- Added the player team name at diconnect from lobby/game in Server -> Client.
- Added the player team name at ready in Server -> Client.
- Added the lobby name for join in Server -> Client and changed that it will now be send to any client not in game.
- Changed that if a server sends multiple lines that `\n` is added in between lines.
Changes in descriptions:
- Changed file name of current protocol to `protocol_other3VCurrent`.
- Updated the command tables to include the ready command.
- Added explanation on why `\n` is added in the notes that if you used sendMessage() from HotelClient it already implemented the newline character `\n`.
## version `Other3V1.1` (20-01-2020):
- Specified that when a client joins a lobby the ready status is removed from all other clients in the lobby.
- Specified that when a client exits a lobby the ready status is removed from all other clients in the lobby.
- Specified the turn message is send to all clients.