##Login ``` ssh s1922262@korenvliet.ewi.utwente.nl ``` ## File transfer Copy directory ``` scp -r "/path/to/sourse" s1922262@korenvliet.ewi.utwente.nl:path/to/destination ``` Copy file ``` scp /path/to/file s1922262@korenvliet.ewi.utwente.nl:/path/to/destination ``` Transfer all files form source to current local directory ``` scp -r s1922262@korenvliet.ewi.utwente.nl:/path/to/sourse . ``` ###SLRUM Run job ``` sbatch run.sh ``` Get all my running jobs ``` squeue -u s1922262 ``` Get job info ``` sacct -j jobid ``` Cancel job ``` scancel jobid ``` ## Useful terminal commands Get current path ``` pwd ``` Create a new directory ``` mkdir name ``` Show content of the current directory ``` ls ``` ###VIM ``` vi run.sh ``` `CMD+I, :q, :wq` ## Run script ``` #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=CN.job #SBATCH --error=CN.err # where errors are logged #SBATCH -o CN.out # log output of the script #SBATCH -c 2 # number of cores, 2 #SBATCH --mail-type=END # get email on job end #SBATCH --mail-user=user@gmail.com python3 -u run.py ```