# Programming Project Group 14
# Corsi Block Tapping Task
## Introduction
This project contains an implementation of the Programming Project of Group 14 of module Human Factors and Engineering Psychology. 
<p>Contributors to this project are:</p>
<p>1. Alina Maximova (s2032074, a.maximova@student.utwente.nl)</p>
<p>2. Jana Westermann (s2085887, j.m.l.westermann@student.utwente.nl)</p>
<p>3. Sylvan Botter (s2299100, s.botter@student.utwente.nl)</p>
<p>This implementation contains several files:</p>
<p>1. Block.py -- contains the class defining a block and its properties and functions</p>
<p>2. game.py -- contains the executable program for running the Corsi Task with a user</p>
<p>3. save.py -- contains the method which saves the user's results to a separate file</p>
<p>4. sequence_update.py -- contains the class defining four sequences and their properties and functions</p>
<p>5. user_sequence.py -- contains the method which detects what block was tapped by the user</p>

## Necessary libraries for running this project
In order to run this project a user must have the following libraries installed:
<p>1. pygame</p>
<p>2. time</p>
<p>3. sys</p>
The version of Python used: Python 3.8.5 64-bit (conda)

## How to run the program