diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 08880f95baebc5ac3903f2c5b0727c29ca8be1cb..33fdc0d8d2bf10676de8885caff0fb0aeb869e0e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ A few programs are needed before the installation and use of the python scripts.
 2. Install all required libraries
-  python3 -m pi3p install --user -r requirements.txt
+  python3 -m pip./ install --user -r requirements.txt
 ### Run Program
 For more information run the program with the help flag (-h or --help).
diff --git a/t1a.sh b/t1a.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bf10df61a9f6f9b6b3e89d10839ce2e8339a55f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t1a.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+if [ $# != 2 ]
+    echo "./t1a.sh avrofile1 avrofile2"
+# Gather the number of total domains per TLD
+echo Gather the number of total domains per TLD
+avrocat "$1" | jq -r '.query_name' | rev | cut -d '.' -f2 | rev | sort | uniq -c | awk '$1 >= 100 {print $1,$2}' > "${1##*/}"_TLD_total_domains
+avrocat "$2" | jq -r '.query_name' | rev | cut -d '.' -f2 | rev | sort | uniq -c | awk '$1 >= 100 {print $1,$2}' > "${2##*/}"_TLD_total_domains
+cat "${1##*/}"_TLD_total_domains "${1##*/}"_TLD_total_domains > TLD_total_domains
+# Get all signed domains
+echo Get all signed domains
+avrocat "$1" | jq -r 'select(.rrsig_signature != null) | .query_name' | sort  | uniq > "${1##*/}"_signed_domains
+avrocat "$2" | jq -r 'select(.rrsig_signature != null) | .query_name' | sort  | uniq > "${2##*/}"_signed_domains
+echo Get all domains
+avrocat "$1" | jq -r '.query_name' | sort | uniq -c | awk '{print $2,$1}' > "${1##*/}"_all_domains
+avrocat "$2" | jq -r '.query_name' | sort | uniq -c | awk '{print $2,$1}' > "${2##*/}"_all_domains
+echo join all domains with the signed ones
+join "${1##*/}"_all_domains "${1##*/}"_signed_domains > "${1##*/}"_all_signed_domains
+join "${2##*/}"_all_domains "${2##*/}"_signed_domains > "${2##*/}"_all_signed_domains
+cat "${1##*/}"_all_signed_domains "${2##*/}"_all_signed_domains > all_signed_domains
+echo "reduce to only the TLD" 
+rm TLD_total_signed_domains_u
+touch TLD_total_signed_domains_u
+while read -r key value; do
+    echo "$(echo $key | rev | cut -d '.' -f2 | rev) $value" >> TLD_total_signed_domains_u
+done < all_signed_domains
+awk '{ seen[$1] += $2 } END { for (i in seen) print i, seen[i] }' TLD_total_signed_domains_u | sort > TLD_total_domains_signed
+rm TLD_total_signed_domains_u
+join TLD_total_domains TLD_total_domains_signed |  awk 'OFS="," {print $1,($3/$2*100) }' | sort -r -t ',' -k 2 > TLD_signed_perc.csv
diff --git a/week5-assignment-spki.py b/week5-assignment-spki.py
index fe915a5497564bf90bcfa176d4987baa7245d31d..21229d2a4d55bb13e4be22a93c810f1d6f9bf984 100755
--- a/week5-assignment-spki.py
+++ b/week5-assignment-spki.py
@@ -16,3 +16,4 @@ cert.decode(der)
 tbsCertificate = DerSequence()
 subjectPublicKeyInfo = tbsCertificate[6]
+cat t.txt | rev | cut -d '.' -f2 | rev | sort | uniq -c | awk '$1 >= 100 {print$2}' | xargs