= Forge installation instructions = irker and irkerhook.py are intended to be installed on forge sites such as SourceForge, GitHub, Gitorious, Gna, and Savannah. This file explains the theory of operation, how to install the code, and how to test it. == Theory of operation == irkerhook.py creates JSON notification requests and ships them to irkerd's listener socket. irkerd run as a daemon in order to maintain all the client state required to post multiple notifications while generating minimum of join/leave messages (which, from the point of view of humans watching irkerd's output, are mere spam). See the security.txt document for a detailed discussion of security and DoS vulnerabilities related to irker. == Installing irker == irker needs to run constantly, watching for TCP and UDP traffic on port 6659. Install it accordingly. You should *not* make irker visible from outside the site firewall, as it can be used to spam IRC channels while masking the source address. You will need to have Jason Coombs's irc library where Python can see it. See <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/irc/>; use version 3.0, not the older code from SourceForge. For higher performance, also install the eventlet library from <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/eventlet/>. This merges in a cooperative threading implementation that is faster and has much lower space overhead than system threads, making irkerd more resistant to potential DoS attacks. The file org.catb.irkerd.plist is a Mac OS/X plist that can be installed to launch irkerd as a boot-time service on that system. == Installing irkerhook.py == Under git, a call to irkerhook.py should be installed in the update hook script of your repo. Under Subversion, the call goes in your repo's post-commit script. See the irkerhook manual page for details. == Testing == Go to a project repo and call irkerhook.py as indicated above while watching the freenode #commits channel.