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#!/usr/bin/env python
irker - a simple IRC multiplexer daemon

Listens for JSON objects of the form {'to':<irc-url>, 'privmsg':<text>}
and relays messages to IRC channels. Each request must be followed by
a newline.
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The <text> must be a string.  The value of the 'to' attribute can be a
string containing an IRC URL (e.g. 'irc://') or
a list of such strings; in the latter case the message is broadcast to
all listed channels.  Note that the channel portion of the URL will
*not* have a leading '#' unless the channel name itself does.
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Options: -p sets the listening port. The -V option prints the program
version and exits.
Requires Python 2.6 and the irc.client library at version >= 2.0.2: see
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# These things might need tuning

HOST = "localhost"
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PORT = 4747			# Overridden by -p option
NAMESTYLE = "irker%03d"		# IRC nick template - must contain '%d'
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XMIT_TTL = (3 * 60 * 60)	# Time to live, seconds from last transmit
PING_TTL = (15 * 60)		# Time to live, seconds from last PING
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CONNECT_MAX = 18		# Max channels open per socket (freenet limit)

# No user-serviceable parts below this line

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import sys, json, exceptions, getopt, urlparse, time
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import threading, Queue, SocketServer
import irc.client, logging
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version = "1.0"

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# Sketch of implementation:
# One Irker object manages multiple IRC sessions.  Each Session object
# corresponds to a destination IRC URL that the daemon has seen and handles
# traffic for one channel on one server.  There is never more than one
# Session per given (server, channel) pair.
# Multiple sessions to the same IRC server may share the same
# Connection object in order to cut down on open sockets,
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# but because many servers enforce a limit on channels open per incoming
# socket, not *all* sessions on the same server necessarily do.
# Sessions are timed out and removed when either they haven't seen a
# PING for a while (indicating that the server may be stalled or down)
# or there has been no message traffic to them for a while.
# There are multiple threads. One accepts incoming traffic from all servers.
# Each Session also has a consumer thread and a thread-safe message queue.
# The program main appends messages to queues as JSON requests are received;
# the consumer threads try to ship them to servers.  When a socket write
# stalls, it only blocks an individual consumer thread; if it stalls long
# enough, the session will be timed out.
# Message delivery is thus not reliable in the face of network stalls, but
# this was considered acceptable because IRC (notoriously) has the same
# problem - there is little point in delivery to a relay that is down or
# unreliable.

class Connection(irc.client.ServerConnection):
    def __init__(self, irker, servername, port):
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        self.irker = irker
        self.servername = servername
        self.port = port
        self.connection = None
        self.nick_trial = 1
        self.last_xmit = time.time()
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        self.last_ping = time.time()
        # The consumer thread
        self.queue = Queue.Queue()
        self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.dequeue)
    def nickname(self, n):
        "Return a name for the nth server connection."
        return (NAMESTYLE % n)
    def enqueue(self, channel, message):
        "Enque a message for transmission."
        self.queue.put((channel, message))
    def dequeue(self):
        "Try to ship pending messages from the queue."
        while True:
            # We want to be kind to the IRC servers and not hold unused
            # sockets open forever, so they have a time-to-live.  The
            # loop is coded this particular way so that we can drop
            # the actual server connection when its time-to-live
            # expires, then reconnect and resume transmission if the
            # queue fills up again.
            if not self.connection:
                self.connection = self.irker.irc.server()
                self.connection.context = self
                self.nick_trial = 1
                self.channels_joined = []
                                        ircname="irker relaying client")
                self.nick_accepted = False
                self.irker.debug(1, "XMIT_TTL bump (%s connection) at %s" % (self.servername, time.asctime()))
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                self.last_xmit = time.time()
            elif self.queue.empty():
                now = time.time()
                if now > self.last_xmit + XMIT_TTL \
                       or now > self.last_ping + PING_TTL:
                    self.irker.debug(1, "timing out inactive connection to %s at %s" % (self.servername, time.asctime()))
                    self.connection.context = None
                    self.connection = None
            elif self.nick_accepted:
                (channel, message) = self.queue.get()
                if channel not in self.channels_joined:
                    self.connection.join("#" + channel)
                self.connection.privmsg("#" + channel, message)
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                self.last_xmit = time.time()
                self.irker.debug(1, "XMIT_TTL bump (%s transmission) at %s" % (self.servername, time.asctime()))

class Target():
    "Represent a transmission target."
    def __init__(self, url):
        parsed = urlparse.urlparse(url)
        irchost, _, ircport = parsed.netloc.partition(':')
        if not ircport:
            ircport = 6667
        self.servername = irchost = parsed.path.lstrip('/')
        self.port = int(ircport)
    def server(self):
        "Return a hashable tuple representing the destination server."
        return (self.servername, self.port)
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class Irker:
    "Persistent IRC multiplexer."
    def __init__(self, debuglevel=0):
        self.debuglevel = debuglevel
        self.irc = irc.client.IRC()
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        self.irc.add_global_handler("ping", self._handle_ping)
        self.irc.add_global_handler("welcome", self._handle_welcome)
        self.irc.add_global_handler("erroneusnickname", self._handle_badnick)
        self.irc.add_global_handler("nicknameinuse", self._handle_badnick)
        self.irc.add_global_handler("nickcollision", self._handle_badnick)
        self.irc.add_global_handler("unavailresource", self._handle_badnick)
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        #self.irc.add_global_handler("featurelist", self._handle_features)
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        thread = threading.Thread(target=self.irc.process_forever)
        self.irc._thread = thread
        self.sessions = {}
        self.countmap = {}
        self.servercount = 0
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    def logerr(self, errmsg):
        "Log a processing error."
        sys.stderr.write("irker: " + errmsg + "\n")
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    def debug(self, level, errmsg):
        "Debugging information."
        if self.debuglevel >= level:
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            sys.stderr.write("irker: %s\n" % errmsg)
    def _handle_ping(self, connection, event):
        "PING arrived, bump the last-received time for the connection."
        connection.context.last_ping = time.time()
    def _handle_welcome(self, connection, event):
        "Welcome arrived, nick accepted for this connection."
        connection.context.nick_accepted = True
        self.debug(1, "nick %s accepted" % connection.context.nickname(connection.context.nick_trial))
    def _handle_badnick(self, connection, event):
        "Nick not accepted for this connection."
        self.debug(1, "nick %s rejected" % self.nickname(connection.context.nick_trial))
        connection.context.nick_trial += 1
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    def handle(self, line):
        "Perform a JSON relay request."
            request = json.loads(line.strip())
            if "to" not in request or "privmsg" not in request:
                self.logerr("malformed reqest - 'to' or 'privmsg' missing: %s" % repr(request))
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                channels = request['to']
                message = request['privmsg']
                if type(channels) not in (type([]), type(u"")) \
                       or type(message) != type(u""):
                    self.logerr("malformed request - unexpected types: %s" % repr(request))
                    if type(channels) == type(u""):
                        channels = [channels]
                    for url in channels:
                        if type(url) != type(u""):
                            self.logerr("malformed request - unexpected type: %s" % repr(request))
                            target = Target(url)
                            # FIXME: This doesn't respect the per-channel limit 
                            if target.server() not in self.sessions:
                                self.sessions[target.server()] = Connection(self, target.servername, target.port)
                            self.sessions[target.server()].enqueue(, message)
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        except ValueError:
            self.logerr("can't recognize JSON on input: %s" % repr(line))
class IrkerTCPHandler(SocketServer.StreamRequestHandler):
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    def handle(self):
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        while True:
class IrkerUDPHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler):
    def handle(self):
        data = self.request[0].strip()
        #socket = self.request[1]

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if __name__ == '__main__':
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    srvhost = HOST
    srvport = PORT
    debuglvl = 0
    (options, arguments) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "d:p:V")
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    for (opt, val) in options:
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        if opt == '-d':		# Enable debug/progress messages
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            debuglvl = int(val)
            if debuglvl > 1:
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        elif opt == '-p':	# Set the listening port
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            port = int(val)
        elif opt == '-V':	# Emit version and exit
            sys.stdout.write("irker version %s\n" % version)
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    irker = Irker(debuglevel=debuglvl)
    tcpserver = SocketServer.TCPServer((srvhost, srvport), IrkerTCPHandler)
    udpserver = SocketServer.UDPServer((srvhost, srvport), IrkerUDPHandler)