hardening in and some anti-DoS logic.

1.1 @ 2012-09-28
  Add a delay to avoid threads spinning on the empty-queue-check, eating CPU.
  Fix a bug in reporting of multi-file commits.

1.0 @ 2012-09-27
  First production version, somewhat rushed by the sudden death of
  on 24 September.