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Created with Raphaël 2.2.015May524Apr1622Feb325Jan2498Dec26Nov22725Oct2019141311109876543232130Sep29282726432131Aug302928272625Increase anti-flood-delay from 0.5 to 1 second.Version bump for 1.9 release.Wrote irkerd usageirkerd -V shouldn't take an argumentVersion bump for 1.18 release.Do not write to logfile if NonePython 2.5 compatibilityDocument new options properly.Append mode is required if we're loogging to disk.Prevent actually sending an empty privmsg.Added -p option.Added option to force nick.Typo fixes.Added - option; irker ca now be used as a channel monitor.Extract commit date for MercurialExtract commit date for SVNExtract commit datesVersion bump for 1.17 release.Ensure connections we consider dead are actually closedTruncate messages that are longer than 512 bytes and catch any exceptions irclib throws about rejected messages.Documentation fix.Punctuation fix.Typo fix.Versin bump for release 1.16.Prepare for release.Do not crash when there is a "|" in the commit lineirkerhook: Fix handling of non-ascii author namePrepare 1.15 release, with a minor bugfix in the Subversion hook..Date stamp.Version bump for 1.14 release.Whitespace fix. Code is pylint clean and working.Another hand-merged bugfix by AI0867.Hand-merge of a compatibility fix by AI0867: irclib5 compatibility.Fix submitted by dmlm for generated Mercrial URLs.Ready for 1.13 release.Configure irclib's line decoder to not fail on invalid utf-8Support tinyifiers with UTF-8 resultsFix syntax of 'channels' parameter in 'git' sectionAvoid a portability problem.Change the documented library requirement to 3.4.