Practical session 3 (TA)
Completed all issues of practical 3:
I save the Pokémon using a static HashMap <Id: Pokémon> (see model/Pokemon for the Pokémon object). I simply delete/update/add by adding a new Pokémon to the HashMap with a new ID or reusing the ID. Some checks are implemented so that certain fields cannot be mismatched or already existing. I have decided that there is a possibility that the name, type, or trainer's ID can be empty, perhaps because the Pokémon doesn't have a type, trainer, or name. Automatic last update and creation timestamps are generated using the Date class from Java.
changes: routes/PokemonRoute model/Pokemon
feedback: I suggest a change of order: first, let them create the POST method so that it would make sense to create a static object (List, Hashmap) with all 'added pokemons' in the same order afterward.
(2.5 hours late gitlab was down)