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SLR on Automobile Insurance Fraud Detection: Overview of study selection results

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    An overview of all the collected studies, with their corresponding reason for exclusion. For each study, the reason for exclusion is suffixed ny the method of exclusion ('auto' or 'manual'), between parentheses. The exclusion criteria (EC) correspond to those in the Systematic Literature Review (SLR), whereas 'Not IC' indicates the study does not conform to either of the two inclusion criteria. Oftentimes, this is accompanied by a more specific description of the reason for not corresponding to the inclusion criteria.

    Criteria were applied sequentially. Hence, even though a study might conform to multiple exclusion criteria, a single criterion is listed as the reason for exclusion.

    study-selection.csv 445.69 KiB
    Exclusion reason;Item Type;Publication Year;Author;Title;Publication Title;ISBN;ISSN;DOI;Url;Date;Pages;Num Pages;Issue;Volume;Number Of Volumes;Journal Abbreviation;Series;Publisher;Place;Language;Type;Extra;Editor;Edition;Conference Name ;journalArticle;2023;"Abakarim, Youness; Lahby, Mohammed; Attioui, Abdelbaki";A Bagged Ensemble Convolutional Neural Networks Approach to Recognize Insurance Claim Frauds;Applied System Innovation;;25715577;10.3390/asi6010020;;2023;20;;1;6;;Appl. Syst. Innov.;;;;English;;;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2016;"Abdallah, A.; Maarof, M.A.; Zainal, A.";Fraud detection system: A survey;Journal of Network and Computer Applications;;10848045;10.1016/j.jnca.2016.04.007;;2016;90-113;;;68;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Academic Press tex.abbrev_source_title: J Network Comput Appl tex.author_keywords: Areas of fraud; Concept drift; Credit card system; E-commerce systems; Fraud; Fraud detection systems (FDSs); Issues and challenges; Large amount of data; Skewed distribution; Support real time detection; Telecommunication system tex.document_type: Review tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2023;"Abdelhalim, A.M.M.; Ibrahim, N.M.E.S.";The impact of using smart algorithms and blockchain technology on the profits' quality in saudi financial market;From the Internet of Things to the Internet of Ideas: The Role of Artificial Intelligence.;978-3-031-17745-3;;10.1007/978-3-031-17746-0_34;;2023;411-433;;;557;;;Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems;Springer;Cham;English;;"Citation Key: Abdelhalim2023411 Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH tex.abbrev_source_title: Lect. Notes Networks Syst. tex.author_keywords: Artificial intelligence; Blockchain technology; Quality of profits; Smart algorithms tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Musleh Al-Sartawi A.M.A., Razzaque A., Kamal M.M.;;EAMMIS 2022 ;conferencePaper;2020;"Ablad, Mouad; Frikh, Bouchra; Ouhbi, Brahim";Uncertainty Quantification in Deep Learning Context: Application to Insurance;2020 6th IEEE Congress on Information Science and Technology (CiSt);;;10.1109/CiSt49399.2021.9357201;;2020-06;110-115;;;;;;;IEEE;Agadir - Essaouira, Morocco;English;;ISSN: 2327-1884;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2014;"Abraham, J.M.; Karaca-Mandic, P.; Simon, K.";How has the affordable care act's medical loss ratio regulation affected insurer behavior?;Medical Care;;257079;10.1097/MLR.0000000000000091;;2014;370-377;;4;52;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins tex.abbrev_source_title: Med. Care tex.author_keywords: Health insurers; Medical loss ratio regulation tex.coden: MDLCB tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2012;Adeyemo Kingsley, A.;Frauds in Nigerian banks: Nature, deep-seated causes, aftermaths and probable remedies;Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences;;20399340;10.5901/mjss.2012.v3n2.279;;2012;279-289;;2;3;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: AdeyemoKingsley2012279 tex.abbrev_source_title: Mediterranean J. Soc. Sci. tex.author_keywords: Banks; Frauds; Frauds motivation model; NDIC tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2009;"Aelvoet, W.H.; Terryn, N.; Windey, F.; Redivo, M.; van Sprundel, M.; Faes, C.";Miscoding: A threat to the hospital care system. How to detect it?;Revue d'Epidemiologie et de Sante Publique;;3987620;10.1016/j.respe.2009.02.206;;2009;169-177;;3;57;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Aelvoet2009169 tex.abbrev_source_title: Rev. Epidemiol. Sante Publ. tex.author_keywords: Administrative data; Case mix; Miscoding; Prospective payment system tex.coden: RESPD tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Agarwal, Sumit; Bhardwaj, Garima; Saraswat, Ekta; Singh, Namrata; Aggarwal, Rashmi; Bansal, Ajit";Insurtech fostering automated insurance process using deep learning approach;2022 2nd international conference on innovative practices in technology and management (ICIPTM);;;10.1109/ICIPTM54933.2022.9753891;;2022-02;386-392;;;2;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: 9753891;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Ahmad, R.W.; Salah, K.; Jayaraman, R.; Yaqoob, I.; Ellahham, S.; Omar, M.";The role of blockchain technology in telehealth and telemedicine;International Journal of Medical Informatics;;13865056;10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2021.104399;;2021;;;;148;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Elsevier Ireland Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. J. Med. Informatics tex.art_number: 104399 tex.author_keywords: Blockchain; COVID-19; Security; Smart contracts; Telehealth; Telemedicine tex.coden: IJMIF tex.document_type: Review tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2014;"Ahmed, Musheer; Ahamad, Mustaque";Combating abuse of health data in the age of eHealth exchange;2014 IEEE international conference on healthcare informatics;;;10.1109/ICHI.2014.22;;2014-09;109-118;;;;;;;;;;;Citation Key: 7052477;;; EC1 (auto);book;2018;Ahmed, Rohan;Data mining techniques in financial fraud detection;;3-668-70928-9;;;;2018;;;;;;;;GRIN Verlag;Santa Cruz, CA, USA;;;Citation Key: 10.5555/3265116;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2013;"Ai, J.; Brockett, P.L.; Golden, L.L.; Guillén, M.";A robust unsupervised method for fraud rate estimation;Journal of Risk and Insurance;;224367;10.1111/j.1539-6975.2012.01467.x;;2013;121-143;;1;80;;;;;;English;;tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Risk Insur. tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2009;"Ai, J.; Golden, L.L.; Brockett, P.L.";Assessing consumer fraud risk in insurance claims: An unsupervised learning technique using discrete and continuous predictor variables;North American Actuarial Journal;;10920277;10.1080/10920277.2009.10597568;;2009;438-458;;4;13;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Ai2009438 tex.abbrev_source_title: North Am. Actuar. J. tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC4 (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Ai, J.; Russomanno, J.; Guigou, S.; Allan, R.";A systematic review and qualitative assessment of fraud detection methodologies in health care;North American Actuarial Journal;;10920277;10.1080/10920277.2021.1895843;;2022;46023;;1;26;;;;;;English;;Publisher: Routledge tex.abbrev_source_title: North Am. Actuar. J. tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC2 (auto);thesis;2021;"Akakpo; M., R.; Duchwan, Ryu; M, Polansky, Alan; (Larry), Hua, Lei";Frequentist methods in handling misrepresentation risk;;;;;;2021;;;;;;;;Northern Illinois University;USA;;phd;Citation Key: 10.5555/AAI28644573 ISBN: 9798544290766 tex.advisor: (Michelle), Xia, Chaoxiong;;; EC5 (manual);conferencePaper;2021;"Akshatha, P.; Manasa, G.L.; Nayanashree, H.C.; Poornima, A.S.";Fraud detection in health insurance claims using machine learning and deep learning techniques;;978-0-00-000000-2;;;;2021;57-63;;;2021-August;;;12th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control, and Telecommunication Technologies, ACT 2021;Grenze Scientific Society;;English;;"Citation Key: Akshatha202157 tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. Conf. Adv. Comput., Control, Telecommun. Technol., ACT tex.author_keywords: Fraud detection; Insurance frauds; Logistic regression; Machine learning; Multilayer perceptron; Random forest; Support vector machine tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";;; EC4 (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Al-Hashedi, K.G.; Magalingam, P.";Financial fraud detection applying data mining techniques: A comprehensive review from 2009 to 2019;Computer Science Review;;15740137;10.1016/j.cosrev.2021.100402;;2021;;;;40;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Elsevier Ireland Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: Comput. Sci. Rev. tex.author_keywords: Bitcoin fraud; Credit card fraud; Data mining technique; Financial fraud; Financial statement fraud; Insurance fraud tex.document_type: Review tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2020;"Al-Witwit, S.S.I.; Ibrahim, A.A.";Improving operational efficiency of government using artificial intelligence;;;;10.1088/1757-899X/928/2/022014;;2020;;;;928;;;IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering;IOP Publishing Ltd;;English;;"Citation Key: Al-Witwit2020 ISSN: 17578981 Number: 2 tex.abbrev_source_title: IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. tex.art_number: 022014 tex.author_keywords: ANN; Artificial Intelligence; Big Data; Optimization tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Shafik S.S., Roomi A.B., Sharrad F.I.;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;Aleksandrowicz, P.;VERIFICATION OF AIRBAG ACTIVATION DURING COLLISION OF VEHICLES WITH THE USE OF SDC METHOD;ENGINEERING MECHANICS 2018 PROCEEDINGS, VOL 24;978-80-86246-91-8;;10.21495/91-8-17;;2018;17-20;;;;;;Engineering mechanics;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000465489800004 ISSN: 1805-8248 Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Aleksandrowicz, P (Corresponding Author), Univ Sci & Technol, Inst Machinery Operat & Transport, Machine Maintenance Dept, Al Prof S Kaliskiego 7, PL-85796 Bydgoszcz, Poland. Aleksandrowicz, P., Univ Sci & Technol, Inst Machinery Operat & Transport, Machine Maintenance Dept, Al Prof S Kaliskiego 7, PL-85796 Bydgoszcz, Poland. tex.eissn: 1805-8256 tex.keywords-plus: PARAMETERS; CONTACT; CRASH tex.times-cited: 3 tex.unique-id: WOS:000465489800004";"Fischer, C; Naprstek, J";; Not IC - not ML/DM (manual);journalArticle;2020;Aleksandrowicz, Piotr;Verification of motor vehicle post accident insurance claims;Transport Problems;;18960596;10.21307/TP-2020-003;;2020;25-38;;1;15;;Transp. Probl.;;;;English;;"Publisher: Silesian University of Technology tex.abbrev_source_title: Transp. Probl. tex.author_keywords: Fraud; SDC method; Verification of vehicle damage claims tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2017;"Alfeld, Scott; Zhu, Xiaojin; Barford, Paul";Explicit defense actions against test-set attacks;Proceedings of the thirty-first AAAI conference on artificial intelligence;;;;;2017;1274–1280;;;;;;AAAI'17;AAAI Press;;English;;Place: San Francisco, California, USA Number of pages: 7;;; EC4 (manual);conferencePaper;2021;"Alkawaz, Mohammed Hazim; Steven, Stephanie Joanne; Hajamydeen, Asif Iqbal; Ramli, Rusyaizila";A comprehensive survey on identification and analysis of phishing website based on machine learning methods;2021 IEEE 11th IEEE symposium on computer applications & industrial electronics (ISCAIE);978-1-66540-338-2;;10.1109/ISCAIE51753.2021.9431794;;2021-04;82-87;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9431794;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Alsuwailem, A.A.S.; Salem, E.; Saudagar, A.K.J.";Performance of different machine learning algorithms in detecting financial fraud;Computational Economics;;9277099;10.1007/s10614-022-10314-x;;2022;;;;;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Springer tex.abbrev_source_title: Comput. Econ. tex.author_keywords: Classifiers; Fraud detection; Machine learning; Money laundering tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC4 (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Alwan, R.H.; Hamad, M.M.; Dawood, O.A.";A comprehensive survey of fraud detection methods in credit card based on data mining techniques;;978-0-7354-4248-1;;10.1063/5.0112422;;2022;;;;2400;;;AIP Conference Proceedings;American Institute of Physics Inc.;;English;;"Citation Key: Alwan2022 ISSN: 0094243X tex.abbrev_source_title: AIP Conf. Proc. tex.art_number: 020006 tex.author_keywords: Classification; Clustering; Credit Card Fraud (CCF); Fraud Detection; Fraud Detection Techniques tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";E.R., Abdul-Ghafoor;; Not IC - not ML/DM (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Amankwah, Jeffrey; Van Schoubroeck, Caroline";Fraud detection in motor insurance: privacy and data protection concerns under EU Law;INTERNATIONAL DATA PRIVACY LAW;;2044-3994;10.1093/idpl/ipac009;;05/09/2022;220-238;;3;12;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000785714900001 Type: Article tex.affiliation: Amankwah, J (Corresponding Author), KU Leuven Fac Law, Inst Insurance Law, Leuven, Belgium. Amankwah, Jeffrey; Van Schoubroeck, Caroline, KU Leuven Fac Law, Inst Insurance Law, Leuven, Belgium. tex.earlyaccessdate: APR 2022 tex.eissn: 2044-4001 tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000785714900001";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2009;"Ammon, R.V.; Hagemann, G.; Schonfeld, D.; Widder, A.";An approach for automatic fraud detection in the insurance domain;;978-1-57735-412-3;;;;2009;98-100;;;SS-09-05;;;AAAI Spring Symposium - Technical Report;;Stanford, CA;English;;Citation Key: Ammon200998 tex.abbrev_source_title: AAAI Spring Symp. Tech. Rep. tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Amponsah, A.A.; Adekoya, A.F.; Weyori, B.A.";A novel fraud detection and prevention method for healthcare claim processing using machine learning and blockchain technology;Decision Analytics Journal;;27726622;10.1016/j.dajour.2022.100122;;2022;;;;4;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Amponsah2022 Publisher: Elsevier Inc. tex.abbrev_source_title: Decis. Anal. J. tex.art_number: 100122 tex.author_keywords: Blockchain technology; Fraud detection; Healthcare fraud; Machine learning; Smart contract tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC5 (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Amrutha, U.; Haritha, E.; Nandakumar, R.";Detection of vehicle damages using image processing algorithms – A tensor flow-based approach;Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems;;1943023X;10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP4/20201550;;2020;817-822;;4 Special Issue;12;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Amrutha2020817 Publisher: Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc. tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Adv. Res. Dyn. Control. Syst. tex.author_keywords: Deep learning; Image processing; OpenCV; Tensor flow; Vehicle insurance tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2017;"Anbarasi, M. S.; Dhivya, S.";Fraud detection using outlier predictor in health insurance data;2017 international conference on information communication and embedded systems (ICICES);;;10.1109/ICICES.2017.8070750;;2017-02;45078;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 8070750;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2012;"Aral, K.D.; Güvenir, H.A.; Sabuncuoĝlu, T.; Akar, A.R.";A prescription fraud detection model;Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine;;1692607;10.1016/j.cmpb.2011.09.003;;2012;37-46;;1;106;;;;;;English;;"tex.abbrev_source_title: Comput. Methods Programs Biomed. tex.author_keywords: Data mining; Health care fraud; Outlier detection; Prescription fraud tex.coden: CMPBE tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC4 (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Arena, F.; Pau, G.";An overview of big data analysis;Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics;;20893191;10.11591/eei.v9i4.2359;;2020;1646-1653;;4;9;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Arena20201646 Publisher: Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science tex.abbrev_source_title: Bull. Electr. Eng. Inform. tex.author_keywords: Big data; Big data analysis; Internet of Things tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2005;"Arneson, D.L.; Hunter, T.S.";CE: Complying with HIPAA regulations;Drug Topics;;126616;;;2005;;;6;149;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Arneson2005 tex.abbrev_source_title: Drug Topics tex.coden: DGTNA tex.document_type: Review tex.source: Scopus;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2023;"Arockiam, J.M.; Pushpanathan, A.C.S.";MapReduce-iterative support vector machine classifier: novel fraud detection systems in healthcare insurance industry;International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering;;20888708;10.11591/ijece.v13i1.pp756-769;;2023;756-769;;1;13;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Arockiam2023756 Publisher: Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. J. Electr. Comput. Eng. tex.author_keywords: Big data Fraud detection; Insurance claims; Iterative support vector machine; MapReduce framework tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2020;"Arora, Rachit; Ghosh, Nayan; Mondal, Tapan";Sagitec software studio (S3) - A low code application development platform;2020 international conference on industry 4.0 technology (I4Tech);;;10.1109/I4Tech48345.2020.9102703;;2020-02;13-17;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9102703;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2002;"Artís, M.; Ayuso, M.; Guillén, M.";Detection of automobile insurance fraud with discrete choice models and misclassified claims;Journal of Risk and Insurance;;224367;10.1111/1539-6975.00022;;2002;325-340;;3;69;;;;;;English;;tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Risk Insur. tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2021;"Arunkumar, C.; Kalyan, S.; Ravishankar, H.";Fraudulent detection in healthcare insurance;Advances in Electrical and Computer Technologies;978-981-15-9019-1;;10.1007/978-981-15-9019-1_1;;2021;45170;;;711;;;Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering;Springer Singapore;;English;;"Citation Key: Arunkumar20211 Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH tex.abbrev_source_title: Lect. Notes Electr. Eng. tex.author_keywords: Fraudulent medicare providers; Hybrid model; Machine learning; SMOTE tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus";;;ICAECT 2020 Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2020;"Ashabi, Ardavan; Sahibuddin, Shamsul Bin; Haghighi, Mehdi Salkhordeh";Big data: Current challenges and future scope;2020 IEEE 10th symposium on computer applications & industrial electronics (ISCAIE);;;10.1109/ISCAIE47305.2020.9108826;;2020-04;131-134;;;;;;;;;;;Citation Key: 9108826;;; ;journalArticle;2022;"Aslam, Faheem; Hunjra, Ahmed Imran; Ftiti, Zied; Louhichi, Wael; Shams, Tahira";Insurance fraud detection: Evidence from artificial intelligence and machine learning;Research in International Business and Finance;;2755319;10.1016/j.ribaf.2022.101744;;2022;;;;62;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Elsevier Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: Res. Int. Bus. Financ. tex.art_number: 101744 tex.author_keywords: Boruta algorithm; Financial decision making; Fraud detection; Insurance; Machine learning; Predictive models tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Ataabadi, Parvin Esmaeili; Neysiani, Behzad Soleimani; Nogorani, Mohammad Zahiri; Mehraby, Nazanin";Semi-supervised medical insurance fraud detection by predicting indirect reductions rate using machine learning generalization capability;2022 8th international conference on web research (ICWR);;;10.1109/ICWR54782.2022.9786251;;2022-05;176-182;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9786251;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2012;"Ayuso, Mercedes; Santolino, Miguel";Forecasting the maximum compensation offer in the automobile BI claims negotiation process;GROUP DECISION AND NEGOTIATION;;0926-2644;10.1007/s10726-011-9241-y;;2012-09;663-676;;5;21;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000307246900004 Type: Article tex.affiliation: Santolino, M (Corresponding Author), Univ Barcelona, Dept Econometr Risc Irea, Avda Diagonal 690, Barcelona 08034, Spain. Ayuso, Mercedes; Santolino, Miguel, Univ Barcelona, Dept Econometr Risc Irea, Barcelona 08034, Spain. tex.eissn: 1572-9907 tex.keywords-plus: CONFIDENCE-INTERVALS; VARIANCE; INJURY; ERROR; SEVERITY; MODELS; FRAUD tex.times-cited: 3 tex.unique-id: WOS:000307246900004";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2017;"Babu, S. Kishore; Vasavi, S.; Nagarjuna, K.";Framework for predictive analytics as a service using ensemble model;2017 IEEE 7th international advance computing conference (IACC);;;10.1109/IACC.2017.0038;;2017-01;121-128;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;ISSN: 2473-3571;;; EC3 (auto);journalArticle;2020;"Badal Valero, Elena; Sanjuan Diaz, Andres; Segura Gisbert, Jorge";MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS FOR AUTO INSURANCE FRAUD DETECTION;ANALES DEL INSTITUTO DE ACTUARIOS ESPANOLES;;0534-3232;10.26360/2020\_2;;2020;23-46;;26;;;;;;;Spanish;;"Citation Key: WOS:000604058600003 Type: Article tex.affiliation: Valero, EB (Corresponding Author), Univ Valencia, Fac Econ, Ave Naranjos S-N, Valencia 46022, Spain. Badal Valero, Elena; Sanjuan Diaz, Andres; Segura Gisbert, Jorge, Univ Valencia, Fac Econ, Ave Naranjos S-N, Valencia 46022, Spain. tex.eissn: 2531-2308 tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000604058600003";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;"Badriyah, Tessy; Rahmaniah, Lailul; Syarif, Iwan";Nearest neighbour and statistics method based for detecting fraud in auto insurance;2018 international conference on applied engineering (ICAE);;;10.1109/INCAE.2018.8579155;;2018-10;45047;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 8579155;;; EC1 (auto);book;2015;"Baesens, Bart; Vlasselaer, Veronique Van; Verbeke, Wouter";Fraud analytics using descriptive, predictive, and social network techniques: A guide to data science for fraud detection;;1-119-13312-2;;;;2015;;;;;;;;Wiley Publishing;;;;Citation Key: 10.5555/2876198;;1st; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2001;"Bajanowski, T.; Köhler, H.; Schmidt, P.F.; Von Saldern, C.-F.; Brinkmann, B.";The cloven hoof in legal medicine;International Journal of Legal Medicine;;9379827;10.1007/s004140000190;;2001;346-348;;6;114;;;;;;English;;"tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. J. Leg. Med. tex.author_keywords: EDX microanalysis; Insurance fraud; Toxicology; Veterinary medicine tex.coden: IJLME tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2016;"Bansal, Rashi; Gaur, Nishant; Singh, Shailendra Narayan";Outlier detection: Applications and techniques in data mining;2016 6th international conference - cloud system and big data engineering (confluence);;;10.1109/CONFLUENCE.2016.7508146;;2016-01;373-377;;;;;;;;;;;Citation Key: 7508146;;; EC2 (auto);bookSection;2022;"Barak, J.; Chaudhary, H.; Mangal, R.; Goel, A.; Sharma, D.K.";Blockchain in smart healthcare management;Internet of Healthcare Things: Machine Learning for Security and Privacy;978-1-119-79246-8 978-1-119-79244-4;;;;2022;161–187;;;;;;;wiley;;English;;"Citation Key: Barak2022161 DOI: 10.1002/9781119792468.ch8 Pages: 161-187 tex.abbrev_source_title: Internet of Healthc. Things: Mach. Learn. for Sec. and Priv. tex.author_keywords: Blockchain; Consensus algorithm; Cryptography; Green blockchain; Hashing; Healthcare; Internet of medical things (IOMT); Machine learning (ML) tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2016;"Barbarioli, Bruno; Assuncao, Renato M.";Anomaly detection under cost constraint;PROCEEDINGS OF 2016 5TH BRAZILIAN CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS (BRACIS 2016);978-1-5090-3566-3;;10.1109/BRACIS.2016.43;;2016;247-252;;;;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000401813700042 Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Barbarioli, B (Corresponding Author), Univ Fed Minas Gerais, Inst Ciencias Exatas, Dept Estatist, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. Barbarioli, Bruno, Univ Fed Minas Gerais, Inst Ciencias Exatas, Dept Estatist, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. Assuncao, Renato M., Univ Fed Minas Gerais, Inst Ciencias Exatas, Dept Ciencia Comp, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. IEEE tex.keywords-plus: AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE; FRAUD DETECTION tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000401813700042";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2022;Barfar, A.;A linguistic/game-theoretic approach to detection/explanation of propaganda;Expert Systems with Applications;;9574174;10.1016/j.eswa.2021.116069;;2022;;;;189;;Expert Syst. Appl.;;;;English;;"Publisher: Elsevier Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: Expert Sys Appl tex.art_number: 116069 tex.author_keywords: Gradient boosting; Linguistic analysis; Prediction explanation; Propaganda; Shapley values tex.coden: ESAPE tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;"Barr, Joseph; Shaw, Peter";AI application to data analysis, automatic file processing;2018 first international conference on artificial intelligence for industries (AI4I);978-1-5386-9209-7;;10.1109/AI4I.2018.8665700;;2018-09;100-105;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 8665700;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2004;Barse, E.L.;Logging for intrusion and fraud detection;Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers Tekniska Hogskola;;0346718X;;;2004;;;2165;;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Barse2004 tex.abbrev_source_title: Doktorsavh Chalmers Tek Hogsk tex.author_keywords: Computer security; Data collection; Fraud detection; Intrusion detection; Log data; Privacy tex.coden: DCTHA tex.document_type: Review tex.page_count: 56 tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Batra, B.; Kundra, S.";Naïve classification approach for insurance fraud prediction;International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology;;22498958;;;2019;2378-2382;;5;8;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Batra20192378 Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. J. Eng. Adv. Technol. tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2017;"Bauder, R.; Khoshgoftaar, T.M.; Seliya, N.";A survey on the state of healthcare upcoding fraud analysis and detection;Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology;;13873741;10.1007/s10742-016-0154-8;;2017;31-55;;1;17;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Bauder201731 Publisher: Springer New York LLC tex.abbrev_source_title: Health Serv. Outcomes Res. Methodol. tex.author_keywords: Data mining; Fraud and abuse; Healthcare; Healthcare coding; Medicare; Upcoding tex.coden: HSOMF tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2019;"Bauder, R.A.; Herland, M.; Khoshgoftaar, T.M.";Evaluating model predictive performance: A medicare fraud detection case study;;978-1-72811-337-1;;10.1109/IRI.2019.00016;;2019;41883;;;;;;Proceedings - 2019 IEEE 20th International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration for Data Science, IRI 2019;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;"Citation Key: Bauder20199 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. - IEEE Int. Conf. Inf. Reuse Integr. Data Sci., IRI tex.art_number: 8843494 tex.author_keywords: Cross-validation; Machine learning; Medicare fraud detection; Model evaluation tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: Society for Information Reuse and Integration (SIRI)";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;"Bauder, R.A.; Khoshgoftaar, L.M.; Napolitano, A.";Fraud detection with a limited number of known fraudulent Medicare providers;;978-1-57735-796-4;;;;2018;299-304;;;;;;Proceedings of the 31st International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, FLAIRS 2018;AAAI press;;English;;"Citation Key: Bauder2018299 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. Int. Fla. Artif. Intell. Res. Soc. Conf., FLAIRS tex.author_keywords: Class imbalance; Ensemble learning; Medicare fraud detection; Random undersampling tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Rus V., Brawner K.;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Bauder, R.A.; Khoshgoftaar, T.M.";A study on rare fraud predictions with big Medicare claims fraud data;Intelligent Data Analysis;;1088467X;10.3233/IDA-184415;;2020;119-139;;1;24;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Bauder2020119 Publisher: IOS Press tex.abbrev_source_title: Intell. Data Anal. tex.author_keywords: Big data; class imbalance; data sampling; Medicare fraud detection; rare classes tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;"Bauder, R.A.; Khoshgoftaar, T.M.";A survey of medicare data processing and integration for fraud detection;;978-1-5386-2659-7;;10.1109/IRI.2018.00010;;2018;41883;;;;;;Proceedings - 2018 IEEE 19th International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration for Data Science, IRI 2018;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;"Citation Key: Bauder20189 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. - IEEE Int. Conf. Inf. Reuse Integr. Data Sci., IRI tex.art_number: 8424681 tex.author_keywords: Data integration; Data processing; Fraud detection; Medicare tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: Society for Information Reuse and Integration (SIRI)";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;"Bauder, R.A.; Khoshgoftaar, T.M.";The detection of Medicare fraud using machine learning methods with excluded provider labels;;978-1-57735-796-4;;;;2018;404-409;;;;;;Proceedings of the 31st International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, FLAIRS 2018;AAAI press;;English;;"Citation Key: Bauder2018404 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. Int. Fla. Artif. Intell. Res. Soc. Conf., FLAIRS tex.author_keywords: Class imbalance; Fraud detection; LEIE; Machine learning; Medicare tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Brawner K., Rus V.;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2017;"Bauder, R.A.; Khoshgoftaar, T.M.";A probabilistic programming approach for outlier detection in healthcare claims;;978-1-5090-6166-2;;10.1109/ICMLA.2016.28;;2017;347-354;;;;;;Proceedings - 2016 15th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2016;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;"Citation Key: Bauder2017347 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. - IEEE Int. Conf. Mach. Learn. Appl., ICMLA tex.art_number: 7838167 tex.author_keywords: Bayesian inference; Fraud detection; Healthcare fraud; Outlier detection; Probabilistic programming tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: Association for Machine Learning and Application; IEEE SMC Technical Committee on Machine Learning";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2016;"Bauder, R.A.; Khoshgoftaar, T.M.";A novel method for fraudulent medicare claims detection from expected payment deviations;;978-1-5090-3207-5;;10.1109/IRI.2016.11;;2016;43770;;;;;;Proceedings - 2016 IEEE 17th International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, IRI 2016;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;"Citation Key: Bauder201611 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. - IEEE Int. Conf. Inf. Reuse Integr., IRI tex.author_keywords: Anomaly Detection; Fraud Detection; Healthcare; Medicare; Regression Analysis tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: IBM Almaden Research Lab; University of Pittsburgh";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2019;"Bauder, R.A.; Khoshgoftaar, T.M.; Hasanin, T.";An empirical study on class rarity in big data;;978-1-5386-6804-7;;10.1109/ICMLA.2018.00125;;2019;785-790;;;;;;Proceedings - 17th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2018;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;"Citation Key: Bauder2019785 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. - IEEE Int. Conf. Mach. Learn. Appl., ICMLA tex.art_number: 8614150 tex.author_keywords: Big Data; Class Rarity; Fraud Detection; Medicare; Severe Class Imbalance tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Wani M.A., Sayed-Mouchaweh M., Lughofer E., Gama J., Kantardzic M.;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;"Bauder, R.A.; Khoshgoftaar, T.M.; Hasanin, T.";Data sampling approaches with severely imbalanced big data for medicare fraud detection;;978-1-5386-7449-9;;10.1109/ICTAI.2018.00030;;2018;137-142;;;2018-November;;;Proceedings - International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, ICTAI;IEEE Computer Society;;English;;"Citation Key: Bauder2018137 ISSN: 10823409 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. Int. Conf. Tools Artif. Intell. ICTAI tex.art_number: 8576028 tex.author_keywords: Big Data; Data Sampling; Fraud Detection; LEIE; Medicare; Severe Class Imbalance tex.coden: PCTIF tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: Biological and Artificial Intelligence Foundation (BAIF); IEEE Computer Society";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2017;"Bauder, Richard A.; Khoshgoftaar, Taghi M.";Medicare fraud detection using machine learning methods;2017 16th IEEE international conference on machine learning and applications (ICMLA);;;10.1109/ICMLA.2017.00-48;;2017-12;858-865;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 8260744;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2016;"Bauder, Richard A.; Khoshgoftaar, Taghi M.; Richter, Aaron; Herland, Matthew";Predicting medical provider specialties to detect anomalous insurance claims;2016 IEEE 28th international conference on tools with artificial intelligence (ICTAI);978-1-5090-4459-7;;10.1109/ICTAI.2016.0123;;2016-11;784-790;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;ISSN: 2375-0197;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;"Bauder, Richard; da Rosa, Raquel; Khoshgoftaar, Taghi";Identifying medicare provider fraud with unsupervised machine learning;2018 IEEE international conference on information reuse and integration (IRI);;;10.1109/IRI.2018.00051;;2018-07;285-292;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 8424722;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;"Bauder, Richard; Khoshgoftaar, Taghi";Medicare fraud detection using random forest with class imbalanced big data;2018 IEEE international conference on information reuse and integration (IRI);;;10.1109/IRI.2018.00019;;2018-07;80-87;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 8424690;;; ;conferencePaper;2021;Baumann, Michaela;Improving a rule-based fraud detection system with classification based on association rule mining;INFORMATIK 2021 - Computer Science & Sustainability;978-3-88579-708-1;;10.18420/informatik2021-091;;2021;1121-1134;;;P-314;;;Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Proceedings;Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI);Berlin, Germany;English;;"ISSN: 16175468 tex.abbrev_source_title: Lect. Notes Informatics (LNI), Proc. - Series Ges. Inform. (GI) tex.author_keywords: Association rule mining; Classification; Expert system; Genetic optimizer; Insurance fraud detection tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: et al.; Google Cloud; Google Deutschland GmbH; Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.; IBM Deutschland GmbH; SAP SE";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2016;"Bayerstadler, A.; van Dijk, L.; Winter, F.";Bayesian multinomial latent variable modeling for fraud and abuse detection in health insurance;Insurance: Mathematics and Economics;;1676687;10.1016/j.insmatheco.2016.09.013;;2016;244-252;;;71;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Elsevier B.V. tex.abbrev_source_title: Insur. Math. Econ. tex.author_keywords: Bayes; Fraud and abuse detection; Health insurance; Latent variable; Predictive model tex.coden: IMECD tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2005;"Becker, D.; Kessler, D.; McClellan, M.";Detecting medicare abuse;Journal of Health Economics;;1676296;10.1016/j.jhealeco.2004.07.002;;2005;189-210;;1;24;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Becker2005189 Publisher: Elsevier B.V. tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Health Econ. tex.author_keywords: Anti-fraud enforcement; Medicare abuse; Medicare beneficiaries tex.coden: JHECD tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2014;"Bednar, Peter; Welch, Christine; Imrie, Peter";Supporting business decision-making: One professional at a time;DSS 2.0 - Supporting Decision Making with New Technologies;978-1-61499-399-5 978-1-61499-398-8;;10.3233/978-1-61499-399-5-471;;2014;471-482;;;261;;;Frontiers in artificial intelligence and applications;;;English;;"ISSN: 0922-6389 Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Bednar, P (Corresponding Author), Univ Portsmouth, Sch Comp, Buckingham Bldg,Lion Terrace, Portsmouth PO1 3HE, Hants, England. Bednar, Peter; Welch, Christine; Imrie, Peter, Univ Portsmouth, Portsmouth PO1 3HE, Hants, England. tex.times-cited: 1 tex.unique-id: WOS:000350220100042";"PhillipsWren, G; Carlsson, S; Respicio, A; Brezillon, P";; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2000;"Belhadji, E.B.; Dionne, G.; Tarkhani, F.";A model for the detection of insurance fraud;Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice;;10185895;10.1111/1468-0440.00080;;2000;517-538;;4;25;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Belhadji2000517 Publisher: Blackwell Publishing Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: Geneva Pap, on Risk and Insur. Issues and Pract. tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC4 (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Benedek, B.; Ciumas, C.; Nagy, B.Z.";Automobile insurance fraud detection in the age of big data – a systematic and comprehensive literature review;Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance;;13581988;10.1108/JFRC-11-2021-0102;;2022;503-523;;4;30;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Emerald Group Holdings Ltd. tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Financ. Regul. Compliance tex.author_keywords: Automobile insurance fraud detection; Data mining; Literature review tex.document_type: Review tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2000;Bentley, Peter J.;"""Evolutionary, My Dear Watson"" investigating committee-based evolution of fuzzy rules for the detection of suspicious insurance claims";Proceedings of the 2nd annual conference on genetic and evolutionary computation;1-55860-708-0;;;;2000;702–709;;;;;;GECCO'00;Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc.;San Francisco, CA, USA;;;Citation Key: 10.5555/2933718.2933841 Number of pages: 8 Place: Las Vegas, Nevada;;; EC5 (manual);conferencePaper;2020;Bera, Anna;The development of instruments for countering insurance fraud - polish and international solutions;EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENT: A 2025 VISION TO SUSTAIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DURING GLOBAL CHALLENGES;978-0-9998551-4-0;;;;2020;12432-12441;;;;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: WOS:000661489803027 Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Bera, A (Corresponding Author), Univ Szczecin, Inst Econ & Finance, Szczecin, Poland. Bera, Anna, Univ Szczecin, Inst Econ & Finance, Szczecin, Poland. tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000661489803027;Soliman, KS;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2006;"Bermudez, Lluis; Perez-Sanchez, J. M.; Ayuso, Mercedes; Gomez-Deniz, Emilio";Detecting automobile insurance fraud using a skewed link model.;INSURANCE MATHEMATICS & ECONOMICS;;0167-6687;;;01/12/2006;400;;3;39;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: WOS:000242315600015 Type: Meeting abstract tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000242315600015;;; ;conferencePaper;2021;"Bhamidipati, Naga Ramya; Vakkavanthula, Varsha; Stafford, George; Dahir, Masrik; Neupane, Roshan; Bonnah, Ernest; Wang, Songjie; Murthy, J. V. R.; Hoque, Khaza Anuarul; Calyam, Prasad";ClaimChain: Secure Blockchain Platform for Handling Insurance Claims Processing;2021 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain);;;10.1109/Blockchain53845.2021.00019;;2021-12;55-64;;;;;;;IEEE;Melbourne, Australia;English;;;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Bhardwaj, D.; Rai, A.";Heterogeneous clustering network chronic kidney disease progression mining (HCNCKPM);Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems;;1943023X;10.5373/JARDCS/V11SP11/20192950;;2019;215-222;;11 Special Issue;11;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Bhardwaj2019215 Publisher: Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc. tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Adv. Res. Dyn. Control. Syst. tex.author_keywords: —Chronic Kidney Disease; Chronic Diseases; Healthcare Insurance Fraud; Heterogeneous Network-based Chronic Disease Progression Mining (HNCDPM) tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);book;2013;"Bhattacharyya, Dhruba Kumar; Kalita, Jugal Kumar";Network anomaly detection: A machine learning perspective;;978-1-4665-8209-5 978-1-4665-8208-8;;;;2013;;;;;;;;Chapman & Hall/CRC;;English;;Citation Key: 10.5555/2505468;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2011;"Bhattacharyya, Siddhartha; Jha, Sanjeev; Tharakunnel, Kurian; Westland, J. Christopher";Data mining for credit card fraud: A comparative study;DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS;;0167-9236;10.1016/j.dss.2010.08.008;;2011-02;602-613;;3, SI;50;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000286851400007 Type: Article tex.affiliation: Bhattacharyya, S (Corresponding Author), Univ Illinois, Coll Business Adm, Dept Informat & Decis Sci MC 294, 601 S Morgan St, Chicago, IL 60607 USA. Bhattacharyya, Siddhartha; Westland, J. Christopher, Univ Illinois, Coll Business Adm, Dept Informat & Decis Sci MC 294, Chicago, IL 60607 USA. Jha, Sanjeev, Univ New Hampshire, Whittemore Sch Business & Econ, Dept Decis Sci, Durham, NH 03824 USA. Tharakunnel, Kurian, Millikin Univ, Tabor Sch Business, Decatur, IL 62522 USA. tex.eissn: 1873-5797 tex.keywords-plus: MULTINOMIAL LOGIT MODEL; INSURANCE FRAUD; DISCRETE-CHOICE tex.times-cited: 338 tex.unique-id: WOS:000286851400007";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Bhawana; Kumar, Sushil; Dohare, Upasana; Kaiwartya, Omprakash";FLAME: Trusted fire brigade service and insurance claim system using blockchain for enterprises;IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics;;1941-0050;10.1109/TII.2022.3212172;;2022;45200;;;;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: 9911698;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2003;Biafore, S.;Real-time fraud detection. Systems with predictive analytics can catch fraud and abuse before they happen.;Healthcare informatics : the business magazine for information and communication systems;;10509135;;;2003;82;;10;20;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Biafore200382 tex.abbrev_source_title: Healthc Inform tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2009;"Bian, Kaigui; Park, Jung-Min ”Jerry”; Hsiao, Michael S.; Belanger, France; Hiller, Janine";Evaluation of online resources in assisting phishing detection;2009 ninth annual international symposium on applications and the internet;;;10.1109/SAINT.2009.14;;2009-07;30-36;;;;;;;;;;;Citation Key: 5230664;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Bisco, Jill M.; McCullough, Kathleen A.; Nyce, Charles M.";POSTCLAIM UNDERWRITING AND THE VERIFICATION OF INSURED INFORMATION: EVIDENCE FROM THE LIFE INSURANCE INDUSTRY;JOURNAL OF RISK AND INSURANCE;;0022-4367;10.1111/jori.12189;;2019-03;14062;;1;86;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000458385700001 Type: Article tex.affiliation: Bisco, JM (Corresponding Author), Univ Akron, Dept Finance, Akron, OH 44325 USA. Bisco, Jill M., Univ Akron, Dept Finance, Akron, OH 44325 USA. McCullough, Kathleen A.; Nyce, Charles M., Florida State Univ, Risk Management Insurance Real Estate & Legal Stu, Tallahassee, FL 32306 USA. tex.eissn: 1539-6975 tex.keywords-plus: FRAUD DETECTION; AGENCY THEORY; CLAIMS; OWNERSHIP; CONTRACTS; MARKET; POLICY; STOCK tex.times-cited: 2 tex.unique-id: WOS:000458385700001";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2012;"Bolancé, C.; Ayuso, M.; Guillén, M.";A nonparametric approach to analyzing operational risk with an application to insurance fraud;Journal of Operational Risk;;17446740;10.21314/JOP.2012.103;;2012;57-75;;1;7;;;;;;English;;Publisher: Incisive Media Ltd. tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Oper. Risk tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);book;2000;"Bologna, G. Jack; Bologna, Jack; Shaw, Paul";Avoiding cyber fraud in small businesses: What auditors and owners need to know;;0-471-37297-8;;;;2000;;;;;;;;"John Wiley & Sons, Inc.";USA;;;Citation Key: 10.5555/556591;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;1999;"Bonchi, Francesco; Giannotti, Fosca; Mainetto, Gianni; Pedreschi, Dino";Using data mining techniques in fiscal fraud detection;Proceedings of the first international conference on data warehousing and knowledge discovery;3-540-66458-0;;10.1007/3-540-48298-9_39;;1999;369–376;;;;;;DaWaK '99;Springer-Verlag;Berlin, Heidelberg;English;;Number of pages: 8;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2016;Börner, K.;Data-driven science policy;Issues in Science and Technology;;7485492;;;2016;26-28;;3;32;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Börner201626 Publisher: University of Texas at Dallas tex.abbrev_source_title: Issues Sci Technol tex.coden: ISTEE tex.document_type: Review tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2008;"Bourgeon, J.-M.; Picard, P.; Pouyet, J.";Providers' affiliation, insurance and collusion;Journal of Banking and Finance;;3784266;10.1016/j.jbankfin.2007.09.012;;2008;170-186;;1;32;;;;;;English;;"tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Bank. Financ. tex.author_keywords: Affiliation/vertical relationships; Fraud; Insurance tex.coden: JBFID tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Brant, S.B.; Hobæk Haff, I.";The fraud loss for selecting the model complexity in fraud detection;Journal of Applied Statistics;;2664763;10.1080/02664763.2022.2070137;;2022;;;;;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Taylor and Francis Ltd. tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Appl. Stat. tex.author_keywords: boosting; cross-validation; Fraud detection; hyperparameter; penalised regression tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1993;"Brinkmann, B.; Wiegand, P.";Individualized DNA analysis in insurance medicine clarifications [Individualisierende DNA-Analytik unter versicherungsmedizinischen Fragestellungen.];Versicherungsmedizin / herausgegeben von Verband der Lebensversicherungs-Unternehmen e.V. und Verband der Privaten Krankenversicherung e.V;;9334548;;;1993;185-189;;6;45;;;;;;German;;Citation Key: Brinkmann1993185 tex.abbrev_source_title: Versicherungsmedizin tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Brisimi, T.S.; Lopez, V.; Rho, V.; Sbodio, M.; Picco, G.; Kristiansen, M.; Segrave-Daly, J.; Cullen, C.";Ontology-guided policy information extraction for healthcare fraud detection;Studies in Health Technology and Informatics;;9269630;10.3233/SHTI200287;;2020;879-883;;;270;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Brisimi2020879 ISBN: 9781643680828 Publisher: IOS Press tex.abbrev_source_title: Stud. Health Technol. Informatics tex.author_keywords: Claims auditing; Healthcare fraud; Ontology-based information extraction tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Pape-Haugaard L.B., Lovis C., Madsen I.C., Weber P., Nielsen P.H., Scott P.;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2002;"Brockett, P.L.; Derrig, R.A.; Golden, L.L.; Levine, A.; Alpert, M.";Fraud classification using principal component analysis of RIDITs;Journal of Risk and Insurance;;224367;10.1111/1539-6975.00027;;2002;341-371;;3;69;;;;;;English;;tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Risk Insur. tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2019;"Brunese, Luca; Mercaldo, Francesco; Reginelli, Alfonso; Santone, Antonella";Radiomic features for medical images tamper detection by equivalence checking;23rd International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2019);;;10.1016/j.procs.2019.09.351;;2019;1795-1802;;;159;;;Procedia computer science;;;English;;"ISSN: 1877-0509 Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Mercaldo, F (Corresponding Author), Natl Res Council Italy CNR, Inst Informat & Telemat, Pisa, Italy. Mercaldo, F; Santone, A (Corresponding Author), Univ Molise, Dept Biosci & Terr, Pesche, IS, Italy. Brunese, Luca, Univ Molise, Dept Med & Hlth Sci Vincenzo Tiberio, Campobasso, Italy. Mercaldo, Francesco, Natl Res Council Italy CNR, Inst Informat & Telemat, Pisa, Italy. Reginelli, Alfonso, Univ Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Dept Precis Med, Naples, Italy. Mercaldo, Francesco; Santone, Antonella, Univ Molise, Dept Biosci & Terr, Pesche, IS, Italy. tex.keywords-plus: WATERMARKING TECHNIQUE; AUTHENTICATION; RECOVERY; SECURITY; REGION; CLOUD tex.times-cited: 9 tex.unique-id: WOS:000571151500186";"Rudas, IJ; Janos, C; Toro, C; Botzheim, J; Howlett, RJ; Jain, LC";; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2016;Burrell, J.;How the machine ‘thinks’: Understanding opacity in machine learning algorithms;Big Data and Society;;20539517;10.1177/2053951715622512;;2016;;;1;3;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Burrell2016 Publisher: SAGE Publications Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: Big Data Soc. tex.author_keywords: classification; discrimination; inequality; machine learning; Opacity; spam filtering tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2008;"Calberson, F.L.G.; Hommez, G.M.; De Moor, R.J.";Fraudulent use of digital radiography: Methods to detect and protect digital radiographs;Journal of Endodontics;;992399;10.1016/j.joen.2008.01.019;;2008;530-536;;5;34;;;;;;English;;"tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Endod. tex.author_keywords: Digital radiography; endodontics; image enhancement; image manipulation; radiographic authentication; radiographic images tex.coden: JOEND tex.document_type: Review tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2015;"Caldeira, A.M.; Gassenferth, W.; Machado, M.A.S.; Santos, D.J.";Auditing vehicles claims using neural networks;3rd International Conference on Information Technology and Quantitative Management, ITQM 2015;;;10.1016/j.procs.2015.07.008;;2015;62-71;;;55;;;Procedia Computer Science;Elsevier B.V.;;English;;"ISSN: 18770509 tex.abbrev_source_title: Procedia Comput. Sci. tex.author_keywords: Audit; Claim; Fraud; Logistic model; Neural networks tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: Brazilian Society of Operations Research (SOBRAPO); CAS Research Center on Fictitious Economy and Data Science (FEDS); et al.; Ibmec; SUCESU-RJ; Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)";Colcher R., Shi Y., Wolcott P., Herrera-Viedma E., Gomes L.F.A.M., Shi Y.;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Can, Baris; Yavuz, Ali Gokhan; Karsligil, Elif M.; Guvensan, M. Amac";A closer look into the characteristics of fraudulent card transactions;IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions;;2169-3536;10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3022315;;2020;166095-166109;;;8;;IEEE Access;;;;English;;Citation Key: 9187199;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2019;"Cao, Hongfei; Zhang, Runtong";Using PCA to improve the detection of medical insurance fraud in SOFM neural networks;Proceedings of the 2019 3rd international conference on management engineering, software engineering and service sciences;978-1-4503-6189-7;;10.1145/3312662.3312713;;2019;117–122;;;;;;ICMSS 2019;Association for Computing Machinery;New York, NY, USA;English;;Number of pages: 6 Place: Wuhan, China;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2017;Cao, Longbing;Behavior informatics to discover behavior insight for active and tailored client management;Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining;978-1-4503-4887-4;;10.1145/3097983.3105818;;2017;15–16;;;;;;KDD '17;Association for Computing Machinery;New York, NY, USA;;;Citation Key: 10.1145/3097983.3105818 Number of pages: 2 Place: Halifax, NS, Canada;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2006;Carroll, J.;New tools to detect fraud rely on discovering patterns.;Managed care (Langhorne, Pa.);;10623388;;;2006;41-42, 44-45;;3;15;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Carroll2006 tex.abbrev_source_title: Manag Care tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC5 (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Caruana, M.A.; Grech, L.";Automobile insurance fraud detection;Communications in Statistics Case Studies Data Analysis and Applications;;23737484;10.1080/23737484.2021.1986169;;2021;520-535;;4;7;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Caruana2021520 Publisher: Taylor and Francis Ltd. tex.abbrev_source_title: Commun. Stat., Case Stud. Data Anal. Appl. tex.author_keywords: Artificial neural networks; Fraud detection; Insurance claims; Naïve Bayes classifier; Unbalanced datasets tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2017;"Cassimiro, Jackson Cunha; Santana, André Macedo; Neto, Pedro Santos; Rabelo, Ricardo Lira";Investigating the effects of class imbalance in learning the claim authorization process in the Brazilian health care market;2017 international joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN);;;10.1109/IJCNN.2017.7966265;;2017-05;3265-3272;;;;;;;;;English;;ISSN: 2161-4407;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2019;"Castaneda, G.; Morris, P.; Khoshgoftaar, T.M.";Maxout neural network for big data medical fraud detection;;978-1-72810-059-3;;10.1109/BigDataService.2019.00064;;2019;357-362;;;;;;Proceedings - 5th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Service and Applications, BigDataService 2019, Workshop on Big Data in Water Resources, Environment, and Hydraulic Engineering and Workshop on Medical, Healthcare, Using Big Data Technologies;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;"Citation Key: Castaneda2019357 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. - IEEE Int. Conf. Big Data Serv. Appl., BigDataService , Workshop Big Data Water Resour., Environ., Hydraul. Eng. Workshop Med., Healthc., Using Big Data Technol. tex.art_number: 8848229 tex.author_keywords: Activation functions; Big data; Maxout network; Medical fraud detection; Neural networks tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2005;"Caudill, S.B.; Ayuso, M.; Guillén, M.";Fraud detection using a multinomial logit model with missing information;Journal of Risk and Insurance;;224367;10.1111/j.1539-6975.2005.00137.x;;2005;539-550;;4;72;;;;;;English;;tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Risk Insur. tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);thesis;2008;Ceesay, Ebrima N.;Mitigating phishing attacks: A detection, response and evaluation framework;;;;;;2008;;;;;;;;University of California at Davis;USA;;phd;Citation Key: 10.5555/1570896 ISBN: 9780549903970;;; EC1 (auto);bookSection;2015;"Chandola, V.; Schryver, J.; Sukumar, S.";Fraud detection in healthcare;Healthcare Data Analytics;978-1-4822-3212-7 978-1-4822-3211-0;;;;2015;577–598;;;;;;;Chapman and Hall/CRC;;English;;Citation Key: Chandola2015577 DOI: 10.1201/b18588 Pages: 577-598 tex.abbrev_source_title: Healthc. Data Analytics tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2013;"Chandola, Varun; Sukumar, Sreenivas R.; Schryver, Jack C.";Knowledge discovery from massive healthcare claims data;Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining;978-1-4503-2174-7;;10.1145/2487575.2488205;;2013;1312–1320;;;;;;KDD '13;Association for Computing Machinery;New York, NY, USA;English;;Number of pages: 9 Place: Chicago, Illinois, USA;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2010;"Chang, H.J.; Oh, S.N.; Park, M.Y.; Rha, S.E.; Choi, B.G.";Fraudulent retouching of digital radiographic images-a potential risk;Clinical Radiology;;99260;10.1016/j.crad.2010.02.001;;2010;967-973;;12;65;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Chang2010967 tex.abbrev_source_title: Clin. Radiol. tex.coden: CLRAA tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2011;"Chaudhuri, Surajit; Narasayya, Vivek";New frontiers in business intelligence;Proc. VLDB Endow.;;2150-8097;10.14778/3402755.3402806;;2011-08;1502–1503;;12;4;;;;;;;;Citation Key: 10.14778/3402755.3402806 Number of pages: 2 Publisher: VLDB Endowment tex.issue_date: August 2011;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2018;"Chen, A.; Blumenthal, D.M.; Jena, A.B.";Characteristics of physicians excluded from US medicare and state public insurance programs for fraud, health crimes, or unlawful prescribing of controlled substances;JAMA Network Open;;25743805;10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2018.5805;;2018;;;8;1;;;;;;English;;Publisher: American Medical Association tex.abbrev_source_title: JAMA Netw. Open tex.art_number: e185805 tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2019;"Chen, Cen; Liang, Chen; Lin, Jianbin; Wang, Li; Liu, Ziqi; Yang, Xinxing; Zhou, Jun; Shuang, Yang; Qi, Yuan";InfDetect: a large scale graph-based fraud detection system for E-commerce insurance;2019 IEEE international conference on big data (big data);;;10.1109/BigData47090.2019.9006115;;2019-12;1765-1773;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9006115;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Chen, J.-P.; Lu, P.; Yang, F.; Chen, R.; Lin, K.";Medical insurance fraud detection using graph neural networks with spatio-temporal constraints;Journal of Network Intelligence;;24148105;;;2022;480-498;;2;7;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Chen2022480 Publisher: Taiwan Ubiquitous Information CO LTD tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Network Intell. tex.author_keywords: Fraud Detection; Graph Neural Network; Medical Insurance; Spatiotemporal tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Chen, J.; Hu, X.; Yi, D.; Li, J.; Alazab, M.";A variational AutoEncoder-Based relational model for cost-effective automatic medical fraud detection;IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing;;15455971;10.1109/TDSC.2022.3187973;;2022;41640;;;;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. tex.abbrev_source_title: IEEE Trans. Dependable Secure Comput. tex.author_keywords: Active learning; automatic fraud detection; Computational modeling; Costs; graph convolution network; healthcare industry; Hospitals; Industries; Insurance; Medical diagnostic imaging; one-class learning; Predictive models tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; ;conferencePaper;2020;"Chen, Long-Sheng; Chen, Jia-Chuan";Using data mining methods to detect medical fraud;Proceedings of the 7th international conference on management of E-commerce and e-Government;978-1-4503-7747-8;;10.1145/3409891.3409902;;2020;89–93;;;;;;ICMECG '20;Association for Computing Machinery;New York, NY, USA;English;;Number of pages: 5 Place: Jeju, Island, Republic of Korea;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2021;"Chen, Ruicong; Zhang, Hao; Lin, Kaibiao";A graph-based method for health care joint fraud detection;Proceedings of the 2020 9th international conference on computing and pattern recognition;978-1-4503-8783-5;;10.1145/3436369.3437443;;2021;122–129;;;;;;ICCPR 2020;Association for Computing Machinery;New York, NY, USA;English;;Number of pages: 8 Place: Xiamen, China;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2013;"Chen, Song; Gangopadhyay, Aryya";A novel approach to uncover health care frauds through spectral analysis;Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE international conference on healthcare informatics;978-0-7695-5089-3;;10.1109/ICHI.2013.77;;2013;499–504;;;;;;ICHI '13;IEEE Computer Society;USA;English;;Number of pages: 6;;; EC5 (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Chen, Z.; Jiang, W.; Lei, M.; Zhang, J.; Hu, J.; Xiang, Y.; Shao, D.";MEM: A new mixed ensemble model for identifying frauds;International Journal of Information and Communication Technology;;14666642;10.1504/IJICT.2019.103002;;2019;294-303;;3;15;;Int. J. Inf. Commun. Techol.;;;;English;;"Publisher: Inderscience Publishers tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol. tex.author_keywords: Detection of social insurance frauds; Measurement of social insurance frauds; MEM; Mixed ensemble model; Social insurance identification techniques tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC5 (manual);conferencePaper;2021;"Cheng, F.; Wang, X.";Research on automobile insurance fraud detection strategy based on stochastic gradient boosting decision tree;Conference Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Project Management, ISPM 2021;978-1-921712-77-7;;;;2021;1535-1544;;;;;;;Aussino Academic Publishing House;;English;;"Citation Key: Cheng20211535 tex.abbrev_source_title: Conf. Proc. Int. Symp. Proj. Manag., ISPM tex.author_keywords: Ensemble learning; Insurance fraud; Stochastic gradient boosting decision tree tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: Construction Industry Committee, China-Asia Economic Development Association; et al.; Hubei Zhongke Institute of Geology and Environment Technology; Institute of Engineering Management, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture; International Business School, Yunnan University of Finance and Economics; The College of Economics and Management, Beijing University of Chemical Technology";Cheng C., Zhang H.;;9th International Symposium on Project Management, ISPM 2021 Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Choi, J.; Kim, J.; Lee, H.";Hybrid fraud detection model: Detecting fraudulent information in the healthcare crowdfunding;KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems;;19767277;10.3837/tiis.2022.03.014;;2022;1006-1027;;3;16;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Korean Society for Internet Information tex.abbrev_source_title: KSII Trans. Internet Inf. Syst. tex.author_keywords: Collaborative Filtering; Crowdfunding; Fraud Detection; LDA; Social SVD tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Choi, Jung-Moon; Kim, Ji-Hyeok; Kim, Sung-Jun";Application of reinforcement learning in detecting fraudulent insurance claims;INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND NETWORK SECURITY;;1738-7906;10.22937/IJCSNS.2021.21.9.17;;30/09/2021;125-131;;9;21;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000708805900017 Type: Article tex.affiliation: Choi, JM (Corresponding Author), Dept Res & Planning WISEiTECH, Seongnam Si, South Korea. Choi, Jung-Moon; Kim, Ji-Hyeok, Dept Res & Planning WISEiTECH, Seongnam Si, South Korea. Kim, Sung-Jun, Namseoul Univ, Dept Bigdata Content Convergence, Cheonan Si, South Korea. tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000708805900017";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2013;"Christen, Peter; Vatsalan, Dinusha";Flexible and extensible generation and corruption of personal data;"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international conference on information & knowledge management";978-1-4503-2263-8;;10.1145/2505515.2507815;;2013;1165–1168;;;;;;CIKM '13;Association for Computing Machinery;New York, NY, USA;;;Citation Key: 10.1145/2505515.2507815 Number of pages: 4 Place: San Francisco, California, USA;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2011;"Christou, I.T.; Bakopoulos, M.; Dimitriou, T.; Amolochitis, E.; Tsekeridou, S.; Dimitriadis, C.";Detecting fraud in online games of chance and lotteries;Expert Systems with Applications;;9574174;10.1016/j.eswa.2011.04.124;;2011;13158-13169;;10;38;;Expert Syst. Appl.;;;;English;;"tex.abbrev_source_title: Expert Sys Appl tex.author_keywords: Cluster ensembles; Data cubes; Fraud detection; Money laundering detection; Outlier detector fusion; Unsupervised learning tex.coden: ESAPE tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Çiǧşar, B.; Ünal, D.";Comparison of data mining classification algorithms determining the default risk;Scientific Programming;;10589244;10.1155/2019/8706505;;2019;;;;2019;;Sci. Program.;;;;English;;Publisher: Hindawi Limited tex.abbrev_source_title: Sci. Program tex.art_number: 8706505 tex.coden: SCIPE tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);bookSection;2014;Commission, Federal Trade;Data brokers: A call for transparency and accountability;Data Brokers and the Need for Transparency and Accountability;978-1-63321-608-2 978-1-63321-575-7;;;;2014;1–101;;;;;;;Nova Science Publishers, Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: NoAuthor20141 Pages: 1-101 tex.abbrev_source_title: Data Brokers and the Need for Transpar. and Account. tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus;;; EC2 (auto);bookSection;2019;"Cook, J.S.; Neely, M.P.";Building intelligent systems for paying healthcare providers and using social media to detect fraudulent claims;Data Analytics in Medicine: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications;978-1-79981-205-0;;;;2019;1758–1780;;;;;;;IGI Global;;English;;Citation Key: Cook20191758 DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1204-3.ch088 Pages: 1758-1780 tex.abbrev_source_title: Data Anal. in Medicine: Concepts, Methodol., Tools, and Appl. tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2017;"Cook, Jack S.; Neely, M. Pamela";Building intelligent systems for paying healthcare providers and using social media to detect fraudulent claims;International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence;;1947-9344;10.4018/IJOCI.2017040102;;2017-04;13–33;;2;7;;Int. J. Organ. Collect. Intell.;;;;English;;Citation Key: 10.4018/IJOCI.2017040102 Number of pages: 21 Place: USA Publisher: IGI Global tex.issue_date: April 2017;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2015;"Coppolino, Luigi; D'Antonio, Salvatore; Romano, Luigi; Papale, Gaetano; Sgaglione, Luigi; Campanile, Ferdinando";Direct debit transactions: A comprehensive analysis of emerging attack patterns;2015 10th international conference on P2P, parallel, grid, cloud and internet computing (3PGCIC);;;10.1109/3PGCIC.2015.24;;2015-11;713-717;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 7424655;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2004;Correia, E.;The federal trade commission's regulation of weight-loss advertising claims;Food and Drug Law Journal;;1064590X;;;2004;585-594+iii;;4;59;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Correia2004 tex.abbrev_source_title: Food Drug Law J. tex.coden: FDLJE tex.document_type: Review tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2006;"Corzo, C.; Corzo S., F.; Zhang, N.; Carpenter, A.";Using automated banking certificates to detect unauthorised financial transactions;Proceedings of the 10th international conference on financial cryptography and data security;3-540-46255-4;;10.1007/11889663_3;;2006;36–51;;;;;;FC'06;Springer-Verlag;Berlin, Heidelberg;English;;Number of pages: 16 Place: Anguilla, British West Indies;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1994;"Cottrell, D.M.; Albrecht, W.S.";Recognizing the symptoms of employee fraud.;Healthcare financial management : journal of the Healthcare Financial Management Association;;7350732;;;1994;18-22, 24;;5;48;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Cottrell199418 tex.abbrev_source_title: Healthc Financ Manage tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2016;"Cui, Haoyi; Li, Qingzhong; Li, Hui; Yan, Zhongmin";Healthcare fraud detection based on trustworthiness of doctors;2016 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA;978-1-5090-3205-1;;10.1109/TrustCom.2016.0048;;2016-08;74-81;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;ISSN: 2324-9013;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2017;"Cui, W.; Wang, H.";A new anomaly detection system for school electricity consumption data;Information (Switzerland);;20782489;10.3390/info8040151;;2017;;;4;8;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Cui2017 Publisher: MDPI AG tex.abbrev_source_title: Information tex.art_number: 151 tex.author_keywords: Anomaly detection; Data mining; Data visualization; Remote facilities management; School electricity consumption data; Time series; Visual analytics tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2017;"Cui, Wenqiang; Wang, Hao";Anomaly detection and visualization of school electricity consumption data;2017 IEEE 2nd international conference on big data analysis (ICBDA);978-1-5090-3619-6;;10.1109/ICBDA.2017.8078707;;2017-03;606-611;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 8078707;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2012;"D'Argouges, F.; Desjeux, G.; Marsan, P.; Thevenin-Garron, V.";Reimbursement of opiate substitution drugs to militaries in 2007 [Remboursement des médicaments de substitution aux opiacés chez les militaires en 2007];L'Encéphale;;137006;10.1016/j.encep.2011.11.010;;2012;304-309;;4;38;;Encephale;;;;French;;"Citation Key: D'Argouges2012304 tex.abbrev_source_title: Encephale tex.author_keywords: Buprenorphine; French military personnel; Heroine dependence; Methadone; Work capacity evaluation tex.coden: ENCEA tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Day-Storms, J.J.; Kren, E.M.; Bush, J.; Souslova, T.; Kerr, W.; Baird, G.S.";The hidden cost of the opioid epidemic in the united states: Drug screening in insurance claims;Therapeutic drug monitoring;;15363694;10.1097/FTD.0000000000000856;;2021;25-34;;1;43;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Day-Storms202125 Publisher: NLM (Medline) tex.abbrev_source_title: Ther Drug Monit tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);book;2007;De Palma, Paul;Annual editions: Computers in society 08/09;;0-07-352848-X;;;;2007;;240;;;;;;McGraw-Hill, Inc.;USA;;;Citation Key: 10.5555/1593898;;14; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1998;Dembe, A.E.;The medical detection of simulated occupational injuries: A historical and social analysis;International Journal of Health Services;;207314;10.2190/AHNQ-7D5R-4YN3-NX0F;;1998;227-239;;2;28;;;;;;English;;Publisher: Baywood Publishing Co. Inc. tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. J. Health Serv. tex.coden: IJHSC tex.document_type: Review tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2002;Derrig, R.A.;Insurance fraud;Journal of Risk and Insurance;;224367;10.1111/1539-6975.00026;;2002;271-287;;3;69;;;;;;English;;tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Risk Insur. tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; ;journalArticle;2020;"Dhieb, Najmeddine; Ghazzai, Hakim; Besbes, Hichem; Massoud, Yehia";A Secure AI-Driven Architecture for Automated Insurance Systems: Fraud Detection and Risk Measurement;IEEE Access;;2169-3536;10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2983300;;2020;58546-58558;;;8;;;;;;English;;;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2019;"Dhieb, Najmeddine; Ghazzai, Hakim; Besbes, Hichem; Massoud, Yehia";A very deep transfer learning model for vehicle damage detection and localization;2019 31st international conference on microelectronics (ICM);978-1-72814-058-2;;10.1109/ICM48031.2019.9021687;;2019-12;158-161;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9021687;;; ;conferencePaper;2019;"Dhieb, Najmeddine; Ghazzai, Hakim; Besbes, Hichem; Massoud, Yehia";Extreme gradient boosting machine learning algorithm for safe auto insurance operations;2019 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES);;;10.1109/ICVES.2019.8906396;;2019-09;45047;;;;;;;IEEE;Cairo, Egypt;English;;ISSN: 2643-9751;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2015;"Diaz-Granados, Manuel; Diaz-Montes, Javier; Parashar, Manish";Investigating insurance fraud using social media;2015 IEEE international conference on big data (big data);;;10.1109/BigData.2015.7363893;;2015-10;1344-1349;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 7363893;;; ;journalArticle;2022;"Dimri, Anuj; Paul, Arindam; Girish, Deeptha; Lee, Peng; Afra, Sardar; Jakubowski, Andrew";A multi-input multi-label claims channeling system using insurance-based language models;Expert Systems with Applications;;0957-4174;10.1016/j.eswa.2022.117166;;2022;117166;;;202;;Expert Syst. Appl.;;;;English;;;;; ;conferencePaper;2019;"Dimri, Anuj; Yerramilli, Suraj; Lee, Peng; Afra, Sardar; Jakubowski, Andrew";Enhancing claims handling processes with insurance based language models;2019 18th IEEE International Conference On Machine Learning And Applications (ICMLA);;;10.1109/ICMLA.2019.00284;;2019-12;1750-1755;;;;;;;IEEE;Boca Raton, Florida, USA;English;;;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2002;"Dionne, G.; Gagné, R.";Replacement cost endorsement and opportunistic fraud in automobile insurance;Journal of Risk and Uncertainty;;8955646;10.1023/A:1015683401986;;2002;213-230;;3;24;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Dionne2002213 tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Risk Uncertainty tex.author_keywords: Adverse selection; Automobile insurance; Ex post moral hazard; Insurance fraud; Replacement cost endorsement tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1997;Dixon, M.I.;Recent initiatives in the prevention and detection of insurance fraud;Journal of Financial Crime;;13590790;10.1108/eb025784;;1997;236-241;;3;4;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Dixon1997236 tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Financ. Crime tex.document_type: Review tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2006;Donzelli, P.;Decision support system for software project management;IEEE Software;;1937-4194;10.1109/MS.2006.90;;2006-07;67-75;;4;23;;;;;;;;Citation Key: 1657943;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2021;"Dorathi Jayaseeli, J.D.; Jayaraj, G.K.; Kanakarajan, M.; Malathi, D.";Car damage detection and cost evaluation using MASK R-CNN;Intelligent Computing and Innovation on Data Science;978-981-16-3153-5;;10.1007/978-981-16-3153-5_31;;2021;279-288;;;248;;;Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems;Springer Singapore;;English;;"Citation Key: DorathiJayaseeli2021279 ISBN: 9789811631528 Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH tex.abbrev_source_title: Lect. Notes Networks Syst. tex.author_keywords: Car damage detection; Mask R-CNN; Transfer learning tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Peng S.-L., Hsieh S.-Y., Gopalakrishnan S., Duraisamy B.;;ICTIDS 2021 EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1997;"Dorronsoro, J.R.; Ginel, F.; Sgnchez, C.; Cruz, C.S.";Neural fraud detection in credit card operations;IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks;;1941-0093;10.1109/72.595879;;1997-07;827-834;;4;8;;;;;;;;Citation Key: 595879;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;"Dou, Y.; Xiong, H.";Notice of removal: Research on recognition of medical insurance fraud based on modified support vector machine;;978-1-5386-6751-4;;10.1109/ICOMSSC45026.2018.8941710;;2018;136-140;;;;;;Proceedings of 2018 International Computers, Signals and Systems Conference, ICOMSSC 2018;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;"Citation Key: Dou2018136 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. Int. Comput., Signals Syst. Conf., ICOMSSC tex.art_number: 8941710 tex.author_keywords: genetic algorithm; particle swarm optimization; recognition of medical insurance fraud; simulated annealing; support vector machine tex.document_type: Retracted tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2017;"Dou, Yifeng; Xiong, Hailing";Research on recognition of medical insurance fraud based on modified support vector machine;2017 international conference on computer technology, electronics and communication (ICCTEC);;;10.1109/ICCTEC.2017.00225;;2017-12;1021-1025;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 8789030;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Du, Y. N.; Yang, Q.";Medical insurance fraud detection based on generative adversarial networks;BASIC & CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & TOXICOLOGY;;1742-7835;;;2019-12;5;;8, SI;125;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000518390400006 Type: Meeting abstract tex.affiliation: Du, Y. N.; Yang, Q., Hefei Univ Technol, Sch Management, Hefei, Peoples R China. tex.eissn: 1742-7843 tex.meeting: XU6304 tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000518390400006";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2014;"Dua, P.; Bais, S.";Supervised learning methods for fraud detection in healthcare insurance;Intelligent Systems Reference Library;;18684394;10.1007/978-3-642-40017-9_12;;2014;261-285;;;56;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Dua2014261 Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH tex.abbrev_source_title: Intell. Syst. Ref. Libr. tex.author_keywords: Fraud detection; Healthcare fraud; Supervised methods; Unsupervised methods tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2017;"Duman, Ebru Aydoğan; Sağıroğlu, Şeref";Heath care fraud detection methods and new approaches;2017 international conference on computer science and engineering (UBMK);;;10.1109/UBMK.2017.8093544;;2017-10;839-844;;;;;;;;;;;Citation Key: 8093544;;; EC2 (auto);bookSection;2020;Dutt, R.;The impact of artificial intelligence on healthcare insurances;Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare;978-0-12-818438-7;;;;2020;271–293;;;;;;;Academic Press;;English;;"Citation Key: Dutt2020271 DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-818438-7.00011-3 Pages: 271-293 tex.abbrev_source_title: Artificial Intelligence in Healthc. tex.author_keywords: Analytics; Claims assessments; Data; Ethics; Fraud detection; Health insurance; Premiums; Preventative healthcare; Privacy; Regulation; Risk assessment tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus";;; EC2 (auto);book;2019;Dworsky, L.N.;Probably not: Future prediction using probability and statistical inference;;978-1-119-51814-3 978-1-119-51810-5;;;;2019;;;;;;;;wiley;;English;;Citation Key: Dworsky20191 DOI: 10.1002/9781119518143 Pages: 1-329 tex.abbrev_source_title: Probably Not: Future Prediction Using Probability and Statistical Inference tex.document_type: Book tex.source: Scopus;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Ekin, T.; Damien, P.";Analysis of health care billing via quantile variable selection models;Healthcare (Switzerland);;22279032;10.3390/healthcare9101274;;2021;;;10;9;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: MDPI tex.abbrev_source_title: Healthcare (Basel) tex.art_number: 1274 tex.author_keywords: Bayesian information criterion; Health care fraud; Medicare; Quantile regression; Upcoding tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Ekin, T.; Frigau, L.; Conversano, C.";Health care fraud classifiers in practice;Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry;;15241904;10.1002/asmb.2633;;2021;1182-1199;;6;37;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Ekin20211182 Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: Appl Stochastic Models Bus Indus tex.author_keywords: classification; fraud analytics; healthcare fraud; Medicare; predictive analytics tex.coden: ASMBC tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Ekin, T.; Lakomski, G.; Musal, R.M.";An unsupervised Bayesian hierarchical method for medical fraud assessment;Statistical Analysis and Data Mining;;19321864;10.1002/sam.11408;;2019;116-124;;2;12;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Ekin2019116 Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Inc. tex.abbrev_source_title: Stat. Anal. Data Min. tex.author_keywords: Bayesian hierarchical methods; health care fraud; medical audits; medical fraud; unsupervised data mining tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2018;"Ekin, Tahir; Ieva, Francesca; Ruggeri, Fabrizio; Soyer, Refik";Statistical medical fraud assessment: Exposition to an emerging field;INTERNATIONAL STATISTICAL REVIEW;;0306-7734;10.1111/insr.12269;;2018-12;379-402;;3;86;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000450335500001 Type: Article tex.affiliation: Ekin, T (Corresponding Author), Texas State Univ, McCoy Coll Business, San Marcos, TX 78666 USA. Ekin, Tahir, Texas State Univ, McCoy Coll Business, San Marcos, TX 78666 USA. Ieva, Francesca, Politecn Milan, Dept Math, I-20133 Milan, Italy. Ruggeri, Fabrizio, CNR IMATI, I-20133 Milan, Italy. Soyer, Refik, George Washington Univ, Sch Business, Washington, DC 20052 USA. tex.eissn: 1751-5823 tex.keywords-plus: HEALTH-CARE FRAUD; INSURANCE CLAIM FRAUD; MINIMUM-SUM-METHOD; ABUSE; MODEL; MANAGEMENT; SAMPLES; SYSTEM; AUDITS; STATE tex.times-cited: 19 tex.unique-id: WOS:000450335500001";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Elmougy, Samir; Hossain, M. Shamim; Tolba, Ahmed S.; Alhamid, Mohammed F.; Muhammad, Ghulam";A parameter based growing ensemble of self-organizing maps for outlier detection in healthcare;Cluster Computing;;1386-7857;10.1007/s10586-017-1327-0;;2019-01;2437–2460;;1;22;;;;;;English;;Number of pages: 24 Place: USA Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers tex.issue_date: Jan 2019;;; EC3 (auto);journalArticle;2019;"Escanciano, S.R.; Cuesta, H.Á.";Some manifestations of precarious self-employed work: main deficiencies in Social Security system OCIAL [Algunas manifestaciones del trabajo autónomo precario: Principales carencias en materia de Seguridad Social];Revista del Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social;;22543295;;;2019;143-178;;;144;;;;;;Spanish;;"Citation Key: Escanciano2019143 Publisher: Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social tex.abbrev_source_title: Rev. Minist. Empl. Segur. Soc. tex.author_keywords: Autonomous work; contributivity; cooperatives; hidden work; inequality; minimum base; part time; precariousness; public employees; social protection tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2017;"Fang, H.; Gong, Q.";Detecting potential overbilling in medicare reimbursement via hours worked;American Economic Review;;28282;10.1257/aer.20160349;;2017;562-591;;2;107;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Fang2017562 Publisher: American Economic Association tex.abbrev_source_title: Am. Econ. Rev. tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2014;"Farashah, A.D.; Estelami, H.";The interplay of external punishment and internal rewards: An exploratory study of insurance fraud;Journal of Financial Services Marketing;;13630539;10.1057/fsm.2014.25;;2014;253-264;;4;19;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Farashah2014253 Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Finan. Serv. Mark. tex.author_keywords: consumer fraud; ethics; insurance marketing tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Farbmacher, Helmut; Loew, Leander; Spindler, Martin";An explainable attention network for fraud detection in claims management;JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS;;0304-4076;10.1016/j.jeconom.2020.05.021;;2022-06;244-258;;2;228;;;;;;English;;"Type: Article tex.affiliation: Spindler, M (Corresponding Author), Univ Hamburg, Hamburg Business Sch, Hamburg, Germany. Farbmacher, Helmut, Munich Ctr Econ Aging, Max Planck Soc, Munich, Germany. Loew, Leander; Spindler, Martin, Univ Hamburg, Hamburg Business Sch, Hamburg, Germany. tex.earlyaccessdate: APR 2022 tex.eissn: 1872-6895 tex.keywords-plus: AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE; PERFORMANCE; CONTRACTS; SYSTEM tex.times-cited: 1 tex.unique-id: WOS:000793358900002";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2012;"Farquad, M.A.H.; Ravi, V.; Raju, S.B.";Analytical CRM in banking and finance using SVM: A modified active learning-based rule extraction approach;International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management;;17500664;10.1504/IJECRM.2012.046470;;2012;48-73;;1;6;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Farquad201248 tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. J. Electron. Custom. Relatsh. Manage. tex.author_keywords: CRM; Customer churn; Customer relationship management; Insurance fraud; Logistic distribution function; Modified active learning-based approach; Normal distribution function; Rule extraction; Support vector machine; SVM tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);book;2013;Farquad, Mohammed;Rule extraction from support vector machine;;3-656-18965-X;;;;2013;;260;;;;;;GRIN Verlag;Santa Cruz, CA, USA;English;;Citation Key: 10.5555/2566939;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2011;"Faunce, T.A.; Urbas, G.; Skillen, L.";Implementing US-style anti-fraud laws in the Australian pharmaceutical and health care industries;Medical Journal of Australia;;0025729X;10.5694/j.1326-5377.2011.tb03066.x;;2011;474-478;;9;194;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Faunce2011474 Publisher: Australasian Medical Publishing Co. Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: Med. J. Aust. tex.coden: MJAUA tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2014;"Feczak, S.; Hossain, L.; Carlsson, S.";Complex adaptive information flow and search transfer analysis;Knowledge Management Research and Practice;;14778238;10.1057/kmrp.2012.47;;2014;29-35;;1;12;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. tex.abbrev_source_title: Knowl. Manage. Res. Pract. tex.author_keywords: case study; networks; organisational learning; socio-technical systems tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1994;"Feldman, K.; Treleaven, P.";Intelligent systems in finance;Applied Mathematical Finance;;1350486X;10.1080/13504869400000011;;1994;195-207;;2;1;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Feldman1994195 tex.abbrev_source_title: Appl. Math. Financ. tex.author_keywords: fuzzy logic; genetic algorithms; hybrid systems; intelligent systems; neural networks tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;"Femi, P. Sharon; Ganesh Vaidyanathan, S.";Comparative study of outlier detection approaches;2018 international conference on inventive research in computing applications (ICIRCA);;;10.1109/ICIRCA.2018.8597395;;2018-07;366-371;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 8597395;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2011;"Fernández-González, M.; Rodríguez-Rajo, F.J.; Jato, V.; Escuredo, O.; Aira, M.J.";Estimation of yield 'Loureira' variety with an aerobiological and phenological model;Grana;;173134;10.1080/00173134.2011.561871;;2011;63-72;;1;50;;;;;;English;;"tex.abbrev_source_title: Grana tex.author_keywords: Fungal pathogens; Loureira; Modelling; Phenology; Phytopatology; Ribeiro; Vine tex.coden: GRNAB tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2023;"Ferrari, A.; Richard, C.; Bourrier, A.; Bouchikhi, I.";Online change-point detection with kernels;Pattern Recognition;;313203;10.1016/j.patcog.2022.109022;;2023;;;;133;;Pattern Recogn.;;;;English;;"Publisher: Elsevier Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: Pattern Recogn. tex.art_number: 109022 tex.author_keywords: Convergence analysis; Kernel least-mean-square algorithm; Non-parametric change-point detection; Online algorithm; Reproducing kernel Hilbert space tex.coden: PTNRA tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Finlayson, S.G.; Bowers, J.D.; Ito, J.; Zittrain, J.L.; Beam, A.L.; Kohane, I.S.";Adversarial attacks on medical machine learning;Science (New York, N.Y.);;368075;10.1126/science.aaw4399;;2019;1287-1289;;6433;363;;Science;;;;English;;Citation Key: Finlayson20191287 Publisher: American Association for the Advancement of Science tex.abbrev_source_title: Sci. tex.coden: SCIEA tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Flasher, Renee; Lamboy-Ruiz, Melvin A.";Impact of enforcement on healthcare billing fraud: Evidence from the USA;JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS;;0167-4544;10.1007/s10551-017-3650-z;;2019-06;217-229;;1;157;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000469394900013 Type: Article tex.affiliation: Lamboy-Ruiz, MA (Corresponding Author), Iowa State Univ, 2330 Gerdin Business Bldg,2167 Union Dr, Ames, IA 50011 USA. Flasher, Renee, Ball State Univ, 2000 W Univ Ave,Whitinger Bldg,Room 339, Muncie, IN 47306 USA. Lamboy-Ruiz, Melvin A., Iowa State Univ, 2330 Gerdin Business Bldg,2167 Union Dr, Ames, IA 50011 USA. tex.eissn: 1573-0697 tex.keywords-plus: ELECTORAL CYCLES; DRUG ENFORCEMENT; INSURANCE FRAUD; LAW-ENFORCEMENT; CRIME; ABUSE; POLICE; PHYSICIANS; MEDICARE; LITIGATION tex.times-cited: 6 tex.unique-id: WOS:000469394900013";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2016;Flynn, K.;Financial fraud in the private health insurance sector in Australia;Journal of Financial Crime;;13590790;10.1108/JFC-06-2014-0032;;2016;143-158;;1;23;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Flynn2016143 Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Financ. Crime tex.author_keywords: Australia; Claims leakage; Financial crime; Fraud; Medicare; Private health insurance tex.document_type: Review tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2011;"Francis, Charles; Pepper, Noah; Strong, Homer";Using support vector machines to detect medical fraud and abuse;2011 annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in medicine and biology society;;;10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6092044;;2011-08;8291-8294;;;;;;;;;English;;ISSN: 1558-4615;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1977;Freidberg, E.;Exposing a fraudulent surgeon;Legal Medicine;;13446223;;;1977;317-323;;;1976;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Freidberg1977317 tex.abbrev_source_title: LEG. MED. tex.coden: LGMAA tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1992;Frieden, J.;Health care fraud detection enters the information age.;Business and health;;7399413;;;1992;29-30, 32;;7;10;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Frieden199229 tex.abbrev_source_title: Bus Health tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Fritz-Morgenthal, S.; Hein, B.; Papenbrock, J.";Financial risk management and explainable, trustworthy, responsible AI;Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence;;26248212;10.3389/frai.2022.779799;;2022;;;;5;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Frontiers Media S.A. tex.abbrev_source_title: Frontier. Artif. Intell. tex.art_number: 779799 tex.author_keywords: artificial intelligence; EU AI act; explainable AI; financial regulation and compliance; machine learning; risk management tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2008;"Furlan, S.; Bajec, M.";Holistic approach to fraud management in health insurance;Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences;;18463312;;;2008;99-114;;2;32;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Furlan200899 tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Inf. Organ. Sci. tex.author_keywords: Activities; Characteristics; Fraud management system; Health care; Insurance tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Fursov, Ivan; Kovtun, Elizaveta; Rivera-Castro, Rodrigo; Zaytsev, Alexey; Khasyanov, Rasul; Spindler, Martin; Burnaev, Evgeny";Sequence embeddings help detect insurance fraud;IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions;;2169-3536;10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3149480;;2022;32060-32074;;;10;;IEEE Access;;;;English;;Citation Key: 9706195;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2017;"Gadhiya, Tushar D.; Roy, Anil K.; Mitra, Suman K.; Mall, Vinod";Use of discrete wavelet transform method for detection and localization of tampering in a digital medical image;2017 IEEE REGION 10 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON TECHNOLOGIES FOR SMART CITIES (IEEE TENSYMP 2017);978-1-5090-6255-3;;;;2017;;;;;;;IEEE region 10 symposium;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000463726900109 ISSN: 2640-821X Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Gadhiya, TD (Corresponding Author), Dhirubhai Ambani Inst Informat & Commun Technol, Gandhinagar, India. Gadhiya, Tushar D.; Roy, Anil K.; Mitra, Suman K.; Mall, Vinod, Dhirubhai Ambani Inst Informat & Commun Technol, Gandhinagar, India. IEEE tex.keywords-plus: FRAUDULENT USE; MANIPULATION tex.times-cited: 2 tex.unique-id: WOS:000463726900109";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1991;Gagel, B.J.;Preserving program integrity: HCFA's program to prevent and detect Medicare fraud and abuse.;Caring : National Association for Home Care magazine;;0738467X;;;1991;30-32;;11;10;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Gagel199130 tex.abbrev_source_title: Caring tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2016;"Gaitonde, R.; Oxman, A.D.; Okebukola, P.O.; Rada, G.";Interventions to reduce corruption in the health sector;Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews;;1469493X;10.1002/14651858.CD008856.pub2;;2016;;;8;2016;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Gaitonde2016 Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. tex.art_number: CD008856 tex.document_type: Review tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2012;"Gangopadhyay, A.; Chen, S.; Yesha, Y.";Detecting healthcare fraud through patient sharing schemes;Communications in Computer and Information Science;;18650929;10.1007/978-3-642-29166-1_39;;2012;421-426;;;285 CCIS;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Gangopadhyay2012421 ISBN: 9783642291654 Place: Grenoble tex.abbrev_source_title: Commun. Comput. Info. Sci. tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2016;"Gangopadhyay, Aryya; Chen, Song";Health care fraud detection with community detection algorithms;2016 IEEE international conference on smart computing (SMARTCOMP);;;10.1109/SMARTCOMP.2016.7501694;;2016-05;45047;;;;;;;;;;;Citation Key: 7501694;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Gao, Yongchang; Guan, Haowen; Gong, Bin";CODM: An outlier detection method for medical insurance claims fraud;International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering;;1742-7185;10.1504/ijcse.2019.103945;;2019-01;404–411;;3;20;;Int. J. Comput. Sci. Eng.;;;;English;;Number of pages: 7 Place: Geneva 15, CHE Publisher: Inderscience Publishers tex.issue_date: 2019;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2018;"Gao, Yongchang; Sun, Chenfei; Li, Ruican; Li, Qingzhong; Cui, Lizhen; Gong, Bin";An efficient fraud identification method combining manifold learning and outliers detection in mobile healthcare services;IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions;;2169-3536;10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2875516;;2018;60059-60068;;;6;;IEEE Access;;;;English;;Citation Key: 8489846;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1986;Garcia, J.;How companies can detect claims fraud abuse.;Medical Section proceedings : the . annual Meeting of the Medical Section of the American Council of Life Insurance. American Council of Life Insurance. Medical Section;;;;;1986;119-120;;;;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Garcia1986119 tex.abbrev_source_title: Med Sect Proc tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);thesis;2015;Garcia, Nuno C.;Social network analysis for insurance fraud detection;;;;;;2015;;;;;;;;Universidade da Beira Interior (Portugal);;;phd;Citation Key: 10.5555/AAI28762481 ISBN: 9798480609417 tex.advisor: Hugo, Proença,;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;1994;"Garner, B.; Chen, F.";Hypothesis generation paradigm for fraud detection;Proceedings of TENCON'94 - 1994 IEEE region 10's 9th annual international conference on: 'frontiers of computer technology';;;10.1109/TENCON.1994.369309;;1994-08;197-201 vol.1;;;;;;;;;;;Citation Key: 369309;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2009;"Gasquoine, P.G.; Jordan, T.L.";Medicare/Medicaid billing fraud and abuse by psychologists;Professional Psychology: Research and Practice;;7357028;10.1037/a0013645;;2009;279-283;;3;40;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: American Psychological Association Inc. tex.abbrev_source_title: Prof. Psychol. Res. Pract. tex.author_keywords: abuse; fraud; Medicaid; Medicare; risk management tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2021;Gautam, N.;Applications of AI and machine learning in banking solutions;;978-0-00-000000-2;;;;2021;683-689;;;2021-August;;;12th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control, and Telecommunication Technologies, ACT 2021;Grenze Scientific Society;;English;;"Citation Key: Gautam2021683 tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. Conf. Adv. Comput., Control, Telecommun. Technol., ACT tex.author_keywords: Artificial intelligence; Banking; Big data analytics; Descriptive analytics; Machine learning; Predictive analytics; Prescriptive analytics tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2013;"Gaviglio, A.; Pirani, A.; Demartini, E.";The regulatory framework for trade names of fish products in fraud management: A useful tool or an unsolved problem? [Il quadro normativo sulle denominazioni commerciali dei prodotti ittici nella gestione delle frodi: Strumento utile o problema irrisolto?];Economia Agro-Alimentare;;11261668;10.3280/ECAG2013-001009;;2013;183-202;;1;15;;;;;;Italian;;"Citation Key: Gaviglio2013183 Publisher: Franco Angeli Edizioni tex.abbrev_source_title: Econ. Agro-Aliment. tex.author_keywords: Consumer safety; Fish products; Frauds; Labeling; Research perspectives tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2008;"Gavrishchaka, Valeriy V.; Kovbasinskaya, Maria; Monina, Maria";Boosting-based optimization as a generic framework for novelty and fraud detection in complex strategies;INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONIC CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SCIENCE;978-0-7354-0590-5;;10.1063/1.3037084;;2008;324+;;;1060;;;AIP conference proceedings;;;English;;"ISSN: 0094-243X Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Gavrishchaka, VV (Corresponding Author), Alexandra Investment Management, 767 3rd Ave,39th Floor, New York, NY 10017 USA. Gavrishchaka, Valeriy V.; Kovbasinskaya, Maria, Alexandra Investment Management, 767 3rd Ave,39th Floor, New York, NY 10017 USA. Monina, Maria, Moscow State Univ Instrument Engn & Comp Sci, Russian Federat, Moscow, Russia. tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000265147700075";"Simos, TE; Psihoyios, G";; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2016;"Gayathri, C.; Umarani, R.";An efficient misclassification cost concerned imbalanced class handling to improve the financial fraud detection scheme;Indian Journal of Science and Technology;;9746846;10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i20/84671;;2016;;;20;9;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Gayathri2016 Publisher: Indian Society for Education and Environment tex.abbrev_source_title: Indian J. Sci. Technol. tex.art_number: 84671 tex.author_keywords: Fraud detection; Misclassification cost; Sphere cover approach; Subset selection tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1993;Geerds, F.;Increasing criminal insurance fraud is only partly detected by the law [Zunehmender krimineller Versicherungsmissbrauch wird strafrechtlich nur partiell erfasst.];Versicherungsmedizin / herausgegeben von Verband der Lebensversicherungs-Unternehmen e.V. und Verband der Privaten Krankenversicherung e.V;;9334548;;;1993;141-142;;5;45;;;;;;German;;Citation Key: Geerds1993141 tex.abbrev_source_title: Versicherungsmedizin tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2020;"Georgakopoulos, Spiros V.; Gallos, Parisis; Plagianakos, Vassilis P.";Using big data analytics to detect fraud in healthcare provision;2020 IEEE 5th middle east and africa conference on biomedical engineering (MECBME);;;10.1109/MECBME47393.2020.9265118;;2020-10;44986;;;;;;;;;;;Citation Key: 9265118;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Ghahari, A.; Newlands, N.K.; Lyubchich, V.; Gel, Y.R.";Deep learning at the interface of agricultural insurance risk and spatio-temporal uncertainty in weather extremes;North American Actuarial Journal;;10920277;10.1080/10920277.2019.1633928;;2019;535-550;;4;23;;;;;;English;;Publisher: Routledge tex.abbrev_source_title: North Am. Actuar. J. tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2011;"Ghani, Rayid; Kumar, Mohit";Interactive learning for efficiently detecting errors in insurance claims;Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining;978-1-4503-0813-7;;10.1145/2020408.2020463;;2011;325–333;;;;;;KDD '11;Association for Computing Machinery;New York, NY, USA;English;;Number of pages: 9 Place: San Diego, California, USA;;; EC4 (manual);conferencePaper;2020;"Ghimire, Awishkar; Thapa, Surendrabikram; Jha, Avinash Kumar; Adhikari, Surabhi; Kumar, Ankit";Accelerating business growth with big data and artificial intelligence;2020 fourth international conference on I-SMAC (IoT in social, mobile, analytics and cloud) (I-SMAC);978-1-72815-464-0;;10.1109/I-SMAC49090.2020.9243318;;2020-10;441-448;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9243318;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2023;Giancaterino, C.G.;NLP and insurance – workshop results at SwissText 2022;;;;;;2023;34-39;;;3361;;;CEUR Workshop Proceedings;CEUR-WS;;English;;"Citation Key: Giancaterino202334 ISSN: 16130073 tex.abbrev_source_title: CEUR Workshop Proc. tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: dieMobiliar; DONE; et al.; Karakun; Pangeanic; UBS";Hurlimann M., Mastropietro R., Puccinelli D., Rinaldi F., Cieliebak M.;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2007;Giannangelo, K.;Mining medicare and medicaid data to detect fraud;Journal of the American Health Information Management Association;;10605487;;;2007;66-67;;7;78;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Giannangelo200766 tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Am. Health Inf. Manage. Assoc. tex.coden: JAHIE tex.document_type: Short Survey tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2008;"Giurca, Adrian; Diaconescu, Ion-Mircea; Pascalau, Emilian; Wagner, Gerd";On the foundations of web-based registries for business rules;INTELLIGENT DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING, SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS;978-3-540-85256-8;;10.1007/978-3-540-85257-5_26;;2008;251-255;;;162;;;Studies in computational intelligence;;;English;;"ISSN: 1860-949X Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Giurca, A (Corresponding Author), Brandenburg Tech Univ Cottbus, Cottbus, Germany. Giurca, Adrian; Diaconescu, Ion-Mircea; Pascalau, Emilian; Wagner, Gerd, Brandenburg Tech Univ Cottbus, Cottbus, Germany. tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000262163700026";"Badica, C; Mangioni, G; Carchiolo, V; Burdescu, DD";; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2017;"Gligor, Virgil; Stajano, Frank";Assuring the safety of asymmetric social protocols;SECURITY PROTOCOLS XXV;978-3-319-71075-4 978-3-319-71074-7;;10.1007/978-3-319-71075-4\_5;;2017;38-48;;;10476;;;Lecture notes in computer science;;;English;;ISSN: 0302-9743 Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Stajano, F (Corresponding Author), Univ Cambridge, Cambridge, England. Gligor, Virgil, Carnegie Mellon Univ, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA. Stajano, Frank, Univ Cambridge, Cambridge, England. tex.eissn: 1611-3349 tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000672743200005;"Stajano, F; Anderson, J; Christianson, B; Matyas, V";; ;journalArticle;2020;"Golden, Linda L.; Brockett, Patrick L.; Guillén, Montserrat; Manika, Danae";aPRIDIT Unsupervised Classification with Asymmetric Valuation of Variable Discriminatory Worth;Multivariate Behavioral Research;;273171;10.1080/00273171.2019.1665979;;2020;685-703;;5;55;;Multivariate Behav. Res.;;;;English;;"Publisher: Routledge tex.abbrev_source_title: Multivariate Behav. Res. tex.author_keywords: asymmetric measures; classification into non-self-disclosed behavior groups; Detecting hidden behavior; non-parametric classification; unsupervised learning tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);book;2012;Goldmann, P.D.;Financial services anti-fraud risk and control workbook;;978-1-119-20557-9 978-0-470-49899-6;;;;02/01/2012;;;;;;;;Wiley Blackwell;;English;;Citation Key: Goldmann20151 DOI: 10.1002/9781119205579 Pages: 1-261 tex.abbrev_source_title: Financ. Serv. Anti-Fraud Risk and Control Workb. tex.document_type: Book tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2015;"Golmohammadi, Koosha; Zaiane, Osmar R.";Time series contextual anomaly detection for detecting market manipulation in stock market;2015 IEEE international conference on data science and advanced analytics (DSAA);;;10.1109/DSAA.2015.7344856;;2015-10;45200;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 7344856;;; ;journalArticle;2021;"Gomes, Chamal; Jin, Zhuo; Yang, Hailiang";Insurance fraud detection with unsupervised deep learning;Journal of Risk and Insurance;;224367;10.1111/jori.12359;;2021;591-624;;3;88;;J. Risk Insur.;;;;English;;;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Gong, J.; Zhang, H.; Du, W.";Research on integrated learning fraud detection method based on combination classifier fusion (thbagging): A case study on the foundational medical insurance dataset;Electronics (Switzerland);;20799292;10.3390/electronics9060894;;2020;;;6;9;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: MDPI AG tex.abbrev_source_title: Electronics (Switzerland) tex.art_number: 894 tex.author_keywords: Feature extraction; Gradient descent decision tree; Medical insurance fraud identification; Model fusion tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Goossens, Alexandre; Berth, Laure; Decoene, Emilia; Van Veldhoven, Ziboud; Vanthienen, Jan";Automatically extracting insurance contract knowledge using NLP;BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS WORKSHOPS, BIS 2021;978-3-031-04216-4 978-3-031-04215-7;;10.1007/978-3-031-04216-4_3;;2022;27-38;;;444;;;Lecture notes in business information processing;;;English;;"ISSN: 1865-1348 Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Goossens, A (Corresponding Author), Katholieke Univ Leuven, Naamsestr 69, Leuven, Belgium. Goossens, Alexandre; Berth, Laure; Decoene, Emilia; Van Veldhoven, Ziboud; Vanthienen, Jan, Katholieke Univ Leuven, Naamsestr 69, Leuven, Belgium. tex.eissn: 1865-1356 tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000891723700003";"Abramowicz, W; Auer, S; Strozyna, M";; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Grumiau, Christopher; Mostoufi, Mina; Pavlioglou, Solon; Verdonck, Tim";Address identification using telematics: An algorithm to identify dwell locations;Risks;;22279091;10.3390/risks8030092;;2020-09;;;3;8;;;;;;English;;"Type: Article tex.affiliation: Mostoufi, M; Pavlioglou, S (Corresponding Author), Allianz Benelux, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium. Grumiau, Christopher; Mostoufi, Mina; Pavlioglou, Solon, Allianz Benelux, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium. Verdonck, Tim, Univ Antwerp, Dept Math, Fac Sci, B-2000 Antwerp, Belgium. Verdonck, Tim, Katholieke Univ Leuven, Dept Math, Fac Sci, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium. tex.article-number: 92 tex.eissn: 2227-9091 tex.times-cited: 1 tex.unique-id: WOS:000578181200001";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2016;"Guan, Le; Xu, Jun; Wang, Shuai; Xing, Xinyu; Lin, Lin; Huang, Heqing; Liu, Peng; Lee, Wenke";From physical to cyber: Escalating protection for personalized auto insurance;Proceedings of the 14th ACM conference on embedded network sensor systems CD-ROM;978-1-4503-4263-6;;10.1145/2994551.2994573;;2016;42–55;;;;;;SenSys '16;Association for Computing Machinery;New York, NY, USA;English;;Number of pages: 14 Place: Stanford, CA, USA;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2010;"Gudmundsson, S.; Oddsdottir, G.L.; Runarsson, T.P.; Sigurdsson, S.; Kristjansson, E.";Detecting fraudulent whiplash claims by support vector machines;Biomedical Signal Processing and Control;;17468094;10.1016/j.bspc.2010.05.004;;2010;311-317;;4;5;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Elsevier Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: Biomed. Signal Process. Control tex.author_keywords: Classification; Insurance fraud; Support vector machines; Time series; Whiplash tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC2 (auto);bookSection;2022;"Gupta, R.Y.; Mudigonda, S.S.; Kandala, P.K.; Baruah, P.K.";Application of Cart-Based Modeling in Motor Insurance Fraud;Intelligent System Algorithms and Applications in Science and Technology;978-1-00-040682-5 978-1-77463-021-1;;;;2022;183–204;;;;;;Research Notes on Computing and Communication Sciences;Apple Academic Press;;English;;"Citation Key: Gupta2022183 Pages: 183-204 tex.abbrev_source_title: Research Notes on Computing and Communication Sciences: Intell. System Algorithms and Applications in Science and Technology tex.author_keywords: Actuarial control cycle; Application interface; Area under the curve; Customer relationship management; False-positive rate; Receiver operating characteristics; Social network analysis tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus";;; ;conferencePaper;2019;"Gupta, Rohan Yashraj; Sai Mudigonda, Satya; Kandala, Phani Krishna; Baruah, Pallav Kumar";Implementation of a Predictive Model for Fraud Detection in Motor Insurance using Gradient Boosting Method and Validation with Actuarial Models;2019 IEEE International Conference on Clean Energy and Energy Efficient Electronics Circuit for Sustainable Development (INCCES);;;10.1109/INCCES47820.2019.9167733;;2019-12;45078;;;;;;;IEEE;Krishnankoil, India;English;;;;; EC4 (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Gupta, S.; Mehta, S.K.";Data mining-based financial statement fraud detection: Systematic literature review and meta-analysis to estimate data sample mapping of fraudulent companies against non-fraudulent companies;Global Business Review;;9721509;10.1177/0972150920984857;;2021;;;;;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: Global Bus. Rev. tex.author_keywords: Classification accuracy; data mining; data sample mapping scheme; financial statement frauds; machine learning approaches; statistical approaches tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2019;"Gupta, Tushar; Gupta, Naman; Agrawal, Ankit; Agrawal, Aksh; Kansal, Kartik";Role of big data analytics in banking;2019 international conference on contemporary computing and informatics (IC3I);;;10.1109/IC3I46837.2019.9055616;;2019-12;222-227;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9055616;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2018;"Haddad Soleymani, M.; Yaseri, M.; Farzadfar, F.; Mohammadpour, A.; Sharifi, F.; Kabir, M.J.";Detecting medical prescriptions suspected of fraud using an unsupervised data mining algorithm;DARU, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences;;15608115;10.1007/s40199-018-0227-z;;2018;209-214;;2;26;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Springer tex.abbrev_source_title: DARU J. Pharm. Sci. tex.author_keywords: Fraud; Medical insurance; Medical prescription; Unsupervised data mining tex.coden: DJTSF tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2011;"Hajian, Sara; Domingo-Ferrer, Josep; Martínez-Ballesté, Antoni";Discrimination prevention in data mining for intrusion and crime detection;2011 IEEE symposium on computational intelligence in cyber security (CICS);;;10.1109/CICYBS.2011.5949405;;2011-04;47-54;;;;;;;;Paris;English;;Citation Key: 5949405;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1999;Hallam, K.;HCFA raises the bar for fraud detection.;Modern healthcare;;1607480;;;1999;8;;7;29;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Hallam19998 tex.abbrev_source_title: Mod Healthc tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC5 (manual);journalArticle;2021;Hamdoun, Nabila;How machine learning is transforming the insurance sector: case of fraud detection in Morocco;INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED PATTERN RECOGNITION;;2049-887X;10.1504/IJAPR.2021.118913;;2021;273-282;;4;6;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: WOS:000718028100001 Type: Article tex.affiliation: Hamdoun, N (Corresponding Author), Ibn Tofail Univ, ENCG, Lab Res Management & Org Sci RSGO, Kenitra, Morocco. Hamdoun, Nabila, Ibn Tofail Univ, ENCG, Lab Res Management & Org Sci RSGO, Kenitra, Morocco. tex.eissn: 2049-8888 tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000718028100001;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2014;"Han, C.-R.; Ireland, R.";Performance measurement of the KCS customs selectivity system;Risk Management;;14603799;10.1057/rm.2014.2;;2014;25-43;;1;16;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. tex.abbrev_source_title: Risk Manage. tex.author_keywords: customs; manual selection; random selection; risk management; rule-based selection tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC4 (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Han, K.-M.; Park, S.-W.; Lee, S.";Anti-fraud in international supply chain finance: Focusing on moneual case;Journal of Korea Trade;;1229828X;10.35611/jkt.2020.24.1.59;;2020;59-81;;1;24;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Korea Trade Research Association tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Korea Trade tex.author_keywords: Due diligence; Export financing facility (EFF); Moneual case; Open account; Trade finance fraud tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Han, Xu; Yaraghi, Niam; Gopal, Ram";Catching them red-handed: Optimizing the nursing homes' rating system;ACM TRANSACTIONS ON MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS;;2158-656X;10.1145/3325522;;2019-08;;;2;10;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000495430000005 Type: Article tex.affiliation: Han, X (Corresponding Author), Fordham Univ, Gabelli Sch Business, 140 W 62nd St, New York, NY 10023 USA. Han, Xu, Fordham Univ, Gabelli Sch Business, 140 W 62nd St, New York, NY 10023 USA. Yaraghi, Niam, Univ Connecticut, Sch Business, 1 Univ Pl, Stamford, CT 06901 USA. Yaraghi, Niam, Brookings Inst, Washington, DC 20036 USA. Gopal, Ram, Indian Inst Management, Dept Operat Management Quantitat Methods & Inform, Udaipur 313001, Rajasthan, India. tex.article-number: 7 tex.eissn: 2158-6578 tex.keywords-plus: FIRMS EMISSIONS; ENFORCEMENT; POLLUTION; REPUTATION; FRAUD tex.times-cited: 5 tex.unique-id: WOS:000495430000005";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2020;"Han, Y.; Yao, S.; Wen, T.; Tian, Z.; Wang, C.; Gu, Z.";Detection and analysis of credit card application fraud using machine learning algorithms;;;;10.1088/1742-6596/1693/1/012064;;2020;;;;1693;;;Journal of Physics: Conference Series;IOP Publishing Ltd;;English;;Citation Key: Han2020 ISSN: 17426588 Number: 1 tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Phys. Conf. Ser. tex.art_number: 012064 tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Hanafy, Mohamed; Ming, Ruixing";Classification of the Insureds Using Integrated Machine Learning Algorithms: A Comparative Study;Applied Artificial Intelligence;;0883-9514;10.1080/08839514.2021.2020489;;2022;2020489;;1;36;;;;;;English;;"Type: Article tex.affiliation: Hanafy, M (Corresponding Author), Zhejiang Gongshang Univ, Sch Stat & Math, Hangzhou 310018, Peoples R China. Hanafy, Mohamed, Zhejiang Gongshang Univ, Sch Stat & Math, Hangzhou 310018, Peoples R China. Hanafy, Mohamed; Ming, Ruixing, Assiut Univ, Fac Commerce, Dept Stat Math & Insurance, Asyut, Egypt. tex.earlyaccessdate: JAN 2022 tex.eissn: 1087-6545 tex.keywords-plus: FRAUD DETECTION; INSURANCE; RISK; PREDICTION tex.times-cited: 1 tex.unique-id: WOS:000739126900001";;; ;journalArticle;2021;"Hanafy, Mohamed; Ming, Ruixing";Using machine learning models to compare various resampling methods in predicting insurance fraud;Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology;;19928645;;;2021;2819-2833;;12;99;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Little Lion Scientific tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Theor. Appl. Inf. Technol. tex.author_keywords: Automobile Insurance; Classification; Fraud Detection; Imbalanced Data; Insurance Fraud; Machine Learning; Resampling Methods tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2021;"Hancock, J.; Khoshgoftaar, T.M.";Impact of hyperparameter tuning in classifying highly imbalanced big data;;978-1-66543-875-9;;10.1109/IRI51335.2021.00054;;2021;348-354;;;;;;Proceedings - 2021 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration for Data Science, IRI 2021;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;"Citation Key: Hancock2021348 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. - IEEE Int. Conf. Inf. Reuse Integr. Data Sci., IRI tex.author_keywords: Anomaly Detection; CatBoost; Class Imbalance; Gradient Boosted Decision Trees; Light-GBM; Medicare Fraud tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: Society for Information Reuse and Integration (SIRI)";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2021;"Hancock, J.; Khoshgoftaar, T.M.";Leveraging LightGBM for categorical big data;;978-1-66543-483-6;;10.1109/BigDataService52369.2021.00024;;2021;149-154;;;;;;Proceedings - IEEE 7th International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Applications, BigDataService 2021;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;"Citation Key: Hancock2021149 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. - IEEE Int. Conf. Big Data Comput. Serv. Appl., BigDataService tex.author_keywords: Anomaly Detection; Big Data; Class Imbalance; Gradient Boosted Decision Trees; LightGBM; Medicare Fraud tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Hancock, J.T.; Khoshgoftaar, T.M.";Gradient boosted decision tree algorithms for medicare fraud detection;SN Computer Science;;2662995X;10.1007/s42979-021-00655-z;;2021;;;4;2;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Hancock2021 Publisher: Springer tex.abbrev_source_title: SN COMPUT. SCI. tex.art_number: 268 tex.author_keywords: Anomaly detection; CatBoost; Class imbalance; Gradient boosted machines; LightGBM; Machine learning; Medicare fraud; Sampling; XGBoost tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Hancock, J.T.; Khoshgoftaar, T.M.";Hyperparameter tuning for medicare fraud detection in big data;SN Computer Science;;2662995X;10.1007/s42979-022-01348-x;;2022;;;6;3;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Hancock2022 Publisher: Springer tex.abbrev_source_title: SN COMPUT. SCI. tex.art_number: 440 tex.author_keywords: Anomaly detection; CatBoost; Class imbalance; Gradient boosted decision trees; Hyperparameter tuning; LightGBM; Medicare fraud tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2020;"Hancock, John; Khoshgoftaar, Taghi M.";Medicare fraud detection using CatBoost;2020 IEEE 21st international conference on information reuse and integration for data science (IRI);;;10.1109/IRI49571.2020.00022;;2020-08;97-103;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9191565;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2020;"Hancock, John; Khoshgoftaar, Taghi M.";Performance of CatBoost and XGBoost in medicare fraud detection;2020 19th IEEE international conference on machine learning and applications (ICMLA);;;10.1109/ICMLA51294.2020.00095;;2020-12;572-579;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9356267;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Hancock, John; Khoshgoftaar, Taghi M.; Johnson, Justin M.";The effects of random undersampling for big data medicare fraud detection;2022 IEEE international conference on service-oriented system engineering (SOSE);;;10.1109/SOSE55356.2022.00023;;2022-08;141-146;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;ISSN: 2642-6587;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;Hand, David J.;Data science for financial applications;"Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge discovery & data mining";978-1-4503-5552-0;;10.1145/3219819.3219943;;2018;1;;;;;;KDD '18;Association for Computing Machinery;New York, NY, USA;;;Citation Key: 10.1145/3219819.3219943 Number of pages: 1 Place: London, United Kingdom;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2005;"Hanfer, W.; Ellis, T.";Work in progress - authenticating authorship of student work: beyond plagiarism detection;Proceedings frontiers in education 35th annual conference;;;10.1109/FIE.2005.1612036;;2005-10;F1H-25;;;;;;;;Indianapolis, IN;English;;ISSN: 2377-634X;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Haque, Md Enamul; Tozal, Mehmet Engin";Identifying health insurance claim frauds using mixture of clinical concepts;IEEE Transactions on Services Computing;;1939-1374;10.1109/TSC.2021.3051165;;2022-07;2356-2367;;4;15;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: 9320307;;; ;conferencePaper;2019;"Harjai, Sonakshi; Khatri, Sunil Kumar; Singh, Gurinder";Detecting Fraudulent Insurance Claims Using Random Forests and Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique;2019 4th International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks (ISCON);;;10.1109/ISCON47742.2019.9036162;;2019-11;123-128;;;;;;;IEEE;Mathura, India;English;;;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2007;"Harrington, K.; Allen, A.; Ruchala, L.";Restraining medicare abuse: The case of upcoding;Research in Healthcare Financial Management;;15241521;;;2007;45658;;1;11;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Harrington20071 tex.abbrev_source_title: Res. Healthc. Fin. Manage. tex.coden: RHFMC tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2019;Harris, Christopher G.;Comparing human computation, machine, and hybrid methods for detecting hotel review spam;DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION FOR A SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY IN THE 21ST CENTURY;978-3-030-29374-1 978-3-030-29373-4;;10.1007/978-3-030-29374-1\_7;;2019;75-86;;;11701;;;Lecture notes in computer science;Springer-Verlag;;English;;ISSN: 0302-9743 Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Harris, CG (Corresponding Author), Univ Northern Colorado, Sch Math Sci, Greeley, CO 80639 USA. Harris, Christopher G., Univ Northern Colorado, Sch Math Sci, Greeley, CO 80639 USA. tex.eissn: 1611-3349 tex.times-cited: 2 tex.unique-id: WOS:000611600800007;"Pappas, IO; Mikalef, P; Dwivedi, YK; Jaccheri, L; Krogstie, J; Mantymaki, M";; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2018;"Hartmann, S.; Brinkert, D.";Aufdeckung von Versicherungsbetrug bei Kfz-Schäden mit Hilfe des Benford-Tests;Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft;;442585;10.1007/s12297-017-0396-8;;2018;41-59;;1;107;;;;;;German;;Citation Key: Hartmann201841 Publisher: Springer Verlag tex.abbrev_source_title: Z. Gesamte Versicherungswiss. tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2016;"Hassan, A.K.I.; Abraham, A.";Modeling insurance fraud detection using imbalanced data classification;Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing;978-3-319-27400-3 978-3-319-27399-0;;10.1007/978-3-319-27400-3_11;;2016;117-127;;;419;;;Advances in intelligent systems and computing;Springer Verlag;;English;;"ISBN: 9783319273990 tex.abbrev_source_title: Adv. Intell. Sys. Comput. tex.author_keywords: Decision tree; Imbalanced data; Insurance fraud detection; Support vector machine and artificial neural network tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Pillay N., Snasel V., Muda A.K., Abraham A., du Plessis M.C., Engelbrecht A.P.;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1998;"Hatch, J.N.; Tabrah, F.";A practical guide to creating compliance programs.;Caring : National Association for Home Care magazine;;0738467X;;;1998;18, 20-21;;10;17;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Hatch1998 tex.abbrev_source_title: Caring tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1997;"He, H.; Wang, J.; Graco, W.; Hawkins, S.";Application of neural networks to detection of medical fraud;Expert Systems with Applications;;9574174;10.1016/s0957-4174(97)00045-6;;1997;329-336;;4;13;;;;;;English;;Publisher: Elsevier Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: Expert Sys Appl tex.coden: ESAPE tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;1998;"He, Hongxing; Graco, Warwick; Yao, Xin";Application of genetic algorithm and K-nearest neighbour method in medical fraud detection;Selected papers from the second asia-pacific conference on simulated evolution and learning on simulated evolution and learning;3-540-65907-2;;10.1007/3-540-48873-1_11;;1998;74–81;;;;;;SEAL'98;Springer-Verlag;Berlin, Heidelberg;English;;Number of pages: 8;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1999;Hellerstein, D.;HIPAA's impact on healthcare.;Health management technology;;10744770;;;1999;10-12, 14-15;;3;20;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Hellerstein1999 tex.abbrev_source_title: Health Manag Technol tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC3 (auto);journalArticle;2021;"Henao, M.V.; Marín, L.M.G.; Villegas, H.H.J.; Escobar, C.C.P.; Cano, L.M.S.";Detection of fraud due to misleading customer claims in banking entities through data mining techniques: a systematic review. [Detección de fraudes por reclamos engañosos de clientes en entidades bancarias a través de técnicas de minería de datos: una revisión sistemática.];RISTI - Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao;;16469895;;;2021;276-286;;E43;2021;;;;;;Spanish;;"Citation Key: Henao2021276 Publisher: Associacao Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao tex.abbrev_source_title: Rev. Iberica Sist. Tecnol. Inf. tex.author_keywords: Data mining; Fraud detection; Fraudulent claim; Systematic review tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Herland, M.; Bauder, R.A.; Khoshgoftaar, T.M.";Approaches for identifying U.S. medicare fraud in provider claims data;Health Care Management Science;;13869620;10.1007/s10729-018-9460-8;;2020;43497;;1;23;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Herland20202 Publisher: Springer tex.abbrev_source_title: Health Care Manage. Sci. tex.author_keywords: Big data; Fraud detection; Machine learning; Medicare tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2017;"Herland, Matthew; Bauder, Richard A.; Khoshgoftaar, Taghi M.";Medical provider specialty predictions for the detection of anomalous medicare insurance claims;2017 IEEE international conference on information reuse and integration (IRI);;;10.1109/IRI.2017.29;;2017;579–588;;;;;;;IEEE Press;;English;;Place: San Diego, CA, USA Number of pages: 10;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Hewiagh, A.; Ramakrishnan, K.; Yap, T.T.V.; Tan, C.S.";Waste management system fraud detection using machine learning algorithms to minimize penalties avoidance and redemption abuse;Recycling;;23134321;10.3390/recycling6040065;;2021;;;4;6;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: MDPI tex.abbrev_source_title: Recycl. tex.art_number: 65 tex.author_keywords: Fraud detection; Machine learning; Online frauds; Recycling; Waste management tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2014;"Hibbeln, M.; Jenkins, J.L.; Schneider, C.; Valacich, J.S.; Weinmann, M.";Investigating the effect of insurance fraud on mouse usage in human-computer interactions;;978-1-63439-694-3;;;;2014;;;;;;;"35th International Conference on Information Systems ""Building a Better World Through Information Systems"", ICIS 2014";Association for Information Systems;;English;;"Citation Key: Hibbeln2014 tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. Conf. Inf. Syst. tex.author_keywords: Fraud; Human-computer interaction; Mouse Movements tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: ACM SIGMIS; Georgia State University, J. Mack Robinson College of Business; IBM; SAP University Alliances; The University of Auckland Business School";;; EC4 (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Hilal, W.; Gadsden, S.A.; Yawney, J.";Financial fraud: A review of anomaly detection techniques and recent advances;Expert Systems with Applications;;9574174;10.1016/j.eswa.2021.116429;;2022;;;;193;;Expert Syst. Appl.;;;;English;;"Publisher: Elsevier Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: Expert Sys Appl tex.art_number: 116429 tex.author_keywords: Anomaly detection; Credit card fraud; Deep learning; Financial fraud; Index Terms — Anomaly; Insider trading; Insurance fraud; Machine learning; Money laundering; Outlier; Outlier detection; Securities and commodities fraud tex.coden: ESAPE tex.document_type: Review tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2019;"Himmelbauer, Johannes; Martinez-Gil, Jorge; Ksen, Michael; Linner, Katharina; Plakolm, Sieglinde";Towards a data-driven approach for fraud detection in the social insurance field: A case study in upper austria;Electronic government and the information systems perspective: 8th international conference, EGOVIS 2019, linz, austria, august 26–29, 2019, proceedings;978-3-030-27522-8;;10.1007/978-3-030-27523-5_6;;2019;70–84;;;11709;;;Lecture notes in computer science;Springer-Verlag;Berlin, Heidelberg;English;;Number of pages: 15 Place: Linz, Austria;;; EC4 (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Hisham, S.; Makhtar, M.; Aziz, A.A.";A comprehensive review of significant learning for anomalous transaction detection using a machine learning method in a decentralized blockchain network;International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration;;23945443;10.19101/IJATEE.2021.876322;;2022;1366-1396;;95;9;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Hisham20221366 Publisher: Accent Social and Welfare Society tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. J. Adv. Technol. Eng. Explor. tex.author_keywords: Anomaly detection; Artificial intelligence; Bitcoin; Blockchain; Ethereum; Fraud detection; Machine learning tex.document_type: Review tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2003;Hodge, B.R.;Fraud and fiduciary liability.;Employee benefits journal;;3614050;;;2003;53-61;;4;28;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Hodge200353 tex.abbrev_source_title: Empl Benefits J tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2018;Honcharenko, I. G.;BANKRUPTCY PROBLEMS OF INSURANCE COMPANIES DURING THE GLOBAL WORLD CHANGES;FINANCIAL AND CREDIT ACTIVITY-PROBLEMS OF THEORY AND PRACTICE;;2306-4994;;;2018;88-94;;24;1;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: WOS:000439173300010 Type: Article tex.affiliation: Honcharenko, IG (Corresponding Author), Cherkasy State Technol Univ, Cherkassy, Ukraine. Honcharenko, I. G., Cherkasy State Technol Univ, Cherkassy, Ukraine. tex.eissn: 2310-8770 tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000439173300010;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Hooda, S.; Mann, S.";Examining the effectiveness of machine learning algorithms as classifiers for predicting disease severity in data warehouse environments;Revista Argentina de Clinica Psicologica;;3276716;10.24205/03276716.2020.824;;2020;233-251;;5;29;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Hooda2020233 Publisher: Fundacion Aigle tex.abbrev_source_title: Rev. Argent. Clin. Psicol. tex.author_keywords: Artificial neural network (ANN); Data warehouse; Disease severity; ETL (extract; Machine learning; Support vector machine (SVM); Transform and load) process tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2013;"Hormozi, Elham; Akbari, Mohammad Kazem; Javan, Morteza Sargolzaei; Hormozi, Hadi";Performance evaluation of a fraud detection system based artificial immune system on the cloud;2013 8th international conference on computer science & education;;;10.1109/ICCSE.2013.6554022;;2013-04;819-823;;;;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: 6554022;;; EC4 (manual);conferencePaper;2021;"Hoseini, C.; Badar, M.A.; Shahhosseini, A.M.; Kluse, C.J.";A review of machine learning methods applicable to quality issues;;978-1-79236-124-1;;;;2021;1225-1240;;;;;;Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management;IEOM Society;;English;;"Citation Key: Hoseini20211225 ISSN: 21698767 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. Int. Conf. Ind. Eng. Oper. Manage. tex.author_keywords: Machine Learning; Quality 4.0; Quality Assurance; Quality Management; Supervised Learning tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";;; EC2 (auto);thesis;2020;"Hoseini, Cyrus; Shahhosseini, A.; Kluse, Christopher";Leveraging machine learning to identify quality issues in the medicaid claim adjudication process;;;;;;2020;;;;;;;;Indiana State University;USA;;phd;Citation Key: 10.5555/AAI28155147 ISBN: 9798569904679 tex.advisor: Affan, Badar, M.;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Hossain, Khondker Fariha; Kamran, Sharif Amit; Tavakkoli, Alireza; Ma, Xingjun";ECG-ATK-GAN: Robustness against adversarial attacks on ECGs using conditional generative adversarial networks;APPLICATIONS OF MEDICAL ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, AMAI 2022;978-3-031-17721-7 978-3-031-17720-0;;10.1007/978-3-031-17721-7\_8;;2022;68-78;;;13540;;;Lecture notes in computer science;;;English;;"ISSN: 0302-9743 Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Hossain, KF (Corresponding Author), Univ Nevada, Dept Comp Sci & Engn, Reno, NV 89557 USA. Hossain, Khondker Fariha; Kamran, Sharif Amit; Tavakkoli, Alireza, Univ Nevada, Dept Comp Sci & Engn, Reno, NV 89557 USA. Ma, Xingjun, Fudan Univ, Sch Comp Sci, Shanghai, Peoples R China. tex.eissn: 1611-3349 tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000870091500008";"Wu, S; Shabestari, B; Xing, L";; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Hrishita, M.; Tulasi, K. Sri Satya Sai; Tejasri, K.";REVIEW OF ONLINE FRAUD DETECTION BY MACHINE LEARNING USING ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK;ADVANCES AND APPLICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES;;0974-6803;;;2021-09;2701-2705;;11;20;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000744570500028 Type: Review tex.affiliation: Hrishita, M (Corresponding Author), Pragati Engn Coll Surampalem, Dept Comp Sci & Engn, East Godavari, Kakinada, India. Hrishita, M.; Tulasi, K. Sri Satya Sai; Tejasri, K., Pragati Engn Coll Surampalem, Dept Comp Sci & Engn, East Godavari, Kakinada, India. tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000744570500028";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Hsin, Yu-Yen; Dai, Tian-Shyr; Ti, Yen-Wu; Huang, Ming-Chuan; Chiang, Ting-Hui; Liu, Liang-Chih";Feature engineering and resampling strategies for fund transfer fraud with limited transaction data and a time-inhomogeneous modi operandi;IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions;;2169-3536;10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3199425;;2022;86101-86116;;;10;;IEEE Access;;;;;;Citation Key: 9858047;;; Not IC - not ML/DM (manual);journalArticle;2023;"Huang, Cheng; Wang, Wei; Liu, Dongxiao; Lu, Rongxing; Shen, Xuemin";Blockchain-assisted personalized car insurance with privacy preservation and fraud resistance;IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology;;1939-9359;10.1109/TVT.2022.3215811;;2023-03;3777-3792;;3;72;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: 9924540;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2003;Hunter, T.S.;CE: Solutions for compliance with HIPAA regulations;Drug Topics;;126616;;;2003;40;;6;147;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Hunter200340 tex.abbrev_source_title: Drug Topics tex.coden: DGTNA tex.document_type: Review tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2016;"Ishida, C.; Chang, W.; Taylor, S.";Moral intensity, moral awareness and ethical predispositions: The case of insurance fraud;Journal of Financial Services Marketing;;13630539;10.1057/fsm.2015.26;;2016;43191;;1;21;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Ishida20164 Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Finan. Serv. Mark. tex.author_keywords: insurance fraud; moral awareness; moral intensity; moral judgment; moral recognition tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Islam, M.R.; Liu, S.; Biddle, R.; Razzak, I.; Wang, X.; Tilocca, P.; Xu, G.";Discovering dynamic adverse behavior of policyholders in the life insurance industry;Technological Forecasting and Social Change;;401625;10.1016/j.techfore.2020.120486;;2021;;;;163;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Elsevier Inc. tex.abbrev_source_title: Technol. Forecast. Soc. Change tex.art_number: 120486 tex.author_keywords: Adverse behavior; Decision making; Frequent pattern; High-risk users; Life insurance tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Ismail, Leila; Zeadally, Sherali";Healthcare insurance frauds: Taxonomy and blockchain-based detection framework (block-HI);IT Professional;;1941-045X;10.1109/MITP.2021.3071534;;2021-07;36-43;;4;23;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: 9520214;;; ;journalArticle;2020;"Itri, Bouzgame; Mohamed, Youssfi; Omar, Bouattane; Mohamed, Qbadou";Empirical Oversampling Threshold Strategy for Machine Learning Performance Optimisation in Insurance Fraud Detection;International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications;;2158107X;10.14569/IJACSA.2020.0111054;;2020;432-437;;10;11;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Science and Information Organization tex.abbrev_source_title: Intl. J. Adv. Comput. Sci. Appl. tex.author_keywords: Insurance fraud; Oversampling; SMOTE; —Machine learning tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; ;conferencePaper;2019;"Itri, Bouzgarne; Mohamed, Youssfi; Mohammed, Qbadou; Omar, Bouattane";Performance comparative study of machine learning algorithms for automobile insurance fraud detection;2019 Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing in Data Sciences (ICDS);;;10.1109/ICDS47004.2019.8942277;;2019-10;45017;;;;;;;IEEE;Marrakech, Morocco;English;;;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2014;"Iyengar, V.S.; Hermiz, K.B.; Natarajan, R.";Computer-aided auditing of prescription drug claims;Health Care Management Science;;13869620;10.1007/s10729-013-9247-x;;2014;203-214;;3;17;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Iyengar2014203 Publisher: Springer New York LLC tex.abbrev_source_title: Health Care Manage. Sci. tex.author_keywords: Abuse; Audit; Fraud tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Jadav, Dhairya; Patel, Dev; Gupta, Rajesh; Jadav, Nilesh Kumar; Tanwar, Sudeep";BaRCODe: A blockchain-based framework for remote COVID detection for healthcare 5.0;2022 IEEE international conference on communications workshops (ICC workshops);;;10.1109/ICCWorkshops53468.2022.9814593;;2022-05;782-787;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;ISSN: 2694-2941;;; EC4 (manual);conferencePaper;2019;"Jain, Arushi; Shinde, Sarvesh";A comprehensive study of data mining-based financial fraud detection research;2019 IEEE 5th international conference for convergence in technology (I2CT);;;10.1109/I2CT45611.2019.9033767;;2019-03;45017;;;;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: 9033767;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2012;"Jamshidi, Soheil; Hashemi, Mahmoud Reza";An efficient data enrichment scheme for fraud detection using social network analysis;6th international symposium on telecommunications (IST);;;10.1109/ISTEL.2012.6483147;;2012-11;1082-1087;;;;;;;;;;;Citation Key: 6483147;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2008;"Jangal, F.; Giraud, M.A.; Morel, M.; Mano, J.P.; Napoli, A.; Littaye, Anne";Sense, enrich and classify: The ScanMaris workshop for assessment of vessel's abnormal behavior in the EEZ;OCEANS 2008;;;10.1109/OCEANS.2008.5151852;;2008-09;45017;;;;;;;;;;;Citation Key: 5151852 ISSN: 0197-7385;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2013;"Jaroslav, Slepecky; Stanislav, Krizovsky";USE OF LAYERING VOICE ANALYSIS TECHNOLOGY IN INSURANCE INDUSTRY;FINANCE AND THE PERFORMANCE OF FIRMS IN SCIENCE, EDUCATION, AND PRACTICE;978-80-7454-246-6;;;;2013;678-685;;;;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000329435800057 Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Jaroslav, Slepecky; Stanislav, Krizovsky, Univ Secur Management Kosice, Kosice 04001, Slovakia. tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000329435800057";"Jircikova, E; Knapkova, A; Pastuszkova, E";; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2014;"Jekabsons, Gints; Uhanova, Marina";Adaptive regression and classification models with applications in insurance;;;2255-8691;10.2478/acss-2014-0004;;2014-07;28–31;;1;15;;Appl. Comput. Syst.;;;;;;Citation Key: 10.2478/acss-2014-0004 Number of pages: 4 Place: Berlin, DEU Publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH tex.issue_date: 7 2014;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Jenita Mary, A.; Angelin Claret, S.P.";Analytical study on fraud detection in healthcare insurance claim data using machine learning classifiers;AIP Conference Proceedings;978-0-7354-4234-4;;10.1063/5.0108547;;2022;240006;;;2516;;;AIP Conference Proceedings;American Institute of Physics Inc.;Kattankulathur, India;English;;"Citation Key: JenitaMary2022 ISSN: 0094243X tex.abbrev_source_title: AIP Conf. Proc. tex.art_number: 240006 tex.author_keywords: false positive rate; fraudulent activities; Machine learning; Medical insurance claim; Predictive analytics tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Vennila B., Siva E.P., Pullepu B., Katiyar S.K.;;2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICAL TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONS: ICMTA2021 EC4 (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Jenita Mary, A.; Angelin Claret, S.P.";Empirical review on fraudulence detection in health care insurance industries using machine learning techniques;Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems;;1943023X;10.5373/JARDCS/V12I7/20202042;;2020;590-603;;7;12;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: JenitaMary2020590 Publisher: Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc. tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Adv. Res. Dyn. Control. Syst. tex.author_keywords: Detection Systems; Fraud; Healthcare Applications; Information Technologies; Insurance Claiming Process; Machine Learning Models tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2012;"Jha, Sanjeev; Guillen, Montserrat; Westland, J. Christopher";Employing transaction aggregation strategy to detect credit card fraud;EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS;;0957-4174;10.1016/j.eswa.2012.05.018;;15/11/2012;12650-12657;;16;39;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000307796300037 Type: Article tex.affiliation: Jha, S (Corresponding Author), Univ New Hampshire, Whittemore Sch Business & Econ, Dept Decis Sci, McConnell Hall, Durham, NH 03824 USA. Jha, Sanjeev, Univ New Hampshire, Whittemore Sch Business & Econ, Dept Decis Sci, Durham, NH 03824 USA. Guillen, Montserrat, Univ Barcelona, Riskctr IREA, Dept Econometr, Barcelona 08034, Spain. Westland, J. Christopher, Univ Illinois, Dept Informat & Decis Sci MC 294, Chicago, IL 60607 USA. tex.keywords-plus: MULTINOMIAL LOGIT MODEL; DISCRETE-CHOICE; INSURANCE FRAUD; CLASSIFICATION; SYSTEMS tex.times-cited: 62 tex.unique-id: WOS:000307796300037";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2021;"Jiang, Xiaoshan; Lin, Kaibiao; Zeng, Yifeng; Yang, Fan";Medical insurance medication anomaly detection based on isolated forest proximity matrix;2021 16th international conference on computer science & education (ICCSE);;;10.1109/ICCSE51940.2021.9569723;;2021-08;512-517;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;ISSN: 2473-9464;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;"Jiang, Xinxin; Pan, Shirui; Long, Guodong; Chang, Jiang; Jiang, Jing; Zhang, Chengqi";Cost-sensitive hybrid neural networks for heterogeneous and imbalanced data;2018 international joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN);;;10.1109/IJCNN.2018.8489420;;2018-07;45139;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;ISSN: 2161-4407;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Jiang, Xinxin; Pan, Shirui; Long, Guodong; Xiong, Fei; Jiang, Jing; Zhang, Chengqi";Cost-Sensitive Parallel Learning Framework for Insurance Intelligence Operation;IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics;;1557-9948;10.1109/TIE.2018.2873526;;2019-12;9713-9723;;12;66;;;;;;English;;;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2021;"Jiang, Xuehan; Tang, Rui; Sun, Xingzhi; Hu, Gang; Xie, Guotong";Inpatinets’ FWA detection: Mismatch between the clinical path and medical condition;2021 IEEE international conference on bioinformatics and biomedicine (BIBM);;;10.1109/BIBM52615.2021.9669596;;2021-12;1358-1363;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9669596;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2016;"Jiantao, Zhou; Jing, Ai; Shanshan, Wang; Tianyang, Wang";Economic and non-economic losses claim effects on the severity of opportunistic fraud in auto bodily injury compulsory liability (BICL) insurance: Evidence from china;PROCEEDINGS OF 2016 CHINA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INSURANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT;;;;;2016;358-397;;;;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000389979200026 Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Zhou, JT (Corresponding Author), Beihang Univ, Sch Econ & Management, Beijing 100191, Peoples R China. Zhou Jiantao; Wang Shanshan, Beihang Univ, Sch Econ & Management, Beijing 100191, Peoples R China. Ai Jing, Univ Hawaii, Dept Finance, Honolulu, HI 96822 USA. Wang Tianyang, Colorado State Univ, Dept Finance & Real Estate, Ft Collins, CO 80523 USA. tex.keywords-plus: FINANCIAL DECISION-MAKING; AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE; GENDER-DIFFERENCES; RISK-AVERSE; CLASSIFICATION; COMPENSATION; SETTLEMENT; DAMAGES; WOMEN; FAULT tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000389979200026";"Chen, B; Powers, MR";; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2005;"Jin, Y.; Rejesus, R.M.; Little, B.B.";Binary choice models for rare events data: A crop insurance fraud application;Applied Economics;;36846;10.1080/0003684042000337433;;2005;841-848;;7;37;;;;;;English;;tex.abbrev_source_title: Appl. Econ. tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2016;"John, S.N.; Anele, C.; Kennedy, O. Okokpujie; Olajide, F.; Kennedy, Chinyere Grace";Realtime fraud detection in the banking sector using data mining Techniques/Algorithm;2016 international conference on computational science and computational intelligence (CSCI);978-1-5090-5510-4;;10.1109/CSCI.2016.0224;;2016-12;1186-1191;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 7881517;;; EC5 (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Johnson, J.M.; Khoshgoftaar, T.M.";Evaluating undersampling and thresholding with highly imbalanced big data;;9,79899E+12;;;;2022;117-122;;;;;;Conference Proceedings - 27th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design;International Society of Science and Applied Technologies;;English;;"Citation Key: Johnson2022117 tex.abbrev_source_title: Conf. Proc. - ISSAT Int. Conf. Reliab. Qual. Des. tex.author_keywords: Big Data; Class Imbalance; Ensemble Learners; Fraud Detection; Healthcare; Medicare tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";H., Pham;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2019;"Johnson, J.M.; Khoshgoftaar, T.M.";Deep learning and thresholding with class-imbalanced big data;;978-1-72814-549-5;;10.1109/ICMLA.2019.00134;;2019;755-762;;;;;;Proceedings - 18th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2019;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;"Citation Key: Johnson2019755 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. - IEEE Int. Conf. Mach. Learn. Appl., ICMLA tex.art_number: 8999085 tex.author_keywords: Artificial Neural Networks; Class Imbalance; Data Sampling; Deep Learning; Fraud Detection; Thresholding tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Wani M.A., Khoshgoftaar T.M., Wang D., Wang H., Seliya N.;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2021;"Johnson, J.M.; Khoshgoftaar, T.M.";Encoding techniques for high-cardinality features and ensemble learners;;978-1-66543-875-9;;10.1109/IRI51335.2021.00055;;2021;355-361;;;;;;Proceedings - 2021 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration for Data Science, IRI 2021;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;"Citation Key: Johnson2021355 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. - IEEE Int. Conf. Inf. Reuse Integr. Data Sci., IRI tex.author_keywords: Big Data; Categorical Features; Encoding; Ensemble Learners; Fraud Detection; High Cardinality; Medicare; Semantic Embeddings tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: Society for Information Reuse and Integration (SIRI)";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Johnson, J.M.; Khoshgoftaar, T.M.";Healthcare provider summary data for fraud classification;;978-1-66546-603-5;;10.1109/IRI54793.2022.00060;;2022;236-242;;;;;;Proceedings - 2022 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration for Data Science, IRI 2022;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;"Citation Key: Johnson2022236 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. - IEEE Int. Conf. Inf. Reuse Integr. Data Sci., IRI tex.author_keywords: Big Data; Feature Engineering; Fraud Detection; Healthcare; Machine Learning; Medical Providers; Medicare tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: Society for Information Reuse and Integration (SIRI)";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Johnson, J.M.; Khoshgoftaar, T.M.";Medicare fraud detection using neural networks;Journal of Big Data;;21961115;10.1186/s40537-019-0225-0;;2019;;;1;6;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: SpringerOpen tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Big Data tex.art_number: 63 tex.author_keywords: Big data; Class imbalance; CMS; Deep learning; Fraud detection; LEIE; Medicare; Thresholding tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2021;"Johnson, J.M.; Khoshgoftaar, T.M.";Output thresholding for ensemble learners and imbalanced big data;;978-1-66540-898-1;;10.1109/ICTAI52525.2021.00230;;2021;1449-1454;;;2021-November;;;Proceedings - International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, ICTAI;IEEE Computer Society;;English;;"Citation Key: Johnson20211449 ISSN: 10823409 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. Int. Conf. Tools Artif. Intell. ICTAI tex.author_keywords: Big Data; Class Imbalance; Ensemble Learners; Fraud Detection; Medicare; Output Thresholding tex.coden: PCTIF tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: Biological and Artificial Intelligence Foundation (BAI); IEEE; IEEE Computer Society";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2021;"Johnson, J.M.; Khoshgoftaar, T.M.";Robust thresholding strategies for highly imbalanced and noisy data;;978-1-66544-337-1;;10.1109/ICMLA52953.2021.00192;;2021;1182-1188;;;;;;Proceedings - 20th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2021;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;"Citation Key: Johnson20211182 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. - IEEE Int. Conf. Mach. Learn. Appl., ICMLA tex.author_keywords: Big Data; Class Imbalance; Class Noise; Fraud Detection; Medicare; Output Thresholding tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Wani M.A., Sethi I.K., Shi W., Qu G., Raicu D.S., Jin R.;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2020;"Johnson, J.M.; Khoshgoftaar, T.M.";Semantic embeddings for medical providers and fraud detection;;978-1-72811-054-7;;10.1109/IRI49571.2020.00039;;2020;224-230;;;;;;Proceedings - 2020 IEEE 21st International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration for Data Science, IRI 2020;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;"Citation Key: Johnson2020224 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. - IEEE Int. Conf. Inf. Reuse Integr. Data Sci., IRI tex.art_number: 9191515 tex.author_keywords: Big Data; Class Imbalance; Clinical Concept Extraction; Deep Learning; Fraud Detection; Medicare; Semantic Embeddings tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: Society for Information Reuse and Integration (SIRI)";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2019;"Johnson, Justin M.; Khoshgoftaar, Taghi M.";Deep learning and data sampling with imbalanced big data;2019 IEEE 20th international conference on information reuse and integration for data science (IRI);;;10.1109/IRI.2019.00038;;2019-07;175-183;;;;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: 8843477;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2020;"Johnson, Justin M.; Khoshgoftaar, Taghi M.";Hcpcs2Vec: Healthcare procedure embeddings for medicare fraud prediction;2020 IEEE 6th international conference on collaboration and internet computing (CIC);;;10.1109/CIC50333.2020.00026;;2020-12;145-152;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9319034;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2016;"Johnson, M.E.; Nagarur, N.";Multi-stage methodology to detect health insurance claim fraud;Health Care Management Science;;13869620;10.1007/s10729-015-9317-3;;2016;249-260;;3;19;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Springer New York LLC tex.abbrev_source_title: Health Care Manage. Sci. tex.author_keywords: Classification; Decision trees; Fraud; Insurance; Provider profiling; Risk tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2016;"Joudaki, H.; Rashidian, A.; Minaei-Bidgoli, B.; Mahmoodi, M.; Geraili, B.; Nasiri, M.; Arab, M.";Improving fraud and abuse detection in general physician claims: A data mining study;International Journal of Health Policy and Management;;23225939;10.15171/ijhpm.2015.196;;2016;165-172;;3;5;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Kerman University of Medical Sciences tex.abbrev_source_title: Int J Health Policy Manag tex.author_keywords: Abuse; Data Mining; Fraud; General Physician; Healthcare; Insurance tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2015;"Joudaki, H.; Rashidian, A.; Minaei-Bidgoli, B.; Mahmoodi, M.; Geraili, B.; Nasiri, M.; Arab, M.";Using data mining to detect health care fraud and abuse: a review of literature;Global journal of health science;;19169736;10.5539/gjhs.v7n1p194;;2015;194-202;;1;7;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Joudaki2015194 tex.abbrev_source_title: Glob J Health Sci tex.document_type: Review tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2014;"Judson, T.; Haas, M.; Lagu, T.";Medical identity theft: Prevention and reconciliation initiatives at massachusetts general hospital;Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety;;15537250;10.1016/s1553-7250(14)40038-2;;2014;291-295;;7;40;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Judson2014291 Publisher: Joint Commission Resources, Inc. tex.abbrev_source_title: Jt. Comm. J. Qual. Patient Saf. tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Jung, J.; Kim, B.-J.";Insurance fraud in korea, its seriousness, and policy implications;Frontiers in Public Health;;22962565;10.3389/fpubh.2021.791820;;2021;;;;9;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Frontiers Media S.A. tex.abbrev_source_title: Front. Public Health tex.art_number: 791820 tex.author_keywords: big data technologies; dynamic concentrated approach; insurance fraud; national leadership; problem diagnosis tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;Jung, Kang-Mo;Fast entropy attribute value frequency algorithm to detect outliers for categorical data;Proceedings of the 2018 international conference on big data and education;978-1-4503-6358-7;;10.1145/3206157.3206172;;2018;63–66;;;;;;ICBDE '18;Association for Computing Machinery;New York, NY, USA;English;;Number of pages: 4 Place: Honolulu, HI, USA;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2008;"Jurek, Anna; Zakrzewska, Danuta";Improving naive bayes models of insurance risk by unsupervised classification;2008 INTERNATIONAL MULTICONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IMCSIT), VOLS 1 AND 2;978-8-36-8-1014-9;;;;2008;122+;;;;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000268848500020 Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Jurek, A (Corresponding Author), Tech Univ Lodz, Inst Math, Wolczanska 215, PL-90924 Lodz, Poland. Jurek, Anna, Tech Univ Lodz, Inst Math, Wolczanska 215, PL-90924 Lodz, Poland. Zakrzewska, Danuta, Tech Univ Lodz, Inst Comp Sci, PL-90924 Lodz, Poland. tex.keywords-plus: NEURAL-NETWORKS; FRAUD DETECTION; FUZZY-LOGIC tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000268848500020";"Ganzha, M; Paprzycki, M; PelechPilichowski, T";; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Jyothi, E.V.N.; Sailaja, S.";Upcoding fraud discovery in the economical fields using block chain technology;International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering;;22783075;10.35940/ijitee.J9536.0881019;;2019;2464-2468;;10;8;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Jyothi20192464 Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. J. Innov. Technol. Explor. Eng. tex.author_keywords: Blockchain; Fraud discovery; Upcoding tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Jyothi, P.N.; Lakshmi, D.R.; Rama Rao, K.V.S.N.";A supervised approach for detection of outliers in healthcare claims data;Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review;;17919320;10.25103/jestr.131.25;;2020;204-213;;1;13;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Jyothi2020204 Publisher: Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Institute of Technology tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Eng. Sci. Technol. Rev. tex.author_keywords: Data; Detection; Healthcare; Supervised method tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Kalra, G.; Rajoria, Y.K.; Boadh, R.; Rajendra, P.; Pandey, P.; Khatak, N.; Kumar, A.";Study of fuzzy expert systems towards prediction and detection of fraud case in health care insurance;International Conference on Materials, Machines and Information Technology-2022;;;10.1016/j.matpr.2022.02.157;;2022;477-480;;;56;;;Materials Today: Proceedings;Elsevier;;English;;"Publisher: Elsevier Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: Mater. Today Proc. tex.author_keywords: Fraud; Fuzzy expert system; Health care insurance; Insurance claim tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Kalra, H.; Singh, R.; Senthil Kumar, T.";Fraud claims detection in insurance using machine learning;Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results;;9769234;10.47750/pnr.2022.13.S03.053;;2022;327-331;;;13;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: ResearchTrentz Academy Publishing Education Services tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Pharm. Negat. Results tex.author_keywords: Customer Satisfaction; Data Analytics; Fraud Detection; Insurance Company's Reputation; Machine Learning tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; ;journalArticle;2020;"Kalwihura, Johannes Stephen; Logeswaran, Rajasvaran";Auto-insurance fraud detection: A behavioral feature engineering approach;Journal of Critical Reviews;;23945125;10.31838/jcr.07.03.23;;2020;125-129;;3;7;;J. Crit. Rev;;;;English;;"Publisher: Innovare Academics Sciences Pvt. Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Crit. Rev. tex.author_keywords: Cost Sensitive Learning; Feature Engineering; Feature Selection; Fraud Detection; Random Forest; RFM Features; Ensemble Models tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Kanksha; Bhaskar, A.; Pande, S.; Malik, R.; Khamparia, A.";An intelligent unsupervised technique for fraud detection in health care systems;Intelligent Decision Technologies;;18724981;10.3233/IDT-200052;;2021;127-139;;1;15;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Kanksha2021127 Publisher: IOS Press BV tex.abbrev_source_title: Intelligent Decis. Technol tex.author_keywords: fraud detection; Isolated forest; machine learning; unsupervised learning tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Kapadiya, Khyati; Patel, Usha; Gupta, Rajesh; Alshehri, Mohammad Dahman; Tanwar, Sudeep; Sharma, Gulshan; Bokoro, Pitshou N.";Blockchain and AI-Empowered healthcare insurance fraud detection: an analysis, architecture, and future prospects;IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions;;2169-3536;10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3194569;;2022;79606-79627;;;10;;IEEE Access;;;;English;;Citation Key: 9843995;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2016;"Kapardis, M.K.; Papastergiou, K.";Fraud victimization in Greece: Room for improvement in prevention and detection;Journal of Financial Crime;;13590790;10.1108/JFC-02-2015-0010;;2016;481-500;;2;23;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Kapardis2016481 Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Financ. Crime tex.author_keywords: Fraud; Greece; Prevention; Typology of fraud; Victimisation tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Kaplan, S.E.; Lanier, D., Jr.; Pope, K.R.; Samuels, J.A.";External investigators’ follow-up intentions when whistleblowers report healthcare fraud: The effects of report anonymity and previous confrontation;Behavioral Research in Accounting;;10504753;10.2308/BRIA-19-042;;2020;91-101;;2;32;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: American Accounting Association tex.abbrev_source_title: Behav. Res. Account. tex.author_keywords: External investigators; Follow-up intentions; Healthcare fraud; Perceived credibility; Upcoding; Whistleblowing tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2017;"Kareem, Saba; Binti Ahmad, Rohiza; Sarlan, Aliza Binit";Framework for the identification of fraudulent health insurance claims using association rule mining;2017 IEEE conference on big data and analytics (ICBDA);;;10.1109/ICBDAA.2017.8284114;;2017-11;99-104;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 8284114;;; EC2 (auto);bookSection;2022;"Kaswan, K.S.; Dhatterwal, J.S.; Sharma, H.; Sood, K.";Big data in insurance innovation;Big Data: A Game Changer for Insurance Industry;978-1-80262-607-0 978-1-80262-606-3;;;;2022;117–136;;;;;;;Emerald Publishing Limited;Bingley;English;;"Citation Key: Kaswan2022117 DOI: 10.1108/978-1-80262-605-620221008 Pages: 117-136 tex.abbrev_source_title: Big Data: A Game Chang. for Insur. Ind. tex.author_keywords: Anti-fraud network; Big data; Blockchain technology; Conflicts of market; Insurance product; InsurTech tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus";;; ;journalArticle;2022;"Kate, Prateek; Ravi, Vadlamani; Gangwar, Akhilesh";FinGAN: Chaotic generative adversarial network for analytical customer relationship management in banking and insurance;Neural Computing & Applications;;0941-0643;10.1007/s00521-022-07968-x;;2022-11;6015–6028;;8;35;;Neural Comput. Appl.;;;;English;;Number of pages: 14 Place: Berlin, Heidelberg Publisher: Springer-Verlag tex.issue_date: Mar 2023;;; EC1 (auto);bookSection;2018;"Kelleher, John D.; Tierney, Brendan";6 PRIVACY AND ETHICS;Data science;978-0-262-34702-0;;;;2018;181-218;;;;;;;MIT Press;;;;Citation Key: 8544186;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1991;Kelly, S.;Impact of fraudulent claims on health care costs.;Statistical bulletin (Metropolitan Life Insurance Company : 1984);;7419767;;;1991;13-19;;4;72;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Kelly199113 tex.abbrev_source_title: Stat Bull Metrop Insur Co tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2023;"Kemp, J.; Barker, C.; Good, N.; Bain, M.";Developing an anomaly detection framework for Medicare claims;;9798400700057;;10.1145/3579375.3579410;;2023;234-237;;;;;;ACM International Conference Proceeding Series;Association for Computing Machinery;;English;;"Citation Key: Kemp2023234 tex.abbrev_source_title: ACM Int. Conf. Proc. Ser. tex.author_keywords: anomaly detection; data mining; decision support systems.; medical information systems; Unsupervised learning tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: Computing Research and Education Association of Australasia (CORE); Monash University";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Kemp, James; Barker, Christopher; Good, Norm; Bain, Michael";Sequential pattern detection for identifying courses of treatment and anomalous claim behaviour in medical insurance;2022 IEEE international conference on bioinformatics and biomedicine (BIBM);;;10.1109/BIBM55620.2022.9995541;;2022-12;3039-3046;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9995541;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2021;"Kennedy, R.K.L.; Johnson, J.M.; Khoshgoftaar, T.M.";The effects of class label noise on highly-imbalanced big data;;978-1-66540-898-1;;10.1109/ICTAI52525.2021.00227;;2021;1427-1433;;;2021-November;;;Proceedings - International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, ICTAI;IEEE Computer Society;;English;;"Citation Key: Kennedy20211427 ISSN: 10823409 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. Int. Conf. Tools Artif. Intell. ICTAI tex.author_keywords: Big Data; Class Imbalance; Class Noise; Fraud Detection; Medicare; Robust Learners tex.coden: PCTIF tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: Biological and Artificial Intelligence Foundation (BAI); IEEE; IEEE Computer Society";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2020;"Kennedy, R.K.L.; Khoshgoftaar, T.M.";Accelerated deep learning on HPCC systems;;978-1-72818-470-8;;10.1109/ICMLA51294.2020.00138;;2020;847-852;;;;;;Proceedings - 19th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2020;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;"Citation Key: Kennedy2020847 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. - IEEE Int. Conf. Mach. Learn. Appl., ICMLA tex.art_number: 9356224 tex.author_keywords: deep learning; GPU acceleration; HPCC Systems; neural network; parallel computing tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Wani M.A., Luo F., Li X., Dou D., Bonchi F.;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2017;"Kenyon, David; Eloff, J.H.P";Big data science for predicting insurance claims fraud;2017 information security for south africa (ISSA);;;10.1109/ISSA.2017.8251773;;2017-08;40-47;;;;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: 8251773;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Khoiri, A.; Hidayat, W.; Chalidyanto, D.; Hariadi, F.";Potential of hospital fraud in the Indonesia national health insurance era (A descriptive phenomenological research);Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology;;9739122;;;2020;1103-1107;;3;14;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Khoiri20201103 Publisher: Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology tex.abbrev_source_title: Indian J. Forensic Med. Toxicol. tex.author_keywords: Fraud; Health insurance; Hospital tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;"Kieu, Tung; Yang, Bin; Guo, Chenjuan; Jensen, Christian S.";Distinguishing trajectories from different drivers using incompletely labeled trajectories;Proceedings of the 27th ACM international conference on information and knowledge management;978-1-4503-6014-2;;10.1145/3269206.3271762;;2018;863–872;;;;;;CIKM '18;Association for Computing Machinery;New York, NY, USA;English;;Number of pages: 10 Place: Torino, Italy;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2006;"Kim, H.; Kwon, W.J.";A multi-line insurance Fraud Recognition System: A government-led approach in Korea;Risk Management and Insurance Review;;10981616;10.1111/j.1540-6296.2006.00090.x;;2006;131-147;;2;9;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Kim2006131 tex.abbrev_source_title: Risk Manage. Insur. Rev. tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2021;"Kim, Jayoung; Jeon, Jinsung; Lee, Jaehoon; Hyeong, Jihyeon; Park, Noseong";OCT-GAN: Neural ODE-Based conditional tabular GANs;Proceedings of the web conference 2021;978-1-4503-8312-7;;10.1145/3442381.3449999;;2021;1506–1515;;;;;;WWW '21;Association for Computing Machinery;New York, NY, USA;English;;Number of pages: 10 Place: Ljubljana, Slovenia;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2005;"Kim, S.S.; Finch, M.D.; Nash, D.B.; McCarberg, B.H.; Schnoll, S.H.; Seifeldin, R.";A systems approach to identifying inappropriate use of controlled substances: the need for balance.;Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety / Joint Commission Resources;;15537250;10.1016/S1553-7250(05)31022-1;;2005;167-172;;3;31;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Kim2005167 tex.abbrev_source_title: Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2003;Kim, W.;On US homeland security, data mining and civil liberties;Journal of Object Technology;;16601769;10.5381/jot.2003.2.3.c4;;2003;33-37;;3;2;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Kim200333 Publisher: Association Internationale pour les Technologies Objets tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Object Technol. tex.document_type: Review tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2012;"Kim, Y.; Vasarhelyi, M.A.";A model to detect potentially fraudulent/abnormal wires of an insurance company: An unsupervised rule-based approach;Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting;;15541908;10.2308/jeta-50411;;2012;95-110;;1;9;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Kim201295 tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Emerg. Technol. Account. tex.author_keywords: Anomaly detection; Continuous auditing; Continuous monitoring; Fraud detection; Unsupervised learning tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC4 (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Kini, Ajay; Chelluru, Rohit; Naik, Kushang; Naik, Dattdeep; Aswale, Shailendra; Shetgaonkar, Pratiksha";Automobile insurance fraud detection: An overview;2022 3rd international conference on intelligent engineering and management (ICIEM);;;10.1109/ICIEM54221.2022.9853043;;2022-04;45267;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9853043;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2012;"Kirlidog, Melih; Asuk, Cuneyt";A fraud detection approach with data mining in health insurance;WORLD CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS, ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT (BEM-2012);;;10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.09.168;;2012;989-994;;;62;;;Procedia social and behavioral sciences;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000319841600163 ISSN: 1877-0428 Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Kirlidog, M (Corresponding Author), North West Univ, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa. Kirlidog, Melih, North West Univ, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa. Kirlidog, Melih; Asuk, Cuneyt, Marmara Univ, Istanbul, Turkey. tex.times-cited: 48 tex.unique-id: WOS:000319841600163";"Lacob, AI; Baskan, GA; Uzunboylu, H";; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Kirua, R.B.; Temu, M.J.; Mori, A.T.";Prices of medicines for the management of pain, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases in private pharmacies and the national health insurance in Tanzania;International Journal for Equity in Health;;14759276;10.1186/s12939-020-01319-9;;2020;;;1;19;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Kirua2020 Publisher: BioMed Central Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. J. Equity Health tex.art_number: 203 tex.author_keywords: Essential medicines; Prices; Private pharmacy; Reference prices; Tanzania tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Kishore Babu, S.; Vasavi, S.";Predictive analytic as a service on tax evasion using feature engineering strategies;Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies;;21903018;10.1007/978-981-13-1921-1_39;;2019;393-402;;;104;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: KishoreBabu2019393 ISBN: 9789811319204 Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH tex.abbrev_source_title: Smart Innov. Syst. Technol. tex.author_keywords: Artificial neural networks (ANN); Auto-regression algorithm (ARX) and Gaussian process (GP); Ensemble model; Predictive analytics tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Bhateja V., Satapathy S.C., Das S.;; EC1 (auto);bookSection;2017;"Klepac, G.; Kopal, R.; Mršíc, L.";Social network metrics integration into fuzzy expert system and Bayesian network for better data science solution performance;Hybrid Intelligence for Social Networks;978-3-319-65139-2 978-3-319-65138-5;;;;2017;5–45;;;;;;;Springer;Cham;English;;"Citation Key: Klepac201725 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-65139-2_2 Pages: 25-45 tex.abbrev_source_title: Hybrid Intell. for Soc. Netw. tex.author_keywords: Bayesian networks; Fuzzy expert system; Social network analysis; Social network metrics tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2006;"Knoll, J.; Resnick, P.J.";The detection of malingered post-traumatic stress disorder;Psychiatric Clinics of North America;;0193953X;10.1016/j.psc.2006.04.001;;2006;629-647;;3;29;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Knoll2006629 tex.abbrev_source_title: Psychiatr. Clin. North Am. tex.coden: PCAMD tex.document_type: Review tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2005;"Koh, H.C.; Tan, G.";Data mining applications in healthcare.;Journal of healthcare information management : JHIM;;1099811X;;;2005;64-72;;2;19;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Koh200564 tex.abbrev_source_title: J Healthc Inf Manag tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2011;"Konijn, Rob M.; Kowalczyk, Wojtek";Finding fraud in health insurance data with two-layer outlier detection approach;Proceedings of the 13th international conference on data warehousing and knowledge discovery;978-3-642-23543-6;;10.1007/978-3-642-23544-3_30;;2011;394–405;;;;;;DaWaK'11;Springer-Verlag;Berlin, Heidelberg;English;;Number of pages: 12 Place: Toulouse, France;;; EC1 (auto);bookSection;2014;"Koonin, S.E.; Holland, M.J.";The value of big data for urban science;Privacy, Big Data, and the Public Good: Frameworks for Engagement;978-1-107-59020-5 978-1-107-06735-6;;;;2014;137–152;;;;;;;Cambridge University Press;Cambridge;English;;Citation Key: Koonin2013137 DOI: 10.1017/CBO9781107590205.009 Pages: 137-152 tex.abbrev_source_title: Priv., Big Data, and the Public Good: Frameworks for Engagem. tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2015;"Kose, Ilker; Gokturk, Mehmet; Kilic, Kemal";An interactive machine-learning-based electronic fraud and abuse detection system in healthcare insurance;Applied Soft Computing;;1568-4946;10.1016/j.asoc.2015.07.018;;2015-11;283–299;;C;36;;Appl. Soft Comput.;;;;English;;Number of pages: 17 Place: NLD Publisher: Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. tex.issue_date: November 2015;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;Kostyunina, T.;Classification of operational risks in construction companies on the basis of big data;;;;10.1051/matecconf/201819305072;;2018;;;;193;;;MATEC Web of Conferences;EDP Sciences;;English;;Citation Key: Kostyunina2018 ISSN: 2261236X tex.abbrev_source_title: MATEC Web Conf. tex.art_number: 05072 tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus;Mottaeva A., Melovic B.;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Kotekani, S.S.; Ilango, V.";HEMClust: An improved fraud detection model for health insurance using heterogeneous ensemble and K-prototype clustering;International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications;;2158107X;10.14569/IJACSA.2022.0130318;;2022;127-139;;3;13;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Science and Information Organization tex.abbrev_source_title: Intl. J. Adv. Comput. Sci. Appl. tex.author_keywords: Classification algorithms; Clustering; Ensemble learners; Fraud detection; Health insurance; Meta-level learning tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Kotekani, S.S.; Velchamy, I.";An effective data sampling procedure for imbalanced data learning on health insurance fraud detection;Journal of Computing and Information Technology;;13301136;10.20532/cit.2020.1005216;;2020;269-285;;4;28;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Kotekani2020269 Publisher: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Compt. Inf. Technol. tex.author_keywords: Class imbalance; Classification algorithms; Fraud detection; Health insurance; K-means; Smote tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; ;conferencePaper;2021;"Krishna, Gutha Jaya; Ravi, Vadlamani";Anomaly Detection Using Modified Differential Evolution: An Application to Banking and Insurance;Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition (SoCPaR 2019);;;10.1007/978-3-030-49345-5_11;;2021;102-111;;;1182;;;Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing;Springer International Publishing;Hyderabad, India;English;;"ISBN: 9783030493448 Publisher: Springer tex.abbrev_source_title: Adv. Intell. Sys. Comput. tex.author_keywords: Anomaly detection; Banking; Insurance; Modified Differential Evolution tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";"Abraham, Ajith; Jabbar, M. A.; Tiwari, Sanju; Jesus, Isabel M. S.";;SoCPaR 2019 EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2013;"Kuhn, Michael; Siciliani, Luigi";Manipulation and auditing of public sector contracts;EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY;;0176-2680;10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2013.08.002;;2013-12;251-267;;;32;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000328720200015 Type: Article tex.affiliation: Siciliani, L (Corresponding Author), Univ York, Dept Econ & Related Studies, York YO10 5DD, N Yorkshire, England. Kuhn, Michael, Wittgenstein Ctr, IIASA, VID OAW, WU, A-1040 Vienna, Austria. Kuhn, Michael, Vienna Inst Demog, A-1040 Vienna, Austria. Siciliani, Luigi, Univ York, Dept Econ & Related Studies, York YO10 5DD, N Yorkshire, England. tex.eissn: 1873-5703 tex.keywords-plus: INCENTIVE CONTRACTS; TAX EVASION; INFORMATION; COST; REIMBURSEMENT; DELEGATION; INSURANCE; PROVIDERS; QUALITY; MARKETS tex.times-cited: 16 tex.unique-id: WOS:000328720200015";;; EC1 (auto);bookSection;2009;"Kulkarni, A.; McCaslin, S.";Fuzzy neural networks for knowledge discovery;Intelligent Data Analysis: Developing New Methodologies Through Pattern Discovery and Recovery;978-1-59904-982-3;;;;2009;103–119;;;;;;;IGI Global;;English;;Citation Key: Kulkarni2008103 DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-982-3.ch006 Pages: 103-119 tex.abbrev_source_title: Intelligent Data Anal.: Developing New Methodologies Through Pattern Discov. and Recovery tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2006;"Kumar, Anuj; Nagadevara, Vishnuprasad";Development of hybrid classification methodology for mining skewed data sets - A case study of Indian customs data;2006 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS, VOLS 1-3;1-4244-0211-5;;10.1109/AICCSA.2006.205149;;2006;584-591;;;;;;International conference on computer systems and applications;;Sharjah;English;;ISSN: 2161-5322 Type: Proceedings paper IEEE tex.times-cited: 2 tex.unique-id: WOS:000243337100091;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2000;Kumar, B.V.;Letter of credit fraud;Journal of Financial Crime;;13590790;10.1108/eb025944;;2000;251-254;;3;7;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Kumar2000251 tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Financ. Crime tex.document_type: Review tex.source: Scopus;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2021;"Kumar, N.; Chaurasiya, D.; Singh, A.; Asthana, S.; Agarwal, K.; Arora, A.";MeDML: Med-Dynamic Meta Learning-A multi-layered representation to identify provider fraud in healthcare;;;;10.32473/flairs.v34i1.128525;;2021;;;;34;;;Proceedings of the International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, FLAIRS;Florida OJ;;English;;Citation Key: Kumar2021 ISSN: 23340754 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. Int. Fla. Artif. Intell. Res. Soc. Conf., FLAIRS tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus;Antonucci A., Benferhot S., Premaratne K.;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Kumaraswamy, N.; Markey, M.K.; Barner, J.C.; Rascati, K.";Feature engineering to detect fraud using healthcare claims data;Expert Systems with Applications;;9574174;10.1016/j.eswa.2022.118433;;2022;;;;210;;Expert Syst. Appl.;;;;English;;"Publisher: Elsevier Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: Expert Sys Appl tex.art_number: 118433 tex.author_keywords: Class imbalance; Fraud detection; Machine learning; Medicaid; Statistical models tex.coden: ESAPE tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC4 (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Kumaraswamy, N.; Markey, M.K.; Ekin, T.; Barner, J.C.; Rascati, K.";Healthcare fraud data mining methods: A look back and look ahead;Perspectives in health information management;;15594122;;;2022;1i;;1;19;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Kumaraswamy2022 Publisher: NLM (Medline) tex.abbrev_source_title: Perspect Health Inf Manag tex.author_keywords: class imbalance; fraud detection; health insurance claims; machine learning; Medicaid tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2020;"Kunickaitė, R.; Zdanavičiūtė, M.; Krilavičius, T.";Fraud detection in health insurance using ensemble learning methods;;;;;;2020;70–77;;;2698;;;CEUR Workshop Proceedings;CEUR-WS;;English;;"Citation Key: Kunickaitė2020 ISSN: 16130073 tex.abbrev_source_title: CEUR Workshop Proc. tex.author_keywords: Classification; Ensemble learning; Fraud; Insurance tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Lopata A., Sukacke V., Krilavicius T., Veitaite I., Wozniak M.;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2019;"Kuznetsova, Valentina; Azhmuhamedov, Iskandar; Protalinskiy, Oleg";Social media analytics for better detection of fraudulent applications for online microfinance loans;2019 international conference on engineering and telecommunication (EnT);;;10.1109/EnT47717.2019.9030547;;2019-11;45017;;;;;;;;;;;Citation Key: 9030547;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2021;Laha, A.K.;Binary prediction;;978-981-336-655-8;;10.1007/978-981-33-6656-5_2;;2021;43040;;;;;;Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics;Springer Science and Business Media B.V.;;English;;Citation Key: Laha202111 ISSN: 21987246 tex.abbrev_source_title: Springer Proc. Bus. Econ. tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus;A.K., Laha;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Lai, C.Q.; Ibrahim, H.; Abd. Hamid, A.I.; Abdullah, J.M.";LSTM network as a screening tool to detect moderate traumatic brain injury from resting-state electroencephalogram;Expert Systems with Applications;;9574174;10.1016/j.eswa.2022.116761;;2022;;;;198;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Elsevier Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: Expert Sys Appl tex.art_number: 116761 tex.author_keywords: Electroencephalography; LSTM; Recurrent neural networks; Traumatic brain injury tex.coden: ESAPE tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Lai, Chi Qin; Ibrahim, Haidi; Abdullah, Jafri Malin; Azman, Azlinda; Abdullah, Mohd Zaid";Convolutional neural network utilizing error-correcting output codes support vector machine for classification of non-severe traumatic brain injury from electroencephalogram signal;IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions;;2169-3536;10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3056724;;2021;24946-24964;;;9;;IEEE Access;;;;English;;Citation Key: 9345669;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2013;"Lang, M.; Wambach, A.";The fog of fraud - Mitigating fraud by strategic ambiguity;Games and Economic Behavior;;8998256;10.1016/j.geb.2013.05.009;;2013;255-275;;1;81;;;;;;English;;"tex.abbrev_source_title: Games Econ. Behav. tex.author_keywords: Ambiguity; Audit; Commitment; Costly state verification; Fraud; Insurance tex.coden: GEBEE tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2013;"Langari, R.K.; Moghaddam, N.; Vahdat, D.";Introducing a model for suspicious behaviors detection in electronic banking by using decision tree algorithms;Iranian Journal of Information Processing Management;;22518223;;;2013;681-700;;3;28;;;;;;Persian;;"Citation Key: Langari2013681 tex.abbrev_source_title: Iranian J. Info. Pro. Manag. tex.author_keywords: Decision tree; Electronic banking; Internet banking; Security; Suspicious behaviors tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2015;"Leal, S.; Vrij, A.; Warmelink, L.; Vernham, Z.; Fisher, R.P.";You cannot hide your telephone lies: Providing a model statement as an aid to detect deception in insurance telephone calls;Legal and Criminological Psychology;;13553259;10.1111/lcrp.12017;;2015;129-146;;1;20;;;;;;English;;Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: Leg. Criminol. Psychol. tex.coden: LCPSF tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Lee, Jehyuk; Cho, Sungzoon";Abuse detection in healthcare insurance with disease-treatment network embedding;JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICS;;1532-0464;10.1016/j.jbi.2021.103936;;2021-11;;;;123;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000714428900001 Type: Article tex.affiliation: Cho, S (Corresponding Author), Seoul Natl Univ, Dept Ind Engn, 1 Gwanak Ro, Seoul 08826, South Korea. Cho, Sungzoon, Seoul Natl Univ, Dept Ind Engn, 1 Gwanak Ro, Seoul 08826, South Korea. Seoul Natl Univ, Inst Ind Syst Innovat, 1 Gwanak Ro, Seoul 08826, South Korea. tex.article-number: 103936 tex.earlyaccessdate: OCT 2021 tex.eissn: 1532-0480 tex.keywords-plus: RELATIVE RISK; FRAUD; APPROPRIATENESS; PATTERNS; COHORT tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000714428900001";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Lee, Jehyuk; Shin, Hunsik; Cho, Sungzoon";A medical treatment based scoring model to detect abusive institutions;JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICS;;1532-0464;10.1016/j.jbi.2020.103423;;2020-07;;;;107;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000551649200003 Type: Article tex.affiliation: Cho, S (Corresponding Author), Seoul Natl Univ, Dept Ind Engn, 1 Gwanak Ro, Seoul 08826, South Korea. Lee, Jehyuk; Shin, Hunsik; Cho, Sungzoon, Seoul Natl Univ, Dept Ind Engn, 1 Gwanak Ro, Seoul 08826, South Korea. Lee, Jehyuk; Shin, Hunsik; Cho, Sungzoon, Seoul Natl Univ, Inst Ind Syst Innovat, 1 Gwanak Ro, Seoul 08826, South Korea. tex.article-number: 103423 tex.eissn: 1532-0480 tex.keywords-plus: NEURAL-NETWORKS; FRAUD tex.times-cited: 5 tex.unique-id: WOS:000551649200003";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2008;"Lee, Keun-gi; Savoldi, Antonio; Gubian, Paolo; Lim, Kyung Soo; Lee, Seokhee; Lee, Sangjin";Methodologies for detecting covert database;Proceedings of the 2008 international conference on intelligent information hiding and multimedia signal processing;978-0-7695-3278-3;;10.1109/IIH-MSP.2008.258;;2008;538–541;;;;;;IIH-MSP '08;IEEE Computer Society;USA;English;;Number of pages: 4;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2019;"Leevy, J.L.; Khoshgoftaar, T.M.; Bauder, R.A.; Seliya, N.";The effect of time on the maintenance of a predictive model;;978-1-72814-549-5;;10.1109/ICMLA.2019.00304;;2019;1891-1896;;;;;;Proceedings - 18th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2019;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;"Citation Key: Leevy20191891 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. - IEEE Int. Conf. Mach. Learn. Appl., ICMLA tex.art_number: 8999084 tex.author_keywords: Big data; Imbalanced data; Machine learning; Model maintenance; Sampling tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Wani M.A., Khoshgoftaar T.M., Wang D., Wang H., Seliya N.;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Lei, Y.; Browne, M.J.";Health insurers' operations in the face of health care reform: An analysis of the Supplemental Health Care Exhibit;Risk Management and Insurance Review;;10981616;10.1111/rmir.12154;;2020;277-286;;3;23;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Lei2020277 Publisher: Blackwell Publishing Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: Risk Manage. Insur. Rev. tex.author_keywords: health care reform; Medical Loss Ratio; Supplemental Health Care Exhibit; underwriting performance tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2018;"Leite, R.A.; Gschwandtner, T.; Miksch, S.; Gstrein, E.; Kuntner, J.";Visual analytics for event detection: Focusing on fraud;Visual Informatics;;25432656;10.1016/j.visinf.2018.11.001;;2018;198-212;;4;2;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Elsevier B.V. tex.abbrev_source_title: Vis. Inform. tex.author_keywords: Business and finance visualization; Financial fraud detection; Time series data; Visual knowledge discovery tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC4 (manual);journalArticle;2023;"Lestari, N.I.; Hussain, W.; Merigo, J.M.; Bekhit, M.";A survey of trendy financial sector applications of machine and deep learning;Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST;;18678211;10.1007/978-3-031-23944-1_68;;2023;619-633;;;467 LNICST;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Lestari2023619 ISBN: 9783031239434 Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH tex.abbrev_source_title: Lect. Notes Inst. Comput. Sci. Soc. Informatics Telecommun. Eng. tex.author_keywords: Deep learning; Finance; Fraud detection & money laundering prevention; Machine learning; Risk management; Statistical models tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Jan M.A., Khan F.;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2013;"Li, Chu-Shiu; Liu, Chwen-Chi; Peng, Sheng-Chang";Expiration dates in automobile insurance contracts: The curious case of last policy month claims in taiwan;GENEVA RISK AND INSURANCE REVIEW;;1554-964X;10.1057/grir.2012.3;;2013-03;23-47;;1;38;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000315780500002 Type: Article tex.affiliation: Li, CS (Corresponding Author), Asia Univ, Dept Int Business, 500 Lioufeng Rd, Taichung 41354, Taiwan. Li, Chu-Shiu, Asia Univ, Dept Int Business, Taichung 41354, Taiwan. Li, Chu-Shiu; Liu, Chwen-Chi, Natl Chengchi Univ, Risk & Insurance Res Ctr, Taipei 11605, Taiwan. Liu, Chwen-Chi; Peng, Sheng-Chang, Feng Chia Univ, Dept Risk Management & Insurance, Taichung 40724, Taiwan. tex.eissn: 1554-9658 tex.keywords-plus: FRAUD DETECTION; MORAL HAZARD tex.times-cited: 3 tex.unique-id: WOS:000315780500002";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Li, H.; Wong, M.-L.";Grammar-based multi-objective genetic programming with token competition and its applications in financial fraud detection;Natural Computing Series;;16197127;10.1007/978-3-030-79553-5_11;;2021;259-285;;;;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Li2021259 Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH tex.abbrev_source_title: Nat. Comput. Ser. tex.author_keywords: Financial fraud detection; Grammar-based genetic programming; Multi-objective optimization; Token competition tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2008;"Li, J.; Huang, K.-Y.; Jin, J.; Shi, J.";A survey on statistical methods for health care fraud detection;Health Care Management Science;;13869620;10.1007/s10729-007-9045-4;;2008;275-287;;3;11;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Li2008275 tex.abbrev_source_title: Health Care Manage. Sci. tex.author_keywords: Fraud detection; Health care; Statistical methods tex.document_type: Review tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Li, J.; Liu, J.; Liu, X.; Yang, F.; Xu, Y.";A medical insurance fraud detection model with knowledge graph and machine learning;;978-1-5106-5521-8;;10.1117/12.2637418;;2022;;;;12260;;;Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering;SPIE;;English;;"Citation Key: Li2022 ISSN: 0277786X tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng tex.art_number: 1226023 tex.author_keywords: knowledge graph; machine learning; Medical insurance fraud detection; XGBoost tex.coden: PSISD tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Lu Y., Cheng C.;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Li, Jie; Lan, Qiaoling; Zhu, Enya; Xu, Yong; Zhu, Dan";A study of health insurance fraud in china and recommendations for fraud detection and prevention;JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL AND END USER COMPUTING;;1546-2234;10.4018/JOEUC.301271;;2022;;;4;34;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000787796600005 Type: Article tex.affiliation: Zhu, D (Corresponding Author), Iowa State Univ, Ames, IA 50011 USA. Li, Jie; Xu, Yong, Hebei Univ Technol, Tianjin, Peoples R China. Lan, Qiaoling, Tianjin Univ, Tianjin, Peoples R China. Zhu, Enya, Brown Univ, Providence, RI 02912 USA. Zhu, Dan, Iowa State Univ, Ames, IA 50011 USA. tex.eissn: 1546-5012 tex.keywords-plus: CARE FRAUD; IMPACT; ABUSE tex.times-cited: 3 tex.unique-id: WOS:000787796600005";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2019;"Li, Ruican; Li, Hui; Guo, Wei; Cui, Lizhen";Biclustering-sim: A novel method to identify abnormal co-occurrence medical visit behaviors;2019 IEEE international conference on bioinformatics and biomedicine (BIBM);;;10.1109/BIBM47256.2019.8982967;;2019-11;1091-1095;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 8982967;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2023;"Li, W.; Ye, P.; Yu, K.; Min, X.; Xie, W.";An abnormal surgical record recognition model with keywords combination patterns based on TextRank for medical insurance fraud detection;Multimedia Tools and Applications;;13807501;10.1007/s11042-023-14529-4;;2023;;;;;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Li2023 Publisher: Springer tex.abbrev_source_title: Multimedia Tools Appl tex.author_keywords: Fraud detection; Keyword combination pattern; Medical insurance; Rule filtering; TextRank tex.coden: MTAPF tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2018;"Li, Y.; Yan, C.; Liu, W.; Li, M.";A principle component analysis-based random forest with the potential nearest neighbor method for automobile insurance fraud identification;Applied Soft Computing Journal;;15684946;10.1016/j.asoc.2017.07.027;;2018;1000-1009;;;70;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Elsevier Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: Appl. Soft Comput. J. tex.author_keywords: Automobile insurance fraud; Ensemble; Potential nearest neighbors; Principle component analysis; Random forest; Voting mechanism tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2023;"Li, Z.; Wang, B.; Huang, J.; Jin, Y.; Xu, Z.; Zhang, J.; Gao, J.";A graph-powered large-scale fraud detection system;International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics;;18688071;10.1007/s13042-023-01786-w;;2023;;;;;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH tex.abbrev_source_title: Intl. J. Mach. Learn. Cybern. tex.author_keywords: E-commerce; Fraud detection; Graph neural network; Label propagation; Scalable computing tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2019;"Liang, Chen; Liu, Ziqi; Liu, Bin; Zhou, Jun; Li, Xiaolong; Yang, Shuang; Qi, Yuan";Uncovering insurance fraud conspiracy with network learning;Proceedings of the 42nd international ACM SIGIR conference on research and development in information retrieval;978-1-4503-6172-9;;10.1145/3331184.3331372;;2019;1181–1184;;;;;;SIGIR'19;Association for Computing Machinery;New York, NY, USA;English;;Number of pages: 4 Place: Paris, France;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2014;"Lieberthal, R.D.; Comer, D.M.";What are the characteristics that explain hospital quality? A longitudinal pridit approach;Risk Management and Insurance Review;;10981616;10.1111/rmir.12017;;2014;17-35;;1;17;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Lieberthal201417 tex.abbrev_source_title: Risk Manage. Insur. Rev. tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2008;"Lin, Chinho; Lin, Chun-Mei; Li, Sheng-Tun; Kuo, Shu-Ching";Intelligent physician segmentation and management based on KDD approach;Expert Systems With Applications;;0957-4174;10.1016/j.eswa.2007.02.038;;2008-04;1963–1973;;3;34;;Expert Syst. Appl.;;;;English;;Number of pages: 11 Place: USA Publisher: Pergamon Press, Inc. tex.issue_date: April, 2008;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2013;"Lin, K.-C.; Yeh, C.-L.; Huang, S.-Y.";Use of data mining techniques to detect medical fraud in health insurance;Applied Mechanics and Materials;;16609336;10.4028/;;2013;1574-1578;;;284-287;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Lin20131574 ISBN: 9783037856123 Place: Kaohsiung tex.abbrev_source_title: Appl. Mech. Mater. tex.author_keywords: Data-mining; Health insurance claims; Medical fraud cases tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: AandF; Tailift Co., Ltd; SPINTECH; Smart Motion Control Co.,Ltd.; FXB Flexible Motion; et al";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2008;"Liou, F.-M.; Tang, Y.-C.; Chen, J.-Y.";Detecting hospital fraud and claim abuse through diabetic outpatient services;Health Care Management Science;;13869620;10.1007/s10729-008-9054-y;;2008;353-358;;4;11;;;;;;English;;"tex.abbrev_source_title: Health Care Manage. Sci. tex.author_keywords: Classification trees; Data mining; Diabetes mellitus; Logistic regression; Medical insurance fraud; National health insurance; Neural networks tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2021;"Lipyanina, H.; Sachenko, S.; Lendyuk, T.; Brych, V.; Yatskiv, V.; Osolinskiy, O.";Method of detecting a fictitious company on the machine learning base;Advances in Computer Science for Engineering and Education IV;978-3-030-80472-5;;10.1007/978-3-030-80472-5_12;;2021;138-146;;;83;;;Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies;Springer Cham;;English;;"Citation Key: Lipyanina2021138 Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH tex.abbrev_source_title: Lecture. Notes. Data Eng. Commun. Tech. tex.author_keywords: Business entities; Classification; Fictitious enterprises; Machine learning tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus";;;ICCSEEA 2021 EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2004;"Little, BB; Johnston, WL; Lovell, AC; Rejesus, RM; Steed, SA";Collusion in the US crop insurance program: Applied data mining;5th International Conference on Data Mining;1-85312-729-9;;;;2004;291-302;;;10;;;Management Information Systems;;;English;;ISSN: 1470-6326 Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Little, BB (Corresponding Author), Tarleton State Univ, Ctr Agribusiness Excellence, Stephenville, TX 76401 USA. Tarleton State Univ, Ctr Agribusiness Excellence, Stephenville, TX 76401 USA. tex.keywords-plus: BIAS tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000226691500028;"Zanasi, A; Ebecken, NFF; Brebbia, CA";; EC2 (auto);bookSection;2022;"Liu, Albert Chun-Chen; Law, Oscar Ming Kin; Law, Iain";Finance;Understanding artificial intelligence: Fundamentals and applications;978-1-119-85834-8;;;;2022;77-88;;;;;;;IEEE;;;;Citation Key: 9881942 DOI: 10.1002/9781119858393.ch8;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Liu, Fanzhen; Li, Zhao; Wang, Baokun; Wu, Jia; Yang, Jian; Huang, Jiaming; Zhang, Yiqing; Wang, Weiqiang; Xue, Shan; Nepal, Surya; Sheng, Quan Z.";ERiskCom: An e-Commerce risky community detection platform;The VLDB Journal;;1066-8888;10.1007/s00778-021-00723-z;;2022-01;1085–1101;;5;31;;;;;;English;;Number of pages: 17 Place: Berlin, Heidelberg Publisher: Springer-Verlag tex.issue_date: Sep 2022;;; EC5 (manual);conferencePaper;2020;"Liu, Xi; Yang, Jian-Bo; Xu, Dong-Ling";Fraud detection in automobile insurance claims: A statistical review;DEVELOPMENTS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGIES IN COMPUTATION AND ROBOTICS;978-981-122-333-4;;;;2020;1003-1012;;;12;;;World scientific proceedings series on computer engineering and information science;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000656123200121 Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Liu, X (Corresponding Author), Univ Manchester, Alliance Manchester Business Sch, Manchester, Lancs, England. Liu, Xi; Yang, Jian-Bo; Xu, Dong-Ling, Univ Manchester, Alliance Manchester Business Sch, Manchester, Lancs, England. tex.keywords-plus: SELECTION; MODEL tex.times-cited: 1 tex.unique-id: WOS:000656123200121";"Li, Z; Yuan, C; Lu, J; Kerre, EE";; ;conferencePaper;2020;"Liu, Xi; Yang, Jian-Bo; Xu, Dong-Ling; Derrick, Karim; Stubbs, Chris; Stockdale, Martin";Automobile Insurance Fraud Detection using the Evidential Reasoning Approach and Data-Driven Inferential Modelling;2020 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE);;;10.1109/FUZZ48607.2020.9177589;;2020-07;1–7;;;;;;;IEEE;Virtual Event;English;;;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2015;"Lizalova, Lenka; Stolin, Radek";An analysis of insurance fraud trends in the czech republic;FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT OF FIRMS AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS: 10TH INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, PTS I-IV;978-80-248-3865-6;;;;2015;677-685;;;;;;Financial management of firms and financial institutions-ostrava;;;English;;Citation Key: WOS:000376799500080 ISSN: 2336-162X Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Lizalova, L (Corresponding Author), Vysoka Skola Polytech Jihlava, Katedra Ekon Studii, Tolsteho 16, Jihlava 58601, Czech Republic. Lizalova, Lenka, Vysoka Skola Polytech Jihlava, Katedra Ekon Studii, Tolsteho 16, Jihlava 58601, Czech Republic. Stolin, Radek, Vysoka Skola Polytech Jihlava, Katedra Matemat, Jihlava 58601, Czech Republic. tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000376799500080;Culik, M;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2019;"Lu, Christian; Huang, Guangyan; Xiang, Yong";Community Enhanced Record Linkage Method for Vehicle Insurance System;Advanced Data Mining and Applications;978-3-030-35231-8 978-3-030-35230-1;;10.1007/978-3-030-35231-8_56;;2019;761-776;;;11888;;;Lecture notes in artificial intelligence;Springer International Publishing;Dalian, China;English;;"ISSN: 0302-9743 Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Lu, C; Huang, GY; Xiang, Y (Corresponding Author), Deakin Univ, Burwood 3125, Australia. Lu, Christian; Huang, Guangyan; Xiang, Yong, Deakin Univ, Burwood 3125, Australia. tex.eissn: 1611-3349 tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000582483200056";"Li, Jianxin; Wang, Sen; Qin, Shaowen; Li, Xue; Wang, Shuliang";;ADMA 2019 EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2005;"Lu, Fletcher; Boritz, J. Efrim";Detecting fraud in health insurance data: Learning to model incomplete benford's law distributions;Proceedings of the 16th european conference on machine learning;3-540-29243-8;;10.1007/11564096_63;;2005;633–640;;;;;;ECML'05;Springer-Verlag;Berlin, Heidelberg;English;;Number of pages: 8 Place: Porto, Portugal;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2006;"Lu, Fletcher; Boritz, J. Efrim; Covvey, Dominic";Adaptive fraud detection using benford's law;Proceedings of the 19th international conference on advances in artificial intelligence: Canadian society for computational studies of intelligence;3-540-34628-7;;10.1007/11766247_30;;2006;347–358;;;;;;AI'06;Springer-Verlag;Berlin, Heidelberg;;;Number of pages: 12 Place: Québec City, Québec, Canada;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2019;"Luan, Tingting; Yan, Zhongmin; Zhang, Shidong";Fraudster detection based on modularity optimization algorithm;2019 IEEE 23rd international conference on computer supported cooperative work in design (CSCWD);;;10.1109/CSCWD.2019.8791908;;2019-05;422-427;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 8791908;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;"Luan, Tingting; Yan, Zhongmin; Zhang, Shidong; Zheng, Yongqing";Fraudster detection based on label propagation algorithm;"2018 IEEE 20th international conference on high performance computing and communications; IEEE 16th international conference on smart city; IEEE 4th international conference on data science and systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS)";;;10.1109/HPCC/SmartCity/DSS.2018.00077;;2018-06;346-353;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 8622815;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2021;"Luo, Jinian; Guo, Jie; Qiu, Weidong; Huang, Zheng; Hui, Hong";Scale invariant domain generalization image recapture detection;Neural information processing: 28th international conference, ICONIP 2021, sanur, bali, indonesia, december 8–12, 2021, proceedings, part IV;978-3-030-92272-6;;10.1007/978-3-030-92273-3_7;;2021;75–86;;;;;;;Springer-Verlag;Berlin, Heidelberg;English;;Number of pages: 12 Place: Sanur, Bali, Indonesia;;; ;conferencePaper;2022;"Lv, Hongyu; Liu, Xinyan; Lin, Shancheng; Ruan, Xiao; Ding, Ning";Auto insurance fraud detection based on Logistic-SVM algorithm;International Conference on Electronic Information Engineering and Computer Communication (EIECC 2021);978-1-5106-5319-1;;10.1117/12.2634651;;2022;121720Y;;;12172;;;;SPIE;Nanchang, China;English;;"ISSN: 0277786X tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng tex.art_number: 121720Y tex.author_keywords: Auto insurance fraud; Logistic-regression; Machine learning; SVM tex.coden: PSISD tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";"Zhu, Zhiyuan; Cen, Fengxin";; EC4 (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Mackey, T.K.; Cuomo, R.E.";An interdisciplinary review of digital technologies to facilitate anti-corruption, transparency and accountability in medicines procurement;Global Health Action;;16549880;10.1080/16549716.2019.1695241;;2020;;;sup1;13;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Mackey2020 Publisher: Taylor and Francis Ltd. tex.abbrev_source_title: Global Health Action tex.art_number: 1695241 tex.author_keywords: access to medicines; Anti-Corruption, Transparency and Accountability; corruption; e-procurement; global health; Medicines procurement; technology; transparency tex.document_type: Review tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Mackey, T.K.; Miyachi, K.; Fung, D.; Qian, S.; Short, J.";Combating health care fraud and abuse: Conceptualization and prototyping study of a blockchain antifraud framework;Journal of Medical Internet Research;;14388871;10.2196/18623;;2020;;;9;22;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Mackey2020 Publisher: JMIR Publications Inc. tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Med. Internet Res. tex.art_number: e18623 tex.author_keywords: Blockchain; Delivery of healthcare; Fraud; Information science; Medical informatics; Medicare tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC4 (manual);conferencePaper;2021;"Madyatmadja, Evaristus Didik; Bhaskoro, Raden Alvin; Kaban, Roberto";Data classification techniques for disease symptoms detection: A systematic literature review;2021 international conference on information management and technology (ICIMTech);;;10.1109/ICIMTech53080.2021.9534917;;2021-08;738-743;;;1;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9534917;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2010;"Mailloux, A.T.; Cummings, S.W.; Mugdh, M.";A decision support tool for identifying abuse of controlled substances by forwardhealth medicaid members;Journal of Hospital Marketing and Public Relations;;15390942;10.1080/15390940903450982;;2010;34-55;;1;20;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Mailloux201034 tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Hosp. Mark. Public Relat. tex.author_keywords: Controlled substances; Decision tree; Drug abuse; Fraud and abuse; Medicaid tex.coden: JHMPA tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; ;journalArticle;2021;Majhi, Santosh Kumar;Fuzzy clustering algorithm based on modified whale optimization algorithm for automobile insurance fraud detection;Evolutionary Intelligence;;18645909;10.1007/s12065-019-00260-3;;2021;35-46;;1;14;;Evol. Intelligence;;;;English;;;;; ;journalArticle;2019;"Majhi, Santosh Kumar; Bhatachharya, Subho; Pradhan, Rosy; Biswal, Shubhra; Thampi, Sabu M.; El-Alfy, El-Sayed M.";Fuzzy clustering using salp swarm algorithm for automobile insurance fraud detection;Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems;;1064-1246;10.3233/JIFS-169944;;2019-01;2333–2344;;3;36;;J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst.;;;;English;;Number of pages: 12 Place: NLD Publisher: IOS Press tex.issue_date: 2019;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2002;"Major, J.A.; Riedinger, D.R.";EFD: A hybrid knowledge/statistical-based system for the detection of fraud;Journal of Risk and Insurance;;224367;10.1111/1539-6975.00025;;2002;309-324;;3;69;;;;;;English;;tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Risk Insur. tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1992;"Major, J.A.; Riedinger, D.R.";EFD: A hybrid knowledge/statistical‐based system for the detection of fraud;International Journal of Intelligent Systems;;8848173;10.1002/int.4550070709;;1992;687-703;;7;7;;;;;;English;;tex.abbrev_source_title: Int J Intell Syst tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;"Makki, S.; Haque, R.; Taher, Y.; Assaghir, Z.; Hacid, M.-S.; Zeineddine, H.";A cost-sensitive cosine similarity K-nearest neighbor for credit card fraud detection;;;;;;2018;42-47;;;2343;;;CEUR Workshop Proceedings;CEUR-WS;;English;;Citation Key: Makki201842 ISSN: 16130073 tex.abbrev_source_title: CEUR Workshop Proc. tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus;Dbouk M., Zeitouni K., Haque R., Taher Y., Hojeij M.-R., Finance B.;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2018;"Malathi, A.; Amudha, J.; Narayana, P.";A prototype to detect anomalies using machine learning algorithms and deep neural network;Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics;;22129391;10.1007/978-3-319-71767-8_93;;2018;1084-1094;;;28;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Malathi20181084 Publisher: Springer Netherlands tex.abbrev_source_title: Lectur. Notes Comput. Vis. Biomech. tex.author_keywords: Anomaly; Autoencoder; Dimensionality reduction; One class classification; Random forest; Supervised learning; Unsupervised learning tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus";;; EC4 (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Mani, R.G.; Parthasarathy, R.; Eswaran, S.; Honnavalli, P.";A survey on digital image forensics: Metadata and image forgeries;;;;;;2022;22-55;;;3142;;;CEUR Workshop Proceedings;CEUR-WS;;English;;"Citation Key: Mani202222 ISSN: 16130073 tex.abbrev_source_title: CEUR Workshop Proc. tex.author_keywords: Digital Forensics; Image Forensics; Image Metadata tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Murgante B., Ganesan G.;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Mare, Codruta; Manate, Daniela; Muresan, Gabriela-Mihaela; Dragos, Simona Laura; Dragos, Cristian Mihai; Purcel, Alexandra-Anca";Machine learning models for predicting romanian farmers' purchase of crop insurance;MATHEMATICS;;;10.3390/math10193625;;2022-10;;;19;10;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000867946500001 Type: Article tex.affiliation: Mare, C (Corresponding Author), Babes Bolyai Univ, Fac Econ & Business Adm, Dept Stat Forecasts Math, Cluj Napoca 400591, Romania. Mare, C (Corresponding Author), Babes Bolyai Univ, Interdisciplinary Ctr Data Sci, Cluj Napoca 400591, Romania. Mare, Codruta; Manate, Daniela; Dragos, Cristian Mihai; Purcel, Alexandra-Anca, Babes Bolyai Univ, Fac Econ & Business Adm, Dept Stat Forecasts Math, Cluj Napoca 400591, Romania. Mare, Codruta; Manate, Daniela; Dragos, Cristian Mihai; Purcel, Alexandra-Anca, Babes Bolyai Univ, Interdisciplinary Ctr Data Sci, Cluj Napoca 400591, Romania. Muresan, Gabriela-Mihaela; Dragos, Simona Laura, Babes Bolyai Univ, Fac Econ & Business Adm, Dept Finance, Cluj Napoca 400591, Romania. tex.article-number: 3625 tex.eissn: 2227-7390 tex.keywords-plus: WILLINGNESS-TO-PAY; AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE; FRAUD DETECTION; ADOPTION; SYSTEM; DETERMINANTS tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000867946500001";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2014;"Mareeswari, V.; Sundareswari, S.";Data stream mining based resilient identity fraudulent detection;International conference on information communication and embedded systems (ICICES2014);;;10.1109/ICICES.2014.7033914;;2014-02;45078;;;;;;;;;;;Citation Key: 7033914;;; EC4 (manual);conferencePaper;2021;"Mary, A. Jenita; Claret, S.P. Angelin";Imbalanced classification problems: Systematic study and challenges in healthcare insurance fraud detection;2021 5th international conference on trends in electronics and informatics (ICOEI);;;10.1109/ICOEI51242.2021.9452828;;2021-06;1049-1055;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9452828;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2021;Mat Nor, Fazli;A study on performance and accuracy analysis of classification methods on death of beneficiaries in social security context;2021 the 4th international conference on software engineering and information management;978-1-4503-8895-5;;10.1145/3451471.3451487;;2021;94–98;;;;;;ICSIM 2021;Association for Computing Machinery;New York, NY, USA;;;Citation Key: 10.1145/3451471.3451487 Number of pages: 5 Place: Yokohama, Japan;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2019;"Matloob, Irum; Khan, Shoab";A framework for fraud detection in government supported national healthcare programs;PROCEEDINGS OF THE 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONICS, COMPUTERS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (ECAI-2019);978-1-72811-624-2;;10.1109/ECAI46879.2019.9042126;;2019;45108;;;;;;International conference on electronics computers and artificial intelligence;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;"ISSN: 2378-7147 Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Matloob, I (Corresponding Author), Natl Univ Sci & Technol NUST, Coll Elect & Mech Engn, Dept Comp & Software Engn, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Matloob, Irum; Khan, Shoab, Natl Univ Sci & Technol NUST, Coll Elect & Mech Engn, Dept Comp & Software Engn, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. IEEE tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000569985400139";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Matloob, Irum; Khan, Shoab Ahmad; Hussain, Farhan; Butt, Wasi Haider; Rukaiya, Rukaiya; Khalique, Fatima";Need-based and optimized health insurance package using clustering algorithm;APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL;;;10.3390/app11188478;;2021-09;;;18;11;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000699184000001 Type: Article tex.affiliation: Matloob, I (Corresponding Author), Natl Univ Sci & Technol NUST, Coll Elect & Mech Engn CEME, Dept Comp & Software Engn, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan. Matloob, Irum; Khan, Shoab Ahmad; Hussain, Farhan; Butt, Wasi Haider; Rukaiya, Rukaiya; Khalique, Fatima, Natl Univ Sci & Technol NUST, Coll Elect & Mech Engn CEME, Dept Comp & Software Engn, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan. tex.article-number: 8478 tex.eissn: 2076-3417 tex.keywords-plus: FRAUD DETECTION; PREDICTION tex.times-cited: 1 tex.unique-id: WOS:000699184000001";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Matloob, Irum; Khan, Shoab Ahmed; Rahman, Habib Ur";Sequence mining and prediction-based healthcare fraud detection methodology;IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions;;2169-3536;10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3013962;;2020;143256-143273;;;8;;IEEE Access;;;;English;;Citation Key: 9154698;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Matloob, Irum; Khan, Shoab Ahmed; Rukaiya, Rukaiya; Khattak, Muazzam A. Khan; Munir, Arslan";A sequence mining-based novel architecture for detecting fraudulent transactions in healthcare systems;IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions;;2169-3536;10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3170888;;2022;48447-48463;;;10;;IEEE Access;;;;English;;Citation Key: 9764751;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Mayaki, Mansour Zoubeirou A; Riveill, Michel";Multiple inputs neural networks for fraud detection;2022 international conference on machine learning, control, and robotics (MLCR);;;10.1109/MLCR57210.2022.00011;;2022-10;41487;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 10037065;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2019;"McGhin, T.; Choo, K.-K.R.; Liu, C.Z.; He, D.";Blockchain in healthcare applications: Research challenges and opportunities;Journal of Network and Computer Applications;;10848045;10.1016/j.jnca.2019.02.027;;2019;62-75;;;135;;J. Netw. Comput. Appl.;;;;English;;"Publisher: Academic Press tex.abbrev_source_title: J Network Comput Appl tex.author_keywords: Authentication; Blockchain; Healthcare industry; IoT; Survey; Vulnerabilities; Wireless tex.document_type: Review tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2019;"McGlade, D.; Scott-Hayward, S.";ML-based cyber incident detection for Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems;Smart Health;;23526483;10.1016/j.smhl.2018.05.001;;2019;44986;;;12;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: McGlade20193 Publisher: Elsevier B.V. tex.abbrev_source_title: Smart Health tex.author_keywords: Anomaly detection; Cyber-incident detection; Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Systems; Machine Learning tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Mehraby, Nazanin; Neysiani, Behzad Soleimani; Nogorani, Mohammad Zahiri; Ataabadi, Parvin Esmaeili";Abnormal behavior detection in health insurance assessment process;2022 8th international conference on web research (ICWR);978-1-66546-626-4;;10.1109/ICWR54782.2022.9786232;;2022-05;76-81;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9786232;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Mehrish, Ambuj; Singh, Prerna; Jain, Puneet; Subramanyam, A. V.; Kankanhalli, Mohan";Egocentric analysis of dash-cam videos for vehicle forensics;IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology;;1558-2205;10.1109/TCSVT.2019.2929561;;2020-09;3000-3014;;9;30;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: 8765738;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2021;"Mendoza-Tello, J.C.; Mendoza-Tello, T.; Mora, H.";Blockchain as a healthcare insurance fraud detection tool;;978-3-030-62065-3;;10.1007/978-3-030-62066-0_41;;2021;545-552;;;;;;Springer Proceedings in Complexity;Springer Science and Business Media B.V.;;English;;"Citation Key: Mendoza-Tello2021545 ISSN: 22138684 tex.abbrev_source_title: Springer Proc. Complex. tex.author_keywords: Blockchain; Fraud; Healthcare insurance; Smart contract tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Visvizi A., Lytras M.D., Aljohani N.R.;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2018;Menon, N.M.;Information spillover and semi-collaborative networks in insurer fraud detection;MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems;;2767783;10.25300/MISQ/2018/14433;;2018;407-426;;2;42;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: University of Minnesota tex.abbrev_source_title: MIS Quart Manage Inf Syst tex.author_keywords: Fraud detection; Generalized linear model; Hospital IT; Information spillover; Medical claims fraud; Semi-collaborative network; Social embeddedness theory; Tweedie distribution tex.coden: MISQD tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2009;"Mesa, F.R.; Raineri, A.; Maturana, S.; Kaempffer, A.M.";Fraud in the health systems of Chile: A detection model [Fraudes a los sistemas de salud en Chile: Un modelo para su detección];Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica/Pan American Journal of Public Health;;10204989;;;2009;56-61;;1;25;;;;;;Spanish;;"tex.abbrev_source_title: Rev. Panam. Salud Publica Pan Am. J. Public Health tex.author_keywords: Chile; Decision support techniques; Fraud; Health; Insurance tex.coden: RPSPF tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2003;"Messinger, S.; Welter, T.";Tactics for thwarting silent PPO activity.;Healthcare financial management : journal of the Healthcare Financial Management Association;;7350732;;;2003;46-49;;7;57;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Messinger200346 tex.abbrev_source_title: Healthc Financ Manage tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2014;Millard, K.;14 lessons on screenwriting from errol morris;Palgrave Studies in Screenwriting;;27314480;10.1057/9781137319104_5;;2014;63-76;;;;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Millard201463 Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan tex.abbrev_source_title: Palgrave. Stud. Screenwrit. tex.author_keywords: Crime Scene; Insurance Fraud; Mobile Phone; Standard Operating Procedure; Topic Sentence tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2011;"Minchin, R.E., Jr.; Dingman, R.; Walters, R.D.";Preliminary findings: Counterfeiting in the international construction industry;;978-981-08-7920-4;;10.3850/978-981-08-7920-4-S1-C05-cd;;2011;305-310;;;;;;ISEC 2011 - 6th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference: Modern Methods and Advances in Structural Engineering and Construction;Research Publishing Services;;English;;"Citation Key: Minchin2011305 tex.abbrev_source_title: ISEC - Int. Struct. Eng. Constr. Conf.: Mod. Methods Adv. Struct. Eng. Constr. tex.author_keywords: Construction; Counterfeit; Low-cost source countries; Product integrity; Quality; Supply chain tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ); Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB); et al.; University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV), College of Engineering; Wayne State College of Engineering";Yazdani S., Cheung S.O., Singh A., Ghafoori N.;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Mishra, S.; Chawla, M.";A comparative study of local outlier factor algorithms for outliers detection in data streams;Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing;;21945357;10.1007/978-981-13-1498-8_31;;2019;347-356;;;813;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Mishra2019347 ISBN: 9789811314971 Publisher: Springer Verlag tex.abbrev_source_title: Adv. Intell. Sys. Comput. tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus;Dutta P., Abraham A., Bhattacharya A., Dutta S., Mandal J.K.;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Mitrova, H.; Madevska Bogdanova, A.";Models for detecting frauds in medical insurance;Communications in Computer and Information Science;;18650929;10.1007/978-3-031-04206-5_5;;2022;55-67;;;1521 CCIS;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Mitrova202255 ISBN: 9783031042058 Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH tex.abbrev_source_title: Commun. Comput. Info. Sci. tex.author_keywords: Algorithms; Balancing techniques; Binary classification; Datasets; Detection; Ensemble methods; Evaluation metrics; Fraud; Health insurance; Hyperparameter tuning; Preprocessing tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Antovski L., Armenski G.;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2015;"Mohammad, Rami M.; Thabtah, Fadi; McCluskey, Lee";Tutorial and critical analysis of phishing websites methods;Computer Science Review;;1574-0137;10.1016/j.cosrev.2015.04.001;;2015-08;1–24;;C;17;;Comput. Sci. Rev.;;;;;;Citation Key: 10.1016/j.cosrev.2015.04.001 Number of pages: 24 Place: NLD Publisher: Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. tex.issue_date: August 2015;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Mohan, T.; Praveen, K.";Fraud detection in medical insurance claim with privacy preserving data publishing in TLS-n using blockchain;Communications in Computer and Information Science;;18650929;10.1007/978-981-13-9939-8_19;;2019;211-220;;;1045;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Mohan2019211 ISBN: 9789811399381 Publisher: Springer Verlag tex.abbrev_source_title: Commun. Comput. Info. Sci. tex.author_keywords: Blockchain; Hashing; Insurance claim fraud; Non-repudiation; Privacy preserving data publishing; TLS-N tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Singh M., Gupta P.K., Tyagi V., Flusser J., Oren T., Kashyap R.;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2015;"Mohandoss, S.; Raja, V.S.; Rajagopalan, S.P.";A comparative analysis of data mining techniques used in health care systems;International Journal of Applied Engineering Research;;9734562;;;2015;34174-34179;;14;10;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Mohandoss201534174 Publisher: Research India Publications tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. J. Appl. Eng. Res. tex.author_keywords: Decision tree; Health care systems; Naïve bayes and neural network tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Mohanty, M.D.; Das, A.; Mohanty, M.N.; Altameem, A.; Nayak, S.R.; Saudagar, A.K.J.; Poonia, R.C.";Design of smart and secured healthcare service using deep learning with modified SHA-256 algorithm;Healthcare (Switzerland);;22279032;10.3390/healthcare10071275;;2022;;;7;10;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: MDPI tex.abbrev_source_title: Healthcare (Basel) tex.art_number: 1275 tex.author_keywords: CNN-LSTM; deep learning; DNN; encryption; hospital management system; SHA-256 algorithm tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2018;"Monika, E.; Kaur, E.A.";Fraud prediction for credit card using classification method;International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE);;2227524X;;;2018;1083-1086;;3;7;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Monika20181083 Publisher: Science Publishing Corporation Inc tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. J. Eng. Technol. tex.author_keywords: Classification approaches; Conventional neural network; Data mining; Fraud detection; Naïve Bayes tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2006;"Morley, N.J.; Ball, L.J.; Ormerod, T.C.";How the detection of insurance fraud succeeds and fails;Psychology, Crime and Law;;1068316X;10.1080/10683160512331316325;;2006;163-180;;2;12;;;;;;English;;"tex.abbrev_source_title: Psychol. Crime Law tex.author_keywords: Ethnography; Fraud detection; Insurance fraud tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC5 (manual);conferencePaper;2020;"Morra, E.; Revetria, R.; Pecorino, D.; Galli, G.; Mungo, A.; Chiarvetto, R.";A method for image forgery detection based on error level analysis (ELA) technique;International Conference on New Trends in Intelligent Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques, SoMeT 2020;978-1-64368-114-6;;10.3233/FAIA200557;;2020;114-124;;;327;;;Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications;IOS Press;Virtual, Online;English;;"Publisher: IOS Press BV tex.abbrev_source_title: Front. Artif. Intell. Appl. tex.author_keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Error Level Analysis; Image Forgery Detection; Insurance tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Fujita H., Selamat A., Omatu S.;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2017;"Mubarek, Aji Mubalaike; Adalı, Eşref";Multilayer perceptron neural network technique for fraud detection;2017 international conference on computer science and engineering (UBMK);;;10.1109/UBMK.2017.8093417;;2017-10;383-387;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 8093417;;; EC2 (auto);bookSection;2021;"Muddana, A.L.; Chennam, K.K.; Revathi, V.";Artificial intelligence for disease identification and diagnosis;The Fusion of Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, and Cloud Computing in Health Care;978-3-030-75220-0;;;;2021;175-195;;;;;;Internet of Things;Springer;Cham;English;;"Citation Key: Muddana2021175 Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH tex.abbrev_source_title: Internet Things tex.author_keywords: Data augmentation; Deep learning; Feature extraction; Transfer learning tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus";;1; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2020;"Mukhtar, Mayaza; Malhotra, Deepti";SiSbDp - the technique to identify forgery in legal handwritten documents;2020 third international conference on smart systems and inventive technology (ICSSIT);;;10.1109/ICSSIT48917.2020.9214104;;2020-08;1103-1108;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9214104;;; ;conferencePaper;2021;"Muranda, Charles; Ali, Ahmed; Shongwe, Thikozani";Deep Learning Method for Detecting Fraudulent Motor Insurance Claims Using Unbalanced Data;2021 62nd International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and Management Science of Riga Technical University (ITMS);;;10.1109/ITMS52826.2021.9615264;;2021-10;45047;;;;;;;IEEE;Riga, Latvia;English;;;;; ;conferencePaper;2020;"Muranda, Charles; Ali, Ahmed; Shongwe, Thokozani";Detecting Fraudulent Motor Insurance Claims Using Support Vector Machines with Adaptive Synthetic Sampling Method;2020 61st International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and Management Science of Riga Technical University (ITMS);;;10.1109/ITMS51158.2020.9259322;;2020-10;45047;;;;;;;IEEE;Riga, Latvia;English;;;;; EC5 (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Naga Jyothi, P.; Rajya Lakshmi, D.; Rama Rao, K.V.S.N.";Identifying fraudulent behaviors in healthcare claims using random forest classifier with SMOTEchnique;International Journal of e-Collaboration;;15483673;10.4018/IJeC.2020100103;;2020;30-47;;4;16;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: NagaJyothi202030 Publisher: IGI Global tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. J. e-Collab. tex.author_keywords: Class Imbalance; Classification Rules; Feature Importance Score; Fraud Detection; Medicare; Performance tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2018;"Nagrecha, S.; Johnson, R.A.; Chawla, N.V.";FraudBuster: Reducing fraud in an auto insurance market;Big Data;;21676461;10.1089/big.2017.0083;;2018;45263;;1;6;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Mary Ann Liebert Inc. tex.abbrev_source_title: Big Data tex.author_keywords: cost-sensitive techniques; insurance fraud; loss ratio; market segmentation; regulation compliance tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC4 (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Negi, A.; Bhavsar, H.";Review on data analytics for e-governance in agriculture and healthcare in India;International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology;;20054238;;;2019;730-736;;19;28;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Negi2019730 Publisher: Science and Engineering Research Support Society tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. J. Adv. Sci. Technol. tex.author_keywords: Big data; Data analytics; Predictive analytics; Recommendation engine tex.document_type: Review tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2019;"Newlands, Nathaniel K.; Ghahari, Azar; Gel, Yulia R.; Lyubchich, Vyacheslav; Mahdi, Tahir";Deep learning for improved agricultural risk management;PROCEEDINGS OF THE 52ND ANNUAL HAWAII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEM SCIENCES;978-0-9981331-2-6;;;;2019;1033-1042;;;;;;;;;English;;"Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Newlands, NK (Corresponding Author), Agr & Agri Food Canada AAFC, Burnaby, BC, Canada. Newlands, Nathaniel K., Agr & Agri Food Canada AAFC, Burnaby, BC, Canada. Ghahari, Azar; Gel, Yulia R., Univ Texas Dallas, Richardson, TX 75083 USA. Lyubchich, Vyacheslav, Univ Maryland, UMCES, College Pk, MD 20742 USA. Mahdi, Tahir, Agr & Agri Food Canada, Burnaby, BC, Canada. tex.keywords-plus: INDEX INSURANCE; NEURAL-NETWORKS; SELECTION; WEATHER tex.times-cited: 2 tex.unique-id: WOS:000625294901014";Bui, TX;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2011;"Ngai, E. W. T.; Hu, Yong; Wong, Y. H.; Chen, Yijun; Sun, Xin";The application of data mining techniques in financial fraud detection: A classification framework and an academic review of literature;Decision Support Systems;;0167-9236;10.1016/j.dss.2010.08.006;;2011-02;559–569;;3;50;;Decis. Support Syst.;;;;English;;Number of pages: 11 Place: NLD Publisher: Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. tex.issue_date: February, 2011;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2016;"Nian, K.; Zhang, H.; Tayal, A.; Coleman, T.; Li, Y.";Auto insurance fraud detection using unsupervised spectral ranking for anomaly;Journal of Finance and Data Science;;24059188;10.1016/j.jfds.2016.03.001;;2016;58-75;;1;2;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Nian201658 Publisher: KeAi Communications Co. tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Finance Data Sci. tex.author_keywords: Fraud detection; Kernels; One-class svm; Rare class ranking; Similarity measure; Spectral clustering; Unsupervised learning tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);bookSection;2018;"Nisbet, R.; Miner, G.; Yale, K.";Fraud detection;Handbook of Statistical Analysis and Data Mining Applications;978-0-12-416632-5 978-0-12-416645-5;;;;2018;289–302;;;;;;;Academic Press;;English;;"Citation Key: Nisbet2017289 DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-416632-5.00015-3 Pages: 289-302 tex.abbrev_source_title: Handb. of Statistical Analysis and Data Min. Applications tex.author_keywords: Building profiles; Charge-back fraud; Check fraud application fraud; Claim fraud; Comparison of models with and without time-based features; Credit card fraud; Deployment of fraud profiles; Health-care fraud; How are fraud detection systems built?; How do you detect fraud?; How do you model fraud?; Intrusion detection modeling; Issues with fraud detection; Life insurance fraud; Merchant fraud; Property fraud; Supervised classification of fraud tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus";;2; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2016;"Niu, K.; Gao, Z.; Xiao, K.; Deng, N.; Jiao, H.";A real-time fraud detection algorithm based on usage amount forecast;Communications in Computer and Information Science;;18650929;10.1007/978-981-10-2053-7_9;;2016;87-95;;;623;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Niu201687 ISBN: 9789811020520 Publisher: Springer Verlag tex.abbrev_source_title: Commun. Comput. Info. Sci. tex.author_keywords: Real-time fraud detection; Telecom industry; Usage amount forecast tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Che W., Wang H., Peng S., Jing W., Sun G., Song X., Lu Z., Han Q., Lin J., Song H.;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2008;"Nizar, Anisah H.; Dong, Zhao Yang; Zhang, Pei";Detection rules for Non Technical Losses analysis in power utilities;2008 IEEE power and energy society general meeting - conversion and delivery of electrical energy in the 21st century;;;10.1109/PES.2008.4596300;;2008-07;45139;;;;;;;;Pittsburgh, PA;English;;ISSN: 1932-5517;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Nortey, E.N.N.; Pometsey, R.; Asiedu, L.; Iddi, S.; Mettle, F.O.";Anomaly detection in health insurance claims using bayesian quantile regression;International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences;;1611712;10.1155/2021/6667671;;2021;;;;2021;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Nortey2021 Publisher: Hindawi Limited tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. J. Math. Math. Sci. tex.art_number: 6667671 tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2007;"Nowicki, A.; Rot, A.; Ziora, L.";The role of business intelligence and data warehouses in the management of enterprise. Application in retail trade and insurance companies;CITSA 2007 - Int. Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications and CCCT 2007 - Int. Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies, Proceedings;1-934272-07-8 978-1-934272-07-7;;;;2007;278-283;;;1;;;;;Orlando, FL;English;;"tex.abbrev_source_title: CITSA - Int. Conf. Cybern. Inf. Technol., Syst. Appl. CCCT - Int. Conf. Comput., Commun. Control Technol., Proc. tex.author_keywords: Business intelligence; Data warehouses; Data warehouses architecture and topology; Enterprise management tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Nugraha, R.A.; Pardede, H.F.; Subekti, A.";Oversampling based on generative adversarial networks to overcome imbalance data in predicting fraud insurance claim;Kuwait Journal of Science;;23074108;10.48129/kjs.splml.19119;;2022;;;;49;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Nugraha2022 Publisher: University of Kuwait tex.abbrev_source_title: Kuwait J. Sci. tex.art_number: 19119 tex.author_keywords: Fraud insurance detection; generative adversarial networks; imbalance data; oversampling; tabular GAN tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; ;conferencePaper;2020;"Nur Prasasti, Iffa Maula; Dhini, Arian; Laoh, Enrico";Automobile Insurance Fraud Detection using Supervised Classifiers;2020 International Workshop on Big Data and Information Security (IWBIS);;;10.1109/IWBIS50925.2020.9255426;;2020-10;47-52;;;;;;;IEEE;Virtual Event, Indonesia;English;;;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Obodoekwe, N.; van der Haar, D.T.";A comparison of machine learning methods applicable to healthcare claims fraud detection;Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing;;21945357;10.1007/978-3-030-11890-7_53;;2019;548-557;;;918;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Obodoekwe2019548 ISBN: 9783030118891 Publisher: Springer Verlag tex.abbrev_source_title: Adv. Intell. Sys. Comput. tex.author_keywords: Fraud detection; Healthcare; Machine learning tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Paredes M., Ferras C., Rocha A.;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;"Obodoekwe, Nnaemeka; van der Haar, Dustin Terence";A critical analysis of the application of data mining methods to detect healthcare claim fraud in the medical billing process;UBIQUITOUS NETWORKING, UNET 2018;978-3-030-02849-7 978-3-030-02848-0;;10.1007/978-3-030-02849-7_29;;2018;320-330;;;11277;;;Lecture notes in computer science;;;English;;"ISSN: 0302-9743 Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: van der Haar, DT (Corresponding Author), Univ Johannesburg, Acad Comp Sci & Software Engn, Cnr Kingsway & Univ Rd, ZA-2092 Johannesburg, South Africa. Obodoekwe, Nnaemeka; van der Haar, Dustin Terence, Univ Johannesburg, Acad Comp Sci & Software Engn, Cnr Kingsway & Univ Rd, ZA-2092 Johannesburg, South Africa. tex.eissn: 1611-3349 tex.times-cited: 1 tex.unique-id: WOS:000821145200029";"Boudriga, N; Alouini, MS; Rekhis, S; Sabir, E; Pollin, S";; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Odukoya, O.O.; Samsudin, R.S.";Knowledge capability and fraud risk assessment in Nigeria deposit money banks: The mediating effect of problem representation;Cogent Business and Management;;23311975;10.1080/23311975.2021.1899450;;2021;;;1;8;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Cogent OA tex.abbrev_source_title: Cogent Bus. Manag. tex.art_number: 1899450 tex.author_keywords: bank examiners; Forensic accountants; fraud risk assessment; knowledge capability; Nigeria deposit money banks; problem representation tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Ogala, Justin Onyarin; Mughele, Ese Sophia; Chiemeke, Stella Chinnye";Fraud detection system for effective healthcare administration in nigeria using apache hive and big data analytics: Reflection on the national health insurance scheme;2022 5th information technology for education and development (ITED);;;10.1109/ITED56637.2022.10051541;;2022-11;45078;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 10051541;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2003;"Ormerod, Thomas; Morley, Nicola; Ball, Linden; Langley, Charles; Spenser, Clive";Using ethnography to design a mass detection tool (MDT) for the early discovery of insurance fraud;CHI '03 extended abstracts on human factors in computing systems;1-58113-637-4;;10.1145/765891.765910;;2003;650–651;;;;;;CHI EA '03;Association for Computing Machinery;New York, NY, USA;English;;Number of pages: 2 Place: Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2012;"Ormerod, ThomasC.; Ball, LindenJ.; Morley, NicolaJ.";Informing the development of a fraud prevention toolset through a situated analysis of fraud investigation expertise;Behaviour and Information Technology;;0144-929X;10.1080/01449291003752906;;2012-04;371–381;;4;31;;Behav. Inf. Technol.;;;;English;;"Number of pages: 11 Place: USA Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Inc. tex.issue_date: April 2012";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Orubu, E.S.F.; Ching, C.; Zaman, M.H.; Wirtz, V.J.";Tackling the blind spot of poor-quality medicines in Universal Health Coverage;Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice;;20523211;10.1186/s40545-020-00208-4;;2020;;;1;13;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: BioMed Central tex.abbrev_source_title: J. pharm. policy pract. tex.art_number: 40 tex.author_keywords: Falsified; Medicine; Poor-quality; Quality assurance; Substandard; Universal Health Coverage tex.document_type: Review tex.source: Scopus";;; ;journalArticle;2022;"Óskarsdóttir, Maria; Ahmed, Waqas; Antonio, Katrien; Baesens, Bart; Dendievel, Rémi; Donas, Tom; Reynkens, Tom";Social Network Analytics for Supervised Fraud Detection in Insurance;Risk Analysis;;2724332;10.1111/risa.13693;;2022;1872-1890;;8;42;;;;;;English;;;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2017;"Ossege, T.; Riedel, O.";Die Rolle der Versicherungsvermittler beim Versicherungsbetrug – experimentelle Ergebnisse;Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft;;442585;10.1007/s12297-017-0388-8;;2017;369-392;;03/Apr;106;;;;;;German;;Citation Key: Ossege2017369 Publisher: Springer Verlag tex.abbrev_source_title: Z. Gesamte Versicherungswiss. tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC4 (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Owens, Emer; Sheehan, Barry; Mullins, Martin; Cunneen, Martin; Ressel, Juliane; Castignani, German";Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) in insurance;RISKS;;;10.3390/risks10120230;;2022-12;;;12;10;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000904257100001 Type: Review tex.affiliation: Owens, E (Corresponding Author), Univ Limerick, Dept Accounting & Finance, Limerick V94 PH93, Ireland. Owens, Emer; Sheehan, Barry; Mullins, Martin; Cunneen, Martin; Ressel, Juliane, Univ Limerick, Dept Accounting & Finance, Limerick V94 PH93, Ireland. Ressel, Juliane, TH Koln, Inst Insurance Studies, Res Ctr Insurance Market, D-50968 Cologne, Germany. Castignani, German, Mot SSA, Ave Bains 4, Mondorf les Bains, L-5610 Luxembourg, Luxembourg. Castignani, German, Univ Luxembourg, Fac Sci Technol & Med FSTM, L-4365 Luxembourg, Luxembourg. tex.article-number: 230 tex.eissn: 2227-9091 tex.keywords-plus: DATA PROTECTION REGULATION; CAR INSURANCE; DECISION-MAKING; NEURAL-NETWORKS; FRAUD DETECTION; CUSTOMER RETENTION; TELEMATICS DATA; E-COMMERCE; BLACK-BOX; RISK tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000904257100001";;; ;conferencePaper;2019;"Padhi, Slokashree; Panigrahi, Suvasini";Decision Templates based Ensemble Classifiers for Automobile Insurance Fraud Detection;2019 Global Conference for Advancement in Technology (GCAT);;;10.1109/GCAT47503.2019.8978332;;2019-10;45047;;;;;;;IEEE;Bangalore, India;English;;;;; EC4 (manual);conferencePaper;2020;"Padhi, Slokashree; Panigrahi, Suvasini";Use of Data Mining Techniques for Data Balancing and Fraud Detection in Automobile Insurance Claims;Intelligent Computing and Communication;978-981-15-1084-7;;10.1007/978-981-15-1084-7_22;;2020;221-230;;;1034;;;Advances in intelligent systems and computing;Springer Singapore;Bangalore, India;English;;;"Bhateja, Vikrant; Satapathy, Sures Chandra; Zhang, Yu-Dong; Aradhya, . Manjunath";; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2007;"Padmaja, T. Maruthi; Dhulipalla, Narendra; Bapi, Raju S.; Krishna, P. Radha";Unbalanced data classification using extreme outlier elimination and sampling techniques for fraud detection;Proceedings of the 15th international conference on advanced computing and communications;0-7695-3059-1;;10.1109/ADCOM.2007.131;;2007;511–516;;;;;;ADCOM '07;IEEE Computer Society;USA;English;;Number of pages: 6;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2007;"Padmaja, T. Maruthi; Dhulipalla, Narendra; Krishna, P. Radha; Bapi, Raju S.; Laha, A.";An unbalanced data classification model using hybrid sampling technique for fraud detection;Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on pattern recognition and machine intelligence;3-540-77045-3;;10.1007/978-3-540-77046-6_43;;2007;341–348;;;;;;PReMI'07;Springer-Verlag;Berlin, Heidelberg;English;;Number of pages: 8 Place: Kolkata, India;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2019;Palacio, S.M.;Abnormal pattern prediction: Detecting fraudulent insurance property claims with semi-supervised machine-learning;Data Science Journal;;16831470;10.5334/dsj-2019-035;;2019;;;1;18;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Palacio2019 Publisher: Ubiquity Press tex.abbrev_source_title: Data Sci. J. tex.art_number: 35 tex.author_keywords: Cluster; Fraud; Insurance; Outlier Detection; Semi-Supervised Models tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2023;"Palani, S.; Pizer, S.D.; Avila, C.J.; Frakt, A.B.; Strombotne, K.L.; Garrido, M.M.";A benchmarking approach for characterizing providers’ patterns of treating patients with substance use disorder;Healthcare Analytics;;27724425;10.1016/;;2023;;;;3;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Palani2023 Publisher: Elsevier Inc. tex.abbrev_source_title: Healthc. Anal. tex.art_number: 100134 tex.author_keywords: ANOVA; Cross-payer claims data; Extreme outliers; Fraud waste and abuse; Outlier detection; Provider-level flags; SUD-service related benchmarks tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2013;Palasinski, M.;The impact of downsizing and efficiency measures on anti-fraud resources;Qualitative Report;;10520147;;;2013;;;45;18;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Palasinski2013 Publisher: Peace and Conflict Studies tex.abbrev_source_title: Qual. Rep. tex.author_keywords: Efficiency Measures; Ethnography; Insurance Fraud tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2009;Palasinski, M.;Testing assumptions about naivety in insurance fraud;Psychology, Crime and Law;;1068316X;10.1080/10683160802392444;;2009;547-553;;6;15;;;;;;English;;"tex.abbrev_source_title: Psychol. Crime Law tex.author_keywords: Deception; Fraud detection; Thematic analysis tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2014;Palshikar, G.K.;Detecting frauds and money laundering: A tutorial;Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics);;3029743;10.1007/978-3-319-13820-6;;2014;145-160;;;8883;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Palshikar2014145 ISBN: 9783319138190 Publisher: Springer Verlag tex.abbrev_source_title: Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: Government of India; IBM Research India; NIXI; Tata Consultancy Services; Xerox India Research Centre";Mehta S., Srinivasa S.;; ;conferencePaper;2022;"Panda, Gopikrishna; Dhal, Sunil Kumar; Satpathy, Rabinarayan; Pani, Subhendu Kumar";ANFIS for Fraud Automobile Insurance Detection System;Advances in Data Science and Management;;;10.1007/978-981-16-5685-9_50;;2022;519-530;;;86;;;Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies;Springer;Bhubaneswar, India;English;;"Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH tex.abbrev_source_title: Lecture. Notes. Data Eng. Commun. Tech. tex.author_keywords: Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS); Artificial neural network (ANN); Automobile insurance fraud prediction system (AIFPS); Discrete wavelet transform tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus";;;International Conference on Decision Science & Management (ICDSM) 2021 EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2018;"Pandey, P.; Saroliya, A.; Kumar, R.";Analyses and detection of health insurance fraud using data mining and predictive modeling techniques;Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing;;21945357;10.1007/978-981-10-5699-4_5;;2018;41-49;;;584;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Pandey201841 ISBN: 9789811056987 Publisher: Springer Verlag tex.abbrev_source_title: Adv. Intell. Sys. Comput. tex.author_keywords: Data mining; Decision trees; Logistic regression; Neural networks; Predictive analytics; Rule-based scoring system tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Pant M., Rawat S., Bandyopadhyay A., Sharma T.K., Ray K.;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2016;"Park, J.A.; Kim, M.; Yoon, S.";Evaluation of large-scale data to detect irregularity in payment for medical services: An extended use of Benford’s law;Methods of Information in Medicine;;261270;10.3414/ME15-01-0076;;2016;284-291;;3;55;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Schattauer GmbH tex.abbrev_source_title: Methods Inf. Med. tex.author_keywords: Benford’s Law; Claims analysis; Diagnosis-related groups (DRG); Healthcare fraud; Medical fees tex.coden: MIMCA tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Park, S.; Goodwin, B.K.; Zheng, X.; Rejesus, R.M.";Contract elements, growing conditions, and anomalous claims behaviour in U.S. crop insurance;Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice;;10185895;10.1057/s41288-019-00143-9;;2020;157-183;;1;45;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. tex.abbrev_source_title: Geneva Pap. on Risk Insur. Issues Pract. tex.author_keywords: Block bootstrap; Control function approach; Crop insurance; Insurance fraud; Simulated maximum likelihood estimation; Spot Check List tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Park, S.; Zheng, X.; Rejesus, R.M.; Goodwin, B.K.";Somebody's watching me! Impacts of the spot check list program in U.S. crop insurance;American Journal of Agricultural Economics;;29092;10.1111/ajae.12252;;2022;921-946;;3;104;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Inc tex.abbrev_source_title: Am. J. Agric. Econ. tex.author_keywords: crop insurance; insurance fraud; spot check list tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not ML/DM (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Parlak, Mehmet; Altunel, Nurkan Fatih; Ayaz Akkaş, Utku; Arici, Emir Tarık";Tamper-proof evidence via blockchain for autonomous vehicle accident monitoring;2022 IEEE 1st global emerging technology blockchain forum: Blockchain & beyond (iGETblockchain);;;10.1109/iGETblockchain56591.2022.10087067;;2022-11;45078;;;;;;;;;;;Citation Key: 10087067;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2022;Parnes, Dror;Banks' off-balance sheet manipulations;QUARTERLY REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE;;1062-9769;10.1016/j.qref.2022.07.011;;2022-11;314-331;;;86;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000888791200003 Type: Article tex.affiliation: Parnes, D (Corresponding Author), Texas A&M Univ Commerce, Coll Business, Accounting & Finance Dept, Off 2078,8750 North Cent Expressway, Dallas, TX 75231 USA. Parnes, Dror, Texas A&M Univ Commerce, Coll Business, Accounting & Finance Dept, Off 2078,8750 North Cent Expressway, Dallas, TX 75231 USA. tex.eissn: 1878-4259 tex.keywords-plus: BENFORDS LAW; 1ST DIGIT; PECULIAR DISTRIBUTION; EARNINGS MANAGEMENT; DEPOSIT INSURANCE; FRAUD DETECTION; NUMBERS; PATTERNS; RISK; ECONOMIES tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000888791200003";;; ;conferencePaper;2019;"Patel, Deepak Kumar; Subudhi, Sharmila";Application of Extreme Learning Machine in Detecting Auto Insurance Fraud;2019 International Conference on Applied Machine Learning (ICAML);978-1-72813-908-1;;10.1109/ICAML48257.2019.00023;;2019-05;78-81;;;;;;;IEEE;Bhubaneswar, India;English;;;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2005;"Pathak, J.; Vidyarthi, N.; Summers, S.L.";A fuzzy-based algorithm for auditors to detect elements of fraud in settled insurance claims;Managerial Auditing Journal;;2686902;10.1108/02686900510606119;;2005;632-644;;6;20;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Pathak2005632 tex.abbrev_source_title: Manage. Audit. J. tex.author_keywords: Auditing; Fraud; Fuzzy logic tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;"Pattanaik, Anmol; Panigrahi, Suvasini";Use of particle swarm optimization for feature selection and data mining methods for efficient detection of automobile insurance fraud;2018 international conference on recent innovations in electrical, electronics & communication engineering (ICRIEECE);;;10.1109/ICRIEECE44171.2018.9009411;;2018-07;1095-1098;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9009411;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2017;"Paudel, R.; Eberle, W.; Talbert, D.";Detection of anomalous activity in diabetic patients using graph-based approach;;978-1-57735-787-2;;;;2017;423-428;;;;;;FLAIRS 2017 - Proceedings of the 30th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference;AAAI Press;;English;;Citation Key: Paudel2017423 tex.abbrev_source_title: FLAIRS - Proc. Int. Florida Artif. Intell. Res. Soc. Conf. tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus;Rus V., Markov Z.;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2007;"Paurobally, Shamimabi; van Aart, Chris; Tamma, Valentina; Wooldridge, Michael; van Hapert, Peter";Web services negotiation in an insurance grid;Proceedings of the 6th international joint conference on autonomous agents and multiagent systems;978-81-904262-7-5;;10.1145/1329125.1329457;;2007;;;;;;;AAMAS '07;Association for Computing Machinery;New York, NY, USA;English;;Number of pages: 8 Place: Honolulu, Hawaii tex.articleno: 275;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2010;Pejic-Bach, Mirjana;Invited paper: Profiling intelligent systems applications in fraud detection and prevention: Survey of research articles;Proceedings of the 2010 international conference on intelligent systems, modelling and simulation;978-0-7695-3973-7;;10.1109/ISMS.2010.26;;2010;80–85;;;;;;ISMS '10;IEEE Computer Society;USA;English;;Number of pages: 6;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2016;"Peng, Hao; You, Mengzhuo";The health care fraud detection using the pharmacopoeia spectrum tree and neural network analytic contribution hierarchy process;2016 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA;;;10.1109/TrustCom.2016.0306;;2016-08;2006-2011;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;ISSN: 2324-9013;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;"Peng, Jinfeng; Li, Qingzhong; Li, Hui; Liu, Lei; Yan, Zhongmin; Zhang, Shidong";Fraud detection of medical insurance employing outlier analysis;2018 IEEE 22nd international conference on computer supported cooperative work in design ((CSCWD));;;10.1109/CSCWD.2018.8465273;;2018-05;341-346;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 8465273;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2006;"Peng, Yi; Kou, Gang; Sabatka, Alan; Chen, Zhengxin; Khazanchi, Deepak; Shi, Yong";Application of clustering methods to health insurance fraud detection;2006 international conference on service systems and service management;1-4244-0450-9;;10.1109/ICSSSM.2006.320598;;2006-10;116-120;;;1;;;;IEEE Computer Society;Troyes;English;;ISSN: 2161-1904;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2007;"Peng, Yi; Kou, Gang; Sabatka, Alan; Matza, Jeff; Chen, Zhengxin; Khazanchi, Deepak; Shi, Yong";Application of classification methods to individual disability income insurance fraud detection;Proceedings of the 7th international conference on computational science, part III: ICCS 2007;978-3-540-72587-9;;10.1007/978-3-540-72588-6_136;;2007;852–858;;;;;;ICCS '07;Springer-Verlag;Berlin, Heidelberg;English;;Number of pages: 7 Place: Beijing, China;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2005;"Pérez, Jesús M.; Muguerza, Javier; Arbelaitz, Olatz; Gurrutxaga, Ibai; Martín, José I.";Consolidated tree classifier learning in a car insurance fraud detection domain with class imbalance;Proceedings of the third international conference on advances in pattern recognition - volume part I;3-540-28757-4;;10.1007/11551188_41;;2005;381–389;;;;;;ICAPR'05;Springer-Verlag;Berlin, Heidelberg;English;;Number of pages: 9 Place: Bath, UK;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Pesantez-Narvaez, Jessica; Guillen, Montserrat; Alcaniz, Manuela";RiskLogitboost Regression for Rare Events in Binary Response: An Econometric Approach;Mathematics;;2227-7390;10.3390/math9050579;;2021-03;579;;5;9;;;;;;English;;;;; EC1 (auto);book;2018;Peters, S.F.;The infamous Harry Hayward: A true account of murder and mesmerism in Gilded age Minneapolis;;978-1-4529-5710-4 978-1-5179-0375-6;;;;2018;;;;;;;;University of Minnesota Press;;English;;Citation Key: Peters20181 Pages: 1-290 tex.abbrev_source_title: The Infamous Harry Hayward: A True Acc. of Murd. and Mesmerism in Gilded Age Minneap. tex.document_type: Book tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1991;"Pflaum, B.B.; Rivers, J.S.";Employer strategies to combat health care plan fraud.;Benefits quarterly;;87561263;;;1991;41791;;1;7;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Pflaum19916 tex.abbrev_source_title: Benefits Q tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);book;2017;"Phelps, C.E.; Parente, S.T.";The economics of US health care policy;;978-1-351-85635-5 978-0-415-78431-3;;;;2017;;;;;;;;Routledge;London;English;;Citation Key: Phelps20171 DOI: 10.4324/9781315228518 Pages: 1-236 tex.abbrev_source_title: The Econ. of US Health Care Policy tex.document_type: Book tex.source: Scopus;;1; EC1 (auto);bookSection;2016;Phillips, S.;Non-law enforcement approaches to the investigation of fraud;Fraud;978-1-317-13312-4 978-0-566-08832-2;;;;2016;75–83;;;;;;;Routledge;London;English;;Citation Key: Phillips201675 DOI: 10.4324/9781315583075-17 Pages: 75-83 tex.abbrev_source_title: Fraud: The Count. Fraud Practitioner's Handb. tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus;;1; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2004;"Phua, Clifton; Alahakoon, Damminda; Lee, Vincent";Minority report in fraud detection: Classification of skewed data;SIGKDD Explor. Newsl.;;1931-0145;10.1145/1007730.1007738;;2004-06;50–59;;1;6;;;;;;;;Citation Key: 10.1145/1007730.1007738 Number of pages: 10 Place: New York, NY, USA Publisher: Association for Computing Machinery tex.issue_date: June 2004;;; EC1 (auto);bookSection;2013;Picard, P.;Economic analysis of insurance fraud;Handbook of Insurance: Second Edition;978-1-4614-0155-1 978-1-4614-0154-4;;;;2013;349–395;;;;;;;Springer;New York, NY;English;;"Citation Key: Picard2013349 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-0155-1_13 Pages: 349-395 tex.abbrev_source_title: Handb. of Insur.: Second Ed. tex.author_keywords: Audit; Buildup; Collusion; Falsification; Fraud; Verification tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2018;Pien, Homer;The promise of clinical AI: An adaptive future;APPLIED RADIOLOGY;;0160-9963;;;2018-11;45080;;11, S;47;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: WOS:000451970400002 Type: Editorial material tex.affiliation: Pien, H (Corresponding Author), Philips Healthcare, Franklin, TN 37067 USA. Pien, Homer, Philips Healthcare, Franklin, TN 37067 USA. tex.eissn: 1879-2898 tex.times-cited: 1 tex.unique-id: WOS:000451970400002;;; ;conferencePaper;2020;"Piesio, Michał; Ganzha, Maria; Paprzycki, Marcin";Applying machine learning to anomaly detection in car insurance sales;Big data analytics: 8th international conference, BDA 2020, sonepat, india, december 15–18, 2020, proceedings;978-3-030-66664-4;;10.1007/978-3-030-66665-1_17;;2020;257–277;;;;;;;Springer-Verlag;Berlin, Heidelberg;English;;Number of pages: 21 Place: Sonepat, India;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2007;"Pinquet, Jean; Ayuso, Mercedes; Guillen, Montserrat";Selection bias and auditing policies for insurance claims;JOURNAL OF RISK AND INSURANCE;;0022-4367;10.1111/j.1539-6975.2007.00219.x;;2007-06;425-440;;2;74;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000246622700007 Type: Article tex.affiliation: Pinquet, J (Corresponding Author), Univ Paris 10, UFR Sci Econ, 200 Ave Republ, F-92001 Nanterre, France. Univ Paris 10, UFR Sci Econ, F-92001 Nanterre, France. Ecole Polytech, Dept Econ, F-91198 Gif Sur Yvette, France. Univ Barcelona, Dept Econometria Estad & Econ Espanyola, Barcelona 08034, Spain. tex.eissn: 1539-6975 tex.keywords-plus: AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE; FRAUD DETECTION tex.times-cited: 21 tex.unique-id: WOS:000246622700007";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2004;Pitcher, G.;Silent witness;New Electronics;;479624;;;2004;18-20;;2;37;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Pitcher200418 tex.abbrev_source_title: New Electron tex.coden: NWELA tex.document_type: Review tex.source: Scopus;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2023;"Ponmathi Jeba Kiruba, P.; Krishna Kumar, P.";Tampering detection driving license in RTO using blockchain technology;Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing;978-981-19882-5-7;;10.1007/978-981-19-8825-7_66;;2023;771-781;;;600;;;Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems;Springer Singapore;;English;;"Citation Key: PonmathiJebaKiruba2023771 ISBN: 9789811988240 Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH tex.abbrev_source_title: Lect. Notes Networks Syst. tex.author_keywords: BCT; Blockchain; Buyer; Dealer; Manufacturer; RTO; Vehicle registration tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Mahapatra R.P., Parwekar P., Peddoju S.K., Roy S.;; Not IC - not ML/DM (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Porter, C.N.; Taylor, R.; Harvey, A.C.";Applying the asymmetric information management technique to insurance claims;Applied Cognitive Psychology;;8884080;10.1002/acp.3947;;2022;602-611;;3;36;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: Appl. Cogn. Psychol. tex.author_keywords: AIM technique; fraud; information elicitation; insurance claims; lie-detection tex.coden: ACPSE tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2016;Primorac, Zeljka;EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES FOR DETECTING FRAUDULENT CLAIMS IN MOTOR THIRD PARTY LIABILITY INSURANCE;ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT (ESD);;;;;2016;299+;;;;;;International scientific conference on economic and social development;;;English;;Citation Key: WOS:000391254400031 ISSN: 1849-7535 Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Primorac, Z (Corresponding Author), Univ Split, Fac Law, Split, Croatia. Primorac, Zeljka, Univ Split, Fac Law, Split, Croatia. tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000391254400031;"Primorac, Z; Bussoli, C; Recker, N";; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2019;"Priyanka, D.; Sri, H. V. Bhagya";Analysis of various fraud behaviors using soft computing techniques;SOFT COMPUTING IN DATA ANALYTICS, SCDA 2018;"978-981-13-0514-6; 978-981-13-0513-9";;10.1007/978-981-13-0514-6_58;;2019;601-614;;;758;;;Advances in intelligent systems and computing;;;English;;"ISSN: 2194-5357 Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Priyanka, D (Corresponding Author), Sri Sivani Coll Engn, Dept Comp Sci & Engn, Srikakulam 532410, Andhra Pradesh, India. Priyanka, D.; Sri, H. V. Bhagya, Sri Sivani Coll Engn, Dept Comp Sci & Engn, Srikakulam 532410, Andhra Pradesh, India. tex.eissn: 2194-5365 tex.keywords-plus: CREDIT CARD FRAUD; MINING FRAMEWORK; MODEL tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000456337400056";"Nayak, J; Abraham, A; Krishna, BM; Sekhar, GTC; Das, AK";; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Purandhar, N.; Ayyasamy, S.";An empirical analysis on big analytics for e-Healthcare and agriculture;International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Smart Community;978-981-16-2183-3;;10.1007/978-981-16-2183-3_40;;2022;409-417;;;758;;;Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering;Springer Singapore;Petronas, Malaysia;English;;"Citation Key: Purandhar2022409 ISBN: 9789811621826 Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH tex.abbrev_source_title: Lect. Notes Electr. Eng. tex.author_keywords: Big data; Data analytics; Predictive analytics; Recommendation engine tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Ibrahim R., Kannan R., Mohd Nor N., Porkumaran K., Prabakar S.;;AISC 2020 Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Purohit, Soumya; Neupane, Roshan; Bhamidipati, Naga Ramya; Vakkavanthula, Varsha; Wang, Songjie; Rockey, Matthew; Calyam, Prasad";Cyber threat intelligence sharing for co-operative defense in multi-domain entities;IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing;;1941-0018;10.1109/TDSC.2022.3214423;;2022;43101;;;;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: 9917547;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Pushpak, Subodh Nath; Jain, Sarika";An implementation of quantum machine learning technique to determine insurance claim fraud;2022 10th international conference on reliability, infocom technologies and optimization (trends and future directions) (ICRITO);978-1-66547-433-7;;10.1109/ICRITO56286.2022.9964828;;2022-10;45047;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9964828;;; ;conferencePaper;2019;"Qazi, Maleeha; Tunuguntla, Srinivas; Lee, Peng; Kanchinadam, Teja; Fung, Glenn; Arora, Neeraj";Discovering temporal patterns from insurance interaction data;The Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI-19);978-1-57735-809-1;;10.1609/aaai.v33i01.33019573;;2019;9573-9580;;;33;;;Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence;AAAI Press;Honolulu, Hawaii, USA;;;Place: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Number of pages: 8 tex.articleno: 1181;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;1995;Radcliffe, J.G.Y.;The insurance industry's use of databases to prevent and detect fraud, and improve recoveries;European convention on security and detection, 1995.;;;10.1049/cp:19950501;;1995-05;216-224;;;;;;;;;English;;ISSN: 0537-9989;;; EC4 (manual);conferencePaper;2021;"Rahul, K.; Banyal, R.K.; Goswami, P.; Kumar, V.";Machine learning algorithms for big data analytics;Computational Methods and Data Engineering;9,78981E+12;;10.1007/978-981-15-6876-3_27;;2021;359-367;;;1227;;;Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing;Springer;Bangkok;English;;"Citation Key: Rahul2021359 tex.abbrev_source_title: Adv. Intell. Sys. Comput. tex.author_keywords: Big data; Filtering; Healthcare; K-Means; Machine learning tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Singh V., Asari V.K., Kumar S., Patel R.B.;;The 6th International Conference on Mechanical Design and Engineering Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2021;Rak, R.;Analysis of VIN errors in information systems, causes, consequences and solutions;Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Structural Damage Modelling and Assessment;9,78981E+12;;10.1007/978-981-15-9121-1_21;;2021;271-280;;;110;;;Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering;Springer;Singapore;English;;"Citation Key: Rak2021271 Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH tex.abbrev_source_title: Lect. Notes Civ. Eng. tex.author_keywords: Error solution; Forensic; Information system; Vehicle identification number; Vehicle register tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";M., Abdel Wahab;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;"Rambola, Radhakrishna; Varshney, Prateek; Vishwakarma, Prashant";Data mining techniques for fraud detection in banking sector;2018 4th international conference on computing communication and automation (ICCCA);;;10.1109/CCAA.2018.8777535;;2018-12;45047;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;ISSN: 2642-7354;;; EC2 (auto);bookSection;2022;"Rana, A.; Bansal, R.; Gupta, M.";Big data: A disruptive innovation in the insurance sector;Big Data Analytics in the Insurance Market;978-1-80262-637-7 978-1-80262-639-1;;;;2022;5–183;;;;;;Emerald Studies in Finance, Insurance, and Risk Management;Emerald Publishing Limited;Bingley;English;;"Citation Key: Rana2022165 DOI: 10.1108/978-1-80262-637-720221009 Pages: 165-183 tex.abbrev_source_title: Big Data Anal. in the Insur. Mark. tex.author_keywords: Big data; Disruptive; Granular data; Insurance sector; Revolutionary; Transforming tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus";;; EC5 (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Rana, Md.A.M.; Kabir, A.";FRAUD DETECTION IN AUTOMOTIVE INSURANCE DOMAIN USING MACHINE LEARNING;;978-989-8704-42-9;;;;2022;159-167;;;;;;16th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing, CGVCVIP 2022, 8th International Conference on Connected Smart Cities, CSC 2022, 7th International Conference on Big Data Analytics, Data Mining and Computational Intelligence, BigDaCI 2022, and 11th International Conference on Theory and Practice in Modern Computing, TPMC 2022 - Held at the 16th Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2022;IADIS Press;;English;;"Citation Key: Rana2022159 tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. Conf. Comput. Graph., Vis., Comput. Vis. Image Process., CGVCVIP, Int. Conf. Connect. Smart Cities, CSC, Int. Conf. Big Data Anal., Data Min. Comput. Intell., BigDaCI, Int. Conf. Theory Pract. Mod. Comput., TPMC - Held Multi Conf. Comput. Sci. Inf. Syst., MCCSIS tex.author_keywords: Feature Engineering; Fraud Detection; Machine Learning tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2012;"Rashidian, Arash; Joudaki, Hossein; Vian, Taryn";No evidence of the effect of the interventions to combat health care fraud and abuse: A systematic review of literature;PLOS ONE;;1932-6203;10.1371/journal.pone.0041988;;24/08/2012;;;8;7;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000308225500009 Type: Article tex.affiliation: Rashidian, A (Corresponding Author), Univ Tehran Med Sci, Sch Publ Hlth, Dept Hlth Management & Econ, Tehran, Iran. Rashidian, Arash; Joudaki, Hossein, Univ Tehran Med Sci, Sch Publ Hlth, Dept Hlth Management & Econ, Tehran, Iran. Rashidian, Arash, Univ Tehran Med Sci, Knowledge Utilizat Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran. Joudaki, Hossein, Univ Tehran Med Sci, Sch Publ Hlth, Dept Hlth Management & Econ, Tehran, Iran. Vian, Taryn, Boston Univ, Sch Publ Hlth, Boston, MA USA. tex.article-number: e41988 tex.keywords-plus: REIMBURSEMENT RULES; INSURANCE COMPANIES; CORRUPTION; PHYSICIANS; DECEPTION tex.times-cited: 31 tex.unique-id: WOS:000308225500009";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2015;"Rawte, Vipula; Anuradha, G";Fraud detection in health insurance using data mining techniques;2015 international conference on communication, information & computing technology (ICCICT);;;10.1109/ICCICT.2015.7045689;;2015-01;45047;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 7045689;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2019;Rayan, Nirmal;Framework for analysis and detection of fraud in health insurance;2019 IEEE 6th international conference on cloud computing and intelligence systems (CCIS);;;10.1109/CCIS48116.2019.9073700;;2019-12;47-56;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9073700;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2023;"Razaque, A.; Frej, M.B.H.; Bektemyssova, G.; Amsaad, F.; Almiani, M.; Alotaibi, A.; Jhanjhi, N.Z.; Amanzholova, S.; Alshammari, M.";Credit card-not-present fraud detection and prevention using big data analytics algorithms;Applied Sciences (Switzerland);;20763417;10.3390/app13010057;;2023;;;1;13;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: MDPI tex.abbrev_source_title: Appl. Sci. tex.art_number: 57 tex.author_keywords: Big data analysis; CNP; fraud detection; fraud prevention; LRL; PCA; RU; SVD; t-SNE tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; ;conferencePaper;2022;"Reddy, Tutikura Sreeja; Nookaraju, Guttula; Vikas, Kummari; Mohanty, Sachi Nandan; Anagandula, Jagruthi; Ahmed, Mohammed Sami";An Analysis of Various Algorithmic Behaviors in Detecting a Financial Fraud;2022 13th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT);978-1-66545-262-5;;10.1109/ICCCNT54827.2022.9984399;;2022-10;45078;;;;;;;IEEE;Kharagpur, India;English;;;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2005;"Rejesus, R.M.; Little, B.B.; Lovell, A.C.";Using data mining to detect crop insurance fraud: is there a role for social scientists?;Journal of Financial Crime;;13590790;10.1108/13590790510625052;;2005;24-32;;1;12;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Rejesus200524 tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Financ. Crime tex.author_keywords: Crops; Data handling; Fraud; Insurance; United States of America tex.document_type: Review tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Renard, X.; Laugel, T.; Lesot, M.-J.; Marsala, C.; Detyniecki, M.";Detecting potential local adversarial examples for human-interpretable defense;Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics);;3029743;10.1007/978-3-030-13453-2_4;;2019;41-47;;;11329 LNAI;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Renard201941 ISBN: 9783030134525 Publisher: Springer Verlag tex.abbrev_source_title: Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. tex.author_keywords: Adversarial defense; Machine learning interpretability tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Alzate C., Monreale A.;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Renuka Devi, V.; Bharathi, G.; Prasad, G.V.S.N.R.V.";Prediction of customer churn in telecom sector using clustering technique;International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology;;22498958;10.35940/ijeat.F1207.0886S219;;2019;826-832;;6 Special Issue 2;8;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: RenukaDevi2019826 Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. J. Eng. Adv. Technol. tex.author_keywords: Clustering; K-Means; Unsupervised learning; Validity indexes tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);bookSection;2018;"Review, MIT Sloan Management; Michelman, Paul";7 is your company ready for HR analytics?;How to go digital: Practical wisdom to help drive your organization's digital transformation;978-0-262-34532-3;;;;2018;59-64;;;;;;;MIT Press;;;;Citation Key: 8333194;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2000;"Riahi-Belkaoui, A.; Picur, R.D.";Understanding fraud in the accounting environment;Managerial Finance;;3074358;10.1108/03074350010766972;;2000;33-41;;11;26;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Riahi-Belkaoui200033 tex.abbrev_source_title: Manag. Financ. tex.author_keywords: Accountanting; Fraud; USA tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2009;Robaina Padrón, F.J.;Medico-legal and bioethical aspects of fusion surgery in degenerative lumbar spine. Implications in pain management [Aspectos medicolegales y bioéticos de la cirugía instrumentada de la columna lumbar degenerativa. Implicaciones en el manejo del dolor crónico];Revista de la Sociedad Espanola del Dolor;;11348046;10.1016/S1134-8046(09)72822-8;;2009;410-414;;7;16;;;;;;Spanish;;"Citation Key: RobainaPadrón2009410 tex.abbrev_source_title: Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor tex.author_keywords: Bioethics; Chronic lower back pain; Information technologies; Medico-legal conflicts tex.coden: RSEDF tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1997;Robinson, F.;Self-reporting medicare and medicaid overpayments;Healthcare Financial Management;;7350732;;;1997;64-65+71;;4;51;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Robinson1997 tex.abbrev_source_title: Healthc. Financ. Manage. tex.coden: HFMAD tex.document_type: Review tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2018;"Robson, B.; Boray, S.";Studies in the extensively automatic construction of large odds-based inference networks from structured data. Examples from medical, bioinformatics, and health insurance claims data;Computers in Biology and Medicine;;104825;10.1016/j.compbiomed.2018.02.013;;2018;147-166;;;95;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Elsevier Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: Comput. Biol. Med. tex.author_keywords: Anomaly detection; Bayes Net; Big Data; Bioinformatics; Clinical decision support; Data mining; Fraud detection; Hyperbolic Dirac Net; Inference net; Machine learning tex.coden: CBMDA tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2018;"Rodriguez-Jimenez, J.M.; Cabrerizo, J.; Perez, D.; Sanchez, I.";Reducing the risk of accidents with not insured british vehicles in southern Spain;Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing;;21945357;10.1007/978-3-319-75608-0_7;;2018;83-95;;;728;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Rodriguez-Jimenez201883 ISBN: 9783319756073 Publisher: Springer Verlag tex.abbrev_source_title: Adv. Intell. Sys. Comput. tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus;Ferilli S., Leuzzi F.;; EC2 (auto);thesis;2022;Roellke, Dennis;Detection, triage, and attribution of PII phishing sites;;;;;;2022;;;;;;;;Columbia University;USA;;phd;Citation Key: 10.5555/AAI29998121 ISBN: 9798358472723 tex.advisor: J, Stolfo, Salvatore;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1990;Rothstein, M.A.;Legal and ethical issues in the laboratory assessment of genetic susceptibility to cancer;Birth Defects: Original Article Series;;5476844;;;1990;179-190;;1;26;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Rothstein1990179 tex.abbrev_source_title: BIRTH DEFECTS ORIG. ARTIC. SER. tex.coden: BTHDA tex.document_type: Review tex.source: Scopus;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Roy, N.C.; Basu, S.";Bank’s battle against insider frauds ignitors and mitigators: an emerging nation experience;Journal of Facilities Management;;14725967;10.1108/JFM-04-2020-0021;;2021;437-457;;4;19;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Emerald Group Holdings Ltd. tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Facil. Manage. tex.author_keywords: Fraud ignitors; Indian banks; Insider frauds; Policy implications; Preventive framework tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2017;"Roy, Riya; George, K. Thomas";Detecting insurance claims fraud using machine learning techniques;2017 international conference on circuit ,Power and computing technologies (ICCPCT);;;10.1109/ICCPCT.2017.8074258;;2017-04;45078;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 8074258;;; ;journalArticle;2022;"Rukhsar, Laiqa; Bangyal, Waqas Haider; Nisar, Kashif; Nisar, Sana";Prediction of insurance fraud detection using machine learning algorithms;Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology;;0254-7219;10.22581/muet1982.2201.04;;2022-01;33-40;;1;41;;;;;;English;;;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2020;"S.K., Shamitha; Ilango, V.";A time-efficient model for detecting fraudulent health insurance claims using Artificial neural networks;2020 international conference on system, computation, automation and networking (ICSCAN);978-1-72816-202-7;;10.1109/ICSCAN49426.2020.9262298;;2020-07;45078;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9262298;;; ;conferencePaper;2021;"S.Patil, Nirmala; Kamanavalli, Spoorthy; Hiregoudar, Soujanya; Jadhav, Sonam; Kanakraddi, Suvarna; Hiremath, Namratha D.";Vehicle Insurance Fraud Detection System Using Robotic Process Automation and Machine Learning;2021 International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT);;;10.1109/CONIT51480.2021.9498507;;2021-06;45047;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;Hubil, India;English;;;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2021;"Sabeena, M; Abraham, Lizy; Varghese, Anju";Digital image forgery detection using local binary pattern (LBP) and harlick transform with classification;2021 IEEE international power and renewable energy conference (IPRECON);;;10.1109/IPRECON52453.2021.9640976;;2021-09;45078;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9640976;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2017;"Sadiq, Saad; Tao, Yudong; Yan, Yilin; Shyu, Mei-Ling";Mining anomalies in medicare big data using patient rule induction method;2017 IEEE third international conference on multimedia big data (BigMM);;;10.1109/BigMM.2017.56;;2017-04;185-192;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 7966740;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2020;Saeed, Tariq;The application of data mining techniques for financial risk management: A classification framework;INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND NETWORK SECURITY;;1738-7906;;;30/08/2020;84-93;;8;20;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: WOS:000577887900008 Type: Article tex.affiliation: Saeed, T (Corresponding Author), Taibah Univ, Coll Comp Sci & Engn, Dept IS, Madinah Almunawarah, Saudi Arabia. Saeed, Tariq, Taibah Univ, Coll Comp Sci & Engn, Dept IS, Madinah Almunawarah, Saudi Arabia. tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000577887900008;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2016;"Saha, P.; Bose, I.; Mahanti, A.";A knowledge based scheme for risk assessment in loan processing by banks;Decision Support Systems;;1679236;10.1016/j.dss.2016.02.002;;2016;78-88;;;84;;Decis. Support Syst.;;;;English;;"Publisher: Elsevier B.V. tex.abbrev_source_title: Decis Support Syst tex.author_keywords: Compliance auditing; Deviation Pattern Components; Knowledge-based systems; Logistic regression; Risk management tex.coden: DSSYD tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2020;"Sahni, S.; Mittal, A.; Kidwai, F.; Tiwari, A.; Khandelwal, K.";Insurance fraud identification using computer vision and IoT: A study of field fires;;;;10.1016/j.procs.2020.06.008;;2020;56-63;;;173;;;Procedia Computer Science;Elsevier B.V.;;English;;"Citation Key: Sahni202056 ISSN: 18770509 tex.abbrev_source_title: Procedia Comput. Sci. tex.author_keywords: Computer Vision; Deep Learning; Feature Extraction; Field Fires; Image Processing; Insurance Claims; Internet of Things; Semantic Segmentation tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: CSIR; DRDO; EIL; et al.; MATIC Networks; TCS";Gupta N., Grover P.S., Piuri V., Balas V.E., Liu C.M.;; EC5 (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Sakai, H.; Farrag, A.; Abubaker, S.; AlRawashdeh, S.; Won, D.";Healthcare fraud detection using data mining;;978-1-71385-807-2;;;;2022;;;;;;;IISE Annual Conference and Expo 2022;Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, IISE;;English;;"Citation Key: Sakai2022 tex.abbrev_source_title: IISE Annu. Conf. Expo tex.author_keywords: classification; clustering; data mining; Fraudulent behaviors; healthcare fraud tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Ellis K., Ferrell W., Knapp J.;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2020;"Saldamli, Gokay; Reddy, Vamshi; Bojja, Krishna S.; Gururaja, Manjunatha K.; Doddaveerappa, Yashaswi; Tawalbeh, Loai";Health care insurance fraud detection using blockchain;2020 seventh international conference on software defined systems (SDS);;;10.1109/SDS49854.2020.9143900;;2020-04;145-152;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9143900;;; ;conferencePaper;2022;"Salmi, Mabrouka; Atif, Dalia";Using a data mining approach to detect automobile insurance fraud;Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition (SoCPaR 2021);978-3-030-96302-6;;10.1007/978-3-030-96302-6_5;;2022;55-66;;;417;;;Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems;Springer International Publishing;Virtual Event;English;;ISSN: 2367-3370 Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Salmi, M (Corresponding Author), Natl Sch Stat & Appl Econ, Tipasa, Algeria. Salmi, Mabrouka, Natl Sch Stat & Appl Econ, Tipasa, Algeria. Atif, Dalia, Univ Tipaza, Tipasa, Algeria. tex.eissn: 2367-3389 tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000774224200005;"Abraham, Ajith; Engelbrecht, Andries; Scotti, Fabio; Gandhi, Niketa; Mishra, Manghirmalani; Fortino, Giancarlo; Sakalauskas, Virgilijus; Pllana, Sabri";; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Samariya, Durgesh; Ma, Jiangang";Anomaly detection on health data;Health information science: 11th international conference, HIS 2022, virtual event, october 28–30, 2022, proceedings;978-3-031-20626-9;;10.1007/978-3-031-20627-6_4;;2022;34–41;;;;;;;Springer-Verlag;Berlin, Heidelberg;;;Number of pages: 8;;; EC1 (auto);book;2007;"Sammes, T.; Jenkinson, B.";Forensic computing;;1-84628-397-3 978-1-84628-397-0;;;;2007;;;;;;;;Springer London;;English;;Citation Key: Sammes20071 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84628-732-9 Pages: 1-465 tex.abbrev_source_title: Forensic Comp. tex.document_type: Book tex.source: Scopus;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Sanghavi, P.; Jena, A.B.; Newhouse, J.P.; Zaslavsky, A.M.";Identifying outlier patterns of inconsistent ambulance billing in Medicare;Health Services Research;;179124;10.1111/1475-6773.13622;;2021;188-192;;2;56;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Sanghavi2021188 Publisher: Blackwell Publishing Inc. tex.abbrev_source_title: Health Serv. Res. tex.author_keywords: abuse; ambulances; expectation-maximization; fraud; Medicare tex.coden: HESRA tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);book;2015;Santiago, G.C.;Social security disability programs: Solvency, reform of growing disability rolls, and physician-assisted fraud issues;;978-1-63482-566-5 978-1-63482-565-8;;;;2015;;;;;;;;Nova Science Publishers, Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: Santiago20151 Pages: 1-146 tex.abbrev_source_title: Soc. Secur. Disabil. Programs: Solv., Reform of Grow. Disabil. Rolls, and Physician-Assist. Fraud Issues tex.document_type: Book tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2017;"Sari, K.; Pujiyanto; Nurwahyuni, A.; Atmiroseva";A study of readmission rates and the implementation of National Health Insurance;Journal of International Dental and Medical Research;;1309100X;;;2017;1055-1059;;3;10;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Sari20171055 Publisher: University of Dicle tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Int. Dent. Med. Res. tex.author_keywords: INA-CBG; Ineligible readmission; National Health Insurance; Readmission tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2020;"Sarma, Dhiman; Alam, Wahidul; Saha, Ishita; Alam, Mohammad Nazmul; Alam, Mohammad Jahangir; Hossain, Sohrab";Bank fraud detection using community detection algorithm;2020 second international conference on inventive research in computing applications (ICIRCA);;;10.1109/ICIRCA48905.2020.9182954;;2020-07;642-646;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9182954;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Sathya, M.; Balakumar, B.";Insurance fraud detection using novel machine learning technique;International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering;;21476799;;;2022;374-381;;3;10;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Sathya2022374 Publisher: Ismail Saritas tex.abbrev_source_title: Internat. J. Intel. Syst. Appl. Eng. tex.author_keywords: Block chain technique; Hybrid ERFSVM classifier; Insurance Fraud; RF classifier; SVM classifier tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2002;Sausser, G.D.;Providers face challenges with fraud-detecting software.;Healthcare financial management : journal of the Healthcare Financial Management Association;;7350732;;;2002;92-93;;11;56;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Sausser200292 tex.abbrev_source_title: Healthc Financ Manage tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2007;"Scalera, Domenico; Zazzaro, Alberto";The unpleasant effects of price deregulation in the European third-party motor insurance market: A theoretical framework;B E JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS & POLICY;;1935-1682;;;2007;;;1;7;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000256302600055 Type: Article tex.affiliation: Scalera, D (Corresponding Author), Univ Sannio, Benevento, Italy. Scalera, Domenico, Univ Sannio, Benevento, Italy. Zazzaro, Alberto, Univ Politecn Marche, Marche, Italy. tex.article-number: 50 tex.keywords-plus: AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE; CLAIMS SETTLEMENT; FRAUD DETECTION; CONTRACTS; EQUILIBRIUM; INFORMATION; COSTS; COMPETITION; INCENTIVES; OLIGOPOLY tex.times-cited: 2 tex.unique-id: WOS:000256302600055";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2006;Schiller, J.;The impact of insurance fraud detection systems;Journal of Risk and Insurance;;224367;10.1111/j.1539-6975.2006.00182.x;;2006;421-438;;3;73;;;;;;English;;tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Risk Insur. tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);bookSection;2009;Seifert, J.W.;Data mining and homeland security: An overview;Digital Surveillance: Laws, Security and Related Issues;978-1-60692-312-2;;;;2009;17–64;;;;;;;Nova Science Publishers, Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: Seifert200917 Pages: 17-64 tex.abbrev_source_title: Digit. Surveill.: Laws, Secur. and Relat. Issues tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2017;"Seo, Jiwon; Mendelevitch, Ofer";Identifying frauds and anomalies in Medicare-B dataset;2017 39th annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in medicine and biology society (EMBC);;;10.1109/EMBC.2017.8037652;;2017-07;3664-3667;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;ISSN: 1558-4615;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Sethi, Bijaya Kumar; Sarangi, Prakash Kumar; Aashrith, Adepu Sai";Medical insurance fraud detection based on block chain and machine learning approach;2022 fourth international conference on emerging research in electronics, computer science and technology (ICERECT);;;10.1109/ICERECT56837.2022.10060811;;2022-12;45017;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 10060811;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Sethi, Bijaya Kumar; Singh, Debabrata; Sarangi, Prakash Kumar";Medical insurance fraud detection based on block chain and deep learning approach;2022 international conference on disruptive technologies for multi-disciplinary research and applications (CENTCON);;;10.1109/CENTCON56610.2022.10051253;;2022-12;103-106;;;2;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 10051253;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Settipalli, L.; Gangadharan, G.R.";Healthcare fraud detection using primitive sub peer group analysis;Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience;;15320626;10.1002/cpe.6275;;2021;;;23;33;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exper. tex.art_number: e6275 tex.author_keywords: concept drifts; healthcare fraud detection; peer group analysis; primitive peer groups; sub peer groups; sudden drifts tex.coden: CCPEB tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Settipalli, L.; Gangadharan, G.R.";Provider profiling and labeling of fraudulent health insurance claims using Weighted MultiTree;Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing;;18685137;10.1007/s12652-021-03481-6;;2021;;;;;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Ambient Intell. Humanized Comput. tex.author_keywords: Fraud detection; Fraud labeling; Healthcare claims; Machine learning; Provider profiling; Weighted MultiTree tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2023;"Settipalli, L.; Gangadharan, G.R.";WMTDBC: An unsupervised multivariate analysis model for fraud detection in health insurance claims;Expert Systems with Applications;;9574174;10.1016/j.eswa.2022.119259;;2023;;;;215;;Expert Syst. Appl.;;;;English;;"Publisher: Elsevier Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: Expert Sys Appl tex.art_number: 119259 tex.author_keywords: Density based clustering; Healthcare fraud detection; Multivariate analysis; Weighted MultiTree tex.coden: ESAPE tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Settipalli, Lavanya; Gangadharan, G. R.";QFBN: Quorum based federated blockchain network for healthcare system to avoid multiple benefits and data breaches;IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine;;2162-2256;10.1109/MCE.2022.3188880;;2022;45231;;;;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: 9816098;;; ;journalArticle;2020;"Shaeiri, Z.; Kazemitabar, S.J.";Fast Unsupervised Automobile Insurance Fraud Detection Based on Spectral Ranking of Anomalies;International Journal of Engineering;;17281431;10.5829/ije.2020.33.07a.10;;2020;1240-1248;;7;33;;Int. J. Eng.;;;;English;;"Publisher: Materials and Energy Research Center tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. J. Eng. Trans. A Basics tex.author_keywords: Auto-insurance fraud detection; Deep learning; Random forest; Spectral ranking of anomalies tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC5 (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Shaju, B.; Valliammal, N.";Measures for financial fraud detection using data analytics and machine learning;International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology;;20054238;;;2019;270-280;;17;28;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Shaju2019270 Publisher: Science and Engineering Research Support Society tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. J. Adv. Sci. Technol. tex.author_keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Data Analytics; Financial fraud; Machine Learning tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Shamitha, S.K.; Ilango, V.";A hybrid technique for health insurance fraud detection on highly imbalanced dataset;International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering;;22783075;10.35940/ijitee.K2489.0981119;;2019;3498-3501;;11;8;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Shamitha20193498 Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. J. Innov. Technol. Explor. Eng. tex.author_keywords: Cross Validation; Health Insurance Fraud; Random Forest; SMOTE tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Shamitha, S.K.; Ilango, V.";A roadmap for intelligent data analysis using clustering algorithms and implementation on health insurance data;International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research;;22778616;;;2019;2008-2018;;10;8;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Shamitha20192008 Publisher: International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. J. Sci. Technol. Res. tex.author_keywords: Cluster types; Clustering; Feature selection; Fraud detection; Similarity measures; Validation criteria tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2008;"Shan, Y.; Jeacocke, D.; Murray, D.W.; Sutinen, A.";Mining medical specialist billing patterns for health service management;;978-1-920682-68-2;;;;2008;105-110;;;87;;;Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology Series;;Glenelg, SA;English;;"Citation Key: Shan2008105 ISSN: 14451336 tex.abbrev_source_title: Conf. Res. Pract. Inf. Technol. Ser. tex.author_keywords: Association rule; Fraud detection; Health data mining; Negative association rule; Open source data mining tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: Togaware; Flinders University; University of South Australia; Institute of Analytics Professionals of Australia; ARC Research Network on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2000;Shane, R.;Detecting and preventing health care fraud and abuse - We've only just begun;American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy;;10792082;10.1093/ajhp/57.11.1078;;2000;1078-1080;;11;57;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Shane20001078 Publisher: American Society of Health-Systems Pharmacy tex.abbrev_source_title: Am. J. Health-Syst. Pharm. tex.coden: AHSPE tex.document_type: Note tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);book;2003;"Shapiro, A.F.; Jain, L.C.";Intelligent and other computational techniques in insurance: Theory and applications;;978-981-279-424-6;;;;2003;;688;;6;;;Series on Innovative Intelligence;World Scientific Publishing Co.;;English;;Citation Key: Shapiro20031 DOI: 10.1142/5441 Pages: 1-665 tex.abbrev_source_title: Intell. And Other Computational Techniques In Insurance: Theory And Applications tex.document_type: Book tex.source: Scopus;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Sharma, R.; Midha, S.; Semwal, A.";Predictive analysis on multimodal medicare application;;978-1-66546-122-1;;10.1109/ICCR56254.2022.9995853;;2022;;;;;;;International Conference on Cyber Resilience, ICCR 2022;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;"Citation Key: Sharma2022 tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. Conf. Cyber Resil., ICCR tex.author_keywords: Automated disease prediction; Data Analytics; Machine Learning; Predictive analysis tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2019;"Sheshasaayee, Ananthi; Thomas, Surya Susan";Usage of R programming in data analytics with implications on insurance fraud detection;INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT DATA COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES AND INTERNET OF THINGS, ICICI 2018;978-3-030-03146-6 978-3-030-03145-9;;10.1007/978-3-030-03146-6\_46;;2019;416-421;;;26;;;Lecture notes on data engineering and communications technologies;;;English;;"ISSN: 2367-4512 Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Thomas, SS (Corresponding Author), Quaid E Millath Govt Coll Women, PG & Res Dept Comp Sci, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Sheshasaayee, Ananthi; Thomas, Surya Susan, Quaid E Millath Govt Coll Women, PG & Res Dept Comp Sci, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. tex.times-cited: 1 tex.unique-id: WOS:000674929900046";"Hemanth, J; Fernando, X; Lafata, P; Baig, Z";; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;"Sheshasaayee, Ananthi; Thomas, Surya Susan";A purview of the impact of supervised learning methodologies on health insurance fraud detection;INFORMATION SYSTEMS DESIGN AND INTELLIGENT APPLICATIONS, INDIA 2017;978-981-10-7512-4 978-981-10-7511-7;;10.1007/978-981-10-7512-4\_98;;2018;978-984;;;672;;;Advances in intelligent systems and computing;;;English;;"ISSN: 2194-5357 Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Thomas, SS (Corresponding Author), Quaid E Millath Govt Coll Women, Dept Comp Sci, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Sheshasaayee, Ananthi; Thomas, Surya Susan, Quaid E Millath Govt Coll Women, Dept Comp Sci, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. tex.eissn: 2194-5365 tex.times-cited: 6 tex.unique-id: WOS:000456194600098";"Bhateja, V; LeNguyen, B; Nguyen, NG; Satapathy, SC; Le, DN";; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2017;"Sheshasayee, Ananthi; Thomas, Surya Susan";Implementation of data mining techniques in upcoding fraud detection in the monetary domains;2017 international conference on innovative mechanisms for industry applications (ICIMIA);;;10.1109/ICIMIA.2017.7975561;;2017-02;730-734;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 7975561;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2023;"Shi, Haolun; Tayebi, Mohammad A.; Pei, Jian; Cao, Jiguo";Cost-sensitive learning for medical insurance fraud detection with temporal information;IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering;;1558-2191;10.1109/TKDE.2023.3240431;;2023;41640;;;;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: 10029910;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2011;"Shi, Y.; Tian, Y.; Kou, G.; Peng, Y.; Li, J.";Health insurance fraud detection;Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing;;16103947;10.1007/978-0-85729-504-0_14;;2011;233-235;;9,78086E+12;;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Shi2011233 Publisher: Springer London tex.abbrev_source_title: Adv. Inf. Knowl. Process. tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2016;"Shi, Yuliang; Sun, Chenfei; Li, Qingzhong; Cui, Lizhen; Yu, Han; Miao, Chunyan";A fraud resilient medical insurance claim system;Proceedings of the thirtieth AAAI conference on artificial intelligence;978-1-57735-760-5;;;;2016;4393–4394;;;;;;AAAI'16;AAAI Press;;English;;Place: Phoenix, Arizona Number of pages: 2;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Shin, H.; Lee, J.; An, Y.; Cho, S.";A scoring model to detect abusive medical institutions based on patient classification system: Diagnosis-related group and ambulatory patient group;Journal of Biomedical Informatics;;15320464;10.1016/j.jbi.2021.103752;;2021;;;;117;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Academic Press Inc. tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Biomed. Informatics tex.art_number: 103752 tex.author_keywords: Data mining; Diagnosis-related group; Health insurance; Medical abuse; Medical abuse detection; Patient classification system; Scoring model tex.coden: JBIOB tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2012;"Shin, Hyunjung; Park, Hayoung; Lee, Junwoo; Jhee, Won Chul";A scoring model to detect abusive billing patterns in health insurance claims;Expert Systems With Applications;;0957-4174;10.1016/j.eswa.2012.01.105;;2012-06;7441–7450;;8;39;;Expert Syst. Appl.;;;;English;;Number of pages: 10 Place: USA Publisher: Pergamon Press, Inc. tex.issue_date: June, 2012;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Shirazi, S.; Albadvi, A.; Akhondzadeh, E.; Farzadfar, F.; Teimourpour, B.";A new application of community detection for identifying the real specialty of physicians;International Journal of Medical Informatics;;13865056;10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2020.104161;;2020;;;;140;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Shirazi2020 Publisher: Elsevier Ireland Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. J. Med. Informatics tex.art_number: 104161 tex.author_keywords: Big data; Community detection; Drug prescription; Graph mining tex.coden: IJMIF tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;"Sinayobye, Janvier Omar; Kiwanuka, Fred; Kaawaase Kyanda, Swaib";A state-of-the-art review of machine learning techniques for fraud detection research;2018 IEEE/ACM symposium on software engineering in africa (SEiA);;;;;2018-05;43770;;;;;;;;;;;Citation Key: 8596347;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Singh Yadav, A.K.; Sora, M.";Unsupervised learning for financial statement fraud detection using manta ray foraging based convolutional neural network;Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience;;15320626;10.1002/cpe.7340;;2022;;;27;34;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exper. tex.art_number: e7340 tex.author_keywords: adaptive density based clustering; convolutional neural network; data mining; deep learning; financial statement fraud; manta ray foraging optimization tex.coden: CCPEB tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC2 (auto);bookSection;2021;"Singh, V.; Udmale, S.S.; Pandey, A.K.; Singh, S.K.";IoT for health insurance companies;IoT-Based Data Analytics for the Healthcare Industry;978-0-12-821472-5;;;;2021;139–147;;;;;;Intelligent Data-Centric Systems;Academic Press;;English;;"Citation Key: Singh2020139 DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-821472-5.00008-9 Pages: 139-147 tex.abbrev_source_title: IoT-Based Data Analytics for the Healthc. Industry: Techniques and Applications tex.author_keywords: Fraud detection; Internet of things; Risk prevention; Underwriting tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2008;"Sinha, Atish P.; Zhao, Huimin";Incorporating domain knowledge into data mining classifiers: An application in indirect lending;Decision Support Systems;;0167-9236;10.1016/j.dss.2008.06.013;;2008-12;287–299;;1;46;;Decis. Support Syst.;;;;English;;Number of pages: 13 Place: NLD Publisher: Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. tex.issue_date: December, 2008;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1999;"Sirr, S.A.; Waddle, J.R.";Use of CT in detection of internal damage and repair and determination of authenticity in high-quality bowed stringed instruments;Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc;;2715333;10.1148/radiographics.19.3.g99ma09639;;1999;639-646;;3;19;;Radiographics;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Sirr1999639 Publisher: Radiological Society of North America Inc. tex.abbrev_source_title: Radiographics tex.author_keywords: Computed tomography (ct); High-resolution computed tomography (ct); Utilization musical instruments tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2020;"Skula, Ivan; Bohacik, Jan; Zabovsky, Michal";Use of different channels for user awareness and education related to fraud and phishing in a banking institution;2020 18th international conference on emerging eLearning technologies and applications (ICETA);;;10.1109/ICETA51985.2020.9379220;;2020-11;606-612;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9379220;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2017;Smith, R.;Documenting entrepreneurial opportunism in action: A case study of sheep theft in the UK from a food supply chain perspective;British Food Journal;;0007070X;10.1108/BFJ-07-2016-0324;;2017;105-121;;1;119;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. tex.abbrev_source_title: Br. Food J. tex.author_keywords: Criminal entrepreneurship; Livestock theft; Opportunity theory; Routine activities theory; Rustler; Supply chain theory tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2002;Smith, R.B.;Will claims workers dislike a computerized fraud detector?;Evaluation Review;;0193841X;10.1177/0193841X02026001001;;2002;14305;;1;26;;;;;;English;;tex.abbrev_source_title: Eval. Rev. tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Smolyak, D.; Gray, K.; Badirli, S.; Mohler, G.";Coupled IGMM-GANs with applications to anomaly detection in human mobility data;ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems;;23740353;10.1145/3385809;;2020;;;4;6;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Association for Computing Machinery tex.abbrev_source_title: ACM Trans. Spat. Algorithms Syst. tex.art_number: 3385809 tex.author_keywords: Bidirectional generative adversarial nets; infinite Gaussian mixture models; Mahalanobis distance; unsupervised learning tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2020;"Snorovikhina, Victoria; Zaytsev, Alexey";Unsupervised anomaly detection for discrete sequence healthcare data;Analysis of images, social networks and texts: 9th international conference, AIST 2020, skolkovo, moscow, russia, october 15–16, 2020, revised selected papers;978-3-030-72609-6;;10.1007/978-3-030-72610-2_30;;2020;391–403;;;;;;;Springer-Verlag;Berlin, Heidelberg;English;;Number of pages: 13 Place: Moscow, Russia;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Soilen-Knutsen, Carl Christophe Louis; Tessem, Bjornar";Data sharing for fraud detection in insurance: Challenges and possibilities;ICEIS: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEMS - VOL 1;978-989-758-569-2;;10.5220/0010982300003179;;2022;93-99;;;;;;;;;English;;"Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Soilen-Knutsen, CCL (Corresponding Author), Univ Bergen, Dept Informat Sci & Media Studies, Bergen, Norway. Soilen-Knutsen, Carl Christophe Louis; Tessem, Bjornar, Univ Bergen, Dept Informat Sci & Media Studies, Bergen, Norway. tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000814767200008";"Filipe, J; Smialek, M; Brodsky, A; Hammoudi, S";; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2001;"Sokol, L.; Garcia, B.; Rodriguez, J.; West, M.; Johnson, K.";Using data mining to find fraud in HCFA health care claims.;Topics in health information management;;10650989;;;2001;41275;;1;22;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Sokol20011 tex.abbrev_source_title: Top Health Inf Manage tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2001;"Sokol, L.; Garcia, B.; West, M.; Rodriguez, J.; Johnson, K.";Precursory steps to mining HCFA health care claims;Proceedings of the 34th annual hawaii international conference on system sciences;;;10.1109/HICSS.2001.926570;;2001-01;10 pp.-;;;;;;;;;;;Citation Key: 926570;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Somorjit, L.; Verma, M.";Variants of generative adversarial networks for credit card fraud detection;Communications in Computer and Information Science;;18650929;10.1007/978-3-030-66763-4_12;;2020;133-143;;;1358;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Somorjit2020133 ISBN: 9783030667627 Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH tex.abbrev_source_title: Commun. Comput. Info. Sci. tex.author_keywords: Data imbalance; Deep learning; Fraud detection; Generative Adversarial Network tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Kar N., Saha A., Deb S.;; EC2 (auto);bookSection;2022;"Sood, K.; Kaur, B.; Grima, S.";Revamping indian non-life insurance industry with a trusted network: Blockchain technology;Big Data: A Game Changer for Insurance Industry;978-1-80262-607-0 978-1-80262-606-3;;;;2022;213–228;;;;;;Emerald Studies in Finance, Insurance, and Risk Management;Emerald Publishing Limited;Bingley;English;;"Citation Key: Sood2022213 DOI: 10.1108/978-1-80262-605-620221014 Pages: 213-228 tex.abbrev_source_title: Big Data: A Game Chang. for Insur. Ind. tex.author_keywords: Bitcoin; Blockchain; Cryptocurrency; Distributed ledger technology; Non-life insurance; The insurance industry tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus";;; ;conferencePaper;2022;"Soufiane, E.; EL Baghdadi, S.-E.; Berrahou, A.; Mesbah, A.; Berbia, H.";Automobile insurance claims auditing: A comprehensive survey on handling awry datasets;WITS 2020;;;10.1007/978-981-33-6893-4_13;;2022;135-144;;;745;;;Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering;Springer Singapore;Fez, Morocco;English;;"ISBN: 9789813368927 Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH tex.abbrev_source_title: Lect. Notes Electr. Eng. tex.author_keywords: Automobile insurance; Imbalanced dataset; Insurance fraud; Supervised learning tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";"Bennani, S.; Lakhrissi, Y.; Khaissidi, G.; Mansouri, A.; Khamlichi, Y.";;6th International Conference on Wireless Technologies, Embedded, and Intelligent Systems Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Sowah, R.A.; Kuuboore, M.; Ofoli, A.; Kwofie, S.; Asiedu, L.; Koumadi, K.M.; Apeadu, K.O.";Decision support system (DSS) for fraud detection in health insurance claims using genetic support vector machines (GSVMs);Journal of Engineering (United Kingdom);;23144904;10.1155/2019/1432597;;2019;;;;2019;;;;;;English;;Publisher: Hindawi Limited tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Eng. tex.art_number: 1432597 tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2013;"Srinivasan, Uma; Arunasalam, Bavani";Leveraging big data analytics to reduce healthcare costs;IT Professional;;1941-045X;10.1109/MITP.2013.55;;2013-11;21-28;;6;15;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: 6560016;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;1997;Steele, B.J.;Security systems engineering overview;;;;10.1117/12.265404;;1997;112-115;;;2934;;;Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering;;Boston, MA;English;;ISSN: 0277786X tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng tex.coden: PSISD tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2001;"Stefano, B.; Gisella, F.";Insurance fraud evaluation a fuzzy expert system;;;;;;2001;1491-1494;;;3;;;IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems;;Melbourne;English;;Citation Key: Stefano20011491 tex.abbrev_source_title: IEEE Int Conf Fuzzy Syst tex.coden: PIFSF tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: IEEE;;; EC1 (auto);book;2008;"Steinwart, Ingo; Christmann, Andreas";Support vector machines;;0-387-77241-3;;;;2008;;;;;;;;Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated;;;;Citation Key: 10.5555/1481236;;1st; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1997;"Sternberg, M.; Reynolds, R.G.";Using cultural algorithms to support re-engineering of rule-based expert systems in dynamic performance environments: a case study in fraud detection;IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation;;1941-0026;10.1109/4235.687883;;1997-11;225-243;;4;1;;;;;;;;Citation Key: 687883;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2013;"Stitelman, Ori; Perlich, Claudia; Dalessandro, Brian; Hook, Rod; Raeder, Troy; Provost, Foster";Using co-visitation networks for detecting large scale online display advertising exchange fraud;Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining;978-1-4503-2174-7;;10.1145/2487575.2488207;;2013;1240–1248;;;;;;KDD '13;Association for Computing Machinery;New York, NY, USA;English;;Number of pages: 9 Place: Chicago, Illinois, USA;;; EC1 (auto);bookSection;2011;Stockdale, H.;Medicare program integrity: Activities to protect medicare from payment errors, fraud, and abuse;Medicare Fraud, Waste and Abuse;978-1-61761-507-8;;;;2011;1--24;;;;;;;Nova Science Publishers, Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: Stockdale20111 Pages: 1-24 tex.abbrev_source_title: Reducing Medicare Fraud, Waste and Abus. tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);bookSection;2011;Stockdale, H.;Medicare program integrity: Activities to protect medicare from payment errors, fraud, and abuse;Medicare Payment Policies and Issues;978-1-61122-896-0;;;;2011;129–159;;;;;;;Nova Science Publishers, Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: Stockdale2011129 Pages: 129-159 tex.abbrev_source_title: Medicare Paym. Policies and Issues tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus;;; EC4 (manual);conferencePaper;2022;Stojakovic-Celustka, Suzana;FinTech and its implementation;MEASURING ONTOLOGIES FOR VALUE ENHANCEMENT: ALIGNING COMPUTING PRODUCTIVITY WITH HUMAN CREATIVITY FOR SOCIETAL ADAPTATION, MOVE 2020;978-3-031-22227-6 978-3-031-22228-3;;10.1007/978-3-031-22228-3\_12;;2022;256-277;;;1694;;;Communications in computer and information science;;;English;;ISSN: 1865-0929 Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Stojakovic-Celustka, S (Corresponding Author), InfoSet doo, Zagreb, Croatia. Stojakovic-Celustka, Suzana, InfoSet doo, Zagreb, Croatia. tex.eissn: 1865-0937 tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000922703300012;"Polovina, R; Polovina, S; Kemp, N";; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2018;"Stripling, E.; Baesens, B.; Chizi, B.; vanden Broucke, S.";Isolation-based conditional anomaly detection on mixed-attribute data to uncover workers’ compensation fraud;Decision Support Systems;;1679236;10.1016/j.dss.2018.04.001;;2018;13-26;;;111;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Elsevier B.V. tex.abbrev_source_title: Decis Support Syst tex.author_keywords: Conditional anomaly detection; Fraud detection; Isolation forest; Workers’ compensation insurance fraud tex.coden: DSSYD tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);bookSection;2007;"Su, C.; Zhou, J.; Bao, F.; Wang, G.; Sakurai, K.";Privacy-preservation techniques in data mining;Digital Privacy: Theory, Technologies, and Practices;978-1-4200-5218-3 978-1-4200-5217-6;;;;2007;187–226;;;;;;;CRC Press;;English;;Citation Key: Su2007187 Pages: 187-226 tex.abbrev_source_title: Digital Priv.: Theory, Technologies, and Practices tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2020;"Su, Y.; Zhu, X.; Dong, B.; Zhang, Y.; Wu, X.";MedFroDetect: Medicare fraud detection with extremely imbalanced class distributions;;978-1-57735-821-3;;;;2020;357-360;;;;;;Proceedings of the 33rd International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, FLAIRS 2020;The AAAI Press;;English;;Citation Key: Su2020357 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. Int. Fla. Artif. Intell. Res. Soc. Conf., FLAIRS tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus;Bell E., Bartak R.;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2011;"Šubelj, Lovro; Furlan, Štefan; Bajec, Marko";An expert system for detecting automobile insurance fraud using social network analysis;Expert Systems With Applications;;0957-4174;10.1016/j.eswa.2010.07.143;;2011-01;1039–1052;;1;38;;Expert Syst. Appl.;;;;English;;Number of pages: 14 Place: USA Publisher: Pergamon Press, Inc. tex.issue_date: January, 2011;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2013;"Subramaniam, Chandrasekaran; Radhakrishnan, Abhishek Balaji; Somu, Vignesh Raj; Chandraskear, Harshinee; Balasubramaniam, Janani";HIPAA based predictive analytics for an adaptive and descriptive mobile healthcare system;Proceedings of the 2013 fifth international conference on computational intelligence, modelling and simulation;978-0-7695-5155-5;;10.1109/CIMSim.2013.32;;2013;148–153;;;;;;CIMSIM '13;IEEE Computer Society;USA;English;;Number of pages: 6;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2018;"Subudhi, Sharmila; Panigrahi, Suvasini";Detection of automobile insurance fraud using feature selection and data mining techniques;Int. J. Rough Sets Data Anal.;;2334-4598;10.4018/IJRSDA.2018070101;;2018-07;1–20;;3;5;;;;;;;;Citation Key: 10.4018/IJRSDA.2018070101 Number of pages: 20 Place: USA Publisher: IGI Global tex.issue_date: July 2018;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;"Subudhi, Sharmila; Panigrahi, Suvasini";Effect of class imbalanceness in detecting automobile insurance fraud;2018 2nd international conference on data science and business analytics (ICDSBA);;;10.1109/ICDSBA.2018.00104;;2018-09;528-531;;;;;;;IEEE;;English;;;;; ;journalArticle;2020;"Subudhi, Sharmila; Panigrahi, Suvasini";Two-Stage Automobile Insurance Fraud Detection by Using Optimized Fuzzy C-Means Clustering and Supervised Learning;International Journal of Information Security and Privacy (IJISP);;19301650;10.4018/IJISP.2020070102;;2020;18-37;;3;14;;Int. J. Inf. Secur. Priv.;;;;English;;;;; ;journalArticle;2020;"Subudhi, Sharmila; Panigrahi, Suvasini";Use of optimized Fuzzy C-Means clustering and supervised classifiers for automobile insurance fraud detection;Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences;;13191578;10.1016/j.jksuci.2017.09.010;;2020;568-575;;5;32;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: King Saud bin Abdulaziz University tex.abbrev_source_title: J. King Saud Univ. - Comput. Inform. Sci. tex.author_keywords: Fraud detection; Fuzzy C-Means clustering; Genetic Algorithm; Insurance claims; Supervised classifiers tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2013;"Suleiman, M.; Agrawal, R.; Grosky, W.; Andres, F.";A generic data driven approach for Medicaid fraud detection;;978-1-4503-2004-7;;10.1145/2536146.2536182;;2013;233-234;;;;;;Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems, MEDES 2013;;Luxembourg;English;;"Citation Key: Suleiman2013233 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. Int. Conf. Manage. Emergent Digit. EcoSyst., MEDES tex.author_keywords: data driven; data mining; HealthCare fraud; medicaid tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: Pro Newtech; Centro de Tecnologia da Informacao Renato Archer (CTI); ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing (SIGAPP); Agence Nationale pour la Promotion de l Innovation et de la Recherche (LUXINNOVATION); Luxembourg IPv6 Council";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2014;"Suleiman, M.; Agrawal, R.; Seay, C.; Grosky, W.";Data driven implementation to filter fraudulent medicaid applications;;978-1-4799-6585-4;;10.1109/SECON.2014.6950652;;2014;;;;;;;Conference Proceedings - IEEE SOUTHEASTCON;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;"Citation Key: Suleiman2014 ISSN: 07347502 tex.abbrev_source_title: Conf Proc IEEE SOUTHEASTCON tex.art_number: 6950652 tex.author_keywords: Data Driven; Data Mining; Fraud Detection; Healthcare; Heterogenous Database; Mediciad; Scoring Model tex.coden: CPISD tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2007;"Sullivan, M.J.L.; Main, C.";Service, advocacy and adjudication: Balancing the ethical challenges of multiple stakeholder agendas in the rehabilitation of chronic pain;Disability and Rehabilitation;;9638288;10.1080/09638280701618802;;2007;1596-1603;;20-21;29;;;;;;English;;"tex.abbrev_source_title: Disabil. Rehabil. tex.author_keywords: Ethics of clinical practice; Rehabilitation; Role conflict tex.coden: DREHE tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1998;Sullivan, T.;Physicians establishing corporate compliance programs to protect practices from fraud claims;Journal of Medical Practice Management;;87550229;;;1998;109-111;;2;14;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Sullivan1998109 tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Med. Pract. Manage. tex.author_keywords: Balance Budget Act of 1997; Corporate compliance plan; Fraud and abuse; Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 tex.coden: JMPME tex.document_type: Review tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2019;"Sumalatha, M. R.; Prabha, M.";Mediclaim fraud detection and management using predictive analytics;2019 international conference on computational intelligence and knowledge economy (ICCIKE);;;10.1109/ICCIKE47802.2019.9004241;;2019-12;517-522;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9004241;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Sun, Chenfei; Li, Qingzhong; Cui, Lizhen; Li, Hui; Shi, Yuliang";Heterogeneous network-based chronic disease progression mining;Big Data Mining and Analytics;;2096-0654;10.26599/BDMA.2018.9020009;;2019-03;25-34;;1;2;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: 8486792;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2015;"Sun, Chenfei; Li, Qingzhong; Cui, Lizhen; Yan, Zhongmin; Li, Hui; Wei, Wei";An effective hybrid fraud detection method;KNOWLEDGE SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT, KSEM 2015;978-3-319-25159-2 978-3-319-25158-5;;10.1007/978-3-319-25159-2\_51;;2015;563-574;;;9403;;;Lecture notes in artificial intelligence;;;English;;"ISSN: 0302-9743 Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Li, QZ (Corresponding Author), Shandong Univ, Natl Engn Lab Ecommerce, Sch Comp Sci & Technol, Jinan 250100, Peoples R China. Sun, Chenfei; Li, Qingzhong; Cui, Lizhen; Yan, Zhongmin; Li, Hui, Shandong Univ, Natl Engn Lab Ecommerce, Sch Comp Sci & Technol, Jinan 250100, Peoples R China. Wei, Wei, Shandong Hoteam Software Co Ltd, Jinan, Peoples R China. tex.eissn: 1611-3349 tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000367591500051";"Zhang, S; Wirsing, M; Zhang, Z";; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Sun, Chenfei; Li, Qingzhong; Li, Hui; Shi, Yuliang; Zhang, Shidong; Guo, Wei";Patient cluster divergence based healthcare insurance fraudster detection;IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions;;2169-3536;10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2886680;;2019;14162-14170;;;7;;IEEE Access;;;;English;;Citation Key: 8576507;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2016;"Sun, Chenfei; Shi, Yuliang; Li, Qingzhong; Cui, Lizhen; Yu, Han; Miao, Chunyan";A hybrid approach for detecting fraudulent medical insurance claims: (extended abstract);"Proceedings of the 2016 international conference on autonomous agents & multiagent systems";978-1-4503-4239-1;;;;2016;1287–1288;;;;;;AAMAS '16;International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems;Richland, SC;English;;Number of pages: 2 Place: Singapore, Singapore;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Sun, Chenfei; Yan, Zhongmin; Li, Qingzhong; Zheng, Yongqing; Lu, Xudong; Cui, Lizhen";Abnormal group-based joint medical fraud detection;IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions;;2169-3536;10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2887119;;2019;13589-13596;;;7;;IEEE Access;;;;English;;Citation Key: 8579135;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Sun, H.; Xiao, J.; Zhu, W.; He, Y.; Zhang, S.; Xu, X.; Hou, L.; Li, J.; Ni, Y.; Xie, G.";Medical knowledge graph to enhance fraud, waste, and abuse detection on claim data: Model development and performance evaluation;JMIR Medical Informatics;;22919694;10.2196/17653;;2020;;;7;8;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: JMIR Publications Inc. tex.abbrev_source_title: JMIR Med. Inform. tex.art_number: e17653 tex.author_keywords: FWA detection; Medical knowledge graph tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2015;"Sundarkumar, G. Ganesh; Ravi, Vadlamani";A novel hybrid undersampling method for mining unbalanced datasets in banking and insurance;Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence;;0952-1976;10.1016/j.engappai.2014.09.019;;01/01/2015;368-377;;;37;;Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence;;;;en;;;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2015;"Sundarkumar, G. Ganesh; Ravi, Vadlamani; Siddeshwar, V.";One-class support vector machine based undersampling: Application to churn prediction and insurance fraud detection;2015 IEEE international conference on computational intelligence and computing research (ICCIC);;;10.1109/ICCIC.2015.7435726;;2015-12;45108;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 7435726;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2017;"Supraja, K.; Saritha, S.J.";Robust fuzzy rule based technique to detect frauds in vehicle insurance;2017 international conference on energy, communication, data analytics and soft computing (ICECDS);;;10.1109/ICECDS.2017.8390160;;2017-08;3734-3739;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 8390160;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2019;"Suri, S.; Jose, D.V.";Effective fraud detection in healthcare domain using popular classification modeling techniques;International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering;;22783075;10.35940/ijitee.K1578.0881119;;2019;579-583;;11;8;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Suri2019579 Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. J. Innov. Technol. Explor. Eng. tex.author_keywords: Anomaly Detection; Data Mining; Fraud Detection; Health Care; Machine Learning tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2009;"Tagaris, Anastassios; Mnimatidis, Panteleimon; Koutsouris, Dimitris";Implementation of a prescription fraud detection software using RDBMS tools and ATC coding;2009 9th international conference on information technology and applications in biomedicine;;;10.1109/ITAB.2009.5394458;;2009-11;45017;;;;;;;;;;;Citation Key: 5394458 ISSN: 2168-2208;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2008;"Takahashi, S.; Dzulqarnain, M.; Fujimoto, T.; Matsuo, T.";Risk management education support system in company;;978-1-4244-2660-7;;10.1109/IRI.2008.4583019;;2008;137-142;;;;;;2008 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, IEEE IRI-2008;;Las Vegas, NV;English;;Citation Key: Takahashi2008137 tex.abbrev_source_title: IEEE Int. Conf. Inf. Reuse Integr., IEEE IRI tex.art_number: 4583019 tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society (IEEE SMC);;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2010;"Tang, M.J.; Mendis, B.S.U.; Murray, D.W.; Hu, Y.; Sutinen, A.";Unsupervised fraud detection in medicare australia;;978-1-921770-02-9;;;;2010;103-110;;;121;;;Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology Series;;Ballarat, VIC;English;;"Citation Key: Tang2010103 ISSN: 14451336 tex.abbrev_source_title: Conf. Res. Pract. Inf. Technol. Ser. tex.author_keywords: Health data; Hidden markov models; Temporal pattern recognition; Unsupervised fraud detection tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: Togaware; Institute of Analytics Professionals of Australia; Centre for Informatics and Applied Optimization; Deakin University; University of Ballarat";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2017;"Tang, X.-B.; Wei, W.; Liu, G.-C.; Zhu, J.";An inference model of medical insurance fraud detection: Based on ontology and SWRL;Knowledge Organization;;9437444;10.5771/0943-7444-2017-2-84;;2017;84-96;;2;44;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: International Society for Knowledge Organization tex.abbrev_source_title: Knowl. Organ. tex.author_keywords: Inference model; Medical insurance frauds; Ontology tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1988;Taricco, A.;Medical consultant key to dealing effectively with insurance fraud and abuse.;Physician executive;;8982759;;;1988;22-25;;5;14;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Taricco198822 tex.abbrev_source_title: Physician Exec tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2002;Taylor, M.;Fraud detectors. Payers and health insurers are turning to powerful new software to help identify questionable healthcare claims in real time.;Modern healthcare;;1607480;;;2002;32-34, 36, 38;;12;32;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Taylor2002 tex.abbrev_source_title: Mod Healthc tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC4 (manual);conferencePaper;2020;"Tekaya, Balkiss; Feki, Sirine El; Tekaya, Tasnim; Masri, Hela";Recent applications of big data in finance;"Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on digital tools & uses congress";978-1-4053-7753-9;;10.1145/3423603.3424056;;2020;;;;;;;DTUC '20;Association for Computing Machinery;New York, NY, USA;English;;Number of pages: 6 Place: Virtual Event, Tunisia tex.articleno: 19;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2002;"Tennyson, S.; Salsas-Forn, P.";Claims auditing in automobile insurance: Fraud detection and deterrence objectives;Journal of Risk and Insurance;;224367;10.1111/1539-6975.00024;;2002;289-308;;3;69;;;;;;English;;tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Risk Insur. tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2019;"Teto, Joel Kamdem; Xie, Ying";Automatically identifying of animals in the wilderness: Comparative studies between CNN and C-capsule network;Proceedings of the 2019 3rd international conference on compute and data analysis;978-1-4503-6634-2;;10.1145/3314545.3314559;;2019;128–133;;;;;;ICCDA 2019;Association for Computing Machinery;New York, NY, USA;English;;Number of pages: 6 Place: Kahului, HI, USA;;; EC4 (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Thaifur, A.Y.B.R.; Maidin, M.A.; Sidin, A.I.; Razak, A.";How to detect healthcare fraud? “A systematic review”;Gaceta Sanitaria;;2139111;10.1016/j.gaceta.2021.07.022;;2021;S441-S449;;;35;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Ediciones Doyma, S.L. tex.abbrev_source_title: Gaceta Sanit. tex.author_keywords: Fraud detection; Fraud method; Healthcare services tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2011;"Thiprungsri, S.; Vasarhelyi, M.A.";Cluster analysis for anomaly detection in accounting data: An audit approach;International Journal of Digital Accounting Research;;15778517;10.4192/1577-8517-v11_4;;2011;69-84;;;11;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Thiprungsri201169 tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. J. Digit. Account. Res. tex.author_keywords: Anomaly detection; Cluster analysis; Continuous auditing; Insurance industry tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2014;"Thornton, Dallas; van Capelleveen, Guido; Poel, Mannes; van Hillegersberg, Jos; Mueller, Roland M.";Outlier-based health insurance fraud detection for U.S. medicaid data;Proceedings of the 16th international conference on enterprise information systems - volume 2;978-989-758-028-4;;10.5220/0004986106840694;;2014;684–694;;;2;;;ICEIS 2014;SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda;Setubal, PRT;English;;Number of pages: 11 Place: Lisbon, Portugal;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;Thovex, Christophe;Deep probabilistic learning in hidden social networks and facsimile detection;2018 IEEE/ACM international conference on advances in social networks analysis and mining (ASONAM);;;10.1109/ASONAM.2018.8508318;;2018-08;731-735;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;ISSN: 2473-991X;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Timofeyev, Y.; Busalaeva, T.";Current trends in insurance fraud in Russia: evidence from a survey of industry experts;Security Journal;;9551662;10.1057/s41284-019-00209-2;;2021;45658;;1;34;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan tex.abbrev_source_title: Secur. J. tex.author_keywords: Detection; Experts’ survey; Fraudster’s profile; Insurance fraud; Prevention; Russia tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Tongesai, Machinya; Mbizo, Godfrey; Zvarevashe, Kudakwashe";Insurance fraud detection using machine learning;2022 1st zimbabwe conference of information and communication technologies (ZCICT);;;10.1109/ZCICT55726.2022.10046034;;2022-11;45078;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 10046034;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2013;"Tran, Khoi-Nguyen; Vatsalan, Dinusha; Christen, Peter";GeCo: An online personal data generator and corruptor;"Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international conference on information & knowledge management";978-1-4503-2263-8;;10.1145/2505515.2508207;;2013;2473–2476;;;;;;CIKM '13;Association for Computing Machinery;New York, NY, USA;;;Citation Key: 10.1145/2505515.2508207 Number of pages: 4 Place: San Francisco, California, USA;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2011;"Travaille, P.; Müller, R.M.; Thornton, D.; Van Hillegersberg, J.";Electronic fraud detection in the U.S. medicaid healthcare program: Lessons learned from other industries;17th Americas Conference on Information Systems 2011, AMCIS 2011;978-1-61839-098-1;;;;2011;;;;4;;;;AIS/ICIS Administrative Office;Detroit, MI;English;;"tex.abbrev_source_title: Amer. Conf. Inf. Sys., AMCIS tex.author_keywords: Data Mining; Fraud Detection; Health Care; Medicaid tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2014;"Tsai, Y.-H.; Ko, C.-H.; Lin, K.-C.";Using commonKADS method to build prototype system in medical insurance fraud detection;Journal of Networks;;17962056;10.4304/jnw.9.7.1798-1802;;2014;1798-1802;;7;9;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Tsai20141798 Publisher: Academy Publisher tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Netw. tex.author_keywords: Domain Schema; Frand prevention; Government insurance; Knowledge Engineering tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1999;"Tsang, A.; Sweet, D.; Wood, R.E.";Potential for fraudulent use of digital radiography;Journal of the American Dental Association;;28177;10.14219/jada.archive.1999.0402;;1999;1325-1329;;9;130;;;;;;English;;Publisher: American Dental Association tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Am. Dent. Assoc. tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2017;"Tukiman, N.; Ahmad, N.; Mohamed, S.; Othman, Z.S.; Shafee, C.T.M.N.M.; Rizman, Z.I.";Credit card detection system based on Ridit approach;International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology;;20885334;10.18517/ijaseit.7.6.1316;;2017;2071-2077;;6;7;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Tukiman20172071 Publisher: Insight Society tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. J. Adv. Sci. Eng. Inf. Technol. tex.author_keywords: Approach; Fraud; RIDIT; Score; System tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; ;journalArticle;2022;"Tumminello, Michele; Consiglio, Andrea; Vassallo, Pietro; Cesari, Riccardo; Farabullini, Fabio";Insurance fraud detection: A statistically validated network approach;Journal of Risk and Insurance;;224367;10.1111/jori.12415;;2022;1–39;;;;;J. Risk Insur.;;;;English;;"Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Inc tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Risk Insur. tex.author_keywords: bipartite networks; insurance fraud detection; statistically validated networks tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; ;conferencePaper;2020;"Türkeli, Serkan; Eti, Tahsin; Güney, Yunus; Akyuz, Mehmet; Çiçek, Mustafa Alpkan; Çimen, Merve";Enemy inside: salesperson fraud detection in the insurance industry;2020 15th iberian conference on information systems and technologies (CISTI);;;10.23919/CISTI49556.2020.9141105;;2020-06;45047;;;;;;;;;English;;ISSN: 2166-0727;;; ;conferencePaper;2022;"Urunkar, Abhijeet; Khot, Amruta; Bhat, Rashmi; Mudegol, Nandinee";Fraud detection and analysis for insurance claim using machine learning;2022 IEEE international conference on signal processing, informatics, communication and energy systems (SPICES);;;10.1109/SPICES52834.2022.9774071;;2022-03;406-411;;;1;;;;IEEE;Thiruvananthapuram, India;English;;;;;2022 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems (SPICES) Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Vaibhavi; Khanna, S.; Gupta, S.K.; Vakil, Z.; Najim, M.; Dwivedi, R.P.";Electronic control unit based stolen vehicle tracking system [Система стеження за викраденими автомобілями на основі електронного блоку керування];Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics;;20776772;10.21272/jnep.14(3).03011;;2022;;;3;14;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Vaibhavi2022 Publisher: Sumy State University tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Nano. Electron. Phys. tex.art_number: 03011 tex.author_keywords: Ecu; Image processing; Matlab; Microcontroller; Modules; Number plate; Tracking tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2008;"van Aart, Chris; Tamma, Valentina";Agent mediated provision of insurance services: Two case studies: Fraud and repairs;Proceedings of the 10th international conference on electronic commerce;978-1-60558-075-3;;10.1145/1409540.1409567;;2008;;;;;;;ICEC '08;Association for Computing Machinery;New York, NY, USA;English;;Number of pages: 8 Place: Innsbruck, Austria tex.articleno: 20;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2010;"van Beusekom, Joost; Shafait, Faisal; Breuel, Thomas M.";Document inspection using text-line alignment;Proceedings of the 9th IAPR international workshop on document analysis systems;978-1-60558-773-8;;10.1145/1815330.1815364;;2010;263–270;;;;;;DAS '10;Association for Computing Machinery;New York, NY, USA;English;;Number of pages: 8 Place: Boston, Massachusetts, USA;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2016;"van Capelleveen, G.; Poel, M.; Mueller, R.M.; Thornton, D.; van Hillegersberg, J.";Outlier detection in healthcare fraud: A case study in the Medicaid dental domain;International Journal of Accounting Information Systems;;14670895;10.1016/j.accinf.2016.04.001;;2016;18-31;;;21;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Elsevier Inc. tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. J. Account. Inf. Syst. tex.author_keywords: Decision support; Medical fraud detection; Outlier detection tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Van Niekerk, M.G.; Phaladi, N.H.";Digital financial services: Prospects and challenges;Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal;;17273781;10.17159/1727-3781/2021/v24i0a10744;;2021;;;;24;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: VanNiekerk2021 Publisher: North-West Unversity tex.abbrev_source_title: Potchefstroom Electron. Law J. tex.author_keywords: Digital financial services; Financial crimes; Financial inclusion; Financial sector regulation act tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2017;"Van Vlasselaer, Véronique; Eliassi-Rad, Tina; Akoglu, Leman; Snoeck, Monique; Baesens, Bart";GOTCHA! Network-based fraud detection for social security fraud;Management Science Series A-theory;;0025-1909;10.1287/mnsc.2016.2489;;2017-09;3090–3110;;9;63;;Manage. Sci.;;;;;;Citation Key: 10.1287/mnsc.2016.2489 Number of pages: 21 Place: Linthicum, MD, USA Publisher: INFORMS tex.issue_date: September 2017;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2015;"Van Vlasselaer, Véronique; Eliassi-Rad, Tina; Akoglu, Leman; Snoeck, Monique; Baesens, Bart";AFRAID: Fraud detection via active inference in time-evolving social networks;Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/ACM international conference on advances in social networks analysis and mining 2015;978-1-4503-3854-7;;10.1145/2808797.2810058;;2015;659–666;;;;;;ASONAM '15;Association for Computing Machinery;New York, NY, USA;;;Citation Key: 10.1145/2808797.2810058 Number of pages: 8 Place: Paris, France;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2013;"Van Vlasselaer, Véronique; Meskens, Jan; Van Dromme, Dries; Baesens, Bart";Using social network knowledge for detecting spider constructions in social security fraud;Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/ACM international conference on advances in social networks analysis and mining;978-1-4503-2240-9;;10.1145/2492517.2500292;;2013;813–820;;;;;;ASONAM '13;Association for Computing Machinery;New York, NY, USA;;;Citation Key: 10.1145/2492517.2500292 Number of pages: 8 Place: Niagara, Ontario, Canada;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1998;Vanasco, R.R.;Fraud auditing;Managerial Auditing Journal;;2686902;10.1108/02686909810198724;;1998;26024;;1;13;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Vanasco19984 tex.abbrev_source_title: Manage. Audit. J. tex.author_keywords: Auditing; Auditing guidelines; Ethics; Fraud; International accounting tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; ;journalArticle;2022;"Vandervorst, F.; Verbeke, W.; Verdonck, T.";Data misrepresentation detection for insurance underwriting fraud prevention;Decision Support Systems;;1679236;10.1016/j.dss.2022.113798;;2022;;;;159;;Decis. Support Syst.;;;;English;;"Publisher: Elsevier B.V. tex.abbrev_source_title: Decis Support Syst tex.art_number: 113798 tex.author_keywords: Data misrepresentation; Insurance underwriting fraud; Machine learning; Nonlife insurance; Premium fraud tex.coden: DSSYD tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2011;"Vasu, M.; Ravi, V.";A hybrid under-sampling approach for mining unbalanced datasets: Applications to banking and insurance;International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management;;17591163;10.1504/IJDMMM.2011.038812;;2011;75-105;;1;3;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Vasu201175 Publisher: Inderscience Publishers tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. J. Data Model. Manage. tex.author_keywords: Credit card churn prediction; Data mining; Insurance fraud detection; Machine learning algorithms; Unbalanced datasets tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2017;"Verma, Aayushi; Taneja, Anu; Arora, Anuja";Fraud detection and frequent pattern matching in insurance claims using data mining techniques;2017 tenth international conference on contemporary computing (IC3);;;10.1109/IC3.2017.8284299;;2017-08;45108;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;ISSN: 2572-6129;;; EC2 (auto);bookSection;2022;Verma, J.;Application of machine learning for fraud detection-A decision support system in the insurance sector;alytics in the Insurance Market;978-1-80262-637-7 978-1-80262-639-1;;;;18/07/2022;251–262;;;;;;;Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.;;English;;"Citation Key: Verma2022251 DOI: 10.1108/978-1-80262-637-720221014 Pages: 251-262 tex.abbrev_source_title: Big Data Anal. in the Insur. Mark. tex.author_keywords: Artificial intelligence; Big data; Data analytics; Fraud detection; Insurance fraud claims; Insurance sector; Machine learning; Sustainable economic growth tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2007;"Viaene, S.; Ayuso, M.; Guillen, M.; Van Gheel, D.; Dedene, G.";Strategies for detecting fraudulent claims in the automobile insurance industry;European Journal of Operational Research;;3772217;10.1016/j.ejor.2005.08.005;;2007;565-583;;1;176;;;;;;English;;"tex.abbrev_source_title: Eur J Oper Res tex.author_keywords: Classification; Cost asymmetries; Decision support systems; Insurance fraud; Vehicle damage claims tex.coden: EJORD tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2005;"Viaene, S.; Dedene, G.; Derrig, R. A.";Auto claim fraud detection using bayesian learning neural networks;Expert Systems With Applications;;0957-4174;10.1016/j.eswa.2005.04.030;;2005-10;653–666;;3;29;;Expert Syst. Appl.;;;;English;;Number of pages: 14 Place: USA Publisher: Pergamon Press, Inc. tex.issue_date: October, 2005;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2002;"Viaene, S.; Derrig, R.A.; Baesens, B.; Dedene, G.";A comparison of state-of-the-art classification techniques for expert automobile insurance claim fraud detection;Journal of Risk and Insurance;;224367;10.1111/1539-6975.00023;;2002;373-421;;3;69;;;;;;English;;tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Risk Insur. tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2004;"Viaene, S.; Derrig, R.A.; Dedene, G.";A case study of applying boosting naive bayes to claim fraud diagnosis;IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering;;10414347;10.1109/TKDE.2004.1277822;;2004;612-620;;5;16;;;;;;English;;"tex.abbrev_source_title: IEEE Trans Knowl Data Eng tex.author_keywords: Claim fraud detection; Classifier design and evaluation; Data mining; Decision support; Knowledge discovery; Pattern recognition tex.coden: ITKEE tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2002;"Viaene, Stijn; Derrig, Richard; Dedene, Guido";Boosting naive bayes for claim fraud diagnosis;Proceedings of the 4th international conference on data warehousing and knowledge discovery;3-540-44123-9;;10.1007/3-540-46145-0_20;;2002;202–211;;;;;;DaWaK 2000;Springer-Verlag;Berlin, Heidelberg;English;;Number of pages: 10;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2004;"Viaene, Stijn; Van Gheel, Dirk; Ayuso, Mercedes; Guillén, Montserrat";Cost-sensitive design of claim fraud screens;Proceedings of the 4th international conference on advances in data mining: Applications in image mining, medicine and biotechnology, management and environmental control, and telecommunications;3-540-24054-3;;10.1007/978-3-540-30185-1_9;;2004;78–87;;;;;;ICDM'04;Springer-Verlag;Berlin, Heidelberg;English;;Number of pages: 10 Place: Leipzig, Germany;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2009;"Victorri-Vigneau, C.; Larour, K.; Simon, D.; Pivette, J.; Jolliet, P.";Creating and validating a tool able to detect fraud by prescription falsification from health insurance administration databases;Thérapie;;405957;10.2515/therapie/2009004;;2009;27-31;;1;64;;Therapie;;;;English;;"Publisher: EDP Sciences tex.abbrev_source_title: Therapie tex.author_keywords: CEIP; Forgered prescription; Fraud; Pharmacodependence; Pharmacoepidemiology tex.coden: THERA tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2009;"Victorri-Vigneau, C.; Larour, K.; Simon, D.; Pivette, J.; Jolliet, P.";Validation of a tool detecting fraud by the way of prescription falsification out of health insurance administration databases;FUNDAMENTAL & CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY;;0767-3981;;;2009-06;96-97;;;23;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: WOS:000268185600485 Type: Meeting abstract tex.meeting: 487 tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000268185600485;;; EC3 (auto);journalArticle;2019;Villalón, J.C.;Balance and challenges of the Social Security system of self-employed workers OCIAL [Balance y retos del régimen de Seguridad Social de los trabajadores autónomos];Revista del Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social;;22543295;;;2019;103-122;;;144;;;;;;Spanish;;"Citation Key: Villalón2019103 Publisher: Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social tex.abbrev_source_title: Rev. Minist. Empl. Segur. Soc. tex.author_keywords: financial balance; protective action; quantitative convergence; Self-employment; social contributions; social protection; Social Security tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC4 (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Villegas-Ortega, Jose; Bellido-Boza, Luciana; Mauricio, David";Fourteen years of manifestations and factors of health insurance fraud, 2006-2020: a scoping review;HEALTH & JUSTICE;;;10.1186/s40352-021-00149-3;;30/09/2021;;;1;9;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000702367000002 Type: Review tex.affiliation: Villegas-Ortega, J; Mauricio, D (Corresponding Author), Univ Nacl Mayor San Marcos, Av German Amezaga 375, Lima 15081, Peru. Villegas-Ortega, J (Corresponding Author), Univ Escuela Super Adm & Negocios, Lima, Peru. Villegas-Ortega, J (Corresponding Author), Univ Peruana Ciencias Aplicadas, Fac Ciencias Salud, Lima, Peru. Villegas-Ortega, Jose; Mauricio, David, Univ Nacl Mayor San Marcos, Av German Amezaga 375, Lima 15081, Peru. Villegas-Ortega, Jose, Univ Escuela Super Adm & Negocios, Lima, Peru. Villegas-Ortega, Jose; Bellido-Boza, Luciana, Univ Peruana Ciencias Aplicadas, Fac Ciencias Salud, Lima, Peru. tex.article-number: 26 tex.eissn: 2194-7899 tex.keywords-plus: ABUSE DETECTION; CARE FRAUD; DETECTION SYSTEM; MANAGEMENT; CLAIMS; PATTERNS; TAIWAN; SECTOR; AUDIT; PAIN tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000702367000002";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2006;"Virdhagriswaran, Sankar; Dakin, Gordon";Camouflaged fraud detection in domains with complex relationships;Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining;1-59593-339-5;;10.1145/1150402.1150532;;2006;941–947;;;;;;KDD '06;Association for Computing Machinery;New York, NY, USA;English;;Number of pages: 7 Place: Philadelphia, PA, USA;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2015;"Vlasselaer, Véronique Van; Akoglu, Leman; Eliassi-Rad, Tina; Snoeck, Monique; Baesens, Bart";Guilt-by-constellation: Fraud detection by suspicious clique memberships;Proceedings of the 2015 48th hawaii international conference on system sciences;978-1-4799-7367-5;;10.1109/HICSS.2015.114;;2015;918–927;;;;;;HICSS '15;IEEE Computer Society;USA;;;Citation Key: 10.1109/HICSS.2015.114 Number of pages: 10;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2017;"Vo, Hoang Tam; Mehedy, Lenin; Mohania, Mukesh; Abebe, Ermyas";Blockchain-based data management and analytics for micro-insurance applications;Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on conference on information and knowledge management;978-1-4503-4918-5;;10.1145/3132847.3133172;;2017;2539–2542;;;;;;CIKM '17;Association for Computing Machinery;New York, NY, USA;English;;Number of pages: 4 Place: Singapore, Singapore;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2019;"Volkova, N.P.; Rizun, N.O.; Nehrey, M.V.";Data science: Opportunities to transform education;;;;;;2019;48-73;;;2433;;;CEUR Workshop Proceedings;CEUR-WS;;English;;"Citation Key: Volkova201948 ISSN: 16130073 tex.abbrev_source_title: CEUR Workshop Proc. tex.author_keywords: Clustering; Data science; High education; Natural language processing; Text mining tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Kiv A.E., Soloviev V.N.;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2022;Vosseler, A.;Unsupervised insurance fraud prediction based on anomaly detector ensembles;Risks;;22279091;10.3390/risks10070132;;2022;;;7;10;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: MDPI tex.abbrev_source_title: Risks tex.art_number: 132 tex.author_keywords: Bayesian anomaly detection; insurance claims fraud; model explanation; outlier ensembles; unsupervised learning tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC4 (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Vyas, Sandip; Serasiya, Shilpa";Fraud detection in insurance claim system: A review;2022 second international conference on artificial intelligence and smart energy (ICAIS);;;10.1109/ICAIS53314.2022.9742984;;2022-02;922-927;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9742984;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Vyas, Sandip; Serasiya, Shilpa; Vyas, Archana";Combined approach of ML and blockchain for fraudulent detection in insurance claim;2022 international conference on edge computing and applications (ICECAA);;;10.1109/ICECAA55415.2022.9936353;;2022-10;544-550;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9936353;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2012;"Wadhwa, L.; Pal, V.";Forensic accounting and fraud examination in India;International Journal of Applied Engineering Research;;9734562;;;2012;2006-2009;;11 SUPPL.;7;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Wadhwa20122006 tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. J. Appl. Eng. Res. tex.author_keywords: Auditing; Forensic accounting; Fraud; Law; Predictive modeling; White collar crimes tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2018;"Waghade, Shivani S.; Karandikar, Aarti M.";Novel healthcare fraud detection approach to identify aberrant medical practitioners;HELIX;;2277-3495;10.29042/2018-4061-4070;;2018;4061-4070;;5;8;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000444032900093 Type: Article tex.affiliation: Waghade, SS (Corresponding Author), Shri Ramdeobaba Coll Engn & Management, Nagpur 440013, MS, India. Waghade, Shivani S.; Karandikar, Aarti M., Shri Ramdeobaba Coll Engn & Management, Nagpur 440013, MS, India. tex.eissn: 2319-5592 tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000444032900093";;; EC2 (manual);conferencePaper;2021;Wall, Julie;Keynote speech 4: A conversational AI approach to detecting deception and tackling insurance fraud;2021 tenth international conference on intelligent computing and information systems (ICICIS);;;10.1109/ICICIS52592.2021.9694118;;2021-12;31-31;;;;;;;;;;;Citation Key: 9694118;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Wang, Dandan; Zhan, Changchun";Why not blow the whistle on health care insurance fraud? Evidence from jiangsu province, china;RISK MANAGEMENT AND HEALTHCARE POLICY;;;10.2147/RMHP.S379300;;2022;1897-1915;;;15;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000869744300001 Type: Article tex.affiliation: Zhan, CC (Corresponding Author), Jiangsu Univ, Sch Management, Zhenjiang, Peoples R China. Wang, Dandan; Zhan, Changchun, Jiangsu Univ, Sch Management, Zhenjiang, Peoples R China. tex.eissn: 1179-1594 tex.keywords-plus: UNITED-STATES; DETECTION SYSTEM; ABUSE DETECTION; FIT INDEXES; OPPORTUNITY; MOTIVATION; ABILITY; NURSES; WILLINGNESS; WORKPLACE tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000869744300001";;; ;conferencePaper;2022;"Wang, Jiaqiu; Jin, Yining; Jiang, Zaiyu; Hu, Xueyong; Wang, Peng";Fraud network identification model for insurance industry;Business Intelligence and Information Technology;978-3-030-92632-8;;10.1007/978-3-030-92632-8_27;;2022;276-287;;;;;;Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies;Springer International Publishing;Harbin, China;English;;"Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH tex.abbrev_source_title: Lecture. Notes. Data Eng. Commun. Tech. tex.author_keywords: Fraud; Identification model; Knowledge graph; Vehicle insurance tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";;;International Conference on Business Intelligence and Information Technology BIIT 2021 Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2020;"Wang, Junzhang; Martins de Moraes, Rafael; Bari, Anasse";A predictive analytics framework to anomaly detection;2020 IEEE sixth international conference on big data computing service and applications (BigDataService);978-1-72817-022-0;;10.1109/BigDataService49289.2020.00023;;2020-08;104-108;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9179589;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Wang, Litian; Hu, Wenhui; Zheng, Tong; Yin, Shanshan; Zhang, Xiaoya; Liu, Xueyang";Node similarity-based search method for medical insurance heterogeneous information network;2022 IEEE 8th intl conference on big data security on cloud (BigDataSecurity), IEEE intl conference on high performance and smart computing, (HPSC) and IEEE intl conference on intelligent data and security (IDS);;;10.1109/BigDataSecurityHPSCIDS54978.2022.00041;;2022-05;174-179;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9799480;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2022;Wang, S.;On the analysis of large integrated knowledge graphs for economics, banking, and finance;;;;;;2022;;;;3135;;;CEUR Workshop Proceedings;CEUR-WS;;English;;"Citation Key: Wang2022 ISSN: 16130073 tex.abbrev_source_title: CEUR Workshop Proc. tex.author_keywords: Integrated knowledge graphs; knowledge graph analysis; knowledge graph refinement tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Ramanath M., Palpanas T., Francia M., Gallinucci E., Marcel P., Rizzi S., Cerquitelli T., Chiusano S., Vargas-Solar G., Bikakis N., Hauptmann H., Papastefanatos G., Sedlmair M., Gottlob G., Laurenza E., Bellomarini L., Sallinger E., Sallinger E.;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2017;"Wang, S.-L.; Pai, H.-T.; Wu, M.-F.; Wu, F.; Li, C.-L.";The evaluation of trustworthiness to identify health insurance fraud in dentistry;Artificial Intelligence in Medicine;;9333657;10.1016/j.artmed.2016.12.002;;2017;40-50;;;75;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Elsevier B.V. tex.abbrev_source_title: Artif. Intell. Med. tex.author_keywords: Dentistry; Fraud identification; Social network; Trustworthiness evaluation tex.coden: AIMEE tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2018;"Wang, Y.; Xu, W.";Leveraging deep learning with LDA-based text analytics to detect automobile insurance fraud;Decision Support Systems;;1679236;10.1016/j.dss.2017.11.001;;2018;87-95;;;105;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Elsevier B.V. tex.abbrev_source_title: Decis Support Syst tex.author_keywords: Deep learning; Fraud detection; Insurance fraud; Text analytics; Topic modeling tex.coden: DSSYD tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2020;"Waqas, Umer; Akram, Nimra; Kim, Soohwa; Lee, Donghun; Jeon, Jihoon";Vehicle damage classification and fraudulent image detection including moiré effect using deep learning;2020 IEEE canadian conference on electrical and computer engineering (CCECE);;;10.1109/CCECE47787.2020.9255806;;2020-08;45047;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;ISSN: 2576-7046;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2018;"Warren, D.E.; Schweitzer, M.E.";When lying does not pay: How experts detect insurance fraud;Journal of Business Ethics;;1674544;10.1007/s10551-016-3124-8;;2018;711-726;;3;150;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Springer Netherlands tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Bus. Ethics tex.author_keywords: Consumer ethics; Customer dishonesty; Deception detection; Insurance fraud; Interpersonal avoidance; Investigations tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Warren, D.E.; Schweitzer, M.E.";When weak sanctioning systems work: Evidence from auto insurance industry fraud investigations;Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes;;7495978;10.1016/j.obhdp.2019.04.003;;2021;68-83;;;166;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Academic Press Inc. tex.abbrev_source_title: Organ. Behav. Hum. Decis. Processes tex.author_keywords: Deception detection; Emotion; Fraud; Risk perception; Sanctioning systems tex.coden: OBDPF tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2020;"Wei, Yiheng; Qi, Yu; Ma, Qianyu; Liu, Zhangchi; Shen, Chengyang; Fang, Chen";Fraud detection by machine learning;2020 2nd international conference on machine learning, big data and business intelligence (MLBDBI);;;10.1109/MLBDBI51377.2020.00025;;2020-10;101-115;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9361052;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2015;"Weiss, Sholom M.; Kulikowski, Casimir A.; Galen, Robert S.; Olsen, Peder A.; Natarajan, Ramesh";Managing healthcare costs by peer-group modeling;APPLIED INTELLIGENCE;;0924-669X;10.1007/s10489-015-0685-7;;2015-12;752-759;;4;43;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000364385100004 Type: Article tex.affiliation: Weiss, SM (Corresponding Author), Rutgers State Univ, Dept Comp Sci, New Brunswick, NJ 08906 USA. Weiss, Sholom M.; Kulikowski, Casimir A., Rutgers State Univ, Dept Comp Sci, New Brunswick, NJ 08906 USA. Galen, Robert S., Univ Georgia, Coll Publ Hlth, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat, Athens, GA 30602 USA. Olsen, Peder A.; Natarajan, Ramesh, IBM Res, Math Sci, Yorktown Hts, NY 10598 USA. tex.eissn: 1573-7497 tex.keywords-plus: FRAUD tex.times-cited: 2 tex.unique-id: WOS:000364385100004";;; EC1 (auto);book;2008;Westphal, Christopher;"Data mining for intelligence, fraud & criminal detection: Advanced analytics & information sharing technologies";;1-4200-6723-0;;;;2008;;;;;;;;CRC Press, Inc.;USA;;;Citation Key: 10.5555/1524211;;1st; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2002;Wopperer, W.;Fraud risks in E-commerce transactions;Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice;;10185895;10.1111/1468-0440.00180;;2002;383-394;;3;27;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Wopperer2002383 Publisher: Blackwell Publishing Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: Geneva Pap, on Risk and Insur. Issues and Pract. tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2009;"Wu, Shanshan; Zhao, Yanchang; Zhang, Huaifeng; Zhang, Chengqi; Cao, Longbing; Bohlscheid, Hans";Debt detection in social security by adaptive sequence classification;Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on knowledge science, engineering and management;978-3-642-10487-9;;10.1007/978-3-642-10488-6_21;;2009;192–203;;;;;;KSEM '09;Springer-Verlag;Berlin, Heidelberg;;;Citation Key: 10.1007/978-3-642-10488-6_21 Number of pages: 12 Place: Vienna, Austria;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2017;Wu, Xuan;Analysis of Medical Insurance Fraud Mathematical Model;2017 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION AND SPORTS EDUCATION (ESE 2017), VOL 3;978-981-11-2566-9;;10.26602/lnms.2017.76.514;;2017;514-518;;;76;;;Lecture Notes in Management Science;;;Chinese;;Citation Key: WOS:000418204100098 ISSN: 2251-3051 Type: Proceedings Paper tex.affiliation: Wu, X (Corresponding Author), North China Elect Power Univ, Beijing, Peoples R China. Wu, Xuan, North China Elect Power Univ, Beijing, Peoples R China. tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000418204100098;Zhang, H;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2001;Wurman, P.R.;Dynamic pricing in the virtual marketplace;IEEE Internet Computing;;1941-0131;10.1109/4236.914646;;2001-03;36-42;;2;5;;;;;;;;Citation Key: 914646;;; EC1 (auto);thesis;1996;"Xia, Xiaohua; Brockett, Patrick Lee";Neural network models in predicting insurance insolvency and detecting insurance claim fraud;;;;;;1996;;;;;;;;The University of Texas at Austin;;;phd;Citation Key: 10.5555/923613;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2023;"Xiao, S.; Bai, T.; Cui, X.; Wu, B.; Meng, X.; Wang, B.";A graph-based contrastive learning framework for medicare insurance fraud detection;Frontiers of Computer Science;;20952228;10.1007/s11704-022-1734-0;;2023;;;2;17;;Front. Comput. Sci.;;;;English;;Publisher: Higher Education Press Limited Company tex.abbrev_source_title: Front. Comput. Sci. tex.art_number: 172341 tex.document_type: Letter tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2010;"Xiaoyun, Wang; Danyue, Liu";Hybrid outlier mining algorithm based evaluation of client moral risk in insurance company;2010 2nd IEEE international conference on information management and engineering;;;10.1109/ICIME.2010.5478070;;2010-04;585-589;;;;;;;;Chengdu;English;;Citation Key: 5478070;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Xu, B.; Wang, W.; Guo, L.; Chen, G.; Li, Y.; Cao, Z.; Wu, S.";CattleFaceNet: A cattle face identification approach based on RetinaFace and ArcFace loss;Computers and Electronics in Agriculture;;1681699;10.1016/j.compag.2021.106675;;2022;;;;193;;Comput. Electron. Agric.;;;;English;;"Publisher: Elsevier B.V. tex.abbrev_source_title: Comput. Electron. Agric. tex.art_number: 106675 tex.author_keywords: ArcFace loss; Deep learning; Face recognition; Precision livestock; RetinaFace tex.coden: CEAGE tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC5 (manual);conferencePaper;2019;Xu, Dong-Ling;Data-driven evidential reasoning for interpretable machine learning and its application in fraud detection;2019 25TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUTOMATION AND COMPUTING (ICAC);978-1-86137-665-7;;;;2019;620;;;;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: WOS:000568623100110 Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Xu, DL (Corresponding Author), Univ Manchester, Alliance Manchester Business Sch, Manchester, Lancs, England. Xu, Dong-Ling, Univ Manchester, Alliance Manchester Business Sch, Manchester, Lancs, England. tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000568623100110;Yu, H;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2023;"Xu, Liangyu; Cremers, Armin B.";Patients’ privacy protection against insurance companies in EHealth systems;Secure IT systems: 19th nordic conference, NordSec 2014, tromsø, norway, october 15-17, 2014, proceedings;978-3-319-11598-6;;10.1007/978-3-319-11599-3_15;;2023;247–260;;;;;;;Springer-Verlag;Berlin, Heidelberg;English;;Number of pages: 14 Place: Tromsø, Norway;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2011;"Xu, Wei; Wang, Shengnan; Zhang, Dailing; Yang, Bo";Random rough subspace based neural network ensemble for insurance fraud detection;Proceedings of the 2011 fourth international joint conference on computational sciences and optimization;978-0-7695-4335-2;;10.1109/CSO.2011.213;;2011;1276–1280;;;;;;CSO '11;IEEE Computer Society;USA;English;;Number of pages: 5;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2023;"Yadav, Harsh; Singh, Jaspreeti; Gosain, Anjana";Experimental analysis of fuzzy clustering techniques for outlier detection;International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Engineering;;;10.1016/j.procs.2023.01.076;;2023-01;959–968;;;218;;;;Elsevier;;English;;Citation Key: 10.1016/j.procs.2023.01.076 Number of pages: 10 Place: NLD Publisher: Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. tex.issue_date: 2023;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2000;"Yamanishi, K.; Takeuchi, J.-I.; Williams, G.";On-line unsupervised outlier detection using finite mixtures with discounting learning algorithms;;1-58113-233-6 978-1-58113-233-5;;10.1145/347090.347160;;2000;320-324;;;;;;Proceeding of the Sixth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining;Association for Computing Machinery (ACM);Boston, MA;English;;"Citation Key: Yamanishi2000320 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. 6th ACM SIGKDD Intern. Conf. Knowl. Disco. Data Mining tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: ACM SIGART; ACM SIGMOD; SAS";Ramakrishnan R., Stolfo S., Bayardo R., Parsa I.;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2004;"Yamanishi, Kenji; Takeuchi, Jun-Ichi; Williams, Graham; Milne, Peter";On-line unsupervised outlier detection using finite mixtures with discounting learning algorithms;Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery;;1384-5810;10.1023/B:DAMI.0000023676.72185.7c;;2004-05;275–300;;3;8;;Data Min. Knowl. Discov.;;;;English;;Number of pages: 26 Place: USA Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers tex.issue_date: May 2004;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2015;"Yan, Chun; Li, Yaqi";The identification algorithm and model construction of automobile insurance fraud based on data mining;2015 fifth international conference on instrumentation and measurement, computer, communication and control (IMCCC);;;10.1109/IMCCC.2015.408;;2015-09;1922-1928;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 7406190;;; ;journalArticle;2020;"Yan, Chun; Li, Yaqi; Liu, Wei; Li, Maozhen; Chen, Jindong; Wang, Lu";An artificial bee colony-based kernel ridge regression for automobile insurance fraud identification;Neurocomputing;;9252312;10.1016/j.neucom.2017.12.072;;2020;115-125;;;393;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Elsevier B.V. tex.abbrev_source_title: Neurocomputing tex.author_keywords: Artificial bee colony algorithm; Automobile insurance fraud; Global optimization ability; Kernel ridge regression tex.coden: NRCGE tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2006;"Yang, W.-S.; Hwang, S.-Y.";A process-mining framework for the detection of healthcare fraud and abuse;Expert Systems with Applications;;9574174;10.1016/j.eswa.2005.09.003;;2006;56-68;;1;31;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Elsevier Ltd tex.abbrev_source_title: Expert Sys Appl tex.author_keywords: Classification model; Clinical pathways; Data mining; Healthcare abuse; Healthcare fraud tex.coden: ESAPE tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2005;"Yang, Wan-Shiou; Hwang, San-Yih; Srivastava, J.";Selecting structural patterns for classification;Proceedings of the 38th annual hawaii international conference on system sciences;;;10.1109/HICSS.2005.535;;2005-01;55a-55a;;;;;;;;;English;;ISSN: 1530-1605;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2021;"Yang, Wenyi; Hu, Wenhui; Liu, Yingjie; Huang, Yu; Liu, Xueyang; Zhang, Shikun";Research on bootstrapping algorithm for health insurance data fraud detection based on decision tree;2021 7th IEEE intl conference on big data security on cloud (BigDataSecurity), IEEE intl conference on high performance and smart computing, (HPSC) and IEEE intl conference on intelligent data and security (IDS);;;10.1109/BigDataSecurityHPSCIDS52275.2021.00021;;2021-05;57-62;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9463539;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2020;"Yang, Zhibo; Yang, Yanan; Xue, Yunzhe; Shih, Frank Y.; Ady, Justin; Roshan, Usman";Accurate and adversarially robust classification of medical images and ECG time-series with gradient-free trained sign activation neural networks;2020 IEEE international conference on bioinformatics and biomedicine (BIBM);978-1-72816-215-7;;10.1109/BIBM49941.2020.9313442;;2020-12;2456-2460;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9313442;;; ;journalArticle;2022;Yankol-Schalck, Meryem;The value of cross-data set analysis for automobile insurance fraud detection;Research in International Business and Finance;;2755319;10.1016/j.ribaf.2022.101769;;2022;101769;;;63;;Res. Int. Bus. Financ.;;;;English;;;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2021;"Yao, Jiahe; Yu, Siyu; Wang, Changwu; Ke, Tiejun; Zheng, Hongjun";Medicare fraud detection using WTBagging algorithm;2021 7th international conference on computer and communications (ICCC);;;10.1109/ICCC54389.2021.9674545;;2021-12;1515-1519;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9674545;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2016;Yaram, Suresh;Machine learning algorithms for document clustering and fraud detection;2016 international conference on data science and engineering (ICDSE);;;10.1109/ICDSE.2016.7823950;;2016-08;45078;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 7823950;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2006;"Yelal, Mahipal Reddy; Sasi, Sreela; Shaffer, Glenn R.; Kumar, Ajith K.";Color-based signal light tracking in real-time video;Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on video and signal based surveillance;0-7695-2688-8;;10.1109/AVSS.2006.34;;2006;67;;;;;;AVSS '06;IEEE Computer Society;USA;English;;Citation Key: 10.1109/AVSS.2006.34;;; EC2 (auto);bookSection;2022;"Yıldırım Taşer, P.; Bozyiğit, F.";Machine learning applications for fraud detection in finance sector;The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Governance, Economics and Finance;978-981-16-8997-0;;;;2022;121-146;;;2;;;Accounting, Finance, Sustainability, Governance & Fraud: Theory and Application;Springer;Singapore;English;;"Citation Key: YıldırımTaşer2022121 Publisher: Springer tex.abbrev_source_title: Account. finance sustain. gov. fraud tex.author_keywords: Bank fraud; Deep learning; Ensemble learning; Financial fraud; Financial statement fraud; Insurance fraud; Machine learning; Mass marketing fraud; Securities fraud; Supervised learning; Unsupervised learning tex.document_type: Book Chapter tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Yoo, Yeeun; Shin, Donghwa; Han, Daehee; Kyeong, Sunghyon; Shin, Jinho";Medicare fraud detection using graph neural networks;2022 international conference on electrical, computer and energy technologies (ICECET);;;10.1109/ICECET55527.2022.9872963;;2022-07;45047;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9872963;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1988;Young, F.E.;The role of the FDA in the effort against AIDS;Public Health Reports;;333539;;;1988;242-245;;3;103;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: Young1988242 tex.abbrev_source_title: PUBLIC HEALTH REP. tex.coden: PHRPA tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Young, Matthew M.; Himmelreich, Johannes; Honcharov, Danylo; Soundarajan, Sucheta";Using artificial intelligence to identify administrative errors in unemployment insurance;GOVERNMENT INFORMATION QUARTERLY;;0740-624X;10.1016/j.giq.2022.101758;;2022-10;;;4;39;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000888846500033 Type: Article tex.affiliation: Young, MM (Corresponding Author), Leiden Univ, Fac Governance & Global Affairs, Leiden, Netherlands. Young, Matthew M., Leiden Univ, Fac Governance & Global Affairs, Leiden, Netherlands. Himmelreich, Johannes, Syracuse Univ, Maxwell Sch Citizenship & Publ Affairs, Syracuse, NY USA. Honcharov, Danylo; Soundarajan, Sucheta, Syracuse Univ, Engn & Comp Sci, Syracuse, NY USA. tex.article-number: 101758 tex.eissn: 1872-9517 tex.keywords-plus: PUBLIC VALUES; DISCRETION; FRAMEWORK; FRAUD tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000888846500033";;; Not IC - not insurance / no sampling/detection (manual);conferencePaper;2021;"Young, Matthew; Himmelreich, Johannes; Honcharov, Danylo; Soundarajan, Sucheta";The right tool for the job? Assessing the use of artificial intelligence for identifying administrative errors;DG.O2021: The 22nd annual international conference on digital government research;978-1-4503-8492-6;;10.1145/3463677.3463714;;2021;15–26;;;;;;DG.O'21;Association for Computing Machinery;New York, NY, USA;English;;Number of pages: 12 Place: Omaha, NE, USA;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2013;Yuda, M.;Medical fee reforms, changes in medical supply densities, and supplier-induced demand: Empirical evidence from Japan;Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics;;0018280X;10.15057/25780;;2013;79-93;;1;54;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Hitotsubashi University tex.abbrev_source_title: Hitotsubashi J. Econ. tex.author_keywords: Japanese national health insurance; Medical fee reforms; Medical supply densities; Reviews and checks of claim data; Supplier-induced demand tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2022;"Zafari, B.; Ekin, T.; Ruggeri, F.";Multicriteria decision frontiers for prescription anomaly detection over time;Journal of Applied Statistics;;2664763;10.1080/02664763.2021.1959528;;2022;3638-3658;;14;49;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: Taylor and Francis Ltd. tex.abbrev_source_title: J. Appl. Stat. tex.author_keywords: decision models; health care fraud; Medicare Part D; Multivariate anomaly detection; prescription patterns; topic model tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2008;Žambochová, M.;Data mining methods with trees;E a M: Ekonomie a Management;;12123609;;;2008;126-131;;1;11;;;;;;English;;"tex.abbrev_source_title: E M Ekon. Manage. tex.author_keywords: Data mining; Decision tree; ID3 algorithm tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; ;journalArticle;2019;Zelenkov, Yuri;Example-dependent cost-sensitive adaptive boosting;Expert Systems with Applications;;9574174;10.1016/j.eswa.2019.06.009;;2019;71-82;;;135;;Expert Syst. Appl.;;;;English;;;;; EC4 (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Zeng, L.; Li, Y.; Li, Z.";Research hotspots, emerging trend and front of fraud detection research: A scientometric analysis (1984–2021);Communications in Computer and Information Science;978-981-19899-1-9;;10.1007/978-981-19-8991-9_8;;2022;91-102;;;1745 CCIS;;;Communications in Computer and Information Science;Springer Singapore;Beijing, China;English;;"Citation Key: Zeng202291 ISBN: 9789811989902 Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH tex.abbrev_source_title: Commun. Comput. Info. Sci. tex.author_keywords: Citespace; Fraud detection; Research hotspots; Scientometric tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Tan Y., Shi Y.;;7th International Conference, DMBD 2022 Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2021;"Zewdu, B.; Belay, G.";Demystifying predictive analytics with data mining to optimize fraud detection in the insurance industry;Advances of Science and Technology;978-3-030-80620-0;;10.1007/978-3-030-80621-7_31;;2021;432-442;;;384;;;Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST;Springer;Cham;English;;"Citation Key: Zewdu2021432 Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH tex.abbrev_source_title: Lect. Notes Inst. Comput. Sci. Soc. Informatics Telecommun. Eng. tex.author_keywords: Data mining; Detection; Determinant factor; Fraud; Optimization; Predictive analytics tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus";Delele M.A., Bitew M.A., Beyene A.A., Fanta S.W., Ali A.N.;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Zhang, C.; Xiao, X.; Wu, C.";Medical fraud and abuse detection system based on machine learning;International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health;;16617827;10.3390/ijerph17197265;;2020;45231;;19;17;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Zhang20201 Publisher: MDPI AG tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health tex.art_number: 7265 tex.author_keywords: Anomaly detection; Healthcare fraud; Medical abuse tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;"Zhang, H.; Wang, L.";An information-Theoretic outlier detection method for prescription data;;978-1-5090-6350-5;;10.1109/CompComm.2017.8322957;;2018;2361-2365;;;2018-January;;;2017 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications, ICCC 2017;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;"Citation Key: Zhang20182361 tex.abbrev_source_title: IEEE Int. Conf. Comput. Commun., ICCC tex.author_keywords: global outlier; local outlier; outlier detection tex.document_type: Conference Paper tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: IEEE; Sichuan Institute of Electronics";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;"Zhang, Hongxiang; Wang, Lizhen";Prescription fraud detection through statistic modeling;Proceedings of 2018 international conference on mathematics and artificial intelligence;978-1-4503-6420-1;;10.1145/3208788.3208803;;2018;85–89;;;;;;ICMAI '18;Association for Computing Machinery;New York, NY, USA;English;;Number of pages: 5 Place: Chengdu, China;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2022;"Zhang, Jian; Yang, Fan; Lin, Kaibiao; Lai, Yongxuan";Hierarchical multi-modal fusion on dynamic heterogeneous graph for health insurance fraud detection;2022 IEEE international conference on multimedia and expo (ICME);;;10.1109/ICME52920.2022.9859871;;2022-07;45078;;;;;;;;;English;;ISSN: 1945-788X;;; ;conferencePaper;2022;"Zhang, Long; Wu, Tianxing; Chen, Xiuqi; Lu, Bingjie; Na, Chongning; Qi, Guilin";Auto Insurance Knowledge Graph Construction and Its Application to Fraud Detection;Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Graphs;978-1-4503-9565-6;;10.1145/3502223.3502231;;2022;64–70;;;;;;IJCKG '21;Association for Computing Machinery;Virtual Event;English;;;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2017;"Zhang, Weijia; He, Xiaofeng";An anomaly detection method for medicare fraud detection;2017 IEEE international conference on big knowledge (ICBK);978-1-5386-3120-1;;10.1109/ICBK.2017.47;;2017-08;309-314;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 8023435;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2007;"Zhang, Xueqin; Qu, Zhaoxia; Yang, Lancang; Chen, Yuehui";A novel IGA-based approach for Outlier detection;PROGRESS IN INTELLIGENCE COMPUTATION AND APPLICATIONS, PROCEEDINGS;978-7-5625-2204-1;;;;2007;509-512;;;;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000252386600111 Type: Proceedings paper tex.affiliation: Chen, YH (Corresponding Author), Univ Jinan, Sch Informat Sci & Technol, Jinan 250022, Peoples R China. Zhang, Xueqin; Chen, Yuehui, Univ Jinan, Sch Informat Sci & Technol, Jinan 250022, Peoples R China. yanglancang@163.oom tex.times-cited: 0 tex.unique-id: WOS:000252386600111";"Zeng, S; Liu, Y; Zhang, Q; Kang, L";; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2019;"Zhao, Bei; Shi, Yuliang; Zhang, Kun; Yan, Zhongmin";Health insurance anomaly detection based on dynamic heterogeneous information network;2019 IEEE international conference on bioinformatics and biomedicine (BIBM);;;10.1109/BIBM47256.2019.8983130;;2019-11;1118-1122;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 8983130;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2009;"Zhao, Yanchang; Zhang, Huaifeng; Wu, Shanshan; Pei, Jian; Cao, Longbing; Zhang, Chengqi; Bohlscheid, Hans";Debt detection in social security by sequence classification using both positive and negative patterns;Proceedings of the 2009th european conference on machine learning and knowledge discovery in databases - volume part II;3-642-04173-6;;;;2009;648–663;;;;;;ECMLPKDD'09;Springer-Verlag;Berlin, Heidelberg;;;Citation Key: 10.5555/3121646.3121689 Number of pages: 16 Place: Bled, Slovenia;;; EC3 (auto);journalArticle;2021;"Zhou, J.; Zhu, R.; Zhang, W.; Lu, J.; Ying, H.; Wu, J.; Chen, W.";MedicareVis: a Joint Visual Analytics Approach for Anti-Fraud in Medical Insurance [MedicareVis: 面向医保反欺诈的联合可视分析方法];Jisuanji Fuzhu Sheji Yu Tuxingxue Xuebao/Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics;;10039775;10.3724/SP.J.1089.2021.18981;;2021;1311-1317;;9;33;;;;;;Chinese;;"Citation Key: Zhou20211311 Publisher: Institute of Computing Technology tex.abbrev_source_title: Jisuanji Fuzhu Sheji Yu Tuxingxue Xuebao tex.author_keywords: Fraud detection; Medical insurance; Visual analytics tex.coden: JFTXF tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2023;"Zhou, Jiehui; Wang, Xumeng; Wang, Jie; Ye, Hui; Wang, Huanliang; Zhou, Zihan; Han, Dongming; Ying, Haochao; Wu, Jian; Chen, Wei";FraudAuditor: A visual analytics approach for collusive fraud in health insurance;IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics;;1941-0506;10.1109/TVCG.2023.3261910;;2023;41275;;;;;;;;;;;Citation Key: 10081495;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);journalArticle;2020;"Zhou, Shengyao; He, Jie; Yang, Hui; Chen, Donghua; Zhang, Runtong";Big data-driven abnormal behavior detection in healthcare based on association rules;IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions;;2169-3536;10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3009006;;2020;129002-129011;;;8;;IEEE Access;;;;English;;Citation Key: 9139506;;; Not IC - not automobile insurance (manual);conferencePaper;2020;"Zhou, Shengyao; Zhang, Runtong";A novel method for mining abnormal expenses in social medical insurance;2020 IEEE international IOT, electronics and mechatronics conference (IEMTRONICS);978-1-72819-615-2;;10.1109/IEMTRONICS51293.2020.9216354;;2020-09;45047;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 9216354;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;"Zhou, Shengyao; Zhang, Runtong; Feng, Jiayi; Chen, Donghua; Chen, Lei";A novel method for mining abnormal behaviors in social medical insurance;2018 IEEE 9th annual information technology, electronics and mobile communication conference (IEMCON);978-1-5386-7266-2;;10.1109/IEMCON.2018.8614806;;2018-11;744-748;;;;;;;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: 8614806;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2018;"Zhou, Y.; Liu, W.; Hu, Z.; He, F.";A two-stage fraud detection method;International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing;;19984464;;;2018;215-219;;;12;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: Zhou2018215 Publisher: North Atlantic University Union tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. J. Circuit Syst. Signal Process. tex.author_keywords: Evaluation function of the weight index; Medical insurance fraud; Outlier detection; Particle swarm optimization; Weighted k-means algorithm tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC5 (manual);journalArticle;2023;Zhu, Q.;Feature selection based on the discriminative significance for sparse binary-valued and imbalanced dataset;International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence;;2180014;10.1142/S0218001423500088;;2023;;;3;37;;;;;;English;;"Publisher: World Scientific tex.abbrev_source_title: Int J Pattern Recognit Artif Intell tex.art_number: 2350008 tex.author_keywords: confusion matrix measurements; Discriminative Significance; Feature evaluation and selection; imbalanced dataset; sparse binary features tex.coden: IJPIE tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus";;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2011;"Zhu, Shunzhi; Wang, Yan; Wu, Yun";Health care fraud detection using nonnegative matrix factorization;2011 6th international conference on computer science & education (ICCSE);;;10.1109/ICCSE.2011.6028688;;2011-08;499-503;;;;;;;;Singapore;English;;Citation Key: 6028688;;; EC4 (manual);journalArticle;2021;"Zhu, Xiaoqian; Ao, Xiang; Qin, Zidi; Chang, Yanpeng; Liu, Yang; He, Qing; Li, Jianping";Intelligent financial fraud detection practices in post-pandemic era;INNOVATION;;2666-6758;10.1016/j.xinn.2021.100176;;28/11/2021;;;4;2;;;;;;English;;"Citation Key: WOS:000747248500024 Type: Review tex.affiliation: He, Q (Corresponding Author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Comp Technol, Key Lab Intelligent Informat Proc, CAS, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China. Li, JP (Corresponding Author), Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Sch Econ & Management, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China. He, Q (Corresponding Author), Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Sch Comp Sci & Technol, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China. Ao, Xiang; Qin, Zidi; Liu, Yang; He, Qing, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Comp Technol, Key Lab Intelligent Informat Proc, CAS, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China. Zhu, Xiaoqian; Li, Jianping, Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Sch Econ & Management, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China. Ao, Xiang; Qin, Zidi; Liu, Yang; He, Qing, Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Sch Comp Sci & Technol, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China. Zhu, Xiaoqian; Chang, Yanpeng, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Sci, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China. Zhu, Xiaoqian; Chang, Yanpeng, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Dev, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China. Chang, Yanpeng, Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Sch Publ Policy & Management, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China. Ao, Xiang, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Intelligent Comp Technol, Suzhou, Peoples R China. tex.article-number: 100176 tex.earlyaccessdate: NOV 2021 tex.keywords-plus: CREDIT-CARD FRAUD; AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE FRAUD; CORPORATE FRAUD; CHOICE MODELS; SOCIAL MEDIA; NETWORK; RATIOS; RISK tex.times-cited: 18 tex.unique-id: WOS:000747248500024";;; EC2 (auto);journalArticle;2023;;7th international conference on ICT for sustainable development, ICT4SD 2022;Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems;;23673370;;;2023;;;;516;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: NoAuthor2023 ISBN: 9789811952203 Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH tex.abbrev_source_title: Lect. Notes Networks Syst. tex.document_type: Conference Review tex.page_count: 820 tex.source: Scopus;Tuba M., Akashe S., Joshi A.;; EC2 (auto);conferencePaper;2022;;Proceedings of 2nd IEEE international conference on disruptive technologies for multi-disciplinary research and applications, CENTCON 2022;;978-1-66546-374-4;;;;2022;;;;;;;Proceedings of 2nd IEEE International Conference on Disruptive Technologies for Multi-Disciplinary Research and Applications, CENTCON 2022;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: NoAuthor2022 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Disruptive Technol. Multi-Discip. Res. Appl., CENTCON tex.document_type: Conference Review tex.page_count: 257 tex.source: Scopus;;; EC2 (auto);conferencePaper;2022;;2022 1st zimbabwe conference of information and communication technologies, ZCICT 2022;;978-1-66547-576-1;;;;2022;;;;;;;2022 1st Zimbabwe Conference of Information and Communication Technologies, ZCICT 2022;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: NoAuthor2022 tex.abbrev_source_title: Zimbabwe Conf. Inf. Commun. Technol., ZCICT tex.document_type: Conference Review tex.page_count: 183 tex.source: Scopus;;; EC2 (auto);conferencePaper;2022;;Proceedings of 3rd international conference on intelligent engineering and management, ICIEM 2022;;978-1-66546-756-8;;;;2022;;;;;;;Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2022;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;"Citation Key: NoAuthor2022 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. Int. Conf. Intell. Eng. Manag., ICIEM tex.document_type: Conference Review tex.page_count: 999 tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: IEEE Ireland Section; IEEE United Kingdom";;; EC2 (auto);journalArticle;2022;;13th international conference on ICT innovations, ICT innovations 2021;Communications in Computer and Information Science;;18650929;;;2022;;;;1521 CCIS;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: NoAuthor2022 ISBN: 9783031042058 Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH tex.abbrev_source_title: Commun. Comput. Info. Sci. tex.document_type: Conference Review tex.page_count: 220 tex.source: Scopus;Antovski L., Armenski G.;; EC2 (auto);conferencePaper;2021;;Proceedings of the 10th international joint conference on knowledge graphs, IJCKG 2021;;978-1-4503-9565-6;;;;2021;;;;;;;ACM International Conference Proceeding Series;Association for Computing Machinery;;English;;Citation Key: NoAuthor2021 tex.abbrev_source_title: ACM Int. Conf. Proc. Ser. tex.document_type: Conference Review tex.page_count: 213 tex.source: Scopus;;; EC2 (auto);conferencePaper;2021;;ITMS 2021 - 2021 62nd international scientific conference on information technology and management science of riga technical university, proceedings;;978-1-66540-615-4;;;;2021;;;;;;;ITMS 2021 - 2021 62nd International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and Management Science of Riga Technical University, Proceedings;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;"Citation Key: NoAuthor2021 tex.abbrev_source_title: ITMS - Int. Sci. Conf. Inf. Technol. Manag. Sci. Riga Tech. Univ., Proc. tex.document_type: Conference Review tex.page_count: 239 tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: IEEE Latvia Section Computer Society Chapter; Riga Technical University";;; EC2 (auto);conferencePaper;2021;;12th international conference on advances in computing, control, and telecommunication technologies, ACT 2021;;978-0-00-000000-2;;;;2021;;;;2021-August;;;12th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control, and Telecommunication Technologies, ACT 2021;Grenze Scientific Society;;English;;Citation Key: NoAuthor2021 tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. Conf. Adv. Comput., Control, Telecommun. Technol., ACT tex.document_type: Conference Review tex.page_count: 981 tex.source: Scopus;;; EC2 (auto);conferencePaper;2020;;2020 international workshop on big data and information security, IWBIS 2020;;978-1-72819-098-3;;;;2020;;;;;;;2020 International Workshop on Big Data and Information Security, IWBIS 2020;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: NoAuthor2020 tex.abbrev_source_title: Int. Workshop Big Data Inf. Secur., IWBIS tex.document_type: Conference Review tex.page_count: 168 tex.source: Scopus;;; EC2 (auto);conferencePaper;2020;;IVUS 2020 - proceedings of the information society and university studies 2020;;;;;;2020;;;;2698;;;CEUR Workshop Proceedings;CEUR-WS;;English;;Citation Key: NoAuthor2020 ISSN: 16130073 tex.abbrev_source_title: CEUR Workshop Proc. tex.document_type: Conference Review tex.page_count: 115 tex.source: Scopus;Lopata A., Sukacke V., Krilavicius T., Veitaite I., Wozniak M.;; EC2 (auto);journalArticle;2020;;3rd international conference on intelligent computing and communication, ICICC 2019;Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing;;21945357;;;2020;;;;1034;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: NoAuthor2020 ISBN: 9789811510830 Publisher: Springer tex.abbrev_source_title: Adv. Intell. Sys. Comput. tex.document_type: Conference Review tex.page_count: 855 tex.source: Scopus;Bhateja V., Bhateja V., Satapathy S.C., Zhang Y.-D., Aradhya V.N.M.;; EC2 (auto);journalArticle;2019;;8th international conference on electronic government and the information systems perspective, EGOVIS 2019;Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics);;3029743;;;2019;;;;11709 LNCS;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: NoAuthor2019 ISBN: 9783030275228 Publisher: Springer tex.abbrev_source_title: Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. tex.document_type: Conference Review tex.page_count: 246 tex.source: Scopus;Ko A., Francesconi E., Anderst-Kotsis G., Khalil I., Tjoa A.M.;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2018;;Proceedings of the 2018 international conference on applied engineering, ICAE 2018;;978-1-5386-8066-7;;;;2018;;;;;;;Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Applied Engineering, ICAE 2018;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: NoAuthor2018 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. Int. Conf. Appl. Eng., ICAE tex.document_type: Conference Review tex.page_count: 358 tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: IEEE Indonesia CSS/RAS Joint Chapter;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2017;;Proceedings - 2017 international conference on computer technology, electronics and communication, ICCTEC 2017;;978-1-5386-5784-3;;;;2017;;;;;;;Proceedings - 2017 International Conference on Computer Technology, Electronics and Communication, ICCTEC 2017;Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.;;English;;Citation Key: NoAuthor2017 tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc. - Int. Conf. Comput. Technol., Electron. Commun., ICCTEC tex.document_type: Conference Review tex.page_count: 1529 tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2016;;7th world congress on nature and biologically inspired computing, NaBIC 2015;Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing;;21945357;;;2016;1-450;;;419;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: NoAuthor20161 ISBN: 9783319273990 Publisher: Springer Verlag tex.abbrev_source_title: Adv. Intell. Sys. Comput. tex.document_type: Conference Review tex.source: Scopus;Pillay N., Snasel V., Muda A.K., Abraham A., du Plessis M.C., Engelbrecht A.P.;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2008;;INFOCOM 2008: 27th IEEE communications society conference on computer communications;;978-1-4244-2026-1;;;;2008;;;;;;;Proceedings - IEEE INFOCOM;;Phoenix, AZ;English;;Citation Key: NoAuthor2008 ISSN: 0743166X tex.abbrev_source_title: Proc IEEE INFOCOM tex.coden: PINFE tex.document_type: Conference Review tex.page_count: 2509 tex.source: Scopus tex.sponsors: IEEE Communications Society;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;2003;;Readers' perspectives. Commercial and governmental health care payers should make the use of information technology to detect and prevent fraud and abuse a top priority.;Health data management;;10799869;;;2003;104;;6;11;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: NoAuthor2003104 tex.abbrev_source_title: Health Data Manag tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1998;;"Privacy Act of 1974; report of altered systems–HCFA. Notice of the global addition of three new routine uses to designated HCFA systems of records.";Federal register;;976326;;;1998;38414-38415;;136;63;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: NoAuthor199838414 tex.abbrev_source_title: Fed Regist tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1997;;AIDS cap on medical insurance violates the ADA, judge rules.;AIDS policy & law;;8871493;;;1997;1, 10;;12;12;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: NoAuthor1997 tex.abbrev_source_title: AIDS Policy Law tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1997;;Court sees no basis to void policy issued to man with HIV.;AIDS policy & law;;8871493;;;1997;45113;;15;12;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: NoAuthor19976 tex.abbrev_source_title: AIDS Policy Law tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1980;;Medical assistance program: Title XIX administrative sanctions–Health care financing administration. Proposed rule.;Federal Register;;976326;;;1980;83772-83777;;246;45;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: NoAuthor198083772 tex.abbrev_source_title: Fed Regist tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);journalArticle;1979;;"Health Care Financing Administration: Medicaid agency fraud detection and investigation program; verification of services–proposed rule.";Federal Register;;976326;;;1979;75673-75675;;247 Pt 1;44;;;;;;English;;Citation Key: NoAuthor197975673 tex.abbrev_source_title: Fed Regist tex.document_type: Article tex.source: Scopus;;; EC1 (auto);book;2011;;DMMH '11: Proceedings of the 2011 workshop on data mining for medicine and healthcare;;978-1-4503-0843-4;;;;2011;;;;;;;;Association for Computing Machinery;San Diego, California, USA;;;Citation Key: 10.1145/2023582;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2010;;Front matter;Proceedings of the 2010 conference on data mining for business applications;978-1-60750-632-4;;;;2010;i–xiv;;;;;;;IOS Press;NLD;;;Citation Key: 10.5555/1893248.1893249;;; EC1 (auto);book;2005;;LinkKDD '05: Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on link discovery;;1-59593-215-1;;;;2005;;;;;;;;Association for Computing Machinery;Chicago, Illinois;;;Citation Key: 10.1145/1134271;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2017;;Contents;2017 information security for south africa (ISSA);;;10.1109/ISSA.2017.8251765;;2017-08;iii-iii;;;;;;;;;;;Citation Key: 8251765;;; EC1 (auto);conferencePaper;2010;;[Front cover];2010 2nd IEEE international conference on information and financial engineering;;;10.1109/ICIFE.2010.5609509;;2010-09;c1-c1;;;;;;;;;;;Citation Key: 5609509;;;
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