package Main; import java.util.Map; import FaultTree.*; import Heuristics.ByWeightHeuristic; import Heuristics.FaninHeuristic; import Heuristics.Heuristic; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String heuristicArg = args[0]; Heuristic heuristic; switch (heuristicArg.toLowerCase()) { case "h1": case "depth-first": heuristic = null; // TODO break; case "h4": case "by-weight": heuristic = new ByWeightHeuristic(); break; case "h5": case "fanin": heuristic = new FaninHeuristic(); break; default: throw new Exception("You have to specify a valid heuristic."); } FaultTree tree = null; // TODO Map<BasicEvent, Integer> ordering = heuristic.getOrder(tree); // TODO: call transformation } }