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Commit 44707aea authored by Eric S. Raymond's avatar Eric S. Raymond
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Add a security analysis.

parent e5d86319
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......@@ -2,3 +2,7 @@
* Despite what the header comment implies, the URL prefix and message template
in can at present only be modified by hacking the script.
* DoS attacks on irker instances are not presently very difficult.
Some mechanism for reaping old connections when near exhaustion of
thread instances or file descriptors would be a good idea.
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ pylint:
@pylint --output-format=parseable $(PYLINTOPTS)
SOURCES = README COPYING NEWS BUGS install.txt security.txt \
irkerd Makefile irkerd.xml irker-logo.png
......@@ -13,6 +13,10 @@ port 6659. Install it accordingly.
You should *not* make irker visible from outside the site firewall, as
it can be used to spam IRC channels while masking the source address.
You will need to have Jason Coombs's irc library where Python can see
it. See <>; use version 3.0, not the
older code from SourceForge.
== Installing == should be called from the post-commit hook of each
......@@ -49,3 +53,7 @@ mine stuff out of.
Go to a project repo and call as indicated above while
watching the freenode #commits channel.
== Security considerations ==
See the security.txt document for a detailed discussion of security
and DoS vulnerabilities related to irker.
= Security analysis of irker =
This is an analysis of security and DoS vulnerabilities associated
with irker, exploring and explaining certain design choices. Much of
it derives from a code audit and report by Daniel Franke.
== Assumptions and Goals ==
We begin by stating some assumptions about how irker will be deployed,
and articulating a set of security goals.
Communication flow in an irker deployment will looks like this:
Version-control repositories
IRC servers
Here are our assumptions:
1. The repositories are hosted on a public forge sites such as
SourceForge, GitHub, Gitorious, Savannah, or Gna and must be
accessible to untrusted users.
2. Repository project owners can set properties on their repositories
(including but not limited to irker.*), and may be able to set custom
post-commit hooks which can execute arbitrary code on the repostory
server. In particular, these people my be able to modify the local
copy of
3. The machine which hosts irkerd has the same owner as the machine which
hosts the the repo; these machines are possibly but not necessarily
one and the same.
4. The network is protected by a perimeter firewall, and only a
trusted group is able to emit arbitrary packets from inside the
perimeter; committers are not necessarily part of this group.
5. irkerd communicates with IRC servers over the open internet,
and an IRC server's administrator is assumed to hold no position of
trust with any other party.
We can, accordingly, identify the following groups of security
A. irker administrators.
B. Project committers.
C. Project owners
D. IRC server administrators.
E. Other people on irker's internal network.
F. irkerd-IRC men-in-the-middle (i.e. people who control the network path
between irkerd and the IRC server).
G. Random people on the internet.
Our security goals for irker can be enumerated as follows:
* Control: We don't want anyone outside group A gaining control of
the machines which host irkerd or the git repos.
* Availability: Only group A should be able to to deny or degrade
irkerd's ability to receive commit messages and relay them to the
IRC server. We recognize and accept as inevitable that MITMs (groups
4 and 5) can do this too (by ARP spoofing, cable-cutting, etc.).
But, in particular, we would like irker-mediated services to be
resilient against DoS (denial of service) attacks.
* Authentication/integrity: Notifications should be truthful, i.e.,
commit messages sent to IRC channels should actually reflect that a
corresponding commit has taken place. We accept that groups A, C,
D, and E can violate this property.
* Secrecy: irker shouldn't aid spammers (group G) in harvesting
committers' email addresses.
* Auditability: If people abuse irkerd, we want to be able to identify
the abusive account or IP address.
== Control Issues ===
We have audited the irker and code for exploitable
vulnerabilities. We have not found any in the code itself, but the
fact that relies on external binaries to mine data ought
of its repository opens up a well-known set of vulnerabilities if a
malicious user is able to insert binaries in a carelessly-set
execution path. Normal precautions against this should be taken.
== Availability ==
=== Solved problems ===
When the original implementation of irkerd saw a nick collision it
generated new nicks in a predictable sequence. A malicious IRC user
could have continuously changed his own nick to the next one that
irkerd is going to try. Some randomness has been added to nick
generation to prevent this.
=== Unsolved problems ===
DoS attacks on any networked application can never completely
prevented, only mitigated by forcing attackers to invest more
resources. Here we consider the easiest attack paths against irker,
and possible countermeasures.
irker handles each connection to a particular IRC server in a separate
thread - actually, due to server limits on open channels per
connection, there may be multiple sessions per server. This may not
scale well, especially on 32-bit architectures.
Thread instance overhead, combined with the lack of any restriction on
how many URLs can appear in the 'to' list, is a DoS vulnerability. If
a repository's properties specify that notifications should go to more
than about 500 unique hostnames, then on 32-bit architectures we'll
hit the 4GB cap on virtual memory (even while the resident set size
remains small).
Another ceiling to watch out for is the ulimit on file descriptors,
which defaults to 1024 on many Linux systems but can safely be set
much larger. Each connection instance costs a file descriptor.
We consider some possible ways of addressing the problem:
1. Limit the number of URLs in a request. Pretty painless - it will
be very rare that anyone wants to specify a larger set than a project
channel plus freenode #commits - but also ineffective. A malicious
hook could achieve DoS simply by spamming lots of requests.
2. Limit the total number of requests than can be queued. Completely
ineffective - just sets a target for the DoS attack.
3. Limit the number of requests that can be queued by source IP address.
This might be worth doing; it would stymie a single-source DoS attack through
a publicly-exposed irkerd, though not a DDoS by a bitnet. But there isn't
a lot of win here for a properly installed irker (e.g. behind a firewall),
which is typically going to get all its requests from a single repo host
4. Rate-limit requests by source IP address - that is, after any request
discard additional ones during some timeout period. Again, good for
stopping a single-source DoS against an exposed irker, won't stop a
DDoS. The real problem though, is that any such rate limit might interfere
with legitimate high-volume use by a very active repo site.
After this we appear to have run out of easy options, as source IP address
is the only thing irkerd can see that an attacker can't spoof.
=== Future directions ===
One way we could mitigate some availability risks is by reaping old
sessions when we're near resource limits. An ordinary DoS attack
would then be prevented from completely blocking all message traffic;
the cost would be a whole lot of join/leave spam due to connection
= Authentication/Integrity =
One way to help prevent DoS attacks would be in-band authentication -
requiring irkerd submitters to present a credential along with each
message submission. In principle this, if it existed, could also be used
to verify that a submitter is authorized to issue notifications with
respect to a given project.
We rejected this approach. The design goal for irker was to make
submissions fast, cheap, and stateless; baking an authentication
system directly into the irkerd codebase would have conflicted with
these objectives, not to mention probably becoming the camel's nose
for a godawful amount of code bloat.
The deployment advice in the installation instructions assumes that
irkerd submitters are "authenticated" by being inside a firewall - that is,
mesages are issued from an intranet and it can be trusted that anyone
issuing messages from within a given intrenet is authorized to do so.
This fits the assumption that irker instances will run on forge sites
receiving requests from instances of
If this is *not* the case (e.g. the network between a hook and irkerd
has to be considered hostile) we could hide irkerd behind an instance
of spiped <> or an instance of
stunnel <http://www.stunnel.orgproxy>. These would be far superior to
in-band authentication in that they would leave the job to specialist
code not in any way coupled to irkerd's internals, minimizing
global complexity and failure modes.
=== Future directions ===
There is presently no direct support for spipe or stunnel in We'd take patches for this.
== Secrecy ==
irkerd has no inherent secrecy risks.
The distributed version of removes the host part of
author addresses specifically in order to prevent address harvesting
from the notifications.
== Auditability ==
We previously noted that source IP address is the only thing irker can
see that an attacker can't spoof. This makes auditability difficult
unless we impose conventions on the notifications passing though it.
The that we ship inherits an auditability property from
the CIA service it was designed to replace: the first field of every
notification (terminated by a colon) is the name of the issuing
project. The only other competitor to replace CIA known to us
(kgb_bot) shares this property.
In the general case we cannot guarantee this property against
groups A and F.
== Risks relative to centralized services ==
irker and were written as a replacement for the
now-defunct CIA notification service. The author has written
a critique of that service: "CIA and the perils of overengineering"
at <>. It is thus worth considering how
a risk assessment of CIA compares to this one.
The principal advantages of CIA from a security point of view were (a)
it provided a single point at which spam filtering and source blocking
could be done with benefit to all projects using the service, and (b)
since it had to have a database anyway for routing messages to project
channels, the incremental overhead for an authentication feature will
be relatively low.
As a matter of fact rather than theory CIA never fully exploited
either possibility. Anyone could create a CIA project entry with
fanout to any desired set of IRC channels. Notifications were not
authenticated, so anyone could masquerade as a member of any project.
The only check on abuse was human intervention to source-block
spammers, and this was by no means completely effective - spam shipped
via CIA was occasionally seen on on the freenode #commits channel.
The principal security disadvantage of CIA was that it meant the
entire notification system was subject to single-point failure due
to software or hosting failures on, or to DoS attacks
against the server. While there is no evidence that the site
was ever deliberately DoSed, failures were sufficiently common
that a half-hearted DoS attack might not have been even noticed.
Despite the absence of authentication, irker instances on
properly firewalled intranets do not obviously pose additional
spamming risks beyond those incurred by the CIA service. The
overall robustness of the notification system as a whole should
be greatly improved.
== Conclusions ==
The security and DoS issues irker has are not readily addressable by
changing the irker codebase itself, short of a complete (much more
complex and heavyweight) redesign. They are largely implicit risks of
its operating environment and must be managed by properly controlling
access to irker instances.
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