- May 14, 2024
Ernests Malnacs authoredc06b3b99
Ernests Malnacs authoredf735362f
Ernests Malnacs authored42c6e154
Ernests Malnacs authored
Added a check for incorrect requests when creating pokemon, returns 400 on a Bad request, if an id/created/lastUpdate are included in the request body.
d8dc9972 -
Ernests Malnacs authoredd431b150
Ernests Malnacs authorede980d8c3
Ernests Malnacs authored
Implemented a DELETE request for the /api/pokemon/{id}, for deleting a specific pokemon from the data lists.
c5a409e7 -
Ernests Malnacs authored
Implemented a GET handler for /api/pokemon/{id}, that returns the specified pokemon by id, if the pokemon with the ID does not exist, it responds with 404.
f683a270 -
Ernests Malnacs authored8f7dde1e
sodiumts authored9247f455
- May 10, 2024
Ernests Malnacs authored87e56a42
Ernests Malnacs authored
Added the option to delete a selected trainer from the list, as well as made the details section update correctly after an update and deleting.
8927bc13 -
Ernests Malnacs authoredd9a30f6b
Ernests Malnacs authored11e35be3
Ernests Malnacs authored1bea63fb
Ernests Malnacs authored6d97fb98
Ernests Malnacs authoreda507727a
Ernests Malnacs authored
Added a trainers page to pokeApp, that displays the trainers registered in the system in a similar way to the default Pokemon page. Located on the /pokemon/trainers.html endpoint.