 "cells": [
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "df7898a3",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "%pip install hausdorff\n",
    "%pip install numba\n",
    "import numpy as np\n",
    "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
    "import os\n",
    "import glob\n",
    "import numpy as np\n",
    "import nibabel as nib\n",
    "from ACDCUNet import build_dict_images, build_dict_images_pred\n",
    "import statistics\n",
    "import numpy as np\n",
    "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
    "from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap\n",
    "from hausdorff import hausdorff_distance"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "d744133d",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "author: Clément Zotti (clement.zotti@usherbrooke.ca)\n",
    "date: April 2017\n",
    "DESCRIPTION :\n",
    "The script provide helpers functions to handle nifti image format:\n",
    "    - load_nii()\n",
    "    - save_nii()\n",
    "to generate metrics for two images:\n",
    "    - metrics()\n",
    "And it is callable from the command line (see below).\n",
    "Each function provided in this script has comments to understand\n",
    "how they works.\n",
    "This script was tested for python 3.4.\n",
    "First, you need to install the required packages with\n",
    "    pip install -r requirements.txt\n",
    "After the installation, you have two ways of running this script:\n",
    "    1) python metrics.py ground_truth/patient001_ED.nii.gz prediction/patient001_ED.nii.gz\n",
    "    2) python metrics.py ground_truth/ prediction/\n",
    "The first option will print in the console the dice and volume of each class for the given image.\n",
    "The second option wiil ouput a csv file where each images will have the dice and volume of each class.\n",
    "Link: http://acdc.creatis.insa-lyon.fr\n",
    "HEADER = [\n",
    "    \"Name\",\n",
    "    \"Dice LV\",\n",
    "    \"Volume LV pred\",\n",
    "    \"Volume LV GT\",\n",
    "    \"Err LV(ml)\",\n",
    "    \"Dice RV\",\n",
    "    \"Volume RV pred\",\n",
    "    \"Volume RV GT\",\n",
    "    \"Err RV(ml)\",\n",
    "    \"Dice MYO\",\n",
    "    \"Volume MYO pred\",\n",
    "    \"Volume MYO GT\",\n",
    "    \"Err MYO(ml)\",\n",
    "# Utils functions used to sort strings into a natural order\n",
    "def conv_int(i):\n",
    "    return int(i) if i.isdigit() else i\n",
    "def natural_order(sord):\n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    Sort a (list,tuple) of strings into natural order.\n",
    "    Ex:\n",
    "    ['1','10','2'] -> ['1','2','10']\n",
    "    ['abc1def','ab10d','b2c','ab1d'] -> ['ab1d','ab10d', 'abc1def', 'b2c']\n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    if isinstance(sord, tuple):\n",
    "        sord = sord[0]\n",
    "    return [conv_int(c) for c in re.split(r\"(\\d+)\", sord)]\n",
    "# Utils function to load and save nifti files with the nibabel package\n",
    "img_path = \"ACDC\\database\"\n",
    "def load_nii(img_path):\n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    Function to load a 'nii' or 'nii.gz' file, The function returns\n",
    "    everyting needed to save another 'nii' or 'nii.gz'\n",
    "    in the same dimensional space, i.e. the affine matrix and the header\n",
    "    Parameters\n",
    "    ----------\n",
    "    img_path: string\n",
    "    String with the path of the 'nii' or 'nii.gz' image file name.\n",
    "    Returns\n",
    "    -------\n",
    "    Three element, the first is a numpy array of the image values,\n",
    "    the second is the affine transformation of the image, and the\n",
    "    last one is the header of the image.\n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    nimg = nib.load(img_path)\n",
    "    return nimg.get_fdata(), nimg.affine, nimg.header\n",
    "def save_nii(img_path, data, affine, header):\n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    Function to save a 'nii' or 'nii.gz' file.\n",
    "    Parameters\n",
    "    ----------\n",
    "    img_path: string\n",
    "    Path to save the image should be ending with '.nii' or '.nii.gz'.\n",
    "    data: np.array\n",
    "    Numpy array of the image data.\n",
    "    affine: list of list or np.array\n",
    "    The affine transformation to save with the image.\n",
    "    header: nib.Nifti1Header\n",
    "    The header that define everything about the data\n",
    "    (pleasecheck nibabel documentation).\n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    nimg = nib.Nifti1Image(data, affine=affine, header=header)\n",
    "    nimg.to_filename(img_path)\n",
    "# Functions to process files, directories and metrics\n",
    "def metrics(img_gt, img_pred, voxel_size):\n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    Function to compute the metrics between two segmentation maps given as input.\n",
    "    Parameters\n",
    "    ----------\n",
    "    img_gt: np.array\n",
    "    Array of the ground truth segmentation map.\n",
    "    img_pred: np.array\n",
    "    Array of the predicted segmentation map.\n",
    "    voxel_size: list, tuple or np.array\n",
    "    The size of a voxel of the images used to compute the volumes.\n",
    "    Return\n",
    "    ------\n",
    "    A list of metrics in this order, [Dice LV, Volume LV, Volume GT, Err LV(ml),\n",
    "    Dice RV, Volume RV, Volume GT, Err RV(ml), Dice MYO, Volume MYO, Volume GT, Err MYO(ml)]\n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    if img_gt.ndim != img_pred.ndim:\n",
    "        raise ValueError(\n",
    "            \"The arrays 'img_gt' and 'img_pred' should have the \"\n",
    "            \"same dimension, {} against {}\".format(img_gt.ndim, img_pred.ndim)\n",
    "        )\n",
    "    res = []\n",
    "    # Loop on each classes of the input images\n",
    "    for c in [3, 1, 2]:\n",
    "        # Copy the gt image to not alterate the input\n",
    "        gt_c_i = np.copy(img_gt)\n",
    "        gt_c_i[gt_c_i != c] = 0\n",
    "        # Copy the pred image to not alterate the input\n",
    "        pred_c_i = np.copy(img_pred)\n",
    "        pred_c_i[pred_c_i != c] = 0\n",
    "        # Clip the value to compute the volumes\n",
    "        gt_c_i = np.clip(gt_c_i, 0, 1)\n",
    "        pred_c_i = np.clip(pred_c_i, 0, 1)\n",
    "        # Compute the Dice\n",
    "        # dice = dc(gt_c_i, pred_c_i)\n",
    "        dice = 1\n",
    "        # Eventueel alternatief\n",
    "        gt_volume = np.sum(gt_c_i)\n",
    "        pred_volume = np.sum(pred_c_i)\n",
    "        intersect = np.sum(gt_c_i * pred_c_i)\n",
    "        dice = (2 * intersect) / (gt_volume + pred_volume)\n",
    "        # Compute volume\n",
    "        volpred = pred_c_i.sum() * np.prod(voxel_size) / 1000.0\n",
    "        volgt = gt_c_i.sum() * np.prod(voxel_size) / 1000.0\n",
    "        res += [dice, volpred, volgt, volpred - volgt]\n",
    "    return res\n",
    "def compute_metrics_on_files(path_gt, path_pred):\n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    Function to give the metrics for two files\n",
    "    Parameters\n",
    "    ----------\n",
    "    path_gt: string\n",
    "    Path of the ground truth image.\n",
    "    path_pred: string\n",
    "    Path of the predicted image.\n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    gt, _, header = load_nii(path_gt)\n",
    "    pred, _, _ = load_nii(path_pred)\n",
    "    zooms = header.get_zooms()\n",
    "    name = os.path.basename(path_gt)\n",
    "    name = name.split(\".\")[0]\n",
    "    res = metrics(gt, pred, zooms)\n",
    "    res = [\"{:.3f}\".format(r) for r in res]\n",
    "    formatting = \"{:<20}\" + \"{:>12}\" * len(res)\n",
    "    output = formatting.format(name, *res)\n",
    "    print(formatting.format(*HEADER))\n",
    "    print(output)\n",
    "    # formatting = \"{:>14}, {:>7}, {:>9}, {:>10}, {:>7}, {:>9}, {:>10}, {:>8}, {:>10}, {:>11}\"\n",
    "    # print(formatting.format(*HEADER))\n",
    "    # print(formatting.format(name, *res))\n",
    "    # return [name, *res]\n",
    "    return res\n",
    "def compute_metrics_on_directories(dir_gt, dir_pred):\n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    Function to generate a csv file for each images of two directories.\n",
    "    Parameters\n",
    "    ----------\n",
    "    path_gt: string\n",
    "    Directory of the ground truth segmentation maps.\n",
    "    path_pred: string\n",
    "    Directory of the predicted segmentation maps.\n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    lst_gt = sorted(glob(os.path.join(dir_gt, \"*\")), key=natural_order)\n",
    "    lst_pred = sorted(glob(os.path.join(dir_pred, \"*\")), key=natural_order)\n",
    "    res = []\n",
    "    for p_gt, p_pred in zip(lst_gt, lst_pred):\n",
    "        if os.path.basename(p_gt) != os.path.basename(p_pred):\n",
    "            raise ValueError(\n",
    "                \"The two files don't have the same name\"\n",
    "                \" {}, {}.\".format(os.path.basename(p_gt), os.path.basename(p_pred))\n",
    "            )\n",
    "        gt, _, header = load_nii(p_gt)\n",
    "        pred, _, _ = load_nii(p_pred)\n",
    "        zooms = header.get_zooms()\n",
    "        res.append(metrics(gt, pred, zooms))\n",
    "    lst_name_gt = [os.path.basename(gt).split(\".\")[0] for gt in lst_gt]\n",
    "    res = [\n",
    "        [\n",
    "            n,\n",
    "        ]\n",
    "        + r\n",
    "        for r, n in zip(res, lst_name_gt)\n",
    "    ]\n",
    "    df = pd.DataFrame(res, columns=HEADER)\n",
    "    df.to_csv(\"results_{}.csv\".format(time.strftime(\"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S\")), index=False)\n",
    "def main(path_gt, path_pred):\n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    Main function to select which method to apply on the input parameters.\n",
    "    \"\"\"\n",
    "    if os.path.isfile(path_gt) and os.path.isfile(path_pred):\n",
    "        compute_metrics_on_files(path_gt, path_pred)\n",
    "    elif os.path.isdir(path_gt) and os.path.isdir(path_pred):\n",
    "        compute_metrics_on_directories(path_gt, path_pred)\n",
    "    else:\n",
    "        raise ValueError(\"The paths given needs to be two directories or two files.\")\n",
    "# if __name__ == \"__main__\":\n",
    "#     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(\n",
    "#         description=\"Script to compute ACDC challenge metrics.\")\n",
    "#     parser.add_argument(\"GT_IMG\", type=str, help=\"Ground Truth image\")\n",
    "#     parser.add_argument(\"PRED_IMG\", type=str, help=\"Predicted image\")\n",
    "#     args = parser.parse_args()\n",
    "#     main(args.GT_IMG, args.PRED_IMG)"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "142caccb",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "# Testing\n",
    "path_gt = os.path.join('ACDC','database','testing','patient101','patient101_frame01.nii.gz')\n",
    "dir_gt = os.path.join('ACDC','database','testing','patient101','patient101_frame01_gt.nii.gz')\n",
    "path_pred = os.path.join('ACDC','database','testing','patient101','patient101_frame01.nii.gz')\n",
    "dir_pred = os.path.join('ACDC','database','testing','patient101','patient101_frame01_ml_pred.nii.gz')\n",
    "test_files = compute_metrics_on_files(dir_gt, dir_pred)"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "0451a847",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "data_path = \"ACDC/database\"\n",
    "test_dict_gt = build_dict_images(data_path, mode='testing').ravel()\n",
    "test_dict_pred = build_dict_images_pred(data_path, mode='testing')\n",
    "# Ground truth\n",
    "# First file\n",
    "image_paths_gt_ED = [d['image'] for d in test_dict_gt if d[\"first_file\"]]\n",
    "label_paths_gt_ED = [d['label'] for d in test_dict_gt if d[\"first_file\"]]\n",
    "# Last file\n",
    "image_paths_gt_ES = [d['image'] for d in test_dict_gt if not d[\"first_file\"]]\n",
    "label_paths_gt_ES = [d['label'] for d in test_dict_gt if not d[\"first_file\"]]\n",
    "print('Image path gt ED is ', image_paths_gt_ED) \n",
    "print('Label path gt ED is ', label_paths_gt_ED)\n",
    "print('Image path gt ES is ', image_paths_gt_ES)\n",
    "print('Label path gt ES is ', label_paths_gt_ES)\n",
    "# Prediction\n",
    "image_paths_pred_ED = [d['image'] for d in test_dict_pred if d[\"first_file\"]]\n",
    "label_paths_pred_ED = [d['label'] for d in test_dict_pred if d[\"first_file\"]]\n",
    "image_paths_pred_ES = [d['image'] for d in test_dict_pred if not d[\"first_file\"]]\n",
    "label_paths_pred_ES = [d['label'] for d in test_dict_pred if not d[\"first_file\"]]\n",
    "print('Image path prediction ED is ', image_paths_pred_ED)\n",
    "print('Label path prediction ED is ', label_paths_pred_ED)\n",
    "print('Image path prediction ES is ', image_paths_pred_ES)\n",
    "print('Label path prediction ES is ', label_paths_pred_ES)\n",
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "6c7be742",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "test_files_ED = [compute_metrics_on_files(label_paths_gt_ED[i], label_paths_pred_ED[i]) for i in range(len(label_paths_gt_ED))]\n",
    "test_files_ES = [compute_metrics_on_files(label_paths_gt_ES[i], label_paths_pred_ES[i]) for i in range(len(label_paths_gt_ES))]"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "049a0262",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "# ED\n",
    "LV_GT_ED = np.array([float(metric[2]) for metric in test_files_ED])\n",
    "LV_pred_ED = np.array([float(metric[1]) for metric in test_files_ED])\n",
    "LV_dice_ED = np.array([float(metric[0]) for metric in test_files_ED])\n",
    "LV_err_ED = np.array([float(metric[3]) for metric in test_files_ED])\n",
    "RV_GT_ED = np.array([float(metric[6]) for metric in test_files_ED])\n",
    "RV_pred_ED = np.array([float(metric[5]) for metric in test_files_ED])\n",
    "RV_dice_ED = np.array([float(metric[4]) for metric in test_files_ED])\n",
    "RV_err_ED = np.array([float(metric[7]) for metric in test_files_ED])\n",
    "MYO_GT_ED = np.array([float(metric[10]) for metric in test_files_ED])\n",
    "MYO_pred_ED = np.array([float(metric[9]) for metric in test_files_ED])\n",
    "MYO_dice_ED = np.array([float(metric[8]) for metric in test_files_ED])\n",
    "MYO_err_ED = np.array([float(metric[11]) for metric in test_files_ED])\n",
    "# ES\n",
    "LV_GT_ES = np.array([float(metric[2]) for metric in test_files_ES])\n",
    "LV_pred_ES = np.array([float(metric[1]) for metric in test_files_ES])\n",
    "LV_dice_ES = np.array([float(metric[0]) for metric in test_files_ES])\n",
    "LV_err_ES = np.array([float(metric[3]) for metric in test_files_ES])\n",
    "RV_GT_ES = np.array([float(metric[6]) for metric in test_files_ES])\n",
    "RV_pred_ES = np.array([float(metric[5]) for metric in test_files_ES])\n",
    "RV_dice_ES = np.array([float(metric[4]) for metric in test_files_ES])\n",
    "RV_err_ES = np.array([float(metric[7]) for metric in test_files_ES])\n",
    "MYO_GT_ES = np.array([float(metric[10]) for metric in test_files_ES])\n",
    "MYO_pred_ES = np.array([float(metric[9]) for metric in test_files_ES])\n",
    "MYO_dice_ES = np.array([float(metric[8]) for metric in test_files_ES])\n",
    "MYO_err_ES = np.array([float(metric[11]) for metric in test_files_ES])"
   "attachments": {},
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "id": "7c36b2e0",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "Other ways for visualization\n",
    "> Comparison graphs"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "6fd62eb7",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "def show_comparison_graph(gt, pred, dice, err, color_boundaries=20, part=\"LV\", mode=\"ED\"):\n",
    "    plt.clf()\n",
    "    vmin = min(err)\n",
    "    vmax = max(err)\n",
    "    colors = ['red', 'yellow', 'green', 'yellow', 'red']\n",
    "    color_positions = [vmin, -1 * color_boundaries, 0, color_boundaries, vmax]\n",
    "    norm = plt.Normalize(vmin, vmax)\n",
    "    print(norm(color_positions))\n",
    "    colormap = list(zip(norm(color_positions), colors))\n",
    "    cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(\"custom_cmap\", colormap)\n",
    "    plt.scatter(gt, pred, c=err, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, s=dice * 100)\n",
    "    plt.plot([min(gt), max(gt)], [min(gt), max(gt)], 'k--')\n",
    "    plt.xlabel(f'Ground Truth {part} Volume [ml]')\n",
    "    plt.ylabel(f'Predicted {part} Volume [ml]')\n",
    "    plt.title(f'Ground Truth vs. Predicted Volume of {part} {mode}')\n",
    "    cbar = plt.colorbar()\n",
    "    cbar.set_label('Error Value')\n",
    "    plt.show()"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "1541570e",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "show_comparison_graph(LV_GT_ED, LV_pred_ED, LV_dice_ED, LV_err_ED)"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "93c71590",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "show_comparison_graph(RV_GT_ED, RV_pred_ED, RV_dice_ED, RV_err_ED, color_boundaries=18, part=\"RV\")"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "fa1aa317",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "show_comparison_graph(MYO_GT_ED, MYO_pred_ED, MYO_dice_ED, MYO_err_ED, color_boundaries=18, part=\"MYO\")"
   "attachments": {},
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "id": "5b91e382",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "> Correlations"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "a21ffc52",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "# Correlation coefficients\n",
    "def calculate_correlation(gt, pred, err):\n",
    "    gt_mean = statistics.mean(gt)\n",
    "    gt_std = statistics.stdev(gt)\n",
    "    pred_mean = statistics.mean(pred)\n",
    "    pred_std = statistics.stdev(pred)\n",
    "    covariance = sum((x - gt_mean) * (y - pred_mean) for x, y in zip(gt, pred)) / len(gt)\n",
    "    corr = covariance / (gt_std * pred_std)\n",
    "    bias = statistics.mean(err)\n",
    "    err_std = statistics.stdev(err)\n",
    "    loa = 1.96*err_std\n",
    "    return corr, bias, loa"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "a4ecf214",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "LV_corr, LV_bias, LV_LOA = calculate_correlation(LV_GT_ED, LV_pred_ED, LV_err_ED)\n",
    "print('The correlation coefficient for left ventricle EDV is ', LV_corr)\n",
    "print('The bias for the left ventricle EDV is ', LV_bias)\n",
    "print('The LOA of the left ventricle EDV is ', LV_LOA)"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "12c061d2",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "RV_corr, RV_bias, RV_LOA = calculate_correlation(RV_GT_ED, RV_pred_ED, RV_err_ED)\n",
    "print('The correlation coefficient for right ventricle EDV is ', RV_corr)\n",
    "print('The bias for the right ventricle EDV is ', RV_bias)\n",
    "print('The LOA of the right ventricle EDV is ', RV_LOA)"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "ccb53139",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "MYO_corr, MYO_bias, MYO_LOA = calculate_correlation(MYO_GT_ED, MYO_pred_ED, MYO_err_ED)\n",
    "print('The correlation coefficient for myocardium EDV is ', MYO_corr)\n",
    "print('The bias for the left myocardium EDV is ', MYO_bias)\n",
    "print('The LOA of the left myocardium EDV is ', MYO_LOA)"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "d85b01dd",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "# Average dice\n",
    "av_LV_dice = statistics.mean(LV_dice_ED)\n",
    "av_RV_dice = statistics.mean(RV_dice_ED)\n",
    "av_MYO_dice = statistics.mean(MYO_dice_ED)\n",
    "print('Average dice left ventricle is ', av_LV_dice)\n",
    "print('Average dice right ventricle is ', av_RV_dice)\n",
    "print('Average dice myocardium is ', av_MYO_dice)"
   "attachments": {},
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "id": "ce64f7e5",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "437c2b32",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "show_comparison_graph(LV_GT_ES, LV_pred_ES, LV_dice_ES, LV_err_ES, color_boundaries=15, part=\"LV\", mode=\"ES\")"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "0ff66a64",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "show_comparison_graph(RV_GT_ES, RV_pred_ES, RV_dice_ES, RV_err_ES, color_boundaries=10, part=\"RV\", mode=\"ES\")"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "931d0abb",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "show_comparison_graph(MYO_GT_ES, MYO_pred_ES, MYO_dice_ES, MYO_err_ES, color_boundaries=30, part=\"MYO\", mode=\"ES\")"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "4d30933c",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "LV_corr, LV_bias, LV_LOA = calculate_correlation(LV_GT_ES, LV_pred_ES, LV_err_ES)\n",
    "print('The correlation coefficient for left ventricle ESV is ', LV_corr)\n",
    "print('The bias for the left ventricle ESV is ', LV_bias)\n",
    "print('The LOA of the left ventricle ESV is ', LV_LOA)"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "823112fe",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "RV_corr, RV_bias, RV_LOA = calculate_correlation(RV_GT_ES, RV_pred_ES, RV_err_ES)\n",
    "print('The correlation coefficient for right ventricle ESV is ', RV_corr)\n",
    "print('The bias for the right ventricle ESV is ', RV_bias)\n",
    "print('The LOA of the right ventricle ESV is ', RV_LOA)"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "50408bf1",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "MYO_corr, MYO_bias, MYO_LOA = calculate_correlation(MYO_GT_ES, MYO_pred_ES, MYO_err_ES)\n",
    "print('The correlation coefficient for myocardium ESV is ', MYO_corr)\n",
    "print('The bias for the left myocardium ESV is ', MYO_bias)\n",
    "print('The LOA of the left myocardium ESV is ', MYO_LOA)"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "cf0f0d91",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "# Average dice\n",
    "av_LV_dice = statistics.mean(LV_dice_ES)\n",
    "av_RV_dice = statistics.mean(RV_dice_ES)\n",
    "av_MYO_dice = statistics.mean(MYO_dice_ES)\n",
    "print('Average dice left ventricle ESV is ', av_LV_dice)\n",
    "print('Average dice right ventricle ESV is ', av_RV_dice)\n",
    "print('Average dice myocardium ESV is ', av_MYO_dice)"
   "attachments": {},
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "id": "ecf8346f",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "c1671753",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "EJ_LV_GT = [((LV_GT_ED[i] - LV_GT_ES[i])/ LV_GT_ED[i]) * 100 for i in range(len(LV_GT_ED))]\n",
    "EJ_RV_GT = [((RV_GT_ED[i] - RV_GT_ES[i])/ RV_GT_ED[i]) * 100 for i in range(len(RV_GT_ED))]\n",
    "EJ_LV_pred = [((LV_pred_ED[i] - LV_pred_ES[i])/ (LV_pred_ED[i]+0.1)) * 100 for i in range(len(LV_pred_ED))]\n",
    "EJ_RV_pred = [((RV_pred_ED[i] - RV_pred_ES[i])/ (RV_pred_ED[i]+0.1)) * 100 for i in range(len(RV_pred_ED))]\n",
    "EJ_LV_err = [EJ_LV_GT[i] - EJ_LV_pred[i] for i in range(len(EJ_LV_GT))]\n",
    "EJ_RV_err = [EJ_RV_GT[i] - EJ_RV_pred[i] for i in range(len(EJ_RV_GT))]\n",
    "EJ_LV_corr, EJ_LV_bias, LV_LOA = calculate_correlation(EJ_LV_GT, EJ_LV_pred, EJ_LV_err)\n",
    "print('The correlation of the ejection fraction for left ventricle is ', EJ_LV_corr)\n",
    "print('The mean bias of the ejection fraction of left ventricle is ', EJ_LV_bias)\n",
    "print('The LOA of the ejection fraction of the left ventricle is ', LV_LOA)\n",
    "EJ_RV_corr, EJ_RV_bias, RV_LOA = calculate_correlation(EJ_RV_GT, EJ_RV_pred, EJ_RV_err)\n",
    "print('The correlation of the ejection fraction for right ventricle is ', EJ_RV_corr)\n",
    "print('The mean bias of the ejection fraction of right ventricle is ', EJ_RV_bias)\n",
    "print('The LOA of the ejection fraction of the right ventricle is ', RV_LOA)"
   "attachments": {},
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "id": "de9c181c",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "Best and worst results"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "c9a463de",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "# This determines the best and worst performing predictions based on the dice score of all the segments and both time frames\n",
    "# Uses the LV_dice_ES list to find back the correct patient, but could be any of the lists\n",
    "score_sum = {LV_dice_ES[x]: sum([LV_dice_ES[x], RV_dice_ES[x], MYO_dice_ES[x], LV_dice_ED[x], RV_dice_ED[x], MYO_dice_ED[x]]) for x in range(len(LV_dice_ES))}\n",
    "max_value = max(score_sum, key=score_sum.get)\n",
    "min_value = min(score_sum, key=score_sum.get)\n",
    "del score_sum[min_value]\n",
    "min_value = min(score_sum, key=score_sum.get)\n",
    "max_index = np.where(LV_dice_ES == max_value)[0][0]\n",
    "min_index = np.where(LV_dice_ES == min_value)[0][0]\n",
    "print(\"Max value:\", max_value)\n",
    "print(\"Max index:\", max_index)\n",
    "print(\"Min value:\", min_value)\n",
    "print(\"Min index:\", min_index)\n",
    "# Show slices"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "0ef0ed36",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "print('Best image path gt ES is ', image_paths_gt_ES[max_index])\n",
    "print('Best label path gt ES is ', label_paths_gt_ES[max_index])\n",
    "print('Best image path prediction ES is ', image_paths_pred_ES[max_index])\n",
    "print('Best label path prediction ES is ', label_paths_pred_ES[max_index])\n"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "35b72c7c",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "def get_slice(index, image_gt, label_gt, image_pred, label_pred,  channel_index=0, frame='ES'):\n",
    "    image_path_gt = image_gt[index]\n",
    "    label_path_gt = label_gt[index]\n",
    "    image_path_pred = image_pred[index]\n",
    "    label_path_pred = label_pred[index]\n",
    "    # Load image and label data\n",
    "    image_gt = nib.load(image_path_gt).get_fdata()\n",
    "    label_gt_ES = nib.load(label_path_gt).get_fdata()\n",
    "    image_pred = nib.load(image_path_pred).get_fdata()\n",
    "    label_pred = nib.load(label_path_pred).get_fdata()\n",
    "    return (\n",
    "        [\n",
    "        image_gt[..., channel_index],\n",
    "        label_gt_ES[..., channel_index],\n",
    "        image_pred[..., channel_index],\n",
    "        label_pred[..., channel_index]\n",
    "        ]\n",
    "    )\n",
    "def display_slices(min_index, max_index,  image_gt, label_gt, image_pred, label_pred,  channel_index=0, frame='ES'):\n",
    "    best_image_gt_ES_channel, best_label_gt_ES_channel, best_image_pred_ES_channel, best_label_pred_ES_channel = get_slice(max_index, image_gt, label_gt, image_pred, label_pred, channel_index)\n",
    "    worst_image_gt_ES_channel, worst_label_gt_ES_channel, worst_image_pred_ES_channel, worst_label_pred_ES_channel = get_slice(min_index, image_gt, label_gt, image_pred, label_pred, channel_index)\n",
    "    plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)\n",
    "    plt.imshow(best_image_gt_ES_channel, cmap='gray')\n",
    "    plt.title(f\"Ground truth best prediction {frame}\")\n",
    "    plt.imshow(best_label_gt_ES_channel, alpha=0.5, cmap='Reds')\n",
    "    plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)\n",
    "    plt.imshow(best_image_pred_ES_channel, cmap='gray')\n",
    "    plt.title(f\"Best prediction {frame}\")\n",
    "    plt.imshow(best_label_pred_ES_channel, cmap='Reds', alpha=0.5)\n",
    "    plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)\n",
    "    plt.imshow(worst_image_gt_ES_channel, cmap='gray')\n",
    "    plt.title(f\"Ground truth worst prediction {frame}\")\n",
    "    plt.imshow(worst_label_gt_ES_channel, alpha=0.5, cmap='Reds')\n",
    "    plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)\n",
    "    plt.imshow(worst_image_pred_ES_channel, cmap='gray')\n",
    "    plt.title(f\"Worst prediction {frame}\")\n",
    "    plt.imshow(worst_label_pred_ES_channel, cmap='Reds', alpha=0.5)\n",
    "    plt.tight_layout()\n",
    "    plt.show()\n"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "8074a3d4",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "display_slices(min_index, max_index, image_paths_gt_ES, label_paths_gt_ES, image_paths_pred_ES, label_paths_pred_ES, channel_index=4, frame='ES')\n",
    "compute_metrics_on_files(label_paths_gt_ED[max_index], label_paths_pred_ED[max_index])\n",
    "compute_metrics_on_files(label_paths_gt_ES[max_index], label_paths_pred_ES[max_index])\n",
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "e2d5604a",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "display_slices(min_index, max_index, image_paths_gt_ED, label_paths_gt_ED, image_paths_pred_ED, label_paths_pred_ED, channel_index=4, frame='ED')\n",
    "compute_metrics_on_files(label_paths_gt_ED[min_index], label_paths_pred_ED[min_index])\n",
    "compute_metrics_on_files(label_paths_gt_ES[min_index], label_paths_pred_ES[min_index])\n",
   "attachments": {},
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "id": "c4ee1d4a",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "Hausdorff distances"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "a633891f",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "# First file\n",
    "label_paths_gt_ED = [d['label'] for d in test_dict_gt if d[\"first_file\"]]\n",
    "# Last file\n",
    "label_paths_gt_ES = [d['label'] for d in test_dict_gt if not d[\"first_file\"]]\n",
    "# Prediction\n",
    "label_paths_pred_ED = [d['label'] for d in test_dict_pred if d[\"first_file\"]]\n",
    "label_paths_pred_ES = [d['label'] for d in test_dict_pred if not d[\"first_file\"]]"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "f3a8a4e0",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "# GT and pred of ED\n",
    "dir_gt_ED = []\n",
    "dir_pred_ED = []\n",
    "for label_path_gt_ED, label_path_pred_ED in zip(label_paths_gt_ED, label_paths_pred_ED):\n",
    "    label_GT_ED = nib.load(label_path_gt_ED).get_fdata()\n",
    "    label_pred_ED = nib.load(label_path_pred_ED).get_fdata()\n",
    "    dir_gt_ED.append(label_GT_ED)\n",
    "    dir_pred_ED.append(label_pred_ED)\n",
    "# GT and pred of ES\n",
    "dir_gt_ES = []\n",
    "dir_pred_ES = []\n",
    "for label_path_gt, label_path_pred in zip(label_paths_gt_ES, label_paths_pred_ES):\n",
    "    label_GT_ES = nib.load(label_path_gt).get_fdata()\n",
    "    label_pred = nib.load(label_path_pred).get_fdata()\n",
    "    dir_gt_ES.append(label_GT_ES)\n",
    "    dir_pred_ES.append(label_pred)"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "106f8cb8",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "label_gt_ED = []\n",
    "label_gt_ED_LV = []\n",
    "label_gt_ED_wall = []\n",
    "label_gt_ED_RV = []\n",
    "for i in range(50):\n",
    "    label_gt_ED_single = np.array(dir_gt_ED[i], dtype=np.float32)\n",
    "    label_gt_ED.append(label_gt_ED_single)\n",
    "    label_gt_ED_LV.append(np.where(label_gt_ED_single == 1,1,0))\n",
    "    label_gt_ED_wall.append(np.where(label_gt_ED_single == 2,1,0))\n",
    "    label_gt_ED_RV.append(np.where(label_gt_ED_single == 3,1,0))\n",
    "label_pred_ED = []\n",
    "label_pred_ED_LV = []\n",
    "label_pred_ED_wall = []\n",
    "label_pred_ED_RV = []\n",
    "for i in range(50):\n",
    "    label_pred_ED_single = np.array(dir_pred_ED[i], dtype=np.float32)\n",
    "    label_pred_ED.append(label_pred_ED_single)\n",
    "    label_pred_ED_LV.append(np.where(label_pred_ED_single == 1,1,0))\n",
    "    label_pred_ED_wall.append(np.where(label_pred_ED_single == 2,1,0))\n",
    "    label_pred_ED_RV.append(np.where(label_pred_ED_single == 3,1,0))\n",
    "label_gt_ES = []\n",
    "label_gt_ES_LV = []\n",
    "label_gt_ES_wall = []\n",
    "label_gt_ES_RV = []\n",
    "for i in range(50):\n",
    "    label_gt_ES_single = np.array(dir_gt_ES[i], dtype=np.float32)\n",
    "    label_gt_ES.append(label_gt_ES_single)\n",
    "    label_gt_ES_LV.append(np.where(label_gt_ES_single == 1,1,0))\n",
    "    label_gt_ES_wall.append(np.where(label_gt_ES_single == 2,1,0))\n",
    "    label_gt_ES_RV.append(np.where(label_gt_ES_single == 3,1,0))\n",
    "label_pred = []\n",
    "label_pred_ES_LV = []\n",
    "label_pred_ES_wall = []\n",
    "label_pred_ES_RV = []\n",
    "for i in range(50):\n",
    "    label_pred_ES_single = np.array(dir_pred_ES[i], dtype=np.float32)\n",
    "    label_pred.append(label_pred_ES_single)\n",
    "    label_pred_ES_LV.append(np.where(label_pred_ES_single == 1,1,0))\n",
    "    label_pred_ES_wall.append(np.where(label_pred_ES_single == 2,1,0))\n",
    "    label_pred_ES_RV.append(np.where(label_pred_ES_single == 3,1,0))"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "385e0f03",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "9a682e84",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "hd_LV_ED = []\n",
    "hd_wall_ED = []\n",
    "hd_RV_ED = []\n",
    "hd_LV_ES = []\n",
    "hd_wall_ES = []\n",
    "hd_RV_ES = []\n",
    "for i in range(50):\n",
    "    # Calculate Hausdorff distance for ED\n",
    "    hd_lv_ed = max([hausdorff_distance(label_pred_ED_LV[i][:,:,y], label_gt_ED_LV[i][:,:,y], distance='euclidean') for y in range(label_pred_ED_LV[i].shape[2])])\n",
    "    hd_wall_ed = max([hausdorff_distance(label_pred_ED_wall[i][:,:,y], label_gt_ED_wall[i][:,:,y], distance='euclidean') for y in range(label_pred_ED_wall[i].shape[2])])\n",
    "    hd_rv_ed = max([hausdorff_distance(label_pred_ED_RV[i][:,:,y], label_gt_ED_RV[i][:,:,y], distance='euclidean') for y in range(label_pred_ED_RV[i].shape[2])])\n",
    "    hd_LV_ED.append(hd_lv_ed)\n",
    "    hd_wall_ED.append(hd_wall_ed)\n",
    "    hd_RV_ED.append(hd_rv_ed)\n",
    "    \n",
    "    # Calculate Hausdorff distance for ES\n",
    "    hd_lv_es = max([hausdorff_distance(label_pred_ES_LV[i][:,:,y], label_gt_ES_LV[i][:,:,y], distance='euclidean') for y in range(label_pred_ES_LV[i].shape[2])])\n",
    "    hd_wall_es = max([hausdorff_distance(label_pred_ES_wall[i][:,:,y], label_gt_ES_wall[i][:,:,y], distance='euclidean') for y in range(label_pred_ES_wall[i].shape[2])])\n",
    "    hd_rv_es = max([hausdorff_distance(label_pred_ES_RV[i][:,:,y], label_gt_ES_RV[i][:,:,y], distance='euclidean') for y in range(label_pred_ES_RV[i].shape[2])])\n",
    "    hd_LV_ES.append(hd_lv_es)\n",
    "    hd_wall_ES.append(hd_wall_es)\n",
    "    hd_RV_ES.append(hd_rv_es)\n"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "5c4c95a1",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "id": "2b9b673e",
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "# Calculations of average HD\n",
    "# ED\n",
    "HD_LV_ED_mean = statistics.mean(hd_LV_ED)\n",
    "HD_RV_ED_mean = statistics.mean(hd_RV_ED)\n",
    "HD_MYO_ED_mean = statistics.mean(hd_wall_ED)\n",
    "print('The average hd of the left ventricle EDV is ', HD_LV_ED_mean)\n",
    "print('The average hd of the right ventricle EDV is ', HD_RV_ED_mean)\n",
    "print('The average hd of the myocardium EDV is ', HD_MYO_ED_mean)\n",
    "HD_LV_ES_mean = statistics.mean(hd_LV_ES)\n",
    "HD_RV_ES_mean = statistics.mean(hd_RV_ES)\n",
    "HD_MYO_ES_mean = statistics.mean(hd_wall_ES)\n",
    "print('The average hd of the left ventricle ESV is ', HD_LV_ES_mean)\n",
    "print('The average hd of the right ventricle ESV is ', HD_RV_ES_mean)\n",
    "print('The average hd of the myocardium ESV is ', HD_MYO_ES_mean)"
 "metadata": {
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