# Pokemon Trainer Database The [PokeApp](https://gitlab.utwente.nl/claudenirmf/mod4-wp-2023-2024-pokemon) is a sample web application designed to teach web development concepts at the [Data & Information module](https://www.utwente.nl/en/education/bachelor/programmes/technical-computer-science/study-programme/#modules-technical-computer-science) of the [Technical Computer Science](https://www.utwente.nl/en/education/bachelor/programmes/technical-computer-science/) program of the [University of Twente](https://utwente.nl/en). The contents of this repository are licensed under [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)](./LICENSE). Viewers are welcome to reuse its contents and to submit their own contributions.  **NOTE: this diagram has been simplified in the implementation and several fields have been omitted.** ## Support files - `/design`: this folder different files to support the design of the PokeApp including an [OpenAPI specification](./design/open-api.yaml) containing all routes and various [HTTP request files](./design/requests) to be executed directly from IntelliJ's HTTP client. - `./meetings/practical-session-3.md`: [this file](./meetings/practical-session-3.md) contains different guides and tips to help you work on the practical session (e.g., how to checkout a new remote branch, or how to run HTTP requests). ## Credits The following datasets and resources have been used in the development this project. - [Pokemon Image Dataset](https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/vishalsubbiah/pokemon-images-and-types): dataset containing images for Pokemon types and and evolution chains. - [The Complete Pokemon Dataset](https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/rounakbanik/pokemon): dataset containing detailed information about Pokemon types, stats, and more. - [Bulbapedia](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Main_Page) - [Pokémon Knowledge Graph](https://pokemonkg.org/) - [PokéAPI](https://pokeapi.co/) # Contributors - Dr. Claudenir M. Fonseca - GitHub: [@claudenirmf](https://github.com/claudenirmf) - LinkedIn: [@claudenir-fonseca](https://www.linkedin.com/in/claudenir-fonseca/) - E-mail: [c.moraisfonseca@utwente.nl](c.moraisfonseca@utwente.nl) Additional contributions are welcome in the forms of issues and merge requests.